What does Soquili mean?
• It means "horse" in Cherokee or Tsalagi, a language in the Iroquoian language family, spoken by members of the Cherokee Nation. The Cherokee Nation is the largest Native American tribe in the United States of America, with approximately 380,000 citizens as of 2021.
How do you pronounce Soquili and some other breed names?
• Soquili - sew-quill-eee
• Kalona - Ka-Low-na
• Usdia - Ew - Es - Dee - Ah
• Cerynei - ser-uh-nee
• Angeni - An - Gee-Nee
How can I get one?
• Soquili are available from events, auctions, raffles, giveaways and flatsales - keep an eye on the shop title to see what's going on. Smaller sales may not be announced - check out the Sales Stable regularly for monthly flaffles and other events.
Can I just have one right now?
• No.
How long do they take to grow up?
These aren't exact estimates. IRL issues can happen.
• The baskets hatch to foals from a couple of days to two weeks
• The foals grow up to adults from two weeks to a month
Can they breed?
• Definitely, check out the Breeding Information page.
How many babies do they have?
• Two is the standard for adult Soquili. Elders get three baskets, both occasionally have one more. (thus adults can have 2-3 and Elders, 3-4). The higher a Soquili's stats the better the odds of having an extra foal.
Can I sell or give away my Soquili's baby?
• You can give away your baskets to anyone you choose, but selling Soquili is strictly forbidden. Anyone found to have bought or sold a Soquili from anywhere but the shop will be blacklisted.
How do I get a mate for my Soquili?
• RP in the guild or thread. Bluntly asking in the thread is not acceptable. PMing an owner of a single adult is fine, just don't PM them more than once. You can also check out Lovers Rock.
Are Soquili RP required?
• No. RP is encouraged and is rewarded with increased stats. RP'ing is the only way to gain an Elder Soquili.
Who drew these?
• The Soquili lines were commissioned from Leelakin. Sirenz did the shading templates, and various other staff have done familiars & other breeds since.
How do I get a familiar?
• Familiars are obtained the same way as Soquili - you can also buy them in the Trading Post when one of the Familiar Colorists has open slots.
What does NPC mean?
• NPC means 'Non-player character'. For example, Tasunke works at the Trading Post and he sells cool stuff. No one plays him..he is just there to help. NPC's are the shop's "personalities".
I seen some Soquili with wings/horn(s)/other features! What's that about?
• There are many kinds of Soquilis- the most common resemble a standard horse, but there are Soquili with wings, unicorn horns, fish tails and other variations. See the Breed Info thread for more details. You can't get horn/wings/other physical features for your Soquili if they were created without them.
If a wind Soquili mates with a regular, will the babies be regular or winged??
• There is no way to tell until the baskets open - each foal has an equal chance of taking after each parent (and possibly a chance of being a crossbreed if the parents are of two different species, like Uni/Wind).
Can I ride my Soquili?
• I guess you could, but you would have to earn their trust first.
I want to affiliate with your shop! How can I do that?
• Soquili isn't taking affiliates at the moment.
Do you do pet trades?
• Sometimes - it depends on the individual colorists. Check out Back Alley Bribes for colorist status on Pet Trades, and whom to contact.
Can I have a job or be a guest colorist?
• We aren't hiring anyone else at this time. In the future, we will have guest colorists but we will seek them out...not the other way around.
I see that some Soquili are in the random main banner! Can I have mine in there?
• Featured Soquili are chosen by the staff, please don't ask to be added.
Can my foal flirt with another foal? Can we pick mates this early?
• Friendship or childhood crushes can happen, but you can't actually show them off as mates or a couple while they're still foals. Picking a mate for your foal while a foal, or looking for a mate, is prohibited and discouraged. Once the foal grows into an adult, there is a month long 'breeding' ban, meaning you can't enter raffles until it's been a month since it's grown, but you may start looking for mates.
Can I RP my avatar along with my Soquili?
• Yes you may, but in the world of Soquili all the people are Native Americans. Your avatar can decide which tribe they want to belong to or they can just live among the Kawani tribe.
How can I get a teepee? Why would I need one?
• If you plan to RP your soquili alot then a teepee would be a good idea. The Teepee Information Thread has more details about getting a teepee.
Can I buy a custom? How much do they cost?
• Yes you can buy a custom, but you must obtain a slot first - keep an eye on the shop updates to see when slots are opening. The price of customs varies greatly depending on the breed and edits of the custom. Prices can be found here.
Can I get a cosplay as a Soquili (or Usdia) if it already exists as an Usdia (or Soquili?)
• Yes! Cosplays are simply characters dressed up as a favored character or persona. This means no two cosplays are the same. If you want all the Links from Legend of Zelda, you can get them, but so can anybody else. Cosplays are no longer one and only one. . . . so go out there and get what you want!