User Image Aali moved in slow circles, if this kept up he might wear a ring in the ground, his tail whipped around nervously. He let out a soft slow sigh wishing he could be of more use. He was thirsty, but he wouldn't leave, now that he recognized the signs from Aysel's birthing he was sure Taja was close too. Aysel was curled up near the den entrance dozing with the cubs and taking in some fresh air and moonlight, it was hard to imagine her mood could get any better considering how snappy she had been only a week ago.

He slowly moved further back into the den to check on Taja for probably the hundredth time that evening. He tried to slip quietly along not wanting to wake her, wasn't this sort of thing supposed to get easier? No, no it was worse knowing that Aysel had been in pain, but he was comforted by how well she was recovering. Aysel was smaller and Taja was larger and tougher no doubt she would be just fine.

Reassuring himself didn't help though, he still moved closer wanting to see she was alright with his own eyes. Her stomach looked a little larger, tighter then Aysels had been...a larger litter perhaps? Larger then five? His jaw quivered slightly as he counted mentally before shaking his head with a nervous smile, she would be fine no matter how many.

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She was resting contently, everything perfectly right in the world with Aysel's cubs all safely delivered, and mother still in good health, not to mention that Aali was so thrilled, and Taja was delighted for her harem-sister. Two strong boys at the head of the litter, no less, it had been a day truly worth every bit of jubilation as they'd had, and there had been plenty.

Now though, as the moon was rising high, the purple huntress was sleeping only after a long day of wondering if her female intuition was telling her right when she suspected the cubs would be coming sometime within the next day or so. She hadn't been in any pain yet, and was fortunate enough not to have the same mood swings as Aysel, her heart had gone out to the Sultana when she heard the discomfort she was in. As a first time mother she did have to wonder if she would also experience such things.

All in it's due time.

Something pulled her from her sleeping state, suddenly, more likely than not it was one of the cubs shifting for the umpteenth time, seeing as they had gotten particularly restless earlier in the day. She startled awake with the softest hiss of surprise, and blinked blearily up into the face of Aali. "Aali..."

"I'm sorry Taja I didn't mean to wake you..." He frowned at the hiss mistaking i for pain and moved closer worried to nuzzle her. "Are you alright? You've been so quiet..." He had only Aysel's experience to gauge things by, but Taja hadn't shown signs of pain, or snappishness, she was more pleasant then ever. He imagined part of Aysels irritation had been giving up the hunt for so long, still...

He moved behind Taja and lightly pawed some of the sweet grasses closer to her trying to make sure she was comfortable. He was starting to feel a bit exasperated especially after realizing that birthing was one of those rare things the females didn't need a male for. Still, he liked to think he was of some use, didn't his presence help? Or maybe he was irritating her with how often he kept slipping in and out?

"Mind if I join you for a little while?" He looked at her hopefully, if she would let him stay, put him out of his misery.

"You didn't, love, the cubs are just suddenly restless." She reassured in that soft spoken way of hers, purring gently for added reassurance when his head brushed hers. As he moved she did what she could to shift her weight, allowing him to settle some of the grasses beneath her. Such little gestures made all of it much more comfortable, she was sure Aysel had felt the same, the grasses felt much better than the den floor alone, and she was glad for the company since she imagined the cubs were announcing their arrival. He should be there for it, inspite of what instinct told her. "You have perfect timing... You should be here to greet them, after all." She smiled, but it became distracted as they stirred again. For her it wasn't painful so much as it was odd. Would she ever grow accustomed to so many squirming little bodies moving inside of her? She suspected a large litter, on that note.

Aali was almost settled behind her when her words hit him. "You mean their coming?" He looked at her startled, was she in pain? didn't look like it? He hesitated to lay down before slowly settling himself and nuzzling her neck confused. This entire affair was much too frustrating, he wondered if Faiz had felt like this? Maybe he just needed more confidence in his banu, they knew what to do didn't they? Again he was half tempted to call for the others to come help, but he felt the selfish urge to be the only one there for her. He remembered how nice it had been the quiet moment alone with Aysel to look over and name their children. He wanted the same quiet moment with Taja, he wanted her to look to him and share her joy as their cubs came.

Besides she certainly didn't look like she was going to need any help, instead he gently leaned over her his expression content. "I love you Taja..." He smiled and softly nibbled her ear in his special show of affection for her.

"Hmhm...." Was her answer, gazing back at him, trying not to seem amused at his confusion, but she was almost delieriously excited and happy, so everything was amusing ten-fold, and that look of his was particularly endearing right then. Their first litter was coming into the world, as long as they were all healthy, she would remain this happy. "I love you too, Aali."

She shifted her head enough to manage to lick his muzzle, but then felt the stirring increase in intensity, and her tail twitched as she shifted once again, instinct guiding her. Once situated, the birthing itself seemed to finally begin.

The first cub was the one that took the longest to come into the world, but finally she was able to carefully lift him up to settle him between her paws, quickly and knowingly cleaning away the afterbirth clinging to his face and body, a soft smile on her muzzle all the while. It was done quickly, and once he was clean she looked to her mate with loving, excitement filled eyes that could only belong to someone experiencing parenthood for themselves. "Aali...!"

He had to give himself credit as he struggled to hold himself back from leaning in too close. He knew she needed space to feel comfortable, but oh how he wanted to lean in and see. She didn't seem to be in pain at all, instead her expression was patient. It was all so much easier that he found himself getting a bit too excited, he had to remind himself not to jar her.

He breathing hitched in excitement as she moved the first cub between her paws and his mouth opened in quick breaths of joy as he moved his face beside hers and gazed down. "Our son...He's so perfect Taja..." A blend of the two of them, all the pieces of a mysterious puzzle, here was the outcome. They were all going to be a family. It was familiar yet all new, like falling in love all over again and feeling every emotion heighten. Would he ever get used to seeing the miracle of life? Would he ever be able to compose himself and stay relaxed, or would his heart always race like this with the sensation that everything inside of him was doubling in strength.

Her body, for the time being at least, was relaxed. The contractions had passed for the moment but she knew she was far from done. She could only look forward to seeing how many cubs they would have, and of what markings, what genders. After living her entire life in a pride surrounded by the joy of others, finally experiencing that kind of love, that kind of happiness for herself was almost too sweet to bear. It truly was a labor of love, as they called it.

They came more quickly after that, the contractions and the cubs alike. With the warmth and comfort of her pad against her back and their first born resting safely before them Tetesi once more let instinct take over as her muscles began to tense and contract. The second cub was female, colored in her lighter purple and marked, even this young they could clearly see, with her father's darker royal coloring. After a second catching of her own breath once more she set to the task of bringing the cub to join her brother, cleaning her for both warmth and ease of breathing. Once she was done she made sure that Aali would be able to see her, even as she eased into birthing the next cub with a low rumbling growl, not of pain, but of effort.

His paw touched her shoulder gently encouragingly despite how obvious it was she needed no encouragement or aid. His smile remained fixed in place as he gazed down at their daughter. She was so very beautiful, but didn't all fathers think their daughters the most beautiful things in the world? Still he imagine that all his lovely ladies were at least pretty, no one could call any of them ugly ducklings. He was glad to see so much of the royal color, the blessed color marked their cubs.

He turned his attention back to Taja as she growled softly and licked her cheek. "Your alright..." He reassured her, but in truth the words were for himself, he was still afraid deep down that something might happen to her, some complication.

For a moment her attention shifted to him again, once more glad for his presence. Truth be told she could only be this calm because he was there, otherwise she was certain she'd feel his absence, he was an anchor for her. With her nearest free paw she reached over to place it over his, focusing on breathing then as she continued. Following the second cub-- their first daughter --there were four more, goodness, and she still wasn't quite done!

Finally, the last two cubs, a second son, their seventh cub, and their youngest cub, a little girl with a heavily marked coat that reminded Taja so much of the family that she'd once left behind in the Pridelands. It wasn't a sad memory anymore, though, because now it was almost like she had some small part of them with her even here in this remote place. With her new found family, her harem sisters and their sultan-- her love --she felt like she had everything she could have wanted back home but may have spent the better part of her life looking to find.

Their children, along with Aysel's, made everything.... perfect.

"I think... she was the last, love."

And thank goodness, too, even if it wasn't painful she felt exhausted! All of that pushing and all of those contractions, it really took a lot out of her! It was worth every second, of course though, now they had eight more little ones to show for it.

Aali was trembling by the time their last came his eyes were wide as he counted and recounted their cubs. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Eight, it was hard to believe and he let out a nervous sigh and chuckle when she proclaimed their daughter the last. Goddness how had she done it? So quietly and with such love they had brought another part of their family out into the world. He felt warm pride stir in his chest as he gazed at her and the cubs.

He softly nuzzled her cheek and smiled at the soft weight of her paw with his. "You did so well must rest though love." He could tell she was tired, despite how bright and happy she looked. There was a glow to her, but her breathing and voice still gave away what the birthing must have cost her. "Rest...I'll bring you some food"

She could feel his trembling, just as she could feel his apprehension throughout the birth, it made her feel proud to have come through the birth with both she and their cubs alright, especially given the chances that at least one of the eight (Eight!) could have been unwell somehow, but they were all here now, and with her work done she would gladly rest while the little ones fed. So, finally free to focus on him instead of the constant contractions for the last... how long -had- it been, actually? Well, for however long the birthing had lasted, she turned to nuzzle her head against his chin with a tired purr.

"I'm alright, love... would you stay for just a bit longer, please...?"

Rest did sound good, though, especially if he was there with her, just until she fell asleep at least. She was sure that he was eager to give the news to the others but if he would just spare her a bit more time to soak in the moment...

"Yes...of course I'll stay...we should just sleep until's almost morning." His gaze turned towards the den entrance, he could barely see the far away outline of Aysel's shape and the cubs becoming slowly lighter as the moon gave way.

"We'll sleep...together." He smiled down at their cubs watching the way they moved, still soft and clumsy. He felt the powerful urge to protect them from everything the world might throw at them, yet for now it was enough to just lay by them until the sun rose and bathed them in warmth. He put his head close against Taja's trying to ensure she was comfortable first no matter what position he had to sleep in he wanted her to at least have a sound sleep after everything. "My love, and my little loves..." He smiled and murmured soothing soft sounds without any real meaning, the meanings were secret soft, noises of devotion and love.