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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:31 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: King Stickler the 3rd
Race: Human
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Weapons: Great axe, duel swords, large shield and lance
Powers: skillful warrior and knight, slight control over force, jugernaught form

Bio: King Stickler the 3d rules over the kingdom of Kine. For the majority of his monarchy he ruled with a mighty fist. Although he was rigged with his rules and control over Kine, the people still loved him as their King. He fueled the kingdom through its 5th golden age, using the surplus of money strolling into the city to build a monopoly on most trades of the day. All of the hype in culture ran with flying colors through the city, that is, only human culture. The kingdom was known for its hatred and Stickler liked it that way. He fed to their hatred of all other races, continuing war with other near by kingdoms that was called home to other races until the entire continent was only a place for humans. Once it was finally annexed of all other races, Stickler announced the kingdom as one, the mighty holy land Kine. The Creators favored Stickler’s movement towards the value of specific races. They dubbed the human race as a higher race then most of the others that dwelled on Aeonce. After that King Stickler joined forces with Darth Gravear, Heavon 7, and countless other factions under one force known as the Omega Alliance. Their mission was to end the anarchy rising, the Dark Hand.

Personality: gentle as a king with loads of charm but a brute when it came to battle. He was well educated and able to think a few steps ahead of his opponents. Has a deep hatred for other races and usually can use that to boost his fighting skills against them.

Status: Dead  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:51 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Darth Gravear
Race: Elf
Age: 273
Gender: Male
Weapons: Scimitar, katan, bow staff, bow and arrow
Powers: extremely skilled in martial arts, beast mastery, status effects

Bio: Darth Gravear inherited the throne of Baji at the age of 113when his father left his kingdom to become a monk at the Fray Library. He took the throne with reform on his mind but was shot down by the large number of conservatives. The kingdom ade a vow to never feed off of the rich land they lived above. Darth Gravear proposed they took advantage of the rich minerals and resources flourishing on the soil of Baji. His proposal would of brought them to the most powerful and rich nation in all of Aeonce. They refused so he was left to rule a land he could not rule. Over the years he secretly, with the support of his nobles and guard, began to creep deeper and deeper into Baji where he could mine without anyone knowing. Like he knew they became rich and very much so quickly. For the longest of time the commoners of Baji lived poor and miserable lives by choice while Darth Gravear and his nobles lived the fat-rich life. After awhile he was discovered and the people moved to overthrow him and end the monarchy in Baji. His influence and power was too great and he ended the uproar quickly and quietly. The new generations of people came to except his ways. Now that the Dark Hand his risen, those that where known as Dark elves for rejecting Darth Gravear’s way of life have come to overthrow him again, so he joined up with the Omega Alliance to stop this rebellion.

Personality: easily angered and cold. Has brilliant ideas but has troubles putting them to words. Isn’t very patient and will go with the quickest way to get what he wants done.

Status: dead  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:12 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Vehemoth
Race: Tree Ent
Age: 87
Gender: Male
Weapons: beast masher ((sword))
Powers: solid state, poison element, jugernaught form, growth, over power

Bio: Vehemoth was once a man who fought alongside Mitus back when they where both younger and less professional. He was one of Gloria’s main guardians while she made her pilgrimage to Fray during the demonic rain over Aeonce. The eventually won but Vehemoth sacrificed himself for their victory. He was engulfed into the green demon the nested into Baji. Years pasted until he was reincarnated as an Ent. Now he fights alongside the Omega Alliance as a weapon, all he has ever known was fighting as like his famous words, “I was born with a serious of skills. I am no thinker, I am no builder, I am no charmer, but man can I kill. Why not live what I can do? What else is there for me to know?”

Personality: The definition of a guardian. Vehemoth is the kind of guy that will endure anything with you and for you. He is extremely loyal to no end. The kind of guy that can make you laugh in a moment of full despair.

Status: dead  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:23 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Volaris
Race: ghost
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Weapons: mage wand
Powers:black magic

Bio: Volairs came form an experiment conducted on the Fray Library. A bunch of monks under, Mitus’s guiding eyes, willfully sacrificed themselves in order to preserve a larger quantity of knowledge. What was created was an apparition that held all of their combined knowledge. The experiment was a success, noting that more then one soul can be combined into one for a stronger more capable being. Thus the creation of project Volaris.

Personality: is angered easily but seems extremely innocent about it. Hard to get mad at because he is very cute.


Status: dead  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:36 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Vossler
Race: Celestial
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Weapons: long lance with a large shield, bow and arrow, long sword
Powers: Angelic prayer, white magic, holy magic, knightly skills

Bio: Vossler is a general under Mitus who specifically leads his battalion of celestial Pegasus knights. He has worked with Mitus for years as the protection coordinator at the academy of heroes. Vossler now fights as apart of the Omega Alliance and leads his knights to glory.

Personality: loyal to his crew and hard headed. Very heroic.


Status: dead  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:57 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Whisper
Race: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Weapons: scepter
Powers: black magic, wizard magic
Level: 34
Over Drive: Silent casting
Description of overdrive: Silent Casting is a constant wave of spells that occur without any resrictions. After the posts that she casts it, it will continue to affect the target for two more of their posts. Damage is medium but conastant. the spell that chains is decided by Whisper. Once she uses it she is not comprimised in any way.

Bio: Whisper was one of Specters only friend growing up. She was enrolled in Mitus’s academy of Heroes while Specter was still young and the two got very close. She excelled in magic while he excelled in assassinations. Apart from his gloomy out look on everything, there was one person that could make him smile and that was Whisper. She graduated from the school and went to work for a charms company on Medagerith, leaving Specter behind. Years passed as she grew older but she never forgot about her child hood romance. Eventually she tried many times to make him happy with frequent visits to Mitus’s castle on Heaven 7 but Specter was never pleased. Something about him would never be filled and he was so bitter and cold about life he never let Whisper back in to change it. Feeling defeated she sought out another adventure to satisfy her dismay. She fought for her company to keep them out of war manufacturing for a few months before meeting a man the CEO hired to keep them out of their hands for good. The man’s name was Jade. He was a wicked shot and very quickly impressed this single bachelorette. All though romance was certainly not on this man’s agenda she tagged along with him to help with the security of the charms company. One day the company was overrun by the Dark Hand and all management was killed. Jade was able to save a few, including Whisper. They fought back what they had to before making a run for it, making them enemies to the Dark Hand. Knowing that they where wanted people, Whisper suggested they go and stay on Heaven 7 with an old friend. They staid there under Mitus’s protection until Mitus disappeared and the Heaven was torn down. Now Jade and Whisper travel together, trying to build them selves a stable life, while constantly running from a vastly growing faction. All Whisper really wants is to just make a family and slow down.

Personality: full of attitude. Has a harsh female come back every time, for everything she disagrees with. On the flip side can be very companionate and able to pull at people innermost fragile subjects and comfort them.

Appearance: http://zyklon8b.deviantart.com/art/Female-Mage-Concept-94255417
Status: Alive  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:34 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Jade
Race: Human
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Weapons: duel revolvers, sniper rifle, marine knife
Powers: extremely good marksmen, fastest hands in all of Aeonce.
Level: 41
Over Drive: air strike
Overdrive description: Air Strike is a very powerful overdrive that does tons of physical damage and some alteration of environment. It is only usable when there is no cover over head and any target under cover is unaffected for the most part, unless there is damage done to their cover. A huge airship flies over head with tones of powerful rocket propelled muscles’. It unleashes them at every available target and explodes on impact. Some explosions brake up the environment causing more damage.

Bio: Jade grew up on a small town on Medagerith with two siblings and his parents. His town consisted of four streets, three small ones that ran parallel, and one that connected them all in the middle. The tiny town resided off the outskirts of the main kingdom. While the town held on to their simple life the rest of the world quickly changed. The tiny town was unaffected for awhile until the kingdom called for a draft. Both of his older brothers where forced to join. Jade had never been opened to the thought of war and was the only one out of his three brothers to actually want to join. Unfortunately he was too young at the time of the draft and was held behind. While undertrained, his brothers went to war with the primitive natives to the land and where killed that same year.

When it came time for him to join up he was dead set on being the best. Jade quickly leveled through the ranks and practiced non stop. It became his life. Everything about the army and shooting he loved. He was loose with his women, got involved with drugs, and gambled all his money away. Despite his rebellious state he was so good that the chief of security had to promote him to general. For a few more years Jade served as general and led to a few victories. One night, while partying, a fight broke out and Jade was on top of it. He ended up killing the three by shooting them through the head. He was then revoked of his position and seen as an insane man. After being excommunicated form the kingdom he went back to his hometown. What he didn’t know is that it was ran sacked and destroyed while he was in the army. Now with no job, no skills to get a job, and being hated by everyone, Jade became a drunk.

He traveled from town to town as a drunken raging hobo, starting fights with every bar he went. He picked up anything he could to make a bit of money. He would shovel horse poop in stalls, whore himself to unsatisfied women, and occasionally kill. His biggest profit came form anyone that knew he had the fastest gun slinging skills in the world. He was then hired by a big time CEO of a huge company to work as head of security. Jade worked there for awhile until a huge fight broke out and ended it all. He killed a bunch of Dark Hand soldiers and took off with a girl he met named Whisper. The two became big time enemies to the Dark Hand and where sought out by any mercenary. They fled to Heaven 7, it was taken over, and now they run lose around Aeonce looking for a new place to hide each time. Jade picked up his bad habits again after awhile. He wasn’t so sure what to do with his life now that there wasn’t anymore fighting to do. All he knew was warfare and he searched for a place to fit in.

Personality: very easy going, adds a lot of his humor to the setting.

Appearance: http://reaper78.deviantart.com/art/Fantasy-Human-Gunner-120100290

Status: Alive  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:45 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Mitus
Race: Angelic Celestial
Age: 47
Gender: male
Weapons: KO ((sword of angels)) Excalboro ((spear of kings)) long staff, long bow, and a flute
Powers: Mitus is a blue knight but even more so a red knight. He has mastered all levels or magic in all elements and magesty. Mitus also is a summoner. He has invented a few of his own summons after learning the art of speaking the ancient tongues. These few summons are known as Metal Ifrit and Evening Star. Mitus also completes his abilities with a wide range of techniques in battle. He is a true master and teacher or the arts.

Bio: Mitus is a very wealthy kind of guy. He grew up to a very powerful family in politics of the Heaven nations or more commonly known as the Ancients Kingdom. At a young age Mitus was forced a good nature of manners and morals. He was sent away to a fine arts school ((school of fighting)) and graduated at the age of 12. He had high honors in all his classes and mastered many techniques in fighting. Mitus went on latter to serve in the Haven army and was highly awarded for his victories in battle. Mitus was assigned to command his own fleet by the age of 20 and ended many of the wars of his time. At the end of the old age Mitus took down the massive uprising of Dungeons all over Aeonce and restored the balance of life through the discoveries of the Rune Stones. After such a massive victory, Mitus was dubbed a hero of Aeonce, the highest respect a person of his social standing could receive. It was during this time of serves he met the love of his life and married the beautiful Gloria. Together her and Mitus created there own dynasty and ruled a part of the Havens land. It was on Heavon 7 they made their living and built the one and only huge hero academy. Here Mitus set up an entire school designed to raise new and stronger heroes to aid Aeonce in it’s time of need. With his variety of knowledge and staff Mitus made this possible and earned himself another title as well as Gloria becoming a saint. She went on to trying for profet but has yet to make it. Mitus’s real inspiration is to become one of the ancients and have a hand in the future of Aeonce for real. Mitus had three kids, his first was Talim (a pretty girl who now is 25 and is working on her fine arts degree) then came specter (an sly boy who was very rebellious and mastered ghostly powers and is only 22) then last was Toru (very pretty and only 16, she is going to become a diplomat and a very good one at that) This was Mitus’s family and they all live together in a big castle built up in Heaven 7. Mitus runs his dynasty there and controls life as we know it among them.

Personality: Mitus is very outgoing, he’s moral and mannered, always looks out for others before himself and will go through anything to finish the job. Mitus is determined and nice.




PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:55 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Tocan
Race: Goblin
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Weapons: a shield and an axe, two handed great axe, limited building supplies, sniper(Ogre)
Powers: alchemists, architect, decent warrior
Level: 4

Bio: Tocan’s the crazy, that’s what they called him. He was a display of slimy green goblin health at its finest, but only in the flesh. His mind on the other hand, that was a whole different story. Tocan was born in the baptism of physics and engineering at a very young age through his father’s work. Both of his parents were slaves to the noble lord of the land, Minachi Desevelle. The nobility made a fine wealth off of the minerals hid away within the vast mountain tundra of Barosuk. Tocan’s father, Rootwa, built and engineered the whole mining system and a complex one at that using the loads of cash Minachi put into it. Here, Tocan learned everything. He learned the different mechanisms that made things tick; he learned chemistry, physics, biology, all of these things from simply living through it. Tocan’s pure genius was never something to match with the scholars of the day that graduated from universities from all over Aeonce, but it was something none of them could match either because he could build anything needed in the way of survival. He didn’t need fancy machines or tools; all of it was done by hand.

Tocan grew up taking his father’s place. Watching his only son grow up into the same cycle he lived, Rootwa decided to do something very risky, he would try to free them from their slavery. He hated the idea that his son would live the same horrible life he was forced to live. So he made a plan. When all of the slaves went into the mine, Rootwa would rig the mining cars to brake in the middle of the track, forcing the slaves and their binding guards to continue on foot. The slaves knew those paths and caverns much better then the guards and used them to run off, hide, and attack from the shadows. One by one they killed the guards and fortified within the caverns. Although they had a slight advantage, Rootwa knew him and the rest of the slaves would not last against the endless waves of Minachi’s soldiers. He thought fast, feeling the deep pressure of the many helpless slaves surrounding him, one most important being his only son. He took his son aside and told him what he would do, told Tocan that he would sacrifice his own life, run into the caverns and meet the guard before they got to far in and distract them while everyone else ran free. Tocan didn’t really understand what his father was telling him until he handed something over. Rootwa untied a long pole structure that had always been worn on his back. No one had ever seen what was in it. All Rootwa ever said about it was that it carried his supplies for him. As Tocan slowly opened it, his eyes glowed with the mystery of the beautiful instrument that unraveled from the tubing. In his hands lied everything that his father amounted too. In his hands was his father’s life, a sniper rifle he engineered called the Ogre. Rootwa told his son to run, and shoot anything that followed him. Tocan listened closely to his father with tears in his eyes. Once the word was given, Tocan took off running down the caverns as his father turned and ran in the opposite direction.

It felt like Tocan had been running for hours. His eyes and ears where bleeding from the constant stress. The whole time he ran he could here gun shots and yelling, swords clinging and crying, explosions everywhere and things dying. Finally, without the strength to move on any further, Tocan fell against the ground in a daze. He began to see weird things, almost as though he was hallucinating. The walls would move, he could feel tings crawling from underneath his skin. The agony of his fear had driven him mad.

Then one morning, as Tocan awoke in a hang over of blurry emotions, he heard a voice calling, something was moving from down the cavern toward him from the way he had came. The voice called louder until Tocan noticed it was coming from his gun. He couldn’t tell if he was hallucinating or not and freaked out. He didn’t know what to do, quickly forcing him into another shock episode. He could hear the gun telling him, over and over again, ‘Run, shoot anything that follows, shoot anything that follows, SHOOT ANYTHING THAT FOLLOWS!’ With anxiety building, Tocan does as the voice says. He aims down the corridor through the scope, finds a mining car, and pulls the trigger. The power of the rifle cuts back with the force of the bullet breaking out of the long barrel and knocks Tocan against the wall behind him. The shear explosions of the rifle shot clear through the mining car and set the contents within it on fire. As the car neared Tocan stopped it with his foot and investigated to find with horror the contents was his very own father. Misery and sadness filled in but he very quickly found comfort as he heard the voice say, ‘It will all be okay from now on. We don’t need them. We have each other right. As long as you do what I say, everything will be fine!’ Tocan was perplexed; his twisted life had been ripped to shreds and then thrown through a blender. He had lost all sense of mind and while losing it, something else found it.

Tocan found himself wondering Barosuk, building wondrous buildings and notorious structures. All though he did have his moments of destroying all other competition, he was most of the Countries first choice. When the massive global civil war started up, Tocan built airships for the Omega Alliance and designed the military base, Roderick. He also mapped out much of the caverns his father built and shared it with the Collective, which he also sold to the Dark Hand when they settled in. Throughout the whole thing he remained neutral because neither side suspected anything from the insane goblin, which was exactly the way he liked it.

Personality: Tocan is a bit strange. Most would call him crazy because of his simple and alternate universe he lives in. All though he is very brilliant and can most of the time answer any given question, he seems distant at most times, as if not all there.

Appearance: http://mercuralis.deviantart.com/art/Never-Give-a-Goblin-Coffee-91181382

Status: Alive  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:19 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Muez
Race: Stone Golem
Age: 84 (young)
Gender: Male
Weapons: fist, land around him
Powers: control of the land elements, strong defensive skills, immunity
Level: 13

Bio: The gentle giants, golems, are a huge race of solid rock or other mineral humanoids. They mostly stick to themselves. They prefer the wild, away from the fast growing society that surrounds them. Here they live amongst nature as if they themselves where connected to it.

Muez was a golem but one in particular who had a strange circumstance. Golems are called children of the land because they are not birthed. Instead, golems hatch from mountains or oceans when all environmental ques are ideal. Muez on the other hand did not hatch when everything was ideal. He hatched during the night on a cold windy day. The consequence for such an odd occurrence instantly singled him out as an outcast. Muez was in love with the moon rather then in love with Aeonce. While all of the other golems celebrated the spring and brought life and beauty to the wilderness, Muez disliked it as if it was holding him back. All he wanted to do was be with one of the third moon of Aeonce, Diatelle (Die-a-tell-yay). This obsession drove him to leave his golem family behind and search through Aeonce for a way into the sky.

One day, while stalking about in the fields of Medagerith, Muez came by a caravan of soldiers who called themselves the Dark Hand. They told stories about taking control and getting rid of those who held them down. They told Muez how they would one day reach the skies, and how good it would feel when their oppressors could no longer stop them from shooting for the stars. Muez took them quite literally and joined their ranks to one day, ‘shoot for the stars!” He fought as a massive jugernaught, he was unstoppable. Most enemies Muez faced thought he was some sort of summon. The characteristics of being a golem gave him quite the edge. Golems could not die or be killed. Just like the land, it can never be destroyed; it can only change its face.

Over the years Muez grew in rank and fronted an expedition to gain support on the continent of Medagerith. As one of very few golems in the Dark Hand, his main job was to convert the other golems but they would have nothing to do with it. The other golems live a very passive life and do not partake in warfare. Muez took it as a threat to his life aspiration and drew motivation to fight many of them in battle. After many fights and victories the general Freavier (Free-a-vare) took notice and summoned an audience with Muez. The two talked about Muez’s dreams and ideas in a secret interview to promote Muez to general. Unfortunately Muez began to talk about his dream to be with the moon, the love of his life. He only reason for fighting for the Dark Hand was because of the false belief that they may be able to get him there one day. Freavier had no choice but to break the news to Muez, he told him that there was no way he would ever make it into space. Even if they built a strong enough space ship, Muez would still be too heavy to allow the ship to make into space. The news struck hard at Muez. It was hard for him to understand at first. He didn’t want to understand. He would listen to no one; no one would tell him what he could and could not do. Muez, out of anger, stormed out of the base, killing tons of Dark Hand soldiers trying to sedate him. He was unstoppable, enraged, and with no allies.

More time past as this giant nomad lurked through all of Aeonce in search for a way to reach his dream. All his life would be spent in search to make it to Diatelle. Some day he would get to her.

Personality: lonely and quiet. Mostly sticks to him self and doesn’t talk much to strangers. He is very protective of what he think is important. Having this gentle giant as your friend would be one of the best friends you ever had.

Appearance: http://thiago-almeida.deviantart.com/art/Moon-Golem-96832770

Status: Alive  



PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:16 pm
Gaian name: Joa-Boo
Character name: Specter
Race: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Weapons: Long knife, pistol, Levendeta((name of his long sword))
Powers: ghost((the power to go invisible, walk through, and flying))
Level: 168

Bio: ((needs edited))

Personality: dark, rebellious, loyal, suspicious(sp)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:19 pm
Character name: Roxer
Race: Rhinotrox ((rhino/ human thing))
Age: 73
Gender: male
Weapons: a large two handed hammer
Powers: invulnerability to practically anything
Level: 96

Bio: Roxer is among one of the last of his kind. The Rhinootrox have become extinct since before Mitus’s time. This one in particular wasn’t going to be hunted and sold for ivory, instead he became a bounty hunter and killed for laughs. Roxer hated being near people so fell into the dungeon business, raising and selling undead and mythical creatures. He was afford a place in the newly started Dark Hand and gladly joined up for his position. Roxer went on to becoming on of the most feared creatures in battle.

Personality: rough, hateful, lonely, fierce, mad, dark, and blunt

Appearance: Roxer is a large rhino looking creature that stands on two legs and moves like a human. He is wearing a full set of extra strong armor, some of the finest stuff.  



PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:21 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Sim 157
Race: Robot
Age: 200 Tara Bites
Gender: simulation of male
Weapons: high powered rocket launcher, Gatling gun, taser, saw blade
Powers: highly inelegant, can hack or assist building mods and weapons.

Bio: Sim 157 is a robot built by Tocan in the near future. He was first thought up when Tocan realized he needed more help with building Roderick back. Tocan built him out of the scrap pieces he could find and quickly assembled Sim 157. Sim was made to greatly assist Tocan in anything he needed help but didn’t have much power. Tocan carrries Sim on his back like a book bag unless he finds a use for him and supplies it with a battery. The batteries are usually a compound of some kind of acid found in a crystal deposit similar to the ones Tocan was enslaved to mine. While up and running, Sim does everything and anything Tocan needs him to, also known as Tocan’s overdrive.

Personality: any computed response that fits his programming, mostly assistance based
Appearance: http://betteo.deviantart.com/art/bad-and-rad-37-126795715
Status: alive
Level:2x ((x being Tocan’s level))  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:44 pm
Gaian name: Joa Boo
Character name: Roecaw
Race: Felinious
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Weapons: double Japanese Halberd
Powers: newly acquired warrior skills, some white magic and elemental magic.
Level: 2

Bio: Roecaw and his younger sister Perl escaped from their harsh position as members of their Felinious clan, Fichi. They both grew up under the strict law of the clan where conditions trained them to live a hostile life of fighting and scrounging for survival. In the elders of the clan’s defense, it was that very survival instinct built in them from the beginning that helped them make it through the Omega and Dark Hand war. Now that the war was over, Roecaw expected things to lighten up, but the elders made it out to seem like it was the lifestyle of their people. The Felinians would never know anything else other then their religion and warfare. Roecaw didn’t want to have anything to do with the imperialism the elders spoke of. He wanted to see the world, make a living, and someday know something other then fighting. One night, with his sister at his side, he fled from the village and out into the wild great plains of Medagerith. They didn’t make it far until a scouting party found them, forcing the two to fight for their lives. Leaving the clan meant betrayal to your own blood to the Felinians. The fight didn’t last long, after Roecaw killed one the others ran off to tell the rest. This single act made Roecaw and Perl enemies to their own kind and now all of them knew it. Roecaw didn’t spend another second dwelling on the consequences and took off further away, knowing that he would never return with a friendly glance. Now he was on the road, blazing his own trail.

Personality: Roecaw is mostly quiet. He is stern and fierce at times but has a soft heart for his sister. Many times he lets his sister talks and speaks through her when asked to speak. Slow to get angry and upset, Roecaw usually holds in emotions on an inner level that most people will never see.

Appearance: http://ashanti-whitefur.deviantart.com/art/Sunset-Warrior-96740330

Status: Alive  



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