Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:43 am
S I M P L E. .A N D. .C L E A N ......Yeah, Kae's at it again ~ only this time, I've learned from my mistakes, so I'm gonna cover my a** before I get myself into any trouble again with some ground rules and facts <3
I vanish. Often. Real life had a really nasty tendency to attack me with so much dramafied s**t that I can't always give ample warning when I'm gonna poof for a few days. This tends to kill my motivation to Rp for those days, weeks, hell, sometimes months. If this is a problem for you, tell me. I'm much more efficient with AIM or MSN Rps, or ones over PMs - basically, a system that notifies me of a tag and kicks me in the face enough to remind me to freaking reply. ......- I do love plotting out relationships, and I do love to Rp, but I also hate making people wait around if they don't wanna deal with said wait. If you really aren't sure a plot or pairing is worth the trouble, feel free to chat with me - I'm more than fine with people attacking me out of the blue to remind me to reply, but I also understand not everyone wants to deal with such a partner, so if you ever feel like dropping an Rp/pairing, please tell me so.
Currently, this thread's only to keep track of Rps I need to tag, and get some romantic/fun plots for characters that need them. It's all I've got motivation for currently, so... >>;;;
I'll add more when I see it's needed xP;;;
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:59 am
S O...H I G H...A N D...M I G H T Y...I M P O R T A N T ......Simply put, my to-do list x'D;;; <3 Rps I need to tag, pairings I need to find out if are still together or not... all that fun stuff.
......L O V E...L I F E .........Romance plots
......L O S T...I N...T H E...H A Z E .........Plots still stand?
......D I F F E R E N T...K I N D...O F...L O V E .........Non-romantic, but still important, plots
Old thread
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:51 am
The Honor of Thieves
 Name :: Edana Temper :: Crooked Breed :: Second Gen. Grounded Family :: Father (Callan), Mother (Bella), Sisters (Renesme and Fearthainn)
Personality :: Swindler, scoundrel, scamp, criminal, artist, rogue. She is each of these and more, a strange conglomerate of knightly honor and kleptomania and the sheer desire to test the boundaries of the world around her. A hoarder to easily an extreme, Ed is fond of treasures large and small, from the most seemingly worthless of babbles to the riches of the legends. This does not simply keep to just inanimate objects, however, as she also "hordes" away precious people - no she doesn't lock them up in some dragon-esque cave somewhere, but rather sticks to them like a burr... a burr able to walk around and pop up when least expected, spend its time spying on either said living treasure, or maybe doing things that might actually have to do with the world instead of her greedy fixations.
The latter is quite rare, but plausible.
Loyalty comes with the territory of loving all things shinny and precious, loyalty to those whom could be of use, those whom could be of trouble, and those whom have proven to be of a comrade cloth. Family is an insta-loyalty marker, it should also be noted. And while family might be of a mostly down to earth type, Ed is... a bit more rambunctious than that. Cocky, outgoing, and always itching for a wrestling match in the muck, she's the perfect face of a lowly street rat. And she loves it.
Background :: -to come-
Love Status :: "... and promise to love you with all my crooked heart."
Breeding :: Breeding 1 - reserved - might be in a fling with Doomfire, still unsure due to possible plots Breeding 2 - reserved - plots only Breeding 3 - reserved - plots only
Looking for ::Really I'm just gonna recycle the plot concepts I had for her as a foal since I never really got the chance to use them :< If you wanna offer up another plot though you think she'd be good in, by all means fire away <3
C U R R E N T L Y~ I'm looking for character development stuff with her, as well as me working on information for a very big family plot which will delve into Callan's past, his immortal status, and how that thusly affects Ed and Ainn. Any friends, partners, whatever, of the sisters are more than welcomed to join in the plot if they wish, though it'll be a while till it's up and running since we were gonna finish the two Rps we've got going right now (BellaxCal, and Jaci/Cal) before starting more. BlackguardLoyalty, protection, friend. A knight's daughter Ed is, and a knight's sense of protecting the weak she has. Even with her desire for mischief and shinnies, she still doesn't like seeing bullies in action, and should there be a possible fight, she'll step in with little thought to her own safety. Perhaps Ed intervenes in a fight between the to-be-friend and [ enter bully/bad guy here ]. Maybe the help is needed, maybe not - maybe this to-be-friendship just has an insanely rocky start and the two just bicker for a while on if what she did was really necessary. ......Can start off as foals or adults ~
OutlawCocky, adventure, unsure. As repeatedly mentioned, Ed's a thief. She steals, and she loves it. Perhaps she meets up with a fellow - or rival - thief? Or maybe someone of a more law-abiding nature catches her in the act~? Be the meeting friendly, or perhaps more of the two dishing out challenges for one another, think it could be interesting <3
Walking TreasurePrecious, guarded, blind. Filled by Terentia, fwee~! X3 Not saying this would be an insta-romance Rp, but I'd like for Ed to meet someone who, over time, would become very precious to her - someone she feels she has to protect at all cost, stick to like a burr and cling to. Perhaps even become possessive of, depending on the relationship that forms from this. Male or female, a big thing in this is the other must look very unique - not saying they've gotta be a mutant or angeni, but someone who looks very elegant, beautiful; someone a hoarder like Ed would become instantly drawn to visually. ......The attention could be liked by the other, or disliked even - they could want to shake her at every turn, or perhaps decide to use her in some way. Ed would be unable to stop herself from siding with them on everything, and more than willing to do what's needed to make them happy. Again, this plot could develop in a variety of ways, and not always in romance ~ The Binds that TieEternal, blood, secrets. Edana. The thief. Fearthainn. The intellectual. Both are daughters of Bella Swan and Callan MacTaĆl, both parents individuals whom have seen there's more to this world than always meets the eye. Unbeknown to the two girls, they have inherited some of their father's otherwordly traits, though neither possess enough for it to be overly obvious. Ed's senses are a bit stronger than the average untrained mare, something she always just attributed to her lifestyle choice and the need for digression and stealth. Never would she have imagined though, that these "simple skills" would lead her to the discovery of an age old secret that runs through hers, her sister's, and her father's veins.
These are "steps" that will be currently planned to take place, but it's all still WIP ... A Treasure so Priceless ......~ Ed (and Ainn?) are off on a small adventure, following a lead for a [ treasure ] Ed had gained. They find it with relative ease, but notice something about it looks familiar - some of the symbols look like those they've seen on their father's armor. Huh. Maybe he knows the origin? ... -unknown events here- Seriously, that's all I've thought of so far x'D MORE WILL COME I SWEAR... eventually 8'D;; <3
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:55 am
A Knight's Blood
 Name :: Arthur / Caliburn Temper :: Sever - maybe, pondering proper word Breed :: Second gen. Grounded Family :: Father (Callan), Mother (Bella), elder sisters (Renesme, Fearthainn, Edana), younger -???- (???, ???)
Personality :: -to come-
Background :: -to come-
Love Status :: DO NOT WANT D<
Looking for :: BASKET TO POP 8'D
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:58 am
Devil's Advocate
 Name :: Beelzebub Temper :: Corrupting Breed :: First Gen. Grounded Family :: Sister (Lilith), Brothers ([ Solas, Valac ]) Companions :: Pharaoh (f. crow), Messina (f. rat, brown/white), Fester (m. rat, gray)
Personality :: He's evil. He might act like he gives a s**t, that he really just wants to help you become a better person and learn and strengthen yourself from your experiences... but really, he's just looking for a new toy to play with and shatter in every way possible. A lover of debates and philosophical thoughts, he's able to walk among the normal with little problem, though its difficult to hide the rot and decay that follows him everywhere he goes. So he's developed a very bullet proof persona of a sickly wanderer, plagued by misfortune after angering the gods for his questions or his once peerless strength and health - or whatever he feels the cover story of the day is. -more shall be added as it's developed in Rp-
Despite all his tricks and games however, he's acquired companions of sorts. The flies are the most prominent, for no matter where he goes he is promised to at least have a handful or five buzzing and flitting around him to gorge and procreate on the filth that he births.
Then there are of course the carriers of disease, the various rodents who find his victims to be the most delectable of dishes. Two most notable, would be the rats Messina and Fester. Their relationship is quite complex and unknown, even to Beelzebub, the one they so lovingly refer to as "Master." One moment they are bickering like a senile old couple, the next they fend for and aid one another as only siblings can, then they're snuggling after a filling meal of rotting flesh like lovebirds. Of course, one can never forget the rats' individual personalities as well, which only serves to add to the confusion - Mez is an almost motherly sort, albeit an older, cackling grumbling one. If she sees but one fault in you, she's quick to chatter and complain before wattling off with curses and grumbles in her wake. Fester is the prime target for her cuffing and cussing, his much more lax view on life consisting of "serve Master, eat, sleep, argue with Mez." And argue he does, his own claws and teeth swiping and catching in her fur as much as hers does his. But they never actually hurt one another, any possible bruise soon being cause for them to snuggle and affectionately groom one another. And then Mez finds a fault in Fester, and they start all over again.
The last to be mentioned, but most certainly not the least, is a fine femme fatal of a crow by the name of Pharaoh. Like the rats, she calls Beelzebub a purring "Master," though she takes variations like "Lord" and "Sire" to heart as only she may be so familiar with him. Except his siblings, but that's a whole other story entirely. With Beelzebub, she is the queen of her murder, second only to the Lord of the Flies. While many of her kind only flock around him now and then, she remains a constant, always flying overhead or perched on his back to ensure she has not only the best view of his surroundings (the least she can do is act the proper scout) but to keep close for company and food sake. Now while she might be so sweet and loyal to him, to any other whom might entertain the idea they are worth her lord's time, she is a cackling hell bird intent on gouging out their eyes. Her calls are mocking and demeaning, shooting out challenges happily to creatures tens of sizes bigger than she. Should one of them actually be answered though, she is quick to wing and either hide amongst the leaves and shade, or duck down to plead aid from her master. Which he does, if only to keep her around for entertainment, though she is more than happy to use it as proof he favors her.
Background :: -I'll eventually get around to this... >>;;;
Love Status :: What is this "love" of which you speak~? RP Status :: Here little flies~ >3 Plot Status :: Yours or mine~? ;3
Breeding :: Breeding 1 - preferred to be plotted Breeding 2 - preferred to be plotted Breeding 3 - might be plot, might not
I'd like to make this clear, pardon for being blunt buuut~ I'm gonna be mad picky with who he breeds with. Not only will the plots/Rps leading up to the breeding be highly important, and possible plots after, but appearances. Beelzebub is a very big favorite of mine, and though not much is typed out here, he's slowly becoming one of my most developed, something I wish to continue through various plots and Rp. It should also be noted though, that unless a certain mare reaaaaally hits home with Beelzebub somehow or the plots just blow me - and him - away, all breedings will be flings. Doesn't mean he won't still be apart of the mare and resulting childrens' lives though. I fully intend for extensive "family" plots, including him stalking his children and the mothers of said kids. He may be a demon, but Beelze mated with the mares for a reason - they're special to him, one way or another, and he'd be blessed if he didn't keep a close eye on them...
Looking for ::Lord of the FliesI can see inside you, the sickness is rising "Beelzebul claims to cause destruction through tyrants, to cause demons to be worshiped among men, to excite priests to lust, to cause jealousies in cities and murders, and to bring on war." As found here
Wanted - Apprentice - A basket/foal Beelzebub "adopts" and raises in the ways of demon lore and games. If you wish for your little one to grow up twisted, deranged, and most likely blood thirsty on some degree, by all means he'll be more than happy to take them under his proverbial wing. He is a bringer of decay and sickness, a devil's advocate to the bone, and a demon with a profound acting ability to let him trick others into thinking he has a heart. So he is more than capable of teaching the foal manners and how to act civilly, if not as a gentleman, but only as a mask to gain favor with the "victim" and cause as much damage to the individual's psyche as possible further down the road. If you want the little one to learn kindness or regret of some sort, it will under no circumstances be from Beelzebub. Sinners - This is a generic, happy "Want help with a dark plot? I HELP YOU <3" plot. I want to give Beelze as many fallen souls under his belt as possible, let him play the piper to these unfortunate folk as he leads them into temptation, darkness and Hell. These can be one-shots, or multiple meetings to either make the "taint" temporary, slow, or whatever you want. Beelzebub could stay around them along enough to screw them up, then never have anything to do with them again - or maybe he keeps them close, little pet projects that he's become attached to in his sadistic, destructive way. Or maybe they're the ones attached to him. Up to you. Have fun with this one ~
We're all Mad HereMadness is the gift, that has been given to me As listed above, Beelze isn't the only of his kind. Oh no, see... he's got siblings. Three, actually, all younger - a sister named Lilith and the twin brothers [ Solas and Valac ]. Me, being the cackling evil witch in the background... would very much like to bring the four together eventually. Interested in taking a role~?
In the "family," each sibling plays a role of sorts. Beelzebub is the bringer of sickness and disease of physical and mental varieties, the first of them to come to this world and begin to poison the mind and bodies of others. Lilith, the last to come, brings these sins to the surface to grant the fallen power or agonizing death as she rips their souls from them to cast into Hell by means of sealing them into the crystal vials hanging from her neck. The Twins I'm unsure of currently, so whoever gets them has a great deal of freedom to say what sort of role they play in all of this.
Wanted - Lilith - [ "The great mother", female part of Satan, she has shape of a gorgeous nude woman with blue hair, red eyes and silver skin. She is the princess of Succubi, despenser of madness, she is able to transform human being into vampyres and werewolves. ] I will be taking this lady for myself unless someone shows an excessive amount of interest in her. The -assuming- last of her siblings to arrive, she is the "eldest," second only to Beelzebub himself. She holds a pivotal role in her brother's plots, as it will be Lilith herself that (ICly) grants her brother the ability to don an animal pelt and become the true demon he was created to be. Obviously, OOCly, she has no such power, but I see no rule against it ICly. A vixen and a temptress, she is much more firm in how she deals with the world. If you prove to be cunning, powerful, with or without an evil within you, she will respect you and be willing to host a multitude of conversations. However, should any weakness of will or body be shown, she would be quick to snarl and snap, attack until the other fully submits to her or she drives the last breath from their body.
Whichever comes first.
Currently, I plan for her to be heavily edited, with either an almost Catwalker or "Wolf"walker pelt across her (though she is no Skinwalker herself) and a vampire fang, and maybe a bag of corpse powder kept in a bag of some grotesque sorts from around her neck. With that bag are small crystal vials hanging from the [ cord, chain ] wrapped around her neck several times. Some of the vials are glowing, some are not - those that glow have an ethereal, frightful, sorrowful, painful presence - they are the souls of those she [ and her brothers ] have stolen and devoured, casting into eternal torment and agony in Hell. She might have more in other places along her body, but I'm unsure as of now.
Since I really don't like the Kalona wings, or possess the funding to get her as a bribed mutant, she'll have to be a Regular. I'm sad to say that though, since it seems such races can't get any respect amongst the evil ones... even if they themselves are made to be demonic beings Dx
Solas - [ He knows the virtue of the plants and of minerals, standard the astrology ] - He and his twin are up for debate as to if someone wants to use these exact demons or not. However, I do wish to keep the "twin" concept with them regardless of which demons are used, which means I would hope their "themes" (Solas and Valac are more of the truth-seeker types, for example) to be at some point similar. Because their demons are not set in stone, their use in Beelze's plot are also up for debate. -Taken by Katjive Valac - [ Valac is said to give true answers about hidden treasures; he reveals where serpents can be seen, and delivers them harmless to the magician. He is said to appear as a small poor boy with angel wings riding on a two-headed dragon. ]
Info from here and here
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:01 pm
And oooone more, just to be safe <3
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:20 pm
I'd like to offer up Samual here for some plots with Edana! I really like the idea of the first plot, you know, Samual gets himself into some kind of sticky situation and dun dun dun! Ed to the rescue! I'm just not 100% sure what kind of trouble/fight he'd get in to. Whether we involve another Soq or just, make it an NPC or something.
It's be kinda cool if Samual could be a bit annoyed with her for helping him. After all he's a bit of a knight and would be irritated by having be 'saved' by a girl. Of course, I'd kind of like them to eventually be come friends, maybe more? I dunno. Just, PM me any ideas, or respond here? xD He could even catch her in some sorta thief-y act?
Congrats on the girls growing btw, they're very lovely! > w<~
OH! And if you still wanna go the whole Pokemon plot, Abra meeting Clingling, then I'm up for that too. I don't mind slow replies, I'm slow myself since school started. Woot! Senior year~ |D
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:17 pm
Ooo~ I am... going to send you a PM x'D <3333 -skitters to do so- <3
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:45 am
Fearthainn: Psssst! Ed!
She is missing her sister and won't leave me alone. [;
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:12 pm
Ed: >o> -sliiides on up to her sister- <3
I really need to tag the Rps so we can finish them, get these two some Rp time... x'D <3
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:02 pm
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:41 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:52 pm
Trying to turn focus on Amaris and Beelzebub from Edana since she seems to be set for plots at the moment~
Not saying I won't accept any more plots for her, but... the other two need some attention xwx;;; <3
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:54 pm

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:09 pm
YAAAAAY! FINALLY! 8D *fluffs Beelze* I was just thinking a day or so ago "I wonder if Beelzebub would EVER be properly finished. *fluffs his tail and comes away greasy* ;A;