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Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:35 pm
User Image She was a hunter, a being of pride and grace, of wisdom and soothing words. She was powerful in her own ways, a follower to the "T" of the pride's ways, a willing attacker against those who would challenge them. She was Sultana, Beybanu of Sultan Aali's harem. She was sister and friend to the females of the pride, and yet...

And yet, come the swelling of her belly, none of it mattered when placed against the squirming and kicking of rambunctious cubs.

Aysel winced as one of these little bundles within lashed out against her organs, resting her head against the cool floor of the den, the rest of her body curled up on a sort of "nest" of grasses. During the past week, she'd noticed everything was much more... tender. Already she'd been restricted from the hunts for the past six weeks, and even her routine rounds had started to lessen. Now? Now the pains kept her in the den, walking only from her comfortable spot to the lake and back. Not that she could be angry, due to what the pains meant was coming, but still.

She'd be lying if she said the wait wasn't somewhat boring.

As if something was waiting for this particular thought to cross her mind, a particularly sharp wave hit, causing her to snarl. That was new. Memories flickered, recalling her mother, the birth of some of her sisters. A hiss of fear coiled around in her head, lifting it to look at her bulging belly. Was it... was it time then? She glanced around the den, ears angling back as she noticed it was empty. Should she call for someone? Aali? Taja? Vika or Neema, even Amaya? Another wave, and she whimpered as her mind jumbled around between them, trying to figure whom might be closest at this time. "Well this is... just lovely," she growled, chuckling once the pain ebbed slightly. "Just lovely indeed."
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:46 pm
User Image

Aali had strutted around those first weeks his pride had been truly a sight to behold. He told every Pad, every cub, everyone, he even talked to himself a bit and when he found out the Taja was expecting as well, well...he hadn't shut up...until about four weeks ago.

He had stopped the bragging and boasting when he noticed Aysels movements had slowed, noticed how irritated she was at not being able or allowed to go off and lead the hunts. He had become quiet and much more thoughtful when Taja had stopped hunting as well. He doted lovingly on both of them and for his Sultana he fasted together a small pendant, a shining obsidian stone he had found and wrapped in a dry vine to hang around her neck. It was a gift of thanks, a tiny token to remind her that he knew how great her sacrifice was.

He had tried to stay in the den as much as possible, he often walked with Aysel to the lake worried that she would get stranded alone out there. Today though she had been sore, and her mood was a bit too touchy for him to handle, he had gone to the lake alone.

Luckily he returned just in time to here her growl and chuckle, and with his head tilted in curiosity he ambled over. The den was almost empty, deeper in Taja was probably deep asleep, and his other banu had picked up most of the hunting duties.

"Aysel? Are you alright?" A silly and repetitive question, but it was all he could do was ask and attempt to help.


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:24 pm
Her attention diverted from her predicament as the sound of pads against the ground drew closer. Though her pulse had jumped up a bit from the fear and concern, oh the relief that flooded her when she caught sight of that big, fluffy figure. "Aali," she breathed, expression softening exponentially as she watched the daddy-to-be. Sure she wasn't a fan of pain, but she'd seen how happy he was when she told him of the news, then how he glowed with the additional cubs from Taja on the way as well. Thinking back, she noted with some guilt her initial enthusiasm wasn't exactly... the most prominent piece of her persona lately, now was it? At first she'd been all prancing and pride and pure joy... now? She was grumbling and growling and hardly a cuddly companion.

The least she could do was smile sweetly for him now.

"I... I believe so," Aysel started carefully, ears flicking as another wave hit with a sharp breath. "The pains are getting worse. Aali, I think it's-" Her voice stopped abruptly, eyes clamping shut as another snarl ripped through her maw. She could feel movement inside her again, but this was different. It hurt a great deal more, and it wasn't just little muscles stretching and practicing their eventual use. No this... this was... "It's time." Not even she was sure what emotion leaked into her words then - fear, love, anxiety, enthusiasm, devotion for her Sultan and Pad, awe at the moment... all she knew was there were about to be a few new additions to the pride.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:46 am

"Time?" Suddenly that drink seemed an awfully long time ago, his mouth went dry and he looked at Aysel nervously. The nervousness however was quickly chased away by her snarl, goodness she was in pain. He crouched down low and nuzzled her neck softly trying to keep from getting anxious, he couldn't help her if he was just a bundle of nerves.

"You must try to relax my love..." His voice tightened and he closed his eyes for a moment remembering his mother. She had died giving birth to him...but surely Aysel wouldn't have such a hard time of it, she was strong. He licked her cheek soothingly.

"You'll get past this...just imagine once the pain fades and you're a mother."


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:03 am

Was labor always this horrible? The bitter thought cleared her head at least, enabling her to focus on Aali's words. Relax? Her smile was genuine, light as she found such a prospect truly hilarious at the moment. She did try though, taking deep breaths to try and calm herself. It helped, kind of. Especially when coupled with his comforting, and something... instinct, surely, in the back of her mind soothing - everything will work out in the end.

The rare outbursts of her temper seemed to subside, the pain hitting a high as she clamped her jaw shut, pushing, mind torn between just wanting the pain to stop and... and... blessed, she was going to be a mother.

The pressure stopped, her head lifting as she picked up a most peculiar of sounds - the soft cries of a new born cub. A boy, her face surely had to be shinning like the sun as she carefully reached for him, pulling the small form closer to her and Aali.

"Oh, love..." She marveled at the sight, taking the small reprieve to breath easier as her body readied for another round. Suddenly... the pain, though something she'd never experienced in such an amount, seemed... so, so worth it. "A son."
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:12 pm

He cringed then to see her in pain, to see the way her jaw clamped, the agony she had to feel. She was so brave, too brave to cry out and it only made him feel all the prouder of her for it, she was true to her stubborn ways even in this harshest moment.

Before he could try and soothe her anymore he was stunned still watching with wide blue eyes as the first cub slowly slipped into the world. It was alive, healthy looking, a male! His first cub was a male! It was as if the sun itself had entered their den filling his chest, warming his entire being. He pressed close against Aysel cradling her back and nuzzling her neck as he peered over at their first cub.

"Our son..." Their son, the future Sultan of the pride, his felt his worries wash away. Aysel was going to be alright, they would have a family. He thought of shouting for the others, but stopped himself. He wanted this moment with Aysel alone, the others would see the cubs soon enough. If the pain kept coming, as it no doubt would, he didn't think his Sultana would appreciate others being witness to it.

"We shall name him Ameer, our prince." He smiled and nuzzled her cheek.


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:32 pm

She was abuzz with joy and purrs and astonishment. Her duty as a Sultana was complete in part, producing the heir - but in that moment, she couldn't see that. All she saw was a beautiful cub, a stunning mixture of her and Aali. As another wave of pain grew over her, she met it with enthusiasm along with the edge of fear she doubt she'd lose until all was said and done.

"Ameer," she repeated the name as she nuzzled the cub, turning to lick Aali's cheek in turn before settling down once more. Like before, the pressure built, though she was able to keep herself from the excessive shows of pain she'd undergone before. Breath deep, jaw solid, eyes closed... a rush of air and her pale eyes fluttered open again as another offspring slid into the world.

Another boy, her pride swelled as she drew him up along side his elder brother, glancing over her shoulder to smile brilliantly to her Sultan. "Two sons. Ameer and...~?" She tapered her voice off with a nudge to the father, finding it most suitable that he should name this brother as well.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:41 pm

Aali tried to keep from leaping up with a shout, he tensed beside Aysel and grinend broadly as their second son entered the world. All he could think was how lucky he was, how glad he was, and how much he wanted to share his joy. Still he knew he and Aysel needed this moment together alone with their cubs. He could almost feel his heart expanding with all the love he bore for his cubs, for his Sultana. It reminded him that the truth behind their pride was love, love in every form, the love they shared and took and gave.

He focused back down on his son and looked at him a long moment before smiling. "Rahim, it suits him." He nodded firmly.


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:36 pm

"Rahim?" She chuckled at the name, nodding her agreement as she licked the two boys. There would be more time to clean them in a bit, already feeling her body readying for another. How many cubs was she to bear? A thrill of excitement sparkled through her.

Taking a deep breath again, the pattern was starting to become.... almost comfortable. Still hurt, but almost not as much any more. Aali was right, she really did need to relax, made things so much easier. The first girl came into the world with minimal stress from her mother, Aysel's eyes wide as she scooped the silver girl up and brought her beside her brothers. Sons were wonderful, of course, but a daughter? A new treasure of the pride, the Sultana thought she might burst from the joy.

"So beautiful... Ickis," she said suddenly, grinning as the name came to her. "Her name shall be Ickis - what do you think?" She turned her head to beam up at the girl's father, nuzzling him the best she could from her angle.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:41 pm

"Ickis, yes and I shall give her kisses everyday so she knows how much she's loved..." He smiled and nuzzled Aysel glad that it seemed to be getting easier for her, perhaps she was almost done, how many lives would they bring into the world together? He gazed down at their daughter imagining how proud and happy she would make a Pad someday, but for now she was just his baby, she would always be his baby.

He gazed at Aysel proudly and softly licked her cheek nuzzling her. "I love you so much, my Aysel." He moved his cheek to press against hers for a moment gazing down at their three cubs before pulling back a bit to give her space to continue.


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:00 pm

"I think that sounds like a fine idea." She couldn't stop smiling, even laughing softly as he nuzzled her. Her body still hadn't given any signal of being done, a fact that made her both stunned yet warm and giddy with love for her still growing family. Two sons to grow up proud and strong; a daughter to bring love, life, and joy... she could feel tears start to prickle at her eyes.

The prickling grew at his words, sighing happily, "And I you, my beloved Aali." She had been about to say more, but it seemed someone else had different plans. A second girl soon joined her siblings, pulled up so Aysel could nuzzle and lick her. "Rajiya... yes, that shall fit her," she stated with a smiling nod after a pause. Four cubs... she almost matched her mother's lot! The thought made her grin before giving a blank blink. The waves of pain were still there... she was to have another one still?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:24 pm

"Rajiya, it's beautiful, she's beautiful!" He smiled broadly and squirmed in eager anticipation. He softly nuzzled Aysel's neck and tried to keep still and quiet as he saw her pained look. There was another then?

"Our Handsome boys, and our beautiful girls, your a mother Aysel, and you'll be such a good mother..." He murmured softly against her fur trying to ease whatever physical pain she felt with his words.


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:02 pm

Yes, it was a beautiful name, like all the others they'd chosen - beautiful cubs, beautiful names... She continued to clean her children, though by then they were spotless. A chuckle came to her as she wondered how long they'd be in such a state. Cubs were so prone to finding the best ways to getting dirty in all their games... not that she'd ever deny them such fun. Bath time was bonding time, after all.

"And you are a father, Aali, a fantastic one I'm sure." Was his affection and love a complete and total pain killer? No, but he certainly put her into a joyous, loving high that soothed her without a doubt. "Thank you, my love."

Another deep breath, settling herself for the wave of pain, the pressure, the pushing.... the third girl was born, Aysel quickly lifting her to rest where she could relax and clean her youngest daughter. She could feel the pain finally subside, letting out a happy sigh.
"I think... she's the last, my love." Pausing to catalog the state of her body, a name struck her at the oddest of times. It wasn't one she would have chosen usually... but something... made it stick as she gazed down at her youngest cub. "Suha is the youngest of her siblings - thus far," she added with a grin, her mind calm enough to focus on the world around her. Taja was still asleep somewhere further back in the den, her own belly still swollen with cubs. Five cubs... and still more to come!

The lull of motherhood settled itself over her, purring as she nuzzled her Sultan, watching the wonders of her life. She couldn't wait for her harem-sisters to meet them, though logic stated it would wait until everyone was well-rested. Yes... everything worked out, and will continue to. Soon Taja's cubs will join the world, new lives to love and cherish - her heart went out in full to her purple sister, a new brand of thrill and enthusiasm surfacing.

"We'll have our paws full soon enough," she chuckled after a moment of silence.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:07 pm

He smiled at her, gazed into her eyes, there was something new and special in the bond between them the knowledge and love that came from creating something together. He winced as he saw her expression fade into pain and the back into relaxation.

"Suha" He repeated the name tenderly, lovingly. "Do you think she'll sit sitll long enough for me to tell her stories? Will any of them?" He chuckled and nuzzled her softly.

"We'll have plenty of help..." He added happily and licked her cheek. "Thank you...my love."


Tricky Treater


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:34 pm

"Oh, I think they will. Entice them when they're still little and sleepy, and you'll be able to grab their attention when they're older and rambunctious without a problem." She gave a giggle and a wink, pressing her nose against his before turning to draw the cubs close to her. Newborn cubs needed to eat, that much she did know, particularly since it gave the new mom a chance to relax and recuperate.

It also gave her a chance to really look at them, marvel at the splashes of purple, silver, gray, tan, black and near white - the perfect combination of her love and herself. It was an astounding thing, to know all the love and time and devotion that went into the creation of these beautiful, perfect little lives... yes, she was truly blessed.

Aysel nestled into his warmth, a content look on her face. "I can't wait for the girls to meet them..." Her voice trailed off briefly with a small yawn at which she smiled. "No... thank you, Aali. For everything." If such happy emotions could give her wings, she'd be flying among the stars right now. Another yawn, this time causing her to shake her head. "I should have known that would wipe me out. Love, I think... it's time I take a nap." Lifting her head again to give him a light lick, she curled herself up around her new little treasures, making sure they were comfortable and able to feed if they wished. A nap... might have been a bit of an understatement. Send her off to dreamland, the morning would come soon enough. And then? Soon the cubs would be up and about, and life... well, it would take a long time for her to come down from her beaming, smiling state.

"I love you, my Sultan, my Aali. I love you so... so much..."
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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