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[ORP] Storytime - The Truth of Silverbird

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Tricky Treater

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:59 pm
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Aali had always loved to tell tales, the stories that the males and females of the Ukuucha'Wafalme pride passed down generation to generation. Each story was told either to entertain or to teach an important lesson. The males often favored stories of great warriors leading raids, and the females often favored tales of romance, but no matter the subject matter everyone enjoyed the time spent together bonding.

Now that he had cubs of his own Aali was eager to put his deep voice to use and to continue sharing the stories that had been shared with him. He could remember almost every tale told to young pesar and banu from the time he was just a tiny emir himself. With so many of the older generation gone, and so many new cubs born to the pride he felt it was time for a story.

He settled himself down near the lake, it was not yet fully dark, the sun cast a soft orange glow over the expanse of the prides territory. He crossed one paw over the other and smiled softly relaxing and clearing his throat. For now he only had an audience of one, his little daughter Suha, but perhaps the others would be drawn in by curiosity to sit and have a listen as well.

"I think I shall tell you the story of The Truth of Silverbird." He smiled at his little girl, so proud.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 3:36 pm
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Curious gray eyes peered deeply into the depths of the water below, being met by both a reflection and the sight of soggy dirt beyond that. Dilara examined herself in the liquid mirror, enamored, as usual, by the markings beneath her eyes that reminded her constantly of her father. She looked so much like him, and virtually nothing like her momma! She was proud of this of course but still, she hadn't so much as inherited a single spot on her coat. So oblivious to her surroundings was she that when someone cleared their throat suddenly (though the noise was distant), she gave a start, and very nearly fell right into the lake she'd been sitting near.

Luckily her reflexes spared her from soggy fur and a rather embarrassing story to tell her siblings later. Looking around for the source of the noise she noticed a lion about four yards away; one who she recognized instantly as the Sultan of the pride! Her uncle, in fact. She hadn't yet had the honor of meeting him and here he was in the flesh and fur. After calming her racing heart she swallowed a bit, noticing there was another cub near him, one who she had never seen before. Was that his daughter? Despite herself, she crouched down and began to creep towards the looming figure. He was so much bigger then she was!

Dilara was never one to be shy, but suddenly she felt herself become somewhat nervous around the lion. Despite the fact she could've been interrupting something between him and the other cub she was compelled towards him by the fact that a.) she'd wanted to meet her uncle for a long time and b.) the word story had surely crossed her young ears just then, though it hadn't been directed towards her! Stopping a good yard or two out of his direct line of sight she admired him from afar with a combination of hestitation and admiration in her eyes. She wanted nothing more then to be told a story, but not if he wanted to be alone with the cub.

Being the talkative thing she was she couldn't keep silent for much longer and she stood erect a bit nervously and began to approach him again. "May I please listen?" She inquired suddenly, using her best manners and speech just for this occasion, though she usually had slight trouble with her l's. She hoped he said yes, she really did.

xx - shadow requiiem


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:14 pm
User ImageMi'rage stretched his legs and raced out from his den hoping his new mother would not see him. He blinked in the bright sunlight and laughed slightly. He was free. Now it was time to cause some mischief.

Mi'rage ready himself to bound off bound off but found a paw pressed lightly onto his back. He looked up to see his papa looking down at him.

"Hello papa," he said trying to sound even more adorable.

Achal laughed lightly and shook his head, "Mi'rage, my son. You need not stay in the den put you should not just run off either. Now since you've not been out before I think this first time I should accompany you."

Mirage brightened up and smiled, "Great, I wanna go to the water. The one we saw when we first came here. Can we go their papa please?"

Achal nodded and watched as Mi'rage bounded off in the direction of the lake. Achal smiled at his sons good memory and followed him. He quickly caught up to his they made their way to the lake. Achal was not at all surprised to see the Sultan lying by the lake, and with two young ones.

"Hello Sultan Aali. Hello little ones," he said before giving Mi'rage a small push forward. "This is my son Mi'rage Mehtab."

Mi'rage gave a small nod," hello sultan and banus."

Achal lay down by the lake, "Have we interrupted something Sultan?"
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:30 pm

Her daddy told the very best stories. Maybe it was the way his wonderful deep voice rumbled and made the words spring to life, tales of daring that had her holding her breath, stories of romance and finding true love that made her go all melty and fuzzy inside. Perhaps it was the feeling that, just a tiny bit, he was telling it just for her, letting her in on some great secret hidden inside the words that fit together just so very perfectly. Ever so badly, she wanted to be there, to go to the places he told about and meet the people of whom he spoke. She knew, sort of, that they weren't really real... mostly. But for the most part they all sounded like the sort she would love to meet and have adventures with and maybe find her true love too...

That he had decided to tell another of his stories, settled down by the lake as the desert sun slowly crept its way down beneath the horizon, had her so very excited that Suha could barely stand to sit still. But she wouldn't hear the story if she were running around like so many other cubs did. Her eagerness was shown in the bright excited gleam of her soft blue eyes, her silver tipped ears perked forward in anticipation. She all but glowed when he smiled at her, telling her that the name of the story he would share tonight. It was one that she had not heard before, though she hadn't been around nearly long enough to have heard them all. Someday, she would know them each and every one by heart. But for now, the little Banu was more than content to listen.

Suha glanced over at the other Banu, a cub like her, as she spoke and felt a quick flash of jealousy, though she was instantly guilty. It was so very selfish to want to keep her daddy and his amazing wonderful stories to herself, he was the Sultan for the whole pride after all. He was such a good storyteller, everyone should get to hear him telling one. Besides, she barely knew anyone anyway, it might be fun to meet another cub.

Or two, she amended, watching with interest as another adult approached with a sort of strange looking cub. Well, no, he wasn't strange, Suha amended quickly. He just... didn't look quite the same as her brothers did. It wasn't that he didn't look like a lion, he did, but there was also something a tiny bit... different. She was wondering what it was when he was introduced by the Pad with the sky on his fur.

Politly, she turned her attention from her father, just for a moment, to return his greeting.

"Hello Mi'rage Mehtab," Suha said sweetly, before looking uncertainly up at the strange adult. She didn't know him, she hadn't really been this close to a Pad before, not besides her father. She remembered she was supposed to be polite, but she didn't know his name or what to say, and really, it was slightly frustrating that these people seemed like they were going to keep her daddy from telling her the story about Silverbird's truth!



Timid Hunter


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:42 pm
User Image Another day, another set of rounds to make. Aysel happily basked in the remaining sunlight as she walked, figure tall and strong and with little sound. The banu she passed nodded their heads to her, bowing deeper however to the gray and silver cub that trotted along beside her. It wasn't particularly odd to see the youngling accompanying his mother on her walks, watching the world but keeping his thoughts mainly to himself.

Not that she found this to be a problem, oh no - she could see the attentiveness in his gaze, hear him laugh and play with his brother and sisters. Who was she to ask he speak up before he wanted to?

The cub in question, Rahim, was indeed caught up in his own mind and wonders, eyes wandering over the females as he and his mother passed, head full of lessons of the pride already being stuffed into memory and daily life. Banus, Beybanus... concepts that made sense, concepts he was already growing with. He rarely spoke to those outside his father's harem, both out of little desire and... well, not much of an opportunity. He stuck to family, to siblings and the aunts that were his mother's harem-sisters... not strangers. Something he needed to amend soon, was his internal note.

Dark gray irises, glazed over in thought, drifted over the land as Aysel's path brought them down by the lake. An especially familiar sight captured his attention, the haze fading away as he blinked. Father? And his youngest sister, too! Huh. "Mother, what are father and Suha doing?" Were they going to be interrupting something by going over? But there were already others with them... surely it'd be alright if they joined, right?

The silver female perked her ears, following her son's gaze a little up the water's edge. Yes, it was Aali and Suha, and a few others had seemed to gather as well. "That is a good question. Perhaps we should find out?" She smiled broadly down at him, the cub grinning as he wound himself around her legs... before bounding off towards the small group, that is. Aysel just shook her head, following at her even pace. Cubs and their energy... It was still quite the wonder when they would settle and listen to their sire's stories, though as she'd expected, his soothing voice and masterful telling of the tales enticed them more than enough to ease their need for games and play. At least long enough to get through the story.

As Rahim neared the others, he noticed an older male and a young boy he'd never met before either - father and son then? Their strange markings would suggest it at least, eying them in wonder. The sky, day and night... how interesting. Another girl soon became his visual target, but those marks beneath her eyes... were like his? One of his cousins? Again, someone he hadn't seen face to face, but hey. At least he got to now?

His gate slowed to a somewhat graceful walk, small legs taking him carefully closer to his sister after giving a respectful, albeit wide, distance between him and the Pad as he did. He gave her a soft nudge, his forehead pressing against her shoulder lightly before ears flicking towards her as she spoke. Mi'rage Mehtab? Though he'd missed any introduction that took place, he had at least heard Suha say that. But... who did the name belong to? Instead he sat down, tail curling around his front paws as he watched the lot, turning his attention to his father to smile, particularly as his mother drew up near him.

Aysel kept a bit of distance, nodding a quick greeting to the other adult present and his son as she moved in along the water's edge. "Pad Achal, good day." She perched herself behind Aali, close enough to hear all that could be said, and in a perfect location to be considered near her two children, but far enough to not be directly included in the group. The fact that Suha was here, looking as attentive as she did... "My, have we come in time for something special?" the Sultana asked softly, eyes dancing as she took in the scene. Story time, was it? That would help explain the presence of one of Faiz's daughters, to whom she offered a warm smile.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:00 pm

Aali's smile broadened as the others came to join them, perfect, just as he had hoped the young ones would be able to share some time together, get comfortable in one another presence. He smiled at Dilara and nodded lightly patting the ground in a gesture that she should join them.

"Of course Dilara this is yo-" He paused and grinned as he spotted Achal with his son, there was only a tiny flicker of sympathy for the young male before it smoothed back into a smile. He knew how much harder Mi'rage would have to work to gain respect and favor within the pride as an Eunuch.

"Good Evening Pad Achal, Mi'rage Mehtab, this is-" but of course he paused again and his smile widened, he almost stood, but he managed to wait for Aysel to move near him.

"Aysel my love, your just in time for a story! Come come lets settle down before Suha gets cross..." He chuckled at his daughter.

"Everyone this is Rahim my son, Suha my daughter, Dilara my niece, Dilara these are your cousins, and Pad Achal's son Mi'rage Mehtab. Mi'rage this is my Sultana Aysel, and I am Aali." He left off his own title since the group was so cozy and familiar, besides he wanted his voice to work the magic tonight not his title.

"Now then...where was I...ah yes The Truth of Silverbird."

His voice slowly rose until everyone in the group could hear him comfortably.

"Once upon a time there was a Sultan who had a beybanu, whose name was Lujayn, and a daughter, whose name was Aurnia. On a certain day of the days, Aurnia and Lujayn went out for a walk, and on their walk they saw a lovely silver bird perched on a high branch.

Said Lujayn, "Sweet little bird, am not I the most beautiful female in the world?"

"Oh! indeed you are not." said the bird

"Who then?" asked Lujayn with a fierce growl

"Why, Aurnia, your step-daughter." replied the truthful bird.

Lujayn went home, blind with rage. She lay down on in the den, and vowed she would never be well until she could eat the heart and the liver of Aurnia, her step-daughter." He paused for effect his face somber despite the way he had imitated both the chirping bird and the female voice.



Tricky Treater


Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:33 pm
And now her mother and brother were here too. It was a whole gathering of the pride, or so it seemed, just to hear one of her daddy's stories. Suha felt like puffing up with pride that everyone loved her father's tales so very much, but it probably wasn't her place to do so. Little daughters didn't get proud of their fathers, right? They could be pleased though, happy for them. That sounded perfectly acceptable to her. Now everyone would get to hear him make the story people come to life in their ears.

The little Banu giggled quietly as her brother greeted her, turning to nuzzle him lightly in return. Now that such a crowd was gathering, it wasn't really what she'd expected and been so excited for, it wasn't just her and her daddy anymore. But there were lots of new people to meet, and now mommy was here too. Perhaps everyone from the pride was going to come to listen? It would be interesting to meet so many new people, maybe she could make some friends.

Suha glanced up at her father each time he started to introduce someone, but it seemed every time he did someone else arrived... Slightly embarrassed by the fact that Aali had noticed her impatience when she was supposed to be being a good polite little Banu, she shuffled her paws lightly against the ground. She'd only wanted to hear the story... though he didn't seem mad. Was he happy then? He had laughed. Maybe her father was glad she was so eager to hear it?

As introductions were finally made, the little cub looked around at each in turn. So the pretty dark colored Banu was her cousin? Now that she looked, the other did have the same marks as Rahim under her eyes. So Suha now had siblings, half siblings, and cousins. And maybe a friend? She glanced shyly at the Pesar whose pelt looked as like the night sky as his father, Pad Achal, looked like the daytime. She still wasn't entirely sure how to act with boys who weren't family though, the big grown up Pads needed to be shown respect, but what about the ones her age? Could they play games, or did she have to be polite all the time?

The question completely vanished from her mind in the moment that her father began his story. 'Once upon a time' merely needed to be uttered briefly at the cub was already hanging on every syllable. She loved the way the bird chirped, shivered slightly at the fierce growl of the lioness, and outright gasped when the Beybanu vowed to eat her own stepdaughter.

"Wh-" she heard herself starting, and clamped her mouth shut. She'd ask why it mattered that the heart and liver got eaten later, right now it was more important to hear what happened next!
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:27 am
Mi'rage felt really shy the more lions gather around the sultan. He was really curious to know what was going on but still he back up slightly toward his father. He felt like they were staring at him. He knew he was different from everyone else and even more so because of his pelt, but he did not wish to be given odd looks or stared at.

Mi'rage gave a polite greeting to everyone who approached.

He looked up to his father as an adult banu approached with other cub.

Achal smiled lightly and gave the sultana a polite nod, "Good evening to you Sultana Aysel."

Achal looked to the sultan as he spoke slightly tickled by the interruptions, but it seemed no one else would be joining them currently and Aali was finally able to finish his introduction.

Mi'rage looked to Aali as his father did and but his eyes wandered around as introduction were made. He smiled feeling slightly more comfortable and looking around curiously.

Mi'rage attention turned back to the Aali at hearing the beginning of a story. He looked back to his papa with wide eyes, before looking back to the Aali and going over to get a better seat among the other cubs.

His attention was now completely on the story. Mi'rage loved the stories his papa told and now there was another and a pride who told stories.

Achal smiled at his cub before turning his attention back to the story. He was certain his daughters and banu might like to hear it sometime. He would have to pay close attention to make sure he remembered it.


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xx - shadow requiiem

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:05 am
The Sultan was more then welcoming; she almost felt silly for ever having felt intimidated. Smiling a bit she stepped forewards until she was a four or so feet in front of him, sitting calmly. The sound of approaching footsteps made Dilara look over her shoulder in curiosity. A lion with the very sky on his fur was approaching, with a young one who she assumed to be his son from the design of his own pelt. Slightly mesmerized, she peered closely at the older lion, half expecting birds to start flying around the mountains depicted on him. Then she realized she was staring and that was quite rude. Instead, she turned her attention to his son, who was introduced. "Nice to meet you, M'irage Mehtab!" She replied excitedly, adopting a friendly smile.

Now that others were approaching, even though she didn't know them, she felt much more at ease for some reason. Crowds had always been her thing, even if she didn't know anyone in them personally. The presence of another cub soon caused her attention to be diverted elsewhere once again. The first thing she noticed were the markings under his eyes that were so like hers. Obviously they were related; he was her cousin then? She nearly felt compelled to go investigate but he had taken refuge by his sibling (or so she assumed) so she felt no need to go and make a fool of herself. Besides, she wanted to hear the story the Sultan was going to tell! There would be time for interaction afterwards perhaps.

Luckily she was spared any further guessing as Aali took to introducing them all. It was nice to know she was among family and made the atmosphere a bit more cozy. She found herself looking around quickly with each name he said to match faces to said titles until she felt a bit dizzy and shook her head to clear her vision. She noted almost immediately that he had a very nice voice. Now, she preferred her daddy's voice above all else, but Aali's was definitely second best in her opinion! It was deep and rich to her, absolutely perfect for story telling. As the story began to unfold she gave an excited wiggle and looked at him intently, imagining what he was saying as he went.

She swallowed nervously as his voice suddenly became dark as the story took a more morbid turn. Her mouth hung open at the heart and liver bit, but when she realized she was looking a bit foolish, she quickly closed her mouth. Wrinkling her nose she gave an expression that made it look like she'd just smelled something particularly nasty. 'Ew! Gross!' She thought and portrayed said message with her eyes, but said nothing. As chatty as she usually was she really wanted to know what was gonna happen and it would've been rude to everyone around if she vocalized her opinion just yet.

[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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