:: Guidelines ::

You must state in the title of your topic whether your RP is a single or a multiple player RP. Follow the simple guideline below:

Single - 1x1 Player RP.
Multiple - 2+ Player RP.

- Single RP - Looking for more players.
[$] - Single RP - Not looking for anymore players.
[M] - Multiple RP - Looking for more players.
[N] - Multiple RP - Not looking for anymore players.
[X] - Closed and Finished RP - Delete.
[C] - Closed and Finished RP - Archive.

Red Wine (Looking for Adv Lit Player)
[$] Red Wine
[M] Red Wine (Need 2 more Players)
[N]Red Wine
[X] Red Wine (Please Delete)
[C] Red Wine (Please Archive)

-- Dolly, the Guild Master