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Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:47 am
Consider this a completely neutral time zone, this is for In Character (Or OOC) chats and Role Playing. Time Line Rules DO NOT apply here so you can have completely different characters chat and interact. and have fun with NPCs and any main story character you want to RP as.


No Fighting (except in the Battle Arena)

No Foul Langauge (As applies to this entire guild. This includes HINTS or bleeping out letters ENTIRE bleeps are okay... if used appropriately.)

Please Ask Permission (from the Player before NPCing an existing "Main Story" characters. If no one has claimed the character you are free to do what you please.)

No God Moding (Or single person RPing, if someone wishes to interact with you do not ignore them, without sufficient reason.)

Characters Currently Being Used:

Fenrir & Garm -- (Played By "Eskevar FireCross")
Sephiroth & Zach -- (Played By "Ermak Lorde")
Sabel & Aeris -- (Played By "Furry1337Otaku")
Teerce -- (Played By "Savanacat")
Trista -- (Played By "Trista_Bloodcourt")
Saerenna -- (Played By "Saerenna")
Valens -- (Played By "Valens12")
Shinrei Kusaragi -- (Played By "Misopan Kurai")
Vincent Valentine -- (Played By "The demon Angel")

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:11 pm
" Vacation 4laugh , how I love vacation. V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! You come but once a year, vacation!" an exuberant blond in the uniform of a Turk sang to himself as the cable car from North Corel pulled into the Golden Saucer station. The blond beside him (also in the attire of a Turk) looked resigned and a little miffed at the other's singing.

The singer abruptly broke off, " Chocobos Garm! We have to visit the chocobos... and then the Round..... but should we go before or after Speed....." He shook his twin by the shoulder excitedly. The cable car ground to a halt and the garish lights and overly peppy music flooded the car as the doors opened and the passengers exited. Some looking amused, others hostile to the the brothers.

Eskevar Fire Cross

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:24 am
Another figure sitting in the same car as Garm and Fenrir, sighed quietly to himself at their exuberance. A freind, who sat next to him chuckled, "They seem to be enjoying themselves." The freind commented under his breath with a grin. "Loudly enjoying themselves" The first man responded smiling wryly. The second man laughed, then ran one gloved hand through his spikey black hair. "I dunno, it reminds me of someone I know," He smirked, The first man couldn't help but grin back, and sighed as he leaned back against his seat, regarding the black leather sleeves of his coat as though they were of utmost interest. "Yeah, I know, but somehow I was anticipating a relaxing vacation..." "At the Gold Saucer?" The black haired man quizzed sceptically, "Do you need to have your memory checked? Perhaps your hair is getting too heavy for your skull..." The black clad man chuckled, "Perhaps..." he agreed before lapsing into silence  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:53 pm
In the Chocobo square, behind the scenes, a young rookie was about to try her hand at her first race. "C'mon Kuroi, I know we can do it." She urged the black chocobo as she readied his tack and equipment. The girl was twitchy, and seemed nervous without the thick black cloak and katana she usually wore about her person. Her mount seemed to have picked up on her nervousness and was unusually skittish even for it's own high strung personality. "And hopefully we can get that ribbon that resists all statis ailments, I don't want to get frog jabbed again..."  


Eskevar Fire Cross

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:35 pm
Fenrir happily pranced off the cable car followed at a judicious distance by Garm. He took a deep breath of night air flavored heavily by popcorn and sulfur from the fireworks that periodically screamed into the night sky.

" Hey Garm! Let's go the wonder square!"

" I thought you wanted to go to the Round?"

" Well..... the Round is more fun with girls, no offense Garm but you are not exactly who I want to be seen on the Round with. So anwway, were else do you pick up girls but at the Wonder Square!" Fenrir announced with the air of one imparting a deep secret of life.

" What happened to Merelli? I thought you two were an item?" Garm asked placidly as he followed in the wake of his energetic twin. Fenrir's smile became a bit brittle. " She dumped you didn't she..... I thought as much. You are always painfully over happy when you are depressed," Garm commented, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking towards the station. A little of the bounce had gone out of Fenrir's step as he joined the line to enter the amusement park.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:08 pm
The Black cloaked man and his freind followed the Twins to the platform, the latter eavesdropping shamelessly on the brother's conversation. "HEY! That's a good Idea!" The freind commented, after hearing Fenrir's intended destination. "Let's go to Wonder Square! We could pick up chicks!" He grinned broadly and mischeiviously at his somber partner, who in turn raised one eyebrow derisively and tossed his long, knee-length hair over his shoulder. "Why would we want to?" he queeried with a long suffering sigh, "It's hard enough getting AWAY from the females." Yet despite his discouraging comment he smiled back at his freind's optimism. "I would prefer to go to the battle arena, there might be some decent prizes since last we came here." The black haired man considered this for a moment, shifted the large sword he carried on his back thoughtfully and laughed, "That could be fun, but let's try Wonder Square first! I bet I could beat you at that boxing game!" The first man chuckled, "All right, you're on." and both of them continued following the blonde twins in their round-about progression towards the arcades.  

Ermak Lorde


PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:27 am
Teerce wandered through Wonder Square. Oh Dahry wouldn't care if he played a couple games while waiting for her. She had done as much last time, when he had been late. He glanced up as he saw some people heading towards Wonder Sqare, but Dahry wasn't among them. He sighed as he pushed his wavy black hair out of his face and proceeded to shoot some baskets. It looked like Hojo had detained her with something, she would probably be awhile but he was willing to wait for her. He glanced back toward the people heading his way one last time to see if she had maybe just been hidden from his field of view. His eyes widened with envy as he saw the tall man in black. It was at times like this that he really regretted his 5'5" of height, he was 16 already and still short. He pulled his gaze forcibly away. At least Dahry didn't mind his lack of height.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:26 pm
Fenrir fairly made a dash of it pulling Garm behind him towards the entrance the Wonder Square. " Come on Garm! Let's play the boxing game!" Garm said nothing as he was dragged to the afore mentioned machine. Fenrir dropped some gil into the machine and positioned himself for the fight. Garm also took position.

" I thought you wanted to pick up some girls?" He asked as he planted a punch underneath Fenrir's guard.

" UGh.... " Fenrir grumbled evading and giving Garm's character a jab, " Well, girls don't usually like to play these games. So, logically games first and girls later."

" You have a logic to this?"

" About to write a book, The Logic of Fun," Fenrir countered. Garm managed to score the knockout punch.

" Hmpph may read it some time." The twin responded as he collected his GP.

" Hey! That guy with the basketballs is pretty good! D'you think he'd play me?" Fenrir asked. Not waiting for a response he dashed over the the dark haired young man. Garm sighed, watching from his location at the boxing game.

Eskevar Fire Cross


PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:58 pm
Teerce started as a blond man came up to him. He looked...up....at him. Man how I hate being 'vertically challenged' He shyly offered to play with him as he realised that that was what the enthusiastic greeting trnslated out to. He looked anxiously towards the entrance as he hoped for Dahry to arrive to rescue him. She wasn't there. So he started shooting, as did Fenrir Soon, Teerce forgot his shyness and was just going at the game. "Hah, I got you one there!" He was totally absorbed and having a blast! This guy was good, just about as good as he was!  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:17 am
The tall black-cloaked man followed the twins as if by coincidence only. the black-haired one voicing his disapointment when the blondes confiscated the boxing game. "Aw man, they beat us to it.What game should we try now?" He asked, blue eyes gazing about in search of new entertainment. "We could always wait for them to finish..." The black-cloaked man replied, shaking his head at the youthfulness of his freind, but his own green eyes scanned the area noting all the other games available. "Snow boarding looks fun!" The black-haired man said with a wink, pausing to dust some imaginary lint from his blue sleeveless shirt. The man with long hair paused to consider said entertainment. But before he had come to a decision Garm had bested Fenrir. The tall man turned without answering his blue-clad freind and walked over to where Garm stood by the machine. "Excuse me, were you still interested in a challenger? Or perhaps did you wish to play a different game?" He asked calmly. His freind whirled to gape at him, "Hey! Don't start without me!!" He protested as he ran over, "And don't be so mean to the poor kid! Most of them are scared of you, and he doesn't stand a chance against you!" The freind jibbed with a huge grin at Garm.  

Ermak Lorde


PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:41 am
Yay! Go Mog! You can do it!" Cheered the young woman playing "Mog House" as the game's moogle protagonist took flight before his future mate. Aeris happily watchede the end of the game and blushed slightly as a veritable army of baby moogles marched out of the house. "They're so cute." She sighed. She absolutely adored children and young animals, her real passion in life was in growing things. Few things gave her more satisfaction than tending the earth in her small flower garden back in the slums. She and her mother Elmyra had won an all-expense paid trip to the Gold Saucer off of a radio contest. She'd been extremely surprised when she had been announced the winner, but she knew it was just what her mother needed, as this was the anniversary of Elmyra's husband's death. She wondered how her mother was faring, she'd last seen the woman making the acquaintence of a warrior in the battle arena.

OOC: I hope I did a decent job of playing Aeris...it's realy hard seeing as I'm trying to play her realistically and not let my own low opinion of her get in the way of my RPing.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:47 pm
Ermak Lorde
The tall black-cloaked man followed the twins as if by coincidence only. the black-haired one voicing his disapointment when the blondes confiscated the boxing game. "Aw man, they beat us to it.What game should we try now?" He asked, blue eyes gazing about in search of new entertainment. "We could always wait for them to finish..." The black-cloaked man replied, shaking his head at the youthfulness of his freind, but his own green eyes scanned the area noting all the other games available. "Snow boarding looks fun!" The black-haired man said with a wink, pausing to dust some imaginary lint from his blue sleeveless shirt. The man with long hair paused to consider said entertainment. But before he had come to a decision Garm had bested Fenrir. The tall man turned without answering his blue-clad freind and walked over to where Garm stood by the machine. "Excuse me, were you still interested in a challenger? Or perhaps did you wish to play a different game?" He asked calmly. His freind whirled to gape at him, "Hey! Don't start without me!!" He protested as he ran over, "And don't be so mean to the poor kid! Most of them are scared of you, and he doesn't stand a chance against you!" The freind jibbed with a huge grin at Garm.

Garm looked back in suprise. His grey eyes widened with recognition. Unable to immediatly find his tongue, Garm bowed respectfully. " It would be an honor General Sephiroth," he said his voice quite calm but his mind was racing. He was meeting THE General Sephiroth........ his days of training had been filled with the great exploits of the man...... He had only seen him once before, in a parade, although the general had not looked pleased with being shown off. Meeting him face to face like this! Young Van Aesir was near overwhelmed. Garms eyes were drawn the the dark haired man. The blond managed a smile at the man's all to accurate assessment..

Teerce started as a blond man came up to him. He looked...up....at him. Man how I hate being 'vertically challenged' He shyly offered to play with him as he realised that that was what the enthusiastic greeting trnslated out to. He looked anxiously towards the entrance as he hoped for Dahry to arrive to rescue him. She wasn't there. So he started shooting, as did Fenrir Soon, Teerce forgot his shyness and was just going at the game. "Hah, I got you one there!" He was totally absorbed and having a blast! This guy was good, just about as good as he was!

Fenrir was fairly bursting with pleasure when the shorter man agreed to play him. The guy seemed kind of stiff at first but he soon loosened up. Fenrir was fairly glowing with the pleasure of having such a worthy opponent. Garm might best him at fighting games, but his twin was no match for these games. It had been to long since he had competed against someone so good. The game came to an end with Teerce just barely beating Fenrir out. Fenrir laughed good naturedly and thrust a hand out towards Teerce, " Great game! I'm Fenrir Van Aesir by the way, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. "  

Eskevar Fire Cross

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:55 pm
Sephiroth inclined his head to Garm, in acknowlegment of his title and then picked up the controls for the game. He may not be one to seek out games very often but that didn't mean he was a poor sport. He played the game so that it was challenging for both sides without giving Garm the upperhand easily. All in all it was an enjoyable match....but for one slight discrepancy. Zach, the black-haired freind who stood next to the General was miffed at being denied the first match, and was also bored, An unhealthy combination. The SOLDIER started chanting under his breath, barely loud enough for Sephiroth to hear.

"He is the very model of a modern SOLDIER general...
He has information vegetable, animal and mineral...
He knows the presidents of Shinra, he can quote the fights historical...
from the Wutai to Icicle in order catagorical,...."

This perhaps had a great deal to do with why Sephiroth actually lost the match. But nonetheless he turned and congratulated Garm on a great game, and if his eyebrow had developed a twitch than only Zach was the wiser. "Hey Seph," Zach chimed in the moment he noticed the game had finished, "Lets you and I have a match now." He moved closer in his misguided eagerness to spar with Sephiroth, and in one enlightening moment, changed his mind. "Whoa!" He exlaimed aloud, eyes widening as they settled on a lithe innocent figure, He leaned in close to the great general's ear, apparently oblivious to the man's irritation. "Hey, knock me over there okay? That girl over there is REALLY cute!" One of Sephiroth's eyebrows raised sceptically, "As tempting as that is right now....why?" "Because I want an excuse to talk to her! C'mon!!" The tall black clad man sighed, and started to turn away, "Can't you just walk over and introduce yourself? You are a 'First Class SOLDIER' I didn't think you lacked for courage." "Aw just hit me!" Zach whispered back, "What's the matter? Are you scared of me or something? Just HIT me!" and as he continued to pester Sephiroth vocally, he started slugging the general in the shoulder repeatedly, as if to emphasize his claims. "C'mon are you chicken? what's the matter? what kind of baby are you? just hit me! what...." With one blow Sephiroth relented and granted the shorter man's wish. Zach flew across the room and smashed into the wall next to the mog house game so hard that it crumbled under his weight. Sephiroth turned and walked away with a parting, "I'm going to the Battle Square". Unfortunetally for Zach, although he got his wish, the only words he seemed able to utter were "......ugh........." as he lay in the ruined wall twitching.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:10 pm
Eskevar Fire Cross

Fenrir was fairly bursting with pleasure when the shorter man agreed to play him. The guy seemed kind of stiff at first but he soon loosened up. Fenrir was fairly glowing with the pleasure of having such a worthy opponent. Garm might best him at fighting games, but his twin was no match for these games. It had been to long since he had competed against someone so good. The game came to an end with Teerce just barely beating Fenrir out. Fenrir laughed good naturedly and thrust a hand out towards Teerce, " Great game! I'm Fenrir Van Aesir by the way, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. "

Teerce blnked in surprise as he realised the man was right. They hadn't gotten to introductions at all yet. " Oh yeah, I'm Teerce Galisen, and um, you were awsome!" Teerce peeked towards the entrance once more, and, not seeing his date forthcoming, spoke again,"Do you want to play another game? Maybe... the arm wrestling one? Or we could play another round of this, I think you might beat me if we tried again." He had forgotten any shyness as he recognised a kindred spirit who was probably as good as he was on most of the games in the room. Not many people were, seeing as he worked here and had plenty of opportunites to master them. He almost bounced with eagerness as he hoped for a favorable reply.  



Tipsy Werewolf

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 4:57 pm
Trista walked around wonder square playing random games, and running into random people also. She sighed and headed to where there where less people. SHe stood there for a little while just relaxing and enjoying not haveing eneyone telling her what to do. She stood by her self, snapping her fingers, wich caused a small flame to occure, she did this a few times befor getting bored. She was suprised she even got a day off...Well..Her boss owed it to her, Trista needed a vacation, and after buggin her boss enough, she finnaly decided to let Trista go for a week or so, so Trista chose to come to the golden saucer, she had always loved comeing here..EVen tho all she really did was hang around the wonder square when it was less buisy. She chuckled to herself and started walking around agian.  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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