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Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:30 am
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Free RP Contest to win the pridal queen's sister!

Table of Contents
    • Intro *you are here!*
    • Basic Information
    • The Plague
    • Religion
    • Ceremonies
    • Other Views
    • Ranks
    • Members
    • History
    • Current Events
    • Historic Members
    • Joining Application
    • Reserved
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    • Reserved
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:35 am
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After reading the basic information on every pride in SoA (just to make sure this idea didn't cross any others currently made) I think this idea might be safe.

In general, this pride has been around for awhile. It's slightly secluded and those born within aren't exactly allowed out. The current rulers aren't super pleased with this rule, but its necessary because their family is a liability when it comes to interacting with other Prides. You see, this pride is diseased. . . . Yep, that's right, diseased.

Many of its members are either affected by or carriers of a particular plague. (More information on that later!) It is carried through their saliva or blood and, should the pride members scatter and roam, there's a chance of infecting others. The current rulers, not wanting to blemish the pride's name and rumors associated with it any further, rule with a firm paw that lions born within or those that become members are disallowed to roam. (Now, before you start thinking this restricting, let me go in to more detail further down. : P It's not what you think, honest!)

Despite the strict rules, bonds are tight within the pride and they DO welcome strangers and visitors. In fact, they rather relish the idea because it's another way to gain information on happenings outside their pride.

Though visitors are welcome, there are rules about where a visitor can roam without becoming a member. Safety first, of course. . . Thankfully though, because this disease isn't passed on unless you're mobbed by infected members OR groom each other daily/eat from the kills of the carriers and infected members you'll be safe.

Furthermore, some lions (even those included in the pride) harbor either a natural immunity to the disease and never become infected OR wind up fighting off the disease and ultimately shed it from their system and are merely a carrier of it.

See? Just because you have a lion enter this pride does NOT mean it's ultimately a death sentence, nor does it mean they have to die or get sick or anything of that nature. For the most part, I'm giving every person a choice on this virus. . . By all means, go ahead and write them in some various stage of the illness (to be written about later), or make them nothing more than a carrier, or snap, let them harbor a natural immunity where they just plum have NOT gotten sick or show signs of illness. That's up to each members writer, mostly, though some positions come with stipulations on health or disease. :] More on that later too.

-- The following are bits of info that have yet to be categorized as of this new thread. 8D; --

1. The disease itself does not pass on to any other felines other than lions. Therefore, they depend heavily on assistance from familiars and other feline/canine sorts.

Leopards and cheetahs tend to be the most numerous within the pride. They are frequently given hunter positions to help kill prey for those too sick to hunt AND should visiting lions be unable to hunt for themselves, leopards and cheetahs will hunt for them so they can eat without worry of disease. :]

They also can be given other positions and titles; sometimes as personal advisor's to ranking members, or nannies and nurses to the families within. Nurses/healer-sorts are particularly cherished within this pride, for obvious reasons.

Wild dogs and hyena's also have places within the pride, though perhaps its a more rare sight. Along with vultures, the scavenger sorts are good for getting rid of excess infected meat. Assuming they're trusted members, they can also play the role as scouts and guards or warriors. . . And should one be particularly loyal to a family and caring, could also be a nurse-sort too or assistant teacher to the young.

Honestly, as far as this pride is concerned, they welcome just about any species. Having suffered rejection from neighboring prides or rejection from lions who find out their invalids. . . well. . . . they just can't afford to judge help when it does arrive.

2. Hybrids are welcome. Note that lion-bred hybrids will be affected by the disease~! Regardless if they're born in to the pride or are new members, they have a chance of getting ill. Given, they've a greater chance to be naturally immune to the illness but that will be up to the players discretion. :3

3. Let me note and stress again - just because you have a member in this pride, it does not mean the have to get sick. . . nor does it mean they have to die should you play them as ill. Just like in real life, sometimes people get horrible terminal disease and yet live for years and years and years. . . .Unless you choose to win/write a certain rank that has stipulations on their health, there are ways around the disease. Such as choosing to write as a carrier (they still can affect others, mind, but won't get sick themself) or possess a natural immunity.

The same goes with others outside the pride! Just because you get in a fight with one of these infected lions, it does not mean you have to get sick. Outsiders in other prides may have a better chance of resistance. . . Sure, others outside the pride can choose to have their lions infected or whatever, but it's all personal choice. : P

Just note, for outsiders, if you DO choose to get a lion infected . . .please know that it is eventually terminal. I mean, maybe a god could heal you but . . uh. . . .outside of that I just request that not magical cure is found. :3 You don't have to even write your lion sick (perhaps the disease is dormant for all the time you RP them) but just no insta-cures thanks. But I don't see this as a problem seeing as I don't know how many are going to be like "PLZ INFFECT MY LION, KTHX!"

Could make for some meta-plot between neighboring prides though or something. . . but I digress. Please don't feel restricted just because these lions are sick. n.n

4. For the most part, writing out the disease or having a character be naturally immune (it's rare, mind) or a carrier (also fairly rare) is up to the writers discretion. Unless EVERY SINGLE LION MEMBER that comes in shows no sign of illness or is dubbed a carrier or immune, only then will there be more restricting rules. :3

But as I hate to be a noose around folks necks or have to have them roll to see the plagues effect on said lion, it's up to the writers discretion. This may be liable to change but. . .uh. . . for now this is how things stand. n.n

5. Kitwana'antara basically means 'a pledge to live with disease'.

Kitwana Antara

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:36 am
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Some basic stages and information about this disease that the lions suffer from.

First and foremost, there is no cure. Short of Pestilence or Healing coming down and wiping it from their systems, if a lion gets infected then there's nothing any shaman or healer can do about it.

Though many within the pride are in some various stage of the disease, there are about 5% that never show any sign of illness at all. They are naturally immune for some reason or another and in all purposes could be considered healthy. . .

Others will show beginning signs of the disease for about a week or two before shedding the disease and returning to fairly-normal health. These lions are carriers and can still infect non-carriers of the disease just as easily as those whom show symptoms.

Within the pride, I'd imagine about 10-20% are carriers. These lions may be more susceptible to OTHER illnesses or infection though, thanks to continually having a compromised immune system but that's up to the writer. : P For RP purposes, these lions are just as normal and fairly healthy. . . they just might infect others if not careful.

The rest of the lions in the pride are diseased and show symptoms. In some, the disease is slow moving and doesn't ravage the host quickly. It's a slow process and a wasting disease. . . .

In others, depending on the writer and if they want to kill off their lion, it moves swiftly and will move to advance stages at a very fast rate. Cub-death is fairly common as the disease will ravage the weakest members of the family first, usually. But this disease can also lie dormant and some cubs will not show any signs until later in life. (For RP purposes you do NOT have to kill your cub if infected. :3 We'll just assume the other NPC families have all the cub death in the group.)

Beginning Stage:

The first symptoms of the virus have reared its ugly head. The pride members tend to have symptoms similar to that of a cold. . . Aches and pains in the joints (more of a nuisance than anything substantial), occasional chills or fevers (again, nothing that doesn't go away after a day or two) and tend to be more easily exhausted than another lion or cub their age.

This stage can last for years and years and years or even just a few days, depending on the severity of the virus against the host.

For the most part, members of the pride that are in the beginning stages can function as a normal lion can. They still can hunt and still can play etc. etc. They're just a bit weaker than others and might need to take a day or two to rest and recuperate from their fever or chill.

Intermediate Stage:

Beginning symptoms become worse and they start to suffer from headaches and occasional bouts of vertigo/dizziness. They become weaker and though their appetite doesn't suffer, it becomes more difficult for them to keep food down. Nose bleeding isn't uncommon and on bad days its difficult for said lion to breathe. Phlegm is regurgitated now and then as well.

Depending on the writer, this stage can affect each lion differently; some are practically overwhelmed and begin to starve as they cannot eat well while others can still function adequately. Depending on the amount of energy they have, some can still hunt (if that was their position) and go about life as best they are able.

Others are more overwhelmed and in need of more assistance from pride members and nurse-types. Others still jump back and forth from good weeks to very bad weeks. . . . This stage too can last for only days and weeks to years and years and years.

Advanced Stage:

Once a lion reaches this stage, there is a knowledge that with the lucky, death is near. This is the stage where the lion suffers the most. The phlegm in their lungs thickens and they struggle to breathe properly. It tends to be more of a wheezing and gasping depending on how far along or close to death they are. . . .

Though they can still eat, many lose their appetite or just choose not to partake at all. What food they do eat has a greater chance of coming back up and some are just too weak to keep on getting so violently sick. Starvation is the better choice for some.

Chronic pain, especially in their joints, is evident and causes much grief.

Internal hemorrhaging is also much more severe. It isn't uncommon for a lion to bleed out from their ears or eyes, mouth, nose and other places.

This stage is the worst by far. Lions are rendered useless and usually are separated by choice from the younger and more sprightly lions. If they are lucky and favored, death comes swiftly to their side. . . . If they are found unfavorably by Pestilence (or so they assume) they suffer terribly.

Death comes in one of these few ways; starvation, asphyxiation due to the build-up of phlegm in their lungs, too much internal hemorrhaging or some sort of organ failure. . . usually the heart.

~ ~ ~

As a note, for RP sake, I see this diseases severity and stages occasionally lessening. This disease, once begun, cannot go in to remission but I could see a lion suffering terribly but then, the next week, pepping up a bit and beginning to feel better. It's a horrible yo-yo sort of game but it probably isn't uncommon. . . . Perhaps the bleeding stops for a few months only to return, or the lion can actually eat for awhile and gain some energy back. :0 Only to crash again later. . . .

Just remember, there is no cure.
It's fine for a lion to be RPed with the virus lying dormant until a later date. . . .but no RPing a sick lion who suddenly goes healthy and the disease stagnant.

Sorry, it just doesn't work like that with this disease.

The only way the disease could be 'cured' would be to find Pestilence herself OR possibly Healing. . .. But even then, that would be up to their owners and their powers (I haven't checked to see what they can and can't do) and I would hope that not every lion in the pride got that insta-cure. T'would kind of ruin the point of RPing a diseased pride. ;P
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:37 am
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Religion is a very important part of this pride. They pay the most homage to the Goddess of Pestilence in an attempt to appease the Great Lady. They believe that by offering an occasional sacrifice or dutifully performing some other rituals in her honor, she might ease the suffering of the pride as a whole . . and that, with enough devout loyalty, the curse of their plague may be someday stricken from their lot.

Though they are incredibly devout to Pestilence, it isn't uncommon for other gods or goddesses to be worshiped alongside as well. The most common and known few are:

The Goddess of Souls - When a pride member dies through disease or any other means OR they are incredibly close to death, she is often worshiped. They tend to pray to her to guide the soul of the dead to a better place of peace.
The Goddess of Healing - This is a fairly new and quiet practice, as some pride members believe it is only Pestilence herself who can save them from their plight. After the recent turmoil within the Pride, rumor is spreading that Pestilence is displeased by turning their favor on to another Goddess and if they don't behave she'll strike them down again. . . Those who still devote themselves to Healing must do so quietly and tend to be looked upon unfavorably by other members and discouraged of such practices.
God of Famine - Jaddis is a frequent visitor to the pride, known or not (depending on the wishes of the queen). He is also held in great honor for assisting those whom are starving due to the plague.

Kitwana Antara

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:38 am
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The Naming of an Heiress: One of the more important ceremonies, this happens when a ruling queen decides upon her future replacement. The queen is allowed to choose any within the pride, royalty or not, of her blood or not so long as she believes them worthy. It is a celebration of sorts, where the whole pride gathers to see the lucky chosen cub and often times bless her with good fortune and wisdom. (Juvenilles and adolescents aren't uncommon either, depending on circumstance and situation.)

The day before the Naming, an announcement is proclaimed at dawn. Scouts and hunters alike are sent out to bring back a great feast for the following day, given up until the following dawn to return with kills. The ruling queen will fast for that day, deep in prayer to Pestilence to honor her choice, and to allow her to see clearly that the heiress is indeed the proper choice. Cubs, juves and adolescents usually always look forward to such an announcement. Their lessons are canceled and with help from each other and nannies, they are allowed to pick out stones or beads or feathers and create coloured paints for the follow day.

Come dawn the following day, the entire pride gathers together to give worship and praise to their great Lady Pestilence. It is a time for singing, dancing, and general worship and praise, each one hoping that she might bless this future heiress. The only ones not present at this time are the Secret Keepers, whom are out amongst the graveyards digging up the old bones of ruling kings and queens past.

With the rise of the sun, the pride is given a day of rest and fasting. They often commune together during the hottest part of the day, often time guessing which cub or adolescent may have been the chosen one. Sometimes they guess right, other times it is a complete surprise as only the ruling queen and future heiress know of their fates. (And, occasionally, the new heiresses family should she not be of the ruling queens litter. It is secret information until the official naming.)

During this time, the Secret Keepers return from their night of digging, laying forth a great flat pile of bones. The bones are from kings and queens previously deceased, with various sacred skulls of queens long since past set in a row before the bones. Only the secret keepers know which queen's head is which, but they are not allowed to say. All cubs, juveniles and adolescents are taken aside by the ruling queen and king to prepare for the great naming and to be the first to greet their chosen sister.

At dusk, the ceremony truly begins. All the juvenilles, adolescents and cubs are donned in paint and feathers of their choosing. They surround the chosen Heiress and ruling queen whom stand side by side as equals. The heiress is the only cub wearing no feathers or paint. . . She is seen naked so the pride might see her for who she really is. The ruling queen wears a mask, an old skull covered in jewels and feathers, a memory of her own time as heiress.

The ruling queen and surrounding celebrating young ones will bring the heiress up to the pile of bones. It is here the new heiress must make her first choice as heiress, choosing the skull of a deceased queen. Dragging the skull with her to the center of the bone pile, she sits upon the bones of the old so the pride might pray for Pestilence to guide her. It is by settling upon the bones of the old rulers she might inherit their wisdom, their strength and avoid their mistakes.

After the prayer to Pestilence, with the sun fully set, it is time to feast. No stomach goes hungry. . . except, of course, those too sick to eat. >: Either way, it is a time of peace and celebration. The new heiress is taken with the queen to meet each member of the pride officially, to be granted a blessing if the other members wish, and from there on out is known as the heiress.

=OOC Info=

This celebration is rather complex and glamorous because, by the time an old queen gives up her reign OR (usually) passes away, there is no time to properly celebrate the rise of heiress to queen. It is a seemingly uncelebrated affair, as she herself must swiftly take her place amongst the head of royalty within the pride and continue her old-queens duties.

Introduction and Naming of Cubs: This ritual happens when new litters of cubs are born. After the cubs are strong enough and the chances for newborn death are mostly over, the proud family is brought before the ruling queen and king. Together they greet their prides newest members and are formally introduced to them, one by one. This ritual is rather private and small. It is merely a way to formally integrate the new cubs AS a recognized member. (Cub being a loose term - it could be a litter of hyenas or wild dogs or whatnot. . .this happens for ANY species in the pride!)

The High Priestess herself often time chooses to accompany a Naming Ceremony, though depending on her duties or schedule, she may choose to send a loyal priest or priestess in her place. It isn't necessary for one to be present (just the king and queen) but with such religious faith within the pride it is considered an extra honor.

=OOC Information=

This ceremony does not have to happen with EVERY litter, EVERY time with EVERY member. It can be chosen by each individual family whether or not they want to partake in a Naming Ceremony. :3 Otherwise it can be skipped and assumed to have happened.

The Devotion of an Outsider: This ritual happens when an outside member wishes to stay within the pride full time. It is given to all adult species, regardless of type.

After deciding to devote themselves to the pride, they must make an arrangement to speak to the ruling queen and king. Every Devotion is different, but for the most part the pair speak with the member and question his or her loyalty to the Kitwana, their reasons for desiring to join, and what they might offer the pride (basically, what rank they hope to achieve or be offered.)

To prove their devotion, and their lack of fear or prejudice against the diseased, they are then sent out amongst the pride. They must return with three wounds upon their body, bites preferable to scratches. These wounds aren't fatal and can easily be healed, but have been inflicted upon by the obviously diseased.

Any outside lion not infected will now be. (Or at least might become a carrier or possibly walk out immune.) Any non-lion will have proven that they aren't afraid of the diseased members. Furthermore, for both lion and non- alike, with three bites from lions within the pride, it proves acceptance by the other members.

On the note of cubs, any juvenile, adolescent or cub in need of a home will be taken in regardless. They will be adopted by a particular family, but with all cubs, are frequently raised by nannies and the pride as a whole. If they are juves or adolescents, a month after their arrival they will be Introduced and Named to the King and Queen, unless it is the royal pair that adopts them. . . (That month makes sure that no family or pride is found searching for the missing cubs and/or gives the cubs time to adjust to their new pride.)

=OOC Information=

Once again, this doesn't necessarily have to be RPed. It is up to the individual member to decide if they wish to partake officially in this ceremony. Otherwise, upon acceptance of their member, it is merely assumed that they went through and passed this ritual.

Of Health and Good Fortune: This ritual is not an annual event, and usually only takes place when the pride is in dire straits or feels that Pestilence is frowning upon them. A lion or hybrid within the pride, either immune, a carrier or still within the beginning stages of the disease will offer him or herself, willingly to be sacrificed.

Upon their decision, they cannot back out of their choice. It is only the High Priestess and ruling Queen who are told, and for a month, they are quietly and secretly prepared. Some still choose to perform daily activities and go about as if nothing has changed, while others take to becoming reclusive and mentally prepare for their sacrifice.

After the month of preparation, with the High Priestess often blessing and preparing the soul of its demise, the pride is then informed of the ritual at hand. The sacrifice is given three days of feast. He or she may choose to spend time with their loved ones, or may avoid the pride as a whole. The last day of his or her life is spent with the queen and High Priestess, fasting, meditation and offering prayers to the Great Lady.

At dusk, the time is at hand. The lion is slain by the sickest members of the pride (whom are able). It is a very somber ritual, lead by the High Priestess. The sick are then required to lap at the wounds of the fallen, along with the heiress and ruling royalty.

The fallen sacrifice will lay over night, members being able to give tribute and mourn over the loss of their pride member at their own choosing. There is hope and superstition that Pestilence may accept the willing sacrifice as a peace offering. . . .that the blood that stained the earth might be used to grant the Kitwana'antara good health and good fortune and the purity of the slain ones soul might help ease and heal the pain of those who suffer the worst.

=OOC Information=

This position is by choice only. No one is ever pressured or requested to step up as a sacrifice. Only adults may choose to be sacrificed, and they must be (fairly) healthy. It is a gift so that the sickest might drink the blood of one so healthy and good of heart. By doing so, they may be granted long life and possible rejuvenation in spirit and physical health. It is also hoped that such an offering may appease the gods and turn good favor upon the pride.

In reality, no, it doesn't work. But mentally and spiritually it tends to help. It raises morale and gives the pride hope for the future.

The Hunt of the New Moon: This does not happen during every new moon, but it does happen during particularly harsh or dire times. When the ruling King and Queen, along with the High Priestess, believe that new blood should be found raids on neighboring prides or rogues are planned.

They must be careful, must be stealthy, and certain members of the pride must be cut loose. The raids usually take happen on the night of a new moon, when shadow rules the world and their scouts and chosen members may not so easily be spotted or seen.

This is perhaps one of the Kitwana'antara's biggest secrets and largest shames. All the members know of it, but they turn the other cheek for they know their prides survival is dependent upon new, unrelated blood.

Some members go out to cubnap the very young. . . Those too young to know or understand their origins from another pride.

Some females are sent out to woo rogues in a night of pleasure in hopes of returning pregnant with cubs.

Other times, males seek out pregnant rogue females or mothers a lone with cubs. They may take her hostage and bring her back to the pride, for her cubs to be adopted by others OR she is given the choice to stay as a nanny in the pride. . .

Her cubs will be infected and before the night is over, she too infected or handed over to the Secret Keepers to 'escort' home. (Aka killed. . .but we keep that hush-hush too.)

It is an ugly time, and one that happens only very rarely, but it often yields good results and brings in fresh blood and numbers.

=OOC Information=

This is a rare tradition, and will probably only happen once in a rare moon as some meta-plot event. With luck, the pride won't ever have to stoop to such scheisty scheming to gain new members or blood. . . . .And it is something that the ruling King will dictate, along with the High Priestesses approval.

It is something that got them in trouble last time, an ill-timed raid turned in to war so it isn't likely they'll call such an event soon.

Death: This is a frequent occurrence within the pride, and some thing that everyone within the Kitwana'antara must deal with on a practical daily basis. Death is something that many come to accept, and with such acceptance, the typical fear of the unknown is lessened. It isn't that the pride is jaded to the loss of a member, but it is looked upon as a blessing from the gods. . . .

They have, with luck, served their Goddess well and it is she who finally calls them to walk with her, to take their place amongst the heavens and the stars.

For those sick and suffering, death is relief. Though it is sad for those whom remain, old friends or parents or family, it is well known that they may finally serve their goddess without having to feel pain. The suffering of disease is meant as a test to her devotion; to live with her chosen 'curse' and to die by it is considered a great honor and grants them new life after death.

Pride members who die from disease are honored by the pride. A small celebration is given for their life (regardless how short as this happens with cubs as well) and many might come to pay their last respects. The Secret Keepers often help dress the bodies of the dead, weaving stories of their lives with various shells, stones, bones, feathers, skins etc. etc. A priest or priestess, after the body is fully dressed, will say a final prayer or blessing for the dead. It is more of a celebration of their life, of hope for their new-found happiness and comfort. The priest/ess (High or otherwise) is very important as the Kitwana believe they help guide the spirit from their mortal world to the after-life. . . . Those whom go without a priest(ess) blessing are considered restless and trapped. . . .

Some of the most famous ghost stories told to cubs are of those whose souls have never been fully laid to rest as a priest or priestess was not present. Adults may grow out of such a belief, while others are ridiculously superstitious, but it is still most unfortunate if a pride member is not given proper ritual amongst the priest/priestesses.

All members of the pride are given this ritual, but the highest honor amongst lions is to be stricken with disease. Carriers or those immune aren't treated differently, but they understand that the goddesses of Pestilences favor isn't with them.

=OOC Information=

This ritual is once again completely up to the writers choice. If you choose to have your member killed (be they lion or not, from disease or not) you will be given an option to have an open funeral. Otherwise it is assumed to have happened unless you make other arrangements (be it they pass away outside of the pride, for whatever reason, and their body isn't discovered etc. etc. etc.) Such arrangements need to be approved by Nux, Pao or Uta, especially if a diseased lion as they would not be allowed out of the borders. o.o;
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:39 am
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Marriage: Marriage between the King and the Queen is a very sacred thing. Be it through choice of the heiress or queen, or a pre-determined betrothal from the previous rulers, it is a source of stability within the pride.

Personal feelings aside, when a queen takes on a mate, they must stay together if only to keep the peace and harmony of the pride. It is a responsibility that comes with their rank, a sacrifice that must be made for the better of the Kitwana.

For any other member of the pride, marriage is USUALLY personal choice. It isn't requiered or necessary, but because lions cannot leave the borders, finding flings isn't exactly easy. Furthermore, the close bonds due to rejection of neighboring prides tends to cause tighter relationships to form amongst the various members. Because of the inability for most lions to leave the pride lands, it has come in to style for various families to betroth their cubs in arranged marriages. This helps keep the blood and gene-pool spread out, so family lines aren't so easily mixed or muddled. . .

Of course, betrothals aren't necessarily written in stone. Families understand that disease might take a young cub before their time, or might render them far too weak to take on a mate by the time they grow 'of age'. As it is, a new mate may be sought out at either the parents discretion (if they so wish it) or if the cub is adolescent or adult, he/she may seek out new blood.

Though it may take time for one to settle upon a mate, marriage is a happy occasion and event, one that is chosen to be celebrated by all the pride OR a small, private affair. Its up to the individuals to decide. As many lions suffer, to find a partner to care for is a small pleasure and one of the very few joys found within the Kitwana'antara.

Furthermore, perhaps more important than marriage, is a desire for new blood and new genes. The larger the family, the more proud the parents or so the saying goes. It is considered a great blessing to have sired such a family. The more cubs, the more likely a chance that the Kitwana'antara will make it even should disease strike down its members.

Cubs are a sign of good health, prosperity and hope.

Now, this is where things get interesting. . . . While mates are expected to be faithful to one another, be they diseased lions or not, there are certain times and situations where the rules are bent for the sake of the pride.

Immune Lions/Immune Fertile Hybrids:
Lions that show a natural immunity with no sign of disease and great health are rare for the Kitwana'antara. The few that do not suffer may take on mates of their own through betrothal or choice. . . but they are expected to also bring in new blood. Immune lionesses are especially sought after and encouraged from a young age to take up a position as scout or bard so they might be prepared for travel.

Upon the ruling King and Queen's approval, these lions may leave the borders for a time and are encouraged to find flings and return with cubs or new blood. This is especially true during difficult times when the lions number count is low. . . This is a great honor and, should the immune lion/ess have a mate, the mate is to not feel slighted in any way. It is helping the pride for the greater good. ***(See note below)

Carrier Lions/Carrier Fertile Hybrids:
Carriers show no sign of the disease, but still can infect outsiders. These lion/esses aren't granted as much freedom as their immune kin, seeing as they still could pose a threat to their neighboring prides. . . . BUT, once again, if times become dire for the blood within the pride, upon consent from the King and Queen, carriers may also be set loose from the restrictions of the borders.

These lions may form a small party with various scouts or immune lions or guards of any species; to make sure they do return, that is, and that they don't begin to infect others purposely. Once again, the expectation is to bring back willing new members and/or be come pregnant or return with some new cubs.

***If it is a male lion, he is allowed to bring the female back with him OR wait until she gives birth before taking a cub or two or all. He is allowed to let the mother have some of them, if the litter is large enough.

Infertile/Diseased Hybrids:
With so many species in the Kitwana'antara, it isn't uncommon for lions to pair up with other feline species. It isn't readily encouraged amongst lions, as hybrids are often diseased and infertile, which means they cannot assist in helping numbers grow. Plus, being diseased, they are bound to stay within the pride lands and are unable to leave.

Though they are still loved, welcomed and respected members they are some times encouraged to take up the role as nanny or healer, especially those whom show a desire or longing for family. They are also encouraged to adopt lost cubs integrated in to the pride, or take care of cubs whose parents perhaps are killed or too sick to care for them.

If the diseased hybrid happens to be fertile, like the lions, they are encouraged to breed with a chosen mate to help bring in blood and up the prides numbers.


Similar to a lion taking on a non-lion as a mate, homosexuality isn't readily encouraged but it is accepted amongst the pride. Two members who refuse to take on a mate of the opposite gender, and whom pair up are accepted and treated as mates; but they are expected to either adopt cubs as their own, or are encouraged to be surrogates to others. They may not choose to have a family of their own, but to impregnate another female to give her cubs (if male) or to allow oneself to be impregnated by another member in some sort of cordial agreement (if female) is still encouraged.

Any way to spread the gene pool and keep new blood alive.


The idea of infidelity is strange within the Kitwana'antara. The sick lions KNOW that the gene pool must be spread. Those whom have official mates are encouraged to stick with them through thick and thin. Too much infidelity within the pride amongst its numbers will only serve to hurt the pride in the long run.

Divorce is not much of an option in this pride as it is a painful process, and there is too much pain. A couple may fall out of love with one another, but there is a certain amount of pride and stability in laying claim to a mate and having a family. With as much suffering in the pride, to try to keep face in front of others is readily encouraged. . . Besides, freqently death will take one of the members eventually and afterwards a new mate might be found.

If a couple is TRULY miserable, they may request to take up their pleas with the ruling King and Queen as well as the High Priestess. They may be officially allowed to split should the pair agree, but it is something that is rarely allowed unless abuse is present. . . There's an unspoken rule of sucking it up, as it is frequently what happens amongst the King and Queen.

True love is a commodity that the Kitwana'antara often haven't the time to wait for. . . . Companionship and family is what is often encouraged, especially amongst betrothals.

If two mated lions within the pride wind up with a litter that is obviously not related to the father, they are encouraged to turn the other cheek and raise the cubs as their own if it doesn't cause strife. OR, they will be given to nannies or hybrid parents wishing for families. . . The cubs will not lack in love, and no one in the pride is encourage to accuse or point out the suspicion of unfaithfulness to the original mated pair.

It is a private affair, something the two must deal with together. If they choose to keep the cubs, it is often times noted that recessive genes must have reared its head. . . . That is all.

There are times when carriers or immune members are encouraged to leave the pride to return with new blood. This is not considered infidelity and is an honor amongst those chosen to go.

Other members in the pride are also held to such standards, though it is not quite as necessary for them to take on a mate and start families. Those who do choose a mate are encouraged to stick with them for life while those more notorious for flings or unfaithfulness are encouraged to live a bachelors life. . . and return with new blood to be adopted by others or raised within the pride.

Kitwana Antara

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:40 am
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This pride is similar to others in that there is a royal family and it is their blood and their blood alone that rules. Given, with the death rate so high in the Pride and some history lost over the years, it isn't necessarily unusual for the royal line to switch around a wee-bit. . . . It may skip to a cousin or an adopted heir may be found if the royal family winds up loosing all their cubs to the disease and they too are seemingly close to death.

Thankfully though, this pride is in a time of peace and seeing as the ill lions are typically ostracized from neighboring prides or rogues, this place is the only sanctuary they have and many of the old-members realize this.

There are some strict rules and traditions found within the pride. . . But for the most part, the old-blood that remains and has survived is loyal. There isn't much discord at this present time but that doesn't mean some are entirely content and pleased. . . .

The Positions Available:

(btw, better names might or might not be found. . <<; But for now just simple titles! I'll make 'em fancier later.)

Royal Ranking Positions:

The Queen: She is perhaps one of the most if not THE most beloved member within the Pride. Or, at any rate, she should be. There is a tradition within the group that heirs in the royal family are almost always originally female. As the ruling Queen, she is expected to keep the happiness and wellness of her pride in mind; though the King harbors great power as well, it is she who is expected to be the most compassionate and caring lioness within the pride.

It is she who picks her mate and the future king, it is she who helps nurse or visits those close to death, and it is she who often begins many of the rituals or traditions. There's a great many expectations for the Queen - she should be well versed in basic healing and as an heir should have studied under the most talented nurses and healers. She is also expected to make appearances and know each of her pride members by name and rank. . . Her religious faith should be devout and true to Pestilence. The less social a Queen, the more unrest within the Pride. . . Short of her illness getting the best of her or her near death, there are many expectations put upon her shoulders.

It's not all glamour for this lady, trust me. >: Though she is the first one to be cared for, coddled and does indeed have personal healers . . . .She also comes with great responsibility.

Should her current King pass away before her, and she is still healthy enough to bear more royal blood, she MUST choose a replacement suitor. This tradition is not just encouraged but required. . .

She must be diseased and must show symptoms. It is the only way she can relate to the pain of those she commands. Any heir found to be immune or merely a carrier will have the title stricken and a replacement found.

The King: Chosen at adolescence by the Heir, or perhaps chosen as an adult by the current ruling Queen, this position is also respected and revered. This lion must be faithful to his mate and often times the ruling relationship begins out of love and affection. It may not necessarily STAY that way, or if a lionesses previous King has died, she may choose a replacement more out of duty than actual love. . . but. . . .so long as they stay together and keep a happy face while in public, the Pride is content.

This fellow is expected to also know each of his pride members by name and rank. While the queen tends to the care and wellness of each of her members, it is the King who is expected to be knowledgeable in the art of defense and protection of their land. He assigns hunting parties and often meets with various scouts and guards to speak of news along the borders. Should a neighboring pride grow hostile or attempt to eradicate the diseased lions, he will know and help defend his family.

While the inner workings and much peace of the pride lies upon the Queen, it is the King who is most knowledgeable about what happens on their borders and around them.

Though cub-napping is not looked well upon, in the past when pride numbers are dangerously low it IS something that the King has secretly recommended to guards and scouts. <<; ***This is a very RARE and very QUIET happening and one that does not happen unless the pride is close to extinction or eradication from disease. Sort of a last resort and it is not something that happens frequently or proudly.

The King harbors the more tactile role in the Pride and it is he who can speak to the queen about reversal of traditions and rules, etc. It is only with BOTH their approval and good favor that traditions or rules can change - one cannot change without agreement and consent from the other and both must uphold and honor their word.

To not do so shows discord amongst the leaders and tends to upset the harmony of the pride. . . Furthermore, that rule is then stricken, causing the original rule or tradition to return. Needless to say, not many traditions or changes have happened in the past years. . . .

The King must also show signs of disease. Like the Queen, should he show no sign of illness, he too will be replaced and the Queen must find a new mate and ruler of 'proper' blood.

If the current ruling King's Queen dies. . . he cannot choose a new mate. The Queen by that point should have chosen an heir and it is at that time the power changes. He is retired and is often used as a vizier to the newest royalty. . .

The Heir: This position is almost always female. The Queen usually picks the daughter in her first litter to be taught the ways of heiress; a queen may not pick the strongest of the litter, in fact, she often times seeks out the most compassionate and caring.

Should no females be present in her first litter (and should the queens health be in question at that time) it isn't unusual for her to find another female cub to take in as her own. Sometimes its from another royal litter (such as one of her sisters or aunts children or perhaps a young cousin) or, should she find a suitable personality and fondness for a non-ranking family, she might adopt said daughter as her own.

In such a case, the family whose daughter is chosen finds it a great honor and USUALLY lets their daughter go willingly. If they reject the offer, chances are the Queen will find another substitute or name one of her sons as heir. She will not fight the family for a cub, but traditionally its a very great and very rare honor. Especially as the cubs immediate family are then allowed the title of rank if they had none before. **Note that the family isn't considered immediate royal family, but are looked upon as adopted cousins or people of the court/dukes/earls etc. ***

Regardless whom the Heiress is, upon being chosen she is officially recognized by the pride in a great ceremony. She does not have to show signs of illness as some times the disease lies dormant. . . but by the time the Queen shows signs of near-death, if the chosen heir has NOT shown signs of disease she will be replaced. Typically by one of her sisters or another the Queen has an eye upon. . .

If the Heiress passes away before becoming Queen, once again, the current Queen must choose another to step up to her place.

Note that though cubs are usually given the titles, with the death rate it isn't unusual for a juvenile or adolescent to be picked. So long as they are compassionate, intelligent and caring and are eager to learn, the Queen can always teach.

**Note that sometimes a son IS used as an heir. This is rare and though not frowned upon it is most unusual. It usually only happens during dire and desperate times for the Pride. . . And once the King picks his Queen it is expected that traditions convert back to the 'old ways'. . . aka female heiresses etc. etc.

The heir is taught by the Queen herself. She is encouraged to interact with ALL the members of the pride, by they old or young, lion or not. She is especially encouraged as an adolescent to begin seeking out potential mates. . . She may choose any mate she deems worthy but she also understands that he may someday be the future Pride King. So it is assumed she will choose a natural leader, though this unfortunately isn't always the case.

Depending on the current ideals of the ruling Queen and King, betrothal to another isn't uncommon. It's a bit dicier but should an Heir refuse to pick a mate in a timely fashion or her chosen one pass away and she refuse to seek out a proper escort. . . .she will be decided one.

With the death rate in this pride, a female can't necessarily afford to wait for 'true loves kiss'. In particular an heiress who is expected to have a large family while she waits for her rank as Queen.

The Royal Escort: Basically this is an heiresses future mate. He is chosen by the heiress and, upon her decision, is often taught by the Prides viziers, scholars, scouts, guards and even the King himself. It is an honored position and though the heiresses may choose out of love, it isn't always guaranteed. He may have been chosen by the current ruling King and Queen for whatever reason. . . .

At this stage, he is expected to get to know and stick with the Heiress whenever he isn't being taught or learning. Bonds must be formed and they must prove they can at least TOLERATE one another before they are officially mated. (Especially if it was a betrothal!)

It is a great honor to be granted such a position and many Royal Escorts take whatever abuse they must suffer from an heiress to keep face and keep title. To be rejected by the Queen or King, or to lose favor from the Heiress is practically blasphemy and it is a shame upon their family.

This lion is usually of common blood and not necessarily of royal line. He too must show signs of sickness. He will be the future king as long as he holds this title.

Prince/Princess: These are other children of the ruling King and Queen. Just because they are not chosen to be an heir does not make mean they never will be favored upon. The princesses are often encouraged to follow in the heiresses footsteps. . . Just in case, of course, a new heiress need be chosen at a later date. Though encouraged to learn of the title without official rank or ceremony, they are allowed to find whatever place in the pride they wish. Be it a common title as hunter or scout or a healer, scholar or nurse etc.!

They are respected but are also encouraged to be betrothed to others (so as to help spread the gene-pool) OR to find escorts their own at an early age. Unlike the Heir and Royal Escort, it matters not if these cubs show sign of disease or sickness. Their future mates also can be of any stage of health or disease. . . . But should a new heiress need be found, one will be over looked if their mate is merely a carrier or immune.

Upon adulthood, their title is changed to Duke or Duchess.

Escorts: These are commoners found within the pride that are betrothed by the ruling King and Queen OR picked by a Prince or Princess to be a future mate. For young males, this position is still honorable. It gives them some rank within the pride without necessarily having to DO much of anything and for the real power hungry, it is possible that they may be called upon as a Royal Escort should the current Heiress die or show no signs of disease.

For young common blood females, it is an honor to be chosen or picked. To be the mate of a prince allows for a slightly cushier lifestyle than they may have found before. As with a Royal Escort, the chosen mates of a Prince or Princess will only rise the lion/esses title and NOT their entire families.

Escorts are encouraged to be of lion species. It is not entirely new for a leopard or cheetah to be chosen, but it is quietly discouraged amongst royalty. As their children are most-often sterile it does no good in spreading the blood and gene-pool. Furthermore, they would be over looked if a new Heiress need be chosen.

Upon adulthood and should they officially become mates of the Prince/Princess in question, their title will be that of a Duke or Duchess.

The High Priestess: In terms of respect and love, second only to the Queen would be the position of High Priestess of Pestilence. Though there are priestesses of Famine, Souls and (secretly) Healing it is the High Priestess of Pestilence that is well respected and revered. She must be incredibly devout and loyal and helps guide the Queen and King on various aspects of Pestilence's wishes.

She works with the Queen to help lead various religious offerings, sacrifices and rituals. She is perhaps more of a mystery and need not be as compassionate or caring as the queen. She is in charge of various priests/priestesses beneath her and is assumed to have the good of the pride in mind.

This position may or may not be diseased.
There is only one High Priestess at any given time, though she may choose an heir or heiress of her own if she wishes. Up to the players discretion. : p

Master Healer: There can be one to three of these. Basically, these are healers who have devoted their time and energy on becoming the best of the best. Their care for pride members is genuine and they are the best of the best. . . at least within the pride.

They are well respected and guide healers and apprentice healers beneath them. They also frequently are assigned to personally care for the royal family, in particular the ruling Queen and King and their offspring.

Is frequently a non-lion title, though carriers or immune lions turned healers can achieve this position.

Viziers: These tend to be retired Kings or (possibly) retired Queens who have chosen to give up their position for some reason or another. (Namely, too sick to continue ruling, and have yet to die.) Non-Lions have also held a title as a vizier provided they are a trusted member of the royal family OR have proven their worth within the pride.

They tend to be older members, non-lions included. Many carriers or immune lions eventually are honored with the title as they have lived the longest and been witness to the most change within the pride. The ruling Queen and King often look to them for advice especially during difficult moments or when the pride falls in to discord.

Dukes & Duchesses: This is where many family members of the current ruling Queen reside. These also consist of older sons and daughters of previous ruling queens long since dead or retired.

The title Prince or Princess may be worn on young cubs, juveniles and adolescents but upon adulthood there is little chance they will be picked as an heir. As such, they take the side of the ruling King and Queen as a Duke or Duchess. They may live a slightly cushier life than others within the pride, but for the most part outside of being able to claim such title and rank they honestly don't have much power. All the title does is proclaim them related or once-related to a ruling Queen or ex-Queen.

Their children may pride themselves in having a father or mother as a duke or duchess, but for the most part a Duke/Duchesses cub will be treated the same as any other cub. Their cubs will NOT inherit the title.

Non-Royal Positions:

Baron/Baroness: Similar to a Duke or Duchess, this line or nobility is the highest rank a family of NON-ROYAL lions can claim. The Baron or Baroness is the mother and father of a queens chosen Heiress. This position and title is particularly rare as it isn't often that a ruling Queen will seek out an Heir not of her blood.

Just like the Duke and Duchess, they have various tasks to complete. It is possible that their children may be the first in line for a betrothal to royalty. . . but it isn't guaranteed. Their cubs are treated all the same as the Duke and Duchesses and other cubs in the pride and do not inherit the title.

Priest/Priestess: Basically this title goes to any whom are devout and religious. They must be accepted by the High Priestess to become a follower, and must devote themselves to both the pride and their chosen God (usually Pestilence, but not necessarily always. <<; ) They assist with the passing of lions, various birth ceremonies and other religious rituals.

Healers: Are very well respected. Any species can become a healer or nurse so long as they prove themselves competent and willing to learn. Anyone who is caring enough is encouraged to choose this rank, even the ill. It is traditionally a non-lion role, but the pride can never lack too many healers and nurse types. So long as they are able and willing, anyone compassionate and caring enough can be enrolled in this position.

Can be any species.

Nannies: Members of the pride whom show a particular strength and compassion for rearing the Prides off spring, including royal cubs as well. They must be patient but must also be strong enough to handle cub-death. . . as it frequently happens. They are sometimes surrogate mothers and fathers to cubs whose parents grow too ill to care for them or die.

Can be any species.

Bards: Similar to nannies, these are members of the pride that are particularly well versed in various subjects. They may have been world-travelers before settling within the pride and help teach and entertain both cubs AND adults. As the lions cannot leave the borders, it is up to the bards to inform and teach them of various new ideas or groups.

They don't just teach, they also entertain be it through music, stories, dance or possible plays. Anything to distract from the suffering of the members. Various bards may specialize in different aspects of entertainment and teaching; some may be more like jesters and comical, while others are stoic and know much of the history of the world.

Bards may also be any species but tend to be either lions who have had stories passed down from generation to generation, rogues who have joined the pride, or often ex-travellers ready to settle within the pride. Anyone can be a bard, whomever might be humorous or talented in dance or music or any sort of specialty.

Master Hunters: See below, but these tend to be the leaders of the Kings assigned hunting parties. They are particularly skillful when it comes to the art of bringing home meat and their knowledge and experience is invaluable to the pride, especially its young.

Hunters: Self-explanatory but no less important. Food is essential as those still well enough to eat MUST keep up their strength. Hunting parties are usually assigned by the King. . .

Spy: This is a scout who has mastered the art of stealth. Think of him as a great rogue, one who does well tracking and constantly being aware of his or her surroundings. The pride doesn't have many spies, and as far as the general public understands he or she is nothing more than a favored scout to the King. But between the ruling Royalty and the Spies, they tend to be called upon to handle delicate matters or gather particularly sensitive information when it comes to gaining or learning information outside the pride borders. They also tend to keep their ears open for any sign of discord or rebellion WITHIN the pride. . .

Scouts: Also self-explanatory. These loyal members frequently hang around the borders with the Guards. Unlike the guards, whom don't move from their posts unless instructed to battle, scouts will travel just about anywhere. The most stealthy and wise may actually become something of a spy but for the most part, they keep their eyes and ears alert for lurking strangers and possible danger.

The King usually assigns their tasks or positions. . . but they can be ordered to stick close OR roam far. They are also doubled as messengers (particularly cheetahs) should the King call for it. Rogues or neighboring prides are most likely to meet the scouts, whom can bring back new members, visitors or lost cubs.

Warriors: Once a great guard and warrior, the small few with this title are known for their strength and prowress. They are great war leaders and defenders of the pride and are skilled and ready for any possible battle. As the pride has suffered extermination attempts by surrounding neighbors, these warriors are extremely important. They tend to help teach and guide the Guards beneath them and can advice the King on who may be a potential future Warrior.

Guards: One in the same, depending on the peace within and around the pride. These are the strongest of the strong. They are adept in the art of fighting and are the first and only defense from hostile strangers entering the borders. They have a history of keeping the peace and though this pride isn't typically violent . . . should other prides seek out eradicating the invalids, these heroes will defend the borders to the end.

Secret Keepers: (Better name to come, honest. o_o wink These are members of the pride that. . . well. . . . .honestly they deal with delicate subjects. They are slightly feared by commoners, though they tend to work under the Queen and Kings discretion. Basically, with so many dead and dying, after a death ritual has been performed. . . . unbeknownst to many but the Queen, King and High Priestess herself. . .

The bodies are disposed of by the scavengers. Yes, they're eaten. ._.; It's a very private thing and something which is taboo to speak of within the pride. In fact, unless a Secret Keeper breaks their code of secrecy (in which case they will be killed and rumors dispelled) no one outside of the highest of the high know of this tradition.

Secret Keepers are not shunned or treated poorly. In fact, they are more of a mystery amongst the common Pride folk. But seeing as they are appointed by the Queen and King. . . well. . .they are to be respected and ARE loyal to the pride.

Not every scavenger is dubbed a Secret Keeper. <<; These are the ones that handle the diseased pride members themselves including Royalty. They are never without hunger, but they also understand their position is delicate. . . it is particularly difficult upon them when they must feast upon the flesh of one they cared about, loved or were dear friends with.

Secret Keepers also dig up bones of royalty when requested for various rituals. . . .
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:41 am
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If you're interested in applying for a position, please post in the thread or send me a PM. One may apply for an original pride member or a new one. . . If you're interested in questing for a lion of a particular position or rank, please let me know that too.

Everything is open, except for some of the royalty. <<; I'm thinking the Ruling Queen will have to either take on a new mate OR possibly start anew with her chosen King. . . Currently the position is closed until I figure out what I'd like to do about it.

For positions claiming I need to approve of them, please don't hesitate to ask. They're basically open, I just want to clear them as they harbor important positions within the pride. And I'd hate for some of them to disappear completely.

Otherwise just post a desired or hopeful position, give a reason why they'd be good for it, and . . .we'll go from there! For those hoping for a royal or ranking position, all I request is you're semi-active in RP and won't abandon the pride or take away your lion at a later date >:

OH! And remember - lions CAN NOT leave the pride. I mean, I suppose technically for drama purposes some could down the road. ; P And I almost expect that plot to rear its ugly head once the pride gets going but for the most part they are expected to stay with one another thanks to their curse.

Current/Hopeful Members
The Ruling Queen (1/1) Nawiri'chiwa Played by Uta

The Ruling King (1/1) Kiwilan, original member, played by Nuxaz

The Heiress (0/1) Currently unavailable.

Prince/Princess (0/???) Currently unavailable.

High Priestess (1/1) Ishara, questing for original member, played by ~Masamune~

Master Healers (1/3) Must be approved by Uta.
Alchemilla mollis, original member, played by Syrius Lionwing

Viziers (1/5) Must be approved by Uta.
Lichas, original member, played by Kousei

Dukes & Duchesses (0/???) Must be approved by Uta.

Baron & Baroness (0/1) Currently unavailable.

Priest or Priestess: (2/???) Open to Lions Only~!
Galonii, original member, played by Kimaria

Healers (2/???) Open to all species!
Wenope, played by Mindsend (specializes in herbal remedies)
Shai-nefer, original member played by Deneris
Nannies (1/???) Open to all species~!
Arakos, questing for original member, played by Painted Moose

Bards (0/???) Open to all species~!

Master Hunters (2/3) Open to all species~!
Must be incredibly skilled hunters and trackers.
Xinran, original member, played by Sayuri_Nitta
Grave Robber, questing for original member, played by Inkume

Hunters (0/???) Open to all species~!

Spies (0/2) Open to all non-lion species~!
Must be particularly skillful listeners, trackers and good when it comes to procuring information.

Scouts (1/???) Open to all species but lions~!
Ezequiel'unai , New Member played by Uta

Warrior (2/3) Open to all species except lions showing symptoms~! Must be particularly talented in the art of battle & defense.
???, questing for original member, played by Kaisanti
Grave Digger, questing for original member, played by Inkume

Guards (1/???) Open to all species~!
Bhekithemba, quested by Mindsend

Secret Keepers (4/5) Open to all but Lions~!
Nili'asakari , original member played by ~Masamune~
Katu'Chemka, new member, played by Pao
Timur, new member, played by Sergeant Sargent
Pengana, new-ish member, played by [Eskimo]


Basically this is just a list of repeat visitors, be they known to the Pride or not. . .

Jaddis, God of Famine, played by Syrius Lionwing
Amaret, Goddess of Pestilence, played by Mimsey
Amedia, Goddess of Healing, played by Mimsey

Kitwana Antara

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:42 am
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The Kitwana'antara can technically trace their origins back to hundreds of years previous. . . Or at least, they could had not much of their history been lost. The original pride was made of old blood, with old-standing traditions, rituals and religion. They fell under a different name ((one I haven't come up with yet. . <<; )) and were once as famous and well known as the Motoujamii or Pridelands of today. But as happens with success, many of the lions within the original pride grew proud and full of themselves. They turned away many outsiders, scorned blood not born upon the soil of THEIR earth, and looked upon all other life of Africa unworthy of their time.

So proud were the members of this pride that royalty and commoner alike began to forget their rogue roots and the ideals of their founding. Though they were skilled and their territory large and prosperous, their vanity and conceit of being luckier and eventually 'better' than those around them would fast become their down fall. So proud were the lions that they turned away even those in dire and desperate need of assistance or aid, be it neighboring prides or starving and sick rogues and cubs of unknown origins.

As the years and royal blood progressed, they closed their borders completely and shut all out. Inbreeding became a bit of the norm, especially with the royal family. . . They couldn't possibly believe that any genes were worthy outside their own. The general idea believed was with such a large and prosperous pride and so many members blood to mix, it couldn't possibly be a problem. The gods had found favor upon the pride; it was only proper that such blood stay strong and stay pure and undiluted by outsiders. Blind with arrogance, though it didn't happen over night, after decades of inbreeding, many of the pride became related and could trace their histories together.

Very rarely a new member or cub was accepted in, but it wasn't enough to counter the amount of inbreeding. The general belief was that by sharing a gene pool, they would grow stronger, share physical traits, and in turn be stronger as the entire pride could boast unity by blood. Strange belief, especially to outsiders who long since shunned the arrogant pride, but royalty would have it no other way.

For many year the great pride continued to prosper, and as far as anyone could guess, the gods would continue to smile down upon them. . . .

Unfortunately, the pride was merely setting the stage for failure.

. . . the First Fall. . . .

It was bound to happen.

Legend whispers that the pride began to slip in to delusional beliefs, comparing themselves to gods. This, of course, might be part of the reason the gods turned their backs to the proud clan. Others say that it was merely a matter of time, a spot of incredibly hard luck. Regardless, the general consensus is that the great pride was tested. . . . And did they every fail.

It happened during the time of the great leader, Saami. Males were typically the respected leaders, with their female counter parts doing little work and enjoying an easy lifestyle. A rogue approached the borders, starving and, without aid, would find himself close to death. The pride, unsurprisingly, turned him away, scorning his lowly state.

The rogue refused to leave. Begging, pleading for aid, he sat outside the borders. He was too weak to travel further, too sick to hunt or find aid elsewhere. . . . Was there no compassion? Would no one have mercy upon him?

On and on the strange rogue pleaded. Word reached Saami of this nuisance, and with his mate beside, they went to investigate the 'creature'. The king looked upon the old rogue and sneered. . . He was far too great to deal with or concern himself with the death of a lesser. Let him die, but may he do so mindfully and find a place to soil the earth away from pride territory.

The rogue continued to cry and beg and suffer, becoming a source of entertainment in his final days. Saami's mate, Eshe, felt a source of pity for the creature. . . . Rumor says she tried to beseech her mate, to find pity in his heart upon the creature, to feed him enough to send him away as his cries of pain and wheezing were disturbing. . . . Ah, but Eshe was reprimanded, reminded of her place beneath Saami's wisdom. The great king knew what was best, and it was with great pleasure he turned his back upon the rogue.

Needless to say, it wasn't long before the rogue died.

His corpse lay at the edges of the pride, vultures picked upon it dutifully, and for the most part life resumed with little change. But not a month after the rogues demise, an illness began to spread amongst the pride. Various members began coughing, growing weak and spitting up blood.

As happens, sickness periodically does spread through the pride, and Saami thought this as nothing but a minor setback. The pride would find health soon. . . . but the rate at which the disease spread was shocking. The lions mixed blood worked as a disadvantage, as the entire line was incredibly susceptible to the disease.

The great pride looked to the gods, remembering their place and pleading for assistance. If any god heard, they turned away. . . . The pride turn turned to Saami, demanding answers and pleading for him to find a cure. He sent out calls for help to the neighboring prides, begging for healers and shamans alike to come to their aid and promising great reward. . . .
But their years of scorning others caused many to also turn the other cheek and look away.

The foolish king and his members might learn a lesson from their arrogance. The higher up one sat, the harder the fall. . . .

The disease spread rapidly, desecrating the pride and slaughtering the majority of its members. Chaos ensued, some pride members fleeing out of hope of finding help elsewhere, while others turned and accused Saami. Oh, it was true the entire pride was at fault, but as the wise ruler, it was Saami who turned out the sick and scorned the dead.

This was that damned rogue, cursing the pride and infecting them all! If Saami had but aided him they wouldn't suffer so. . . . Turned out and rejected from his pride, it is unclear whether Saami died from illness or humiliation and bruised ego. Regardless, he suffered.

They all suffered.

By the end of it, the great pride was cut down to no more than three; Eshe, a young adolescent female, Urbi and one grizzled and older male lion, Babafemi. Miraculously, these were the only three to survive, two of them carriers of the disease, and Eshe's suffering minimal. Fleeing the lands, hoping to escape the worst of the plague, it was noted by neighbors that the great pride was officially exterminated.

. . . . The Rise of the Kitwana'antara. . . .

With the death of the _______ (insert original pride name here!), Eshe and her two faithful companions searched for safety and a new beginning. Having been scorned by neighboring prides, for a good while the three roamed as rogues, seeking out new lands to call their own. Eshe was still sick, and the journey rough. . .

But the gods had yet to bless the three with any sort of good favor. Eshe took on Babafemi as a mate, but the old male wasn't much of a diplomat or a leader. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was strong and supportive.

Urbi, growing in to a pretty thing, also found a mate and a fourth member joined their pride. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before her chosen mate began to show signs of disease. Urbi blamed Eshe, but there was little that could be done, little realizing that she herself infected her mate.

Tension grew in the small band of rogues and, to make matters worse, both Urbi and Eshe wound up pregnant.

It should have been a joyous occassion, but the blessing was bitter sweet. Plague seemed to follow them no matter how far they ran as both litters showing sign of infection shortly after their birth. Urbi continued to accuse Eshe that she was the source of their strife, of their disease and eventually the old queen was out cast.

The old queen died alone amongst the corpses and bones of her litter.

Urbi became the new queen. Her first litter died, and to preserve the lineage of the few 'healthy' members she took it upon herself to leave her sick mate behind as well. It was a cold choice to make, but she refused to let infection haunt her or any future family she chose to have.

It wasn't long after that Babafemi and Urbi finally found acceptance within a welcoming pride and community. Unfortunately for Urbi, it was only after their arrival that a familiar disease began to spread amongst the new lions. Appalled and confused, certain that all disease had been shed with the loss of her mate and Eshe, Urbi couldn't understand why the plague haunted them.

The pair fled.

On to another pride, and once again, sickness traveled with them no matter where they went. It didn't take long for word to spread of outsiders infecting prides. . . . Borders closed and both Urbi and Babafemi suffered. Guilt washed over the lioness, whom slowly began to realize that even though they showed no signs of disease, they were still infected. She had given up her loving mate, had cast out her queen, Eshe, and let her die alone. . . . .

And the small duo were still none the wiser. Accepting their plight, the lioness realized that they were cursed with disease. They had no one but each other to depend upon. . .

For years the pair wandered. Both Urbi and even the old Babafemi found rogue partners, but sickness followed in their wake. Non-lion species became a welcome sight, as the disease didn't seem to affect them. Allies were formed and friendships made. . . The vanity and pride of their roots were fast forgotten. Though it was hard dealing with a plague that the lions just couldn't shake, the small rogue band began to grow. They welcomed anyone who might stay, be they health or ill. Lion cubs were swiftly adopted, despite having to infect them, but it was the only way their numbers stood a chance of growing. In fact, hybrid cubs and cubs NOT of Urbi and Babafemi's lineage seemed to stand a greater chance of survival.

It took years to find a spot of land to call their own. Urbi was an elderly lioness, though some of her offspring did reach adulthood and had families all their own. Sick rogues and many non-lions also followed the small troupe, given protection by the lions for aid and assistance to their plight. Though neighboring lion prides quickly grew to mistrust the sick ones, they eventually settled and formed a new pride.

Taking up the name of the Kitwana'antara, Urbi's eldest and most respected daughter was granted title of queen.

Urbi died not quite year later, but her legacy would live on.

.Recent Event.

The Kitwana'antara have forgotten much of their history. There are some stories that have lived on, and some old members long deceased have become legend for some reason or another. There have been times of peace and general wellness for the pride, but there have often been times of discord and mass-death; at the height of its progeny, the pride once boasted to be a hundred strong under the rule of a queen Uzma'desta. At various times, when Pestilence and other gods frowned upon them, mass-death would claim many of the pride and they were culled down to only a handful of remaining members. . .

But for whatever reason, the disease they carry and their pride have yet to be annihilated completely. Though they don't remember or know of their true roots, the Kitwana'antara only recall their beginnings with Urdi. Everything that happened before is completely unknown.

Generations have passed, and though life hasn't always been easy, the Kitwana can't be dubbed anything less than survivors. They deal with plague and, despite tension among the borders due to mistrust from others, they always have a way of carrying on. Somehow, someway.

Surya'nontle was the ruling queen of the Kitwana'antara. With her devoted mate at her side (the third within her life time), Surya lived within a fairly peaceful time. Perhaps, according to some, her greatest downfall was her compassion for others. She was kind, gentle and caring. . . but she wasn't a particularly grand leader. She often crumbled underneath pressure, attempting to appease all with in her pride. Over her years as queen, some members took advantage of such a weakness. . . including an old Vizier. As one of the more outspoken councilors, this old lion saw a chance to get his paw directly involved in the on goings of the Kitwana. . . .

Trusting his advice, more so than others because of his relation as great-uncle to her, Surya'nontle began to lose control of her position. The past decades had seen many changes within the land, the borders were open for lions to come and go as they chose (trusting them to keep the infection to themselves and basing such trust on an honor system. . .) Old traditions and rituals weren't nearly as celebrated, especially the devotions towards Pestilence herself.

As a general consensus, some members believed that she was cursing them and no amount of devotions would ease their suffering. New gods became the center of praise, with a particular focus of Healing. While Surya kept the faith, many within her pride had lost sight of the 'old ways'.

As far as the majority believed, it was time for new traditions to rise. A many great changes were happening within the Kitwana, and Surya patiently accepted them. So long as her pride was happy, so long as they found something to live for she allowed them to lose themselves, thinking their happiness for the best.

Her viziers also agreed that the strict days of old were ready to be wiped clean. It was time for a new beginning, a new reign for the Kitwana.

Sadly, the peace and content nature of the pride was fast coming to an end. A bout of bad luck hit the pride, everything taking place within a year. Those suffering from the plague discovered unimaginable suffering, symptoms worsening swiftly while an agonizing and lengthy death took them. Litters of cubs, while often lost a cub or two after birth, were wiped out. Still born births and babies whom couldn't eat became an every day scene. . . . Worse, lions weren't the only ones affected.

Unbeknowst to the Kitwana, with word of discovery only too late, a separate illness ran through the lands. This disease, unfortunately, infected canine and feline alike.

It was Pestilences wrath come down. Bodies littered the lands, their strong numbers cut down more and more with every passing day. The old king was desperate for new blood, new members and those not sick enough were sent out to snatch up new cubs. Unfortunately, being so ill and having no truly healthy non-lions at his disposal, their cub-snatching was found out by neighboring prides.

To make matters worse, war was started amongst the borders; aging lions from a nearby warrior tribe attacked, their members knowing very well the prospect of death from disease. Those suicidal enough to enter the Kitwana and fight were allowed, picking off those whom had so foolishly threatened their cubs.

It was a disaster.

Those whom had spoke freely of devotions to Healing or other gods now turned their glares upon Surya'nontle. Many accused her for upsetting Pestilence, for allowing the prides devotions to sway. Along with the High Priestess, whom also suffered from disease, they tried desperately to calm the fear and pain amongst their members.

Dark times hung over the pride. Cries to Pestilence were heard, terrified of their plight. Prayers were sang, offerings given, and both Surya'nontle and her high Priestess spent much of their time reviving old traditions and trying to think of any way to appease the wrath of their gods.

It wasn't easy. . . but eventually their prayers were answered. Though Surya worked alongside and just as hard as the High Priestess, the pride gave all the thanks for their plight to her. . . Surya was still the scape goat to be named. She allowed the pride to fall, she allowed the family to upset the gods. Though honestly, none were to blame as it was just a series of bad coincidences, the sickness ran its course through the pride and the non-lion members recuperated fully. Though lions infected with the original plague still suffered, death eased and once again it became somewhat manageable. The war was miraculously called off by the small warrior troupe, the pride disbanding due to inner turmoil and a coup upon its current leadership.

It seemed, once again, that the gods were appeased by their suffering and giving them a second chance.

With old traditions instilled and both health and luck returning once more, Surya knew that her reign as queen was over. In an attempt to make good with the god of Pestilence, to take blame for the death surrounding them, she was sacrificed as an offering for Disease. Might her spilled blood soak in to the land of their home, might the remaining members learn from their mistakes and might the heiress, Nawiri'chiwa, drink from her blood and gain more wisdom and strength than Surya possessed.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:43 am
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It is here, amongst the now empty pride lands that the Kitwana'antara attempt to rebuild all that was lost. Before her passing, Surya and her surviving mate declared the borders closed to the infected lions that remained. Not only might they still be mistrusted amongst neighboring prides or rogues whom heard rumors of their cub-napping ways, but it had always been a long-standing tradition that they sick stayed together and be denied an opportunity to roam.

Religious rituals and traditions were swiftly re-adopted and remembered. Pestilence's name was once more spoken in kindness and affection, no lion or non-lion desiring to feel her anger again. Those whom remain who do worship other gods are frowned upon by some members, especially those devout to healing.

It is a time of uncertainty for the Kitwana, a time where once again, the pride's future hangs on the brink of destruction. The new queen, Nawiri'chiwa, is untried and unexperienced. With only her father as a vizier, one who had also been young and given little time in his position as King, the future looks bleak. Nawiri's royal escort was slain from disease, and her future prospects are slight and few. She understands it is necessary that she

She has yet to choose a new mate and having a kingless pride is a cause of great distress. New blood is desperately needed, new cubs to teach and train, new families to be found. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and though they are hesitant to cub-nap after their previous war, remaining members are encouraged to bring up numbers in whatever way possible.

Kitwana Antara

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:44 am
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Remember, many of these members histories are skewed. They have been exaggerated with time or have lost a lot of accurate information. Still, the pride relates the stories happily. . .

Urbi: The known founder of the Kitwana'antara. Legend remembers her for being the first member stricken with the plague. Time has changed the story, claiming that she was a rogue, driven out by various prides because of her disease. Her great compassion and love for others is claimed to have been most notorious; non-lions sought out her kinship and diseased and outcast members could always find refuge under her care.

Uzma'desta: A legendary queen, one all heiresses strive to become. History claims her kindness and compassion were so great that the god of pestilence herself couldn't help but be touched by her pleas for health. She ruled lions over a hundred strong and many of them lived fairly long and mostly-healthy lives. But tragedy followed in her wake; after ten years of bliss she was murdered by a neighboring pride who feared the sickness she possessed and the time of good-health and fortune declined soon after.

Surya'nontle: The recently late-queen.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:45 am
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.if you'd like to join the up-and-coming pride, just post this form in this thread.

[size=24][color=sienna].Gimme Your Disease.[/color][/size]
[b]Your Name:[/b] Self-explainatory
[b]Your Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Is this an original member of the pride or are they brand new to join?[/b]
[b]What rank would you like them to have?[/b] (This can be ranking or not. . . ranking positions just need approval from Nux, Pao or I. Go ahead and post for the position, we'll let you know if you're approved for it or not.
[b]Reason why the rank would fit them?[/b]
[b]Brief History?[/b]: This doesn't have to be epic-length. I'm just curious where they come from if not from the K'A originally. Furthermore, if they are an original member, I'm just curious what they've been up to since. . . :3

Kitwana Antara

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:50 am
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Pack/Pride Name: Kitwana'Antara
Current IC Owner(s): Uta & Nuxaz
Current OOC Owner(s): Uta, Nuxaz & PaoC:
Current Pride/Pack Members, and Rankings of Each:
The Ruling Queen Nawiri'chiwa Played by Uta

The Ruling King Kiwilan, original member, played by Nuxaz

Vizier Lichas, original member, played by Kousei

Master HealerAlchemilla mollis, original member, played by Syrius Lionwing

Priest/ess Galonii, original member, played by Kimaria

Wenopa, played by Mindsend
Shai-Nefer, original member, played by Deneris

Master Hunter Xinran, original member, played by Sayuri_Nitta

Ezequiel'unai , New Member played by Uta

Fiore, Original Member played by Painted Moose

Secret Keepers
Nili'asakari , original member played by ~Masamune~
Katu'Chemka, new member, played by Pao
Timur, new member, played by Sergeant Sargent
Pengana, new member, played by [Eskimo]

Links to at least three current RPs:
One Could Use a Little Hope
Welcome Home

Brief Description of the current status of your Pride/Pack: Life has never been easy for this pride, and after the recent upset of peace, the Kitwana'antara is still on shaky ground. Nawiri'chiwa has taken her place as queen and hopes to lead her pride to a brighter future despite having no mate or children her own. There is a grave uncertainty that lingers over the pride lands; number count is exceptionally low and neighboring prides often look upon them in fear and mistrust. With no one to fall back on but their own kin, bonds between the Kitwana are tight as they seek for a better tomorrow in their too-often short and plague infested life.

Though it isn't easy to get to the pride, outsiders whom do stumble upon its borders are treated with welcome and respect. News from other lands is cherished and the pride does its best to accommodate whatever strangers come their way. They are a secretive pride, isolated by choice and cursed forever to suffer. . . few dare to linger, especially with disease so close at hand.

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Pride/Pack History:
The Kitwana'antara can technically trace their origins back to hundreds of years previous. . . Or at least, they could had not much of their history been lost. The original pride was made of old blood, with old-standing traditions, rituals and religion. They fell under a different name and were once as famous and well known as the Motoujamii or Pridelands of today. But as happens with success, many of the lions within the original pride grew proud and full of themselves. They turned away many outsiders, scorned blood not born upon the soil of THEIR earth, and looked upon all other life of Africa unworthy of their time.

So proud were the members of this pride that royalty and commoner alike began to forget their rogue roots and the ideals of their founding. Though they were skilled and their territory large and prosperous, their vanity and conceit of being luckier and eventually 'better' than those around them would fast become their down fall. So proud were the lions that they turned away even those in dire and desperate need of assistance or aid, be it neighboring prides or starving and sick rogues and cubs of unknown origins.

As the years and royal blood progressed, they closed their borders completely and shut all out. Inbreeding became a bit of the norm, especially with the royal family. . . They couldn't possibly believe that any genes were worthy outside their own. The general idea believed was with such a large and prosperous pride and so many members blood to mix, it couldn't possibly be a problem. The gods had found favor upon the pride; it was only proper that such blood stay strong and stay pure and undiluted by outsiders. Blind with arrogance, though it didn't happen over night, after decades of inbreeding, many of the pride became related and could trace their histories together.

Very rarely a new member or cub was accepted in, but it wasn't enough to counter the amount of inbreeding. The general belief was that by sharing a gene pool, they would grow stronger, share physical traits, and in turn be stronger as the entire pride could boast unity by blood. Strange belief, especially to outsiders who long since shunned the arrogant pride, but royalty would have it no other way.

For many year the great pride continued to prosper, and as far as anyone could guess, the gods would continue to smile down upon them. . . .

Unfortunately, the pride was merely setting the stage for failure.

. . . the First Fall. . . .

It was bound to happen.

Legend whispers that the pride began to slip in to delusional beliefs, comparing themselves to gods. This, of course, might be part of the reason the gods turned their backs to the proud clan. Others say that it was merely a matter of time, a spot of incredibly hard luck. Regardless, the general consensus is that the great pride was tested. . . . And did they every fail.

It happened during the time of the great leader, Saami. Males were typically the respected leaders, with their female counter parts doing little work and enjoying an easy lifestyle. A rogue approached the borders, starving and, without aid, would find himself close to death. The pride, unsurprisingly, turned him away, scorning his lowly state.

The rogue refused to leave. Begging, pleading for aid, he sat outside the borders. He was too weak to travel further, too sick to hunt or find aid elsewhere. . . . Was there no compassion? Would no one have mercy upon him?

On and on the strange rogue pleaded. Word reached Saami of this nuisance, and with his mate beside, they went to investigate the 'creature'. The king looked upon the old rogue and sneered. . . He was far too great to deal with or concern himself with the death of a lesser. Let him die, but may he do so mindfully and find a place to soil the earth away from pride territory.

The rogue continued to cry and beg and suffer, becoming a source of entertainment in his final days. Saami's mate, Eshe, felt a source of pity for the creature. . . . Rumor says she tried to beseech her mate, to find pity in his heart upon the creature, to feed him enough to send him away as his cries of pain and wheezing were disturbing. . . . Ah, but Eshe was reprimanded, reminded of her place beneath Saami's wisdom. The great king knew what was best, and it was with great pleasure he turned his back upon the rogue.

Needless to say, it wasn't long before the rogue died.

His corpse lay at the edges of the pride, vultures picked upon it dutifully, and for the most part life resumed with little change. But not a month after the rogues demise, an illness began to spread amongst the pride. Various members began coughing, growing weak and spitting up blood.

As happens, sickness periodically does spread through the pride, and Saami thought this as nothing but a minor setback. The pride would find health soon. . . . but the rate at which the disease spread was shocking. The lions mixed blood worked as a disadvantage, as the entire line was incredibly susceptible to the disease.

The great pride looked to the gods, remembering their place and pleading for assistance. If any god heard, they turned away. . . . The pride turn turned to Saami, demanding answers and pleading for him to find a cure. He sent out calls for help to the neighboring prides, begging for healers and shamans alike to come to their aid and promising great reward. . . .
But their years of scorning others caused many to also turn the other cheek and look away.

The foolish king and his members might learn a lesson from their arrogance. The higher up one sat, the harder the fall. . . .

The disease spread rapidly, desecrating the pride and slaughtering the majority of its members. Chaos ensued, some pride members fleeing out of hope of finding help elsewhere, while others turned and accused Saami. Oh, it was true the entire pride was at fault, but as the wise ruler, it was Saami who turned out the sick and scorned the dead.

This was that damned rogue, cursing the pride and infecting them all! If Saami had but aided him they wouldn't suffer so. . . . Turned out and rejected from his pride, it is unclear whether Saami died from illness or humiliation and bruised ego. Regardless, he suffered.

They all suffered.

By the end of it, the great pride was cut down to no more than three; Eshe, a young adolescent female, Urbi and one grizzled and older male lion, Babafemi. Miraculously, these were the only three to survive, two of them carriers of the disease, and Eshe's suffering minimal. Fleeing the lands, hoping to escape the worst of the plague, it was noted by neighbors that the great pride was officially exterminated.

. . . . The Rise of the Kitwana'antara. . . .

With the death of the original pride, Eshe and her two faithful companions searched for safety and a new beginning. Having been scorned by neighboring prides, for a good while the three roamed as rogues, seeking out new lands to call their own. Eshe was still sick, and the journey rough. . .

But the gods had yet to bless the three with any sort of good favor. Eshe took on Babafemi as a mate, but the old male wasn't much of a diplomat or a leader. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was strong and supportive.

Urbi, growing in to a pretty thing, also found a mate and a fourth member joined their pride. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before her chosen mate began to show signs of disease. Urbi blamed Eshe, but there was little that could be done, little realizing that she herself infected her mate.

Tension grew in the small band of rogues and, to make matters worse, both Urbi and Eshe wound up pregnant.

It should have been a joyous occassion, but the blessing was bitter sweet. Plague seemed to follow them no matter how far they ran as both litters showing sign of infection shortly after their birth. Urbi continued to accuse Eshe that she was the source of their strife, of their disease and eventually the old queen was out cast.

The old queen died alone amongst the corpses and bones of her litter.

Urbi became the new queen. Her first litter died, and to preserve the lineage of the few 'healthy' members she took it upon herself to leave her sick mate behind as well. It was a cold choice to make, but she refused to let infection haunt her or any future family she chose to have.

It wasn't long after that Babafemi and Urbi finally found acceptance within a welcoming pride and community. Unfortunately for Urbi, it was only after their arrival that a familiar disease began to spread amongst the new lions. Appalled and confused, certain that all disease had been shed with the loss of her mate and Eshe, Urbi couldn't understand why the plague haunted them.

The pair fled.

On to another pride, and once again, sickness traveled with them no matter where they went. It didn't take long for word to spread of outsiders infecting prides. . . . Borders closed and both Urbi and Babafemi suffered. Guilt washed over the lioness, whom slowly began to realize that even though they showed no signs of disease, they were still infected. She had given up her loving mate, had cast out her queen, Eshe, and let her die alone. . . . .

And the small duo were still none the wiser. Accepting their plight, the lioness realized that they were cursed with disease. They had no one but each other to depend upon. . .

For years the pair wandered. Both Urbi and even the old Babafemi found rogue partners, but sickness followed in their wake. Non-lion species became a welcome sight, as the disease didn't seem to affect them. Allies were formed and friendships made. . . The vanity and pride of their roots were fast forgotten. Though it was hard dealing with a plague that the lions just couldn't shake, the small rogue band began to grow. They welcomed anyone who might stay, be they health or ill. Lion cubs were swiftly adopted, despite having to infect them, but it was the only way their numbers stood a chance of growing. In fact, hybrid cubs and cubs NOT of Urbi and Babafemi's lineage seemed to stand a greater chance of survival.

It took years to find a spot of land to call their own. Urbi was an elderly lioness, though some of her offspring did reach adulthood and had families all their own. Sick rogues and many non-lions also followed the small troupe, given protection by the lions for aid and assistance to their plight. Though neighboring lion prides quickly grew to mistrust the sick ones, they eventually settled and formed a new pride.

Taking up the name of the Kitwana'antara, Urbi's eldest and most respected daughter was granted title of queen.

Urbi died not quite year later, but her legacy would live on.

.Recent Event.

The Kitwana'antara have forgotten much of their history. There are some stories that have lived on, and some old members long deceased have become legend for some reason or another. There have been times of peace and general wellness for the pride, but there have often been times of discord and mass-death; at the height of its progeny, the pride once boasted to be a hundred strong under the rule of a queen Uzma'desta. At various times, when Pestilence and other gods frowned upon them, mass-death would claim many of the pride and they were culled down to only a handful of remaining members. . .

But for whatever reason, the disease they carry and their pride have yet to be annihilated completely. Though they don't remember or know of their true roots, the Kitwana'antara only recall their beginnings with Urdi. Everything that happened before is completely unknown.

Generations have passed, and though life hasn't always been easy, the Kitwana can't be dubbed anything less than survivors. They deal with plague and, despite tension among the borders due to mistrust from others, they always have a way of carrying on. Somehow, someway.

Surya'nontle was the ruling queen of the Kitwana'antara. With her devoted mate at her side (the third within her life time), Surya lived within a fairly peaceful time. Perhaps, according to some, her greatest downfall was her compassion for others. She was kind, gentle and caring. . . but she wasn't a particularly grand leader. She often crumbled underneath pressure, attempting to appease all with in her pride. Over her years as queen, some members took advantage of such a weakness. . . including an old Vizier. As one of the more outspoken councilors, this old lion saw a chance to get his paw directly involved in the on goings of the Kitwana. . . .

Trusting his advice, more so than others because of his relation as great-uncle to her, Surya'nontle began to lose control of her position. The past decades had seen many changes within the land, the borders were open for lions to come and go as they chose (trusting them to keep the infection to themselves and basing such trust on an honor system. . .) Old traditions and rituals weren't nearly as celebrated, especially the devotions towards Pestilence herself.

As a general consensus, some members believed that she was cursing them and no amount of devotions would ease their suffering. New gods became the center of praise, with a particular focus of Healing. While Surya kept the faith, many within her pride had lost sight of the 'old ways'.

As far as the majority believed, it was time for new traditions to rise. A many great changes were happening within the Kitwana, and Surya patiently accepted them. So long as her pride was happy, so long as they found something to live for she allowed them to lose themselves, thinking their happiness for the best.

Her viziers also agreed that the strict days of old were ready to be wiped clean. It was time for a new beginning, a new reign for the Kitwana.

Sadly, the peace and content nature of the pride was fast coming to an end. A bout of bad luck hit the pride, everything taking place within a year. Those suffering from the plague discovered unimaginable suffering, symptoms worsening swiftly while an agonizing and lengthy death took them. Litters of cubs, while often lost a cub or two after birth, were wiped out. Still born births and babies whom couldn't eat became an every day scene. . . . Worse, lions weren't the only ones affected.

Unbeknownst to the Kitwana, with word of discovery only too late, a separate illness ran through the lands. This disease, unfortunately, infected canine and feline alike.

It was Pestilences wrath come down. Bodies littered the lands, their strong numbers cut down more and more with every passing day. The old king was desperate for new blood, new members and those not sick enough were sent out to snatch up new cubs. Unfortunately, being so ill and having no truly healthy non-lions at his disposal, their cub-snatching was found out by neighboring prides.

To make matters worse, war was started amongst the borders; aging lions from a nearby warrior tribe attacked, their members knowing very well the prospect of death from disease. Those suicidal enough to enter the Kitwana and fight were allowed, picking off those whom had so foolishly threatened their cubs.

It was a disaster.

Those whom had spoke freely of devotions to Healing or other gods now turned their glares upon Surya'nontle. Many accused her for upsetting Pestilence, for allowing the prides devotions to sway. Along with the High Priestess, whom also suffered from disease, they tried desperately to calm the fear and pain amongst their members.

Dark times hung over the pride. Cries to Pestilence were heard, terrified of their plight. Prayers were sang, offerings given, and both Surya'nontle and her high Priestess spent much of their time reviving old traditions and trying to think of any way to appease the wrath of their gods.

It wasn't easy. . . but eventually their prayers were answered. Though Surya worked alongside and just as hard as the High Priestess, the pride gave all the thanks for their plight to her. . . Surya was still the scape goat to be named. She allowed the pride to fall, she allowed the family to upset the gods. Though honestly, none were to blame as it was just a series of bad coincidences, the sickness ran its course through the pride and the non-lion members recuperated fully. Though lions infected with the original plague still suffered, death eased and once again it became somewhat manageable. The war was miraculously called off by the small warrior troupe, the pride disbanding due to inner turmoil and a coup upon its current leadership.

It seemed, once again, that the gods were appeased by their suffering and giving them a second chance.

With old traditions instilled and both health and luck returning once more, Surya knew that her reign as queen was over. In an attempt to make good with the god of Pestilence, to take blame for the death surrounding them, she was sacrificed as an offering for Disease. Might her spilled blood soak in to the land of their home, might the remaining members learn from their mistakes and might the heiress, Nawiri'chiwa, drink from her blood and gain more wisdom and strength than Surya possessed.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:55 am
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Kitwana Antara

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:00 am
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