High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:09 pm
✖Welcome✖ Welcome to my plot thread. I think the purpose of this place is self explanatory, so go on and read the notes, rules and my Soq's post to learn more about what is being offered here.
T.O.C o1. Welcome o2. Rules and Notes o3. Razi's Post o4. Funshine's Post. o5-15. Reserved.
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:10 pm
✖Rules and Notes✖ ::Rules:: o1. Please be nice and respectful when coming in to this thread. o2. You are here to ASK to partake in plots and RP, not BEG. o3. If you beg I will not consider your request or any future requests. o4. If our RP/plot fails/dies then I have the right to take it down and end it. o5. If o4 happens, and you get pissy with me, then fine, hate me, but do not act like a brat about it cause that will just make me note never to get involved with you again. o6. If you wish to ask about plotting please use the form provided in the Soq's post. o7. If you do not have time to guild RP, I may have Thread, MSN, Aim RP or backstory plotting in to consideration. o8. If you take up a plot, and vanish before it starts, I have every right to give the plot to someone else if a reasonable amount of time has passed. o9. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me or post here. 10. All rules are subject to change if I see fit.
::Notes:: o1. I am NOT a breeding whore, so do not think of this as a place to whore around. o2. If you want to take up a breeding slot then RP IS mandatory to see if the two will fit. o3. Do note, I have EVERY right to deny an advance if I feel the two will not click. o4. The only Non-RP required field is flings, though some MAY need RP if something important is needed for it. o5. Try to push and shove me in to anything and I will take a nice bite out of ya~ <3 Tis serious, I am tired of being pushed and being made to feel guilty. 8D
High-functioning Hellraiser
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:11 pm
::General Information::
Name: Razi Nicknames: Spot Butt, Flamegay, Raz Age: Adult Gender: Male Species: Regular Temper: Untamed JACKASS!
Personality: Being someone who holds an untrusting heart to those outside his own kind and is often seeing alone and distant, Razi hasn't lived up the best life during any period of his life. The orange stallion holds a great grudge towards humans since it was humans who ruined the land he used to live on and took those he held close away from him. Because of this, he tends to keep away from humans whenever possible. The only human he will ever trust is his "owner", the one who took him in and cared for him when he needed him most. Anyone else he will be wary of and keep away from as much as possible.
Razi's holds a bit of a loner and traveling spirit. By choice he prefers to keep to himself and be alone most of the time. Because of this he is often seen traveling around on his own, mostly near his home by the lake and around the mountains where he just walks around for fun and to dive in to his thoughts. However, if someone approaches him he will not turn them away, unless he dislikes them.
Besides all of this, he also holds a playful side, and also some sarcasm dripped here and there when needed. He will only show this side if he feels safe and open towards the one who approaches him. If he does not like them he will just show a calmer more knowledgeable side, or just be a pure a**...
::Family Information::
Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown
::Love Life::
Sexuality: Straight Current Mate: Hahaha! Breeding Status: o1. Millicent o2. --- o3. ---
RP Color: Orange PLOTS HE IS OPEN TO ANYONE ELSE'S PLOTS AS WELL IF YOU REALLY WANT HIM IN IT! ::Friends:: Razi is in need of getting out more and making some actual friends. He has many acquaintances and some small enemies here and there, but not real true friends he can rely on. Most of the friend RPs he has had have died off, so I would LOVE to actually have him meet someone and form a bond out of it. He is more comfortable around females since 99.9% of the soqs he has met have been female, but male friends would be nice for him to have so he doesn't drowned himself in estrogen... ::Ego:: Flamegay has quite an ego on him. If you think you can knock him down a few pegs you are always welcome to try. ::Ego Part 2:: After his run in with the character in part two, Razi’s ego and confidence will be torn down piece for piece, leaving him in a reserved and vulnerable state. I would like someone [friend, aquantence, or stranger] to come along and take advantage of his state. It will be their job to open him up, help him see his wrongs and or build him back up again. This is not an RP to completely change him. It is an RP to open his eyes and see he can’t be a complete jackass forever and all the time, or he will run down a dead end road. ::~o2 and o3~:: While Razi does have 2 breedings open [possibly, I don't know at this moment], they are not just free for "HE IS TEH SMEX, I WANZ TO THROW XXXSUMMERFACE AT HEEEEM!". You want a breeding, then EARN it. I am not just going to free for all throw them out. The female in question MUST RP with him, earn his trust, click with him, and make her way to the point of possible breeding. I would PREFER a lifemate, but if that doesn't come around, then..alright.
Note: NO FUNKY COLORS OR MARKINGS! I would like markings to be natural or something that will fit well with him. Color wise..natural, or something that fits well. I don't want something funky please. [size=15][color=orange]✖I WANT PLOTS/RP WITH RAZI![/color]✖[/size] [size=9][b]Link to the Soq:[/b] [b]Plot/RP Wanted:[/b] [b]What you are interested in:[/b] [Just a brief explanation on why you want the plot/RP and what you are interested in happening/your ideas] [b]Anything Else:[/b][/size]
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:12 pm
::General Information::
Name: Funshine Age: Adult Gender: Female Species: Usdia Temper: Playful
Personality: Funshine is a mare whom always have a skip in her step, her head in the clouds and fun beating through her veins. Though she is an adult in appearance, she is truly a child at heart and spirit. This is not to say she doesn't know the responsibility of living out in the world and surviving, but more to say she would rather see the world in an innocent playful mannerism. Her eyes are the eyes of a child. They are eyes that see everyone as a potential friend and good at heart when first glanced upon, though if someone is a threat or a jerk she will make a note of it, but still, the little mare will keep a smile on her face and act polite towards them.
::Family Information::
Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown
::Love Life::
Sexuality: Straight Current Mate: None Status: o1. Domino o2. Domino o3. Domino
RP Color: Goldenrod PLOTS SHE IS OPEN TO ANYONE ELSE'S PLOTS AS WELL IF YOU REALLY WANT HER IN IT! ::Friends:: Funshine is always up to meeting new friends, especially those of the Usdia variety~ Being Funshine, this little Usdia is always open for adventure, games, mischief and basically anything that can entertain her::Cracked:: Funshine has NEVER met a mean Soq in her life. Someone who can crack her rainbows and lollipop view on life would be interesting. [size=15][color=Goldenrod]✖I WANT PLOTS/RP WITH FUNSHINE![/color]✖[/size] [size=9][b]Link to the Soq:[/b] [b]Plot/RP Wanted:[/b] [b]What you are interested in:[/b] [Just a brief explanation on why you want the plot/RP and what you are interested in happening/your ideas] [b]Anything Else:[/b][/size]
High-functioning Hellraiser
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:20 pm
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:11 pm
High-functioning Hellraiser
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:12 pm
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:13 pm
High-functioning Hellraiser
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:14 pm
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:15 pm
High-functioning Hellraiser
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:16 pm
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:17 pm
High-functioning Hellraiser
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:18 pm
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:20 pm
High-functioning Hellraiser
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:21 pm