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It clearly states in Gaia Online ToS that NO admin will ever ask another gaian for their password.
Spacky wrote:
Instructions on how to not get scammed or hacked.
Introduction: Hello, I'm Joe, but you all may know that by now.
Well, to tell you a little about myself, I'm a ex-hacker. I used to scam and crack other gaia accounts for a couple stupid reasons; either I was bored, or getting greedy. I'm over that childish stuff, and now I'm going to tell you the secrets of scamming and cracking so you don't end up like my past victims.
1. First and foremost, make sure that any site that you go to while your logged into to gaia have "www.gaiaonline.com" in the url. It can have more after that though.
2. Scam messages; like the one you saw above. Pay attention to the user who sens you PM's. If you see one that says this for example: GaiaMod09
Then you will know, it's going to be a pathetic scam. If you do get one, report it, then delete it. If you want to counter scam, PM me, and I will surely teach you.
3. FLP's and FMP's. One of the most deadliest scams on gaia. More than five-thousand people fall for these in a day. But I think gaia mostly blocked them, so no need to worry. But, if you do find one (e.g. Gold Generator, Item Cloner, Ultra Daily Chance, ect.) [u][b]DO NOT[/b][/u] fall for it.
Follow those simple instructions and you should be fine. Also, have a hard password to type in; the harder it is to guess, the less chance you will get cracked.
Instructions on how to not get scammed or hacked.
Introduction: Hello, I'm Joe, but you all may know that by now.
Well, to tell you a little about myself, I'm a ex-hacker. I used to scam and crack other gaia accounts for a couple stupid reasons; either I was bored, or getting greedy. I'm over that childish stuff, and now I'm going to tell you the secrets of scamming and cracking so you don't end up like my past victims.
1. First and foremost, make sure that any site that you go to while your logged into to gaia have "www.gaiaonline.com" in the url. It can have more after that though.
2. Scam messages; like the one you saw above. Pay attention to the user who sens you PM's. If you see one that says this for example: GaiaMod09
Then you will know, it's going to be a pathetic scam. If you do get one, report it, then delete it. If you want to counter scam, PM me, and I will surely teach you.
3. FLP's and FMP's. One of the most deadliest scams on gaia. More than five-thousand people fall for these in a day. But I think gaia mostly blocked them, so no need to worry. But, if you do find one (e.g. Gold Generator, Item Cloner, Ultra Daily Chance, ect.) [u][b]DO NOT[/b][/u] fall for it.
Follow those simple instructions and you should be fine. Also, have a hard password to type in; the harder it is to guess, the less chance you will get cracked.
XSK Ambrosia
[Edited by Spacky at 3:11 on August 27, 2009]
[Edited by XSK Ambrosia at 3:46 on August 27, 2009]