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Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:47 am

Hey, third time's the charm, right? <3

Gonna keep it simple again. When I've got a plot idea for someone, or a general muse for them, they'll be posted here. If you've got ideas for some of my though, I welcome you to take a peek at my teepee for anyone not posted here currently <3

Best way to contact me is PM or AIM (xeakfauxkae) since I'm not always speedy speedy to respond back to threads in here 8<;;;;;;;

I do prefer plotting over Rping sometimes, unless a plot just really hits home for me. A mix of plotting and Rping is also fun, since, to be blunt, I'm kind of sick of meet-n-greets that... never... END |D;;;;;
So if we plotted out how they met, etc., or did a time jump to later on when we could do somethin' a tad more interesting, I'd love you dearly 8'D;;; <3

I'll add whatever other randomness I think I need to later on ~<3

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:02 pm

A Knight's Blood

User Image

Name :: Arthur
Temper :: Stoic
Breed :: Second gen. Grounded
Family :: Father (Callan), Mother (Bella), elder sisters (Renesme, Fearthainn, Edana), younger brother (Calibor), younger sister (Searlait).

Personality :: Severe. Observant. Protector. Tank.

Sure he can smile, though they might be small and sometimes hard to see, and of course he can laugh... if you count chuckles. Arthur is less for games and silly antics, more for the strategic sharpening of his mind and strengthening of his body. He does not seek battle, but rather, will face it head on to instead act as a shield for others. That is not to say he can't be found mingling with other Soquili in a light conversation, chuckling at jokes or even briefly joining in a friendly competitive race. He in fact has developed a bit more of a competitive side, especially when it comes to sparring with his peers. Although victory is fun in those occasions, he still finds value in defeat if only for learning purposes.

When first meeting someone, he tends to come off as very... cold. Diplomatic, yes, but with very few (if any) smiles or laughter unless he is trying to console someone. He rarely speaks or acts without some level of obvious respect, though has been known to let loose a bit more once getting to know someone. Shared interests makes it much easier for him to chuckle or give a small smile, and excessive time with them makes it even more common for him to actually grin... never mind give an all-out laugh!

Arthur's a nice guy... he just tends to run a bit more serious than most.

Background :: -to come-

Love Status :: See United We Stand.

Looking for ::

A Shield for All, Companion to Few
xxxx"I will stay as long as you need me to, though I will eventually take my leave."

    Be it from another Soquili, or a random wild animal, or two-leggers, or whatever~! This can be a one-shot, or a long term, male or female. Shoot whatever at me, he just needs to start using his training for more than sparing and training 8<;;;; <3

Comrade in Arms
xxxx"It's a dream we share, and together, we will claim it as our reality."
  • Can be during foalhood or adulthood~ He is very much Callan's son. Arthur is a knight, born and true. Training with his father, it's just the start of his (hopefully) grand travels and lessons to become one of the new shields of the lands. During all this, he'll most certainly need to form at least acquaintances with other knights - young and old, he'll never turn down the chance to spar or learn something new. He values the lessons he learns from his peers and elders.

  • Foalhood plots only~ On that note, like I said, his training starts with his father. Eventually he is to go to Sweeny's Claude to further his skills... but anyone else got a tutor closer to the mountains in the mean time? Callan and Bella reside near the far left river (I can be more specific if you need such info), so any wanders in that area willing to take on a temporary student would be awesome <3

There's Darkness in this World...
xxxx"Just because I won't look for a fight, doesn't mean I'll ever back down from one if another's safety is at stake."
  • Foalhood only, MIGHT do this as an adult? ~ So Arthur's never met a Kalona. Or anyone evil/combative in a negative way, for that matter. I don't want him to get hurt (at least not yet, see next bullet for adult stuff), but for them to have a little spat and get a little banged up would be alright. How it all ends is up for debate - his elder sister, Edana, could enter, or one of my other Soquili to shoo away Arthur's opponent. Or perhaps the two just go away on their own terms. I donno. I'm open for suggestions on this <3 The meeting doesn't even have to be all fighting - they can chat, exchange points of views on various subjects, the pros and cons of good and evil... whatever!

  • Adult only ~ Depending on plots and time lines, I would love for an old enemy from his foalhood to return. Now, this can result in a few different outcomes. They fight again, and it's a tie; they fight, and the darker Soquili loses, or, Arthur himself is injured. This event can easily be a big key point in his possible plots, especially with how the various outcomes would affect him and his decisions (never mind who he'd need to see next... hellooooo nurse >>;;; )

United We Stand
xxxx"Join me in this life of honor and respect."
  • Alright, so Arthur's got himself this awesome plot with Nuc's Vez that he'll become a knight in the green king's court, or at least one of them -needs to work out exact detailing with Nuc- Because of this, I have two possible types of mares I would like for him. I'd like to make it clear now: I like edits. Arthur and his family are edited, so I'd like as much of a chance to pass on their traits as possible. At least mane and tail, or mane and some accessories.

    Also, this is a long term plot. No meetin' and greetin' and poof to breedin'. I REALLY want her to stick around for a while, especially to be a part of this kingdom plot. I'd be happy to supply as much information about it as I can if you're interested, and/or attack Nuc and Mind for more info. I'd also hope for all his breedings to go to a lifemate, since I'm really not seeing him as a flirt .____.;;;;

    • The Warrior Maiden ~
      Beautiful and deadly, this mare would stand beside him in the defense of the kingdom. They could have met as foals, or perhaps as young adults while Arthur still traveled and patrolled his family's lands. If neither of those suit the situation, they could have instead meet when Arthur begins his service under Vez.

      She will need to know how to fight! Armor edits are a huge plus here, but not required! It'd be awesome if they could spar now and then, and as for personality... no one evil 8<;; After that, any can apply since I'd be fine with chatting about it/throwing them into little Rps together to see how they match up <3

    • The Lady of the Court ~
      Another idea I had was a much more formal, political type of mare, someone who could deal with the politics of the court since... well... Arthur kind of sucks in this aspect. He's far more comfortable with guards and grunts than he is with the nobles, so he'd come to her often for help in how to deal with any delicate situations. Not to mention to know of any potentially useful information she might have gathered or heard about.

      Personality doesn't matter so long as it's no one evil, though I would think a more outgoing girl would be best for this, or someone more bold yet graceful. IDK.

      -OBVIOUSLY, information is subject to change based on plans Nuc and Mind have for whatever, so yeah. No promises everything will stay the way it is now <3;;;

If you'd like to Rp with him, but don't see anything there that suits your interests or needs... just hit me up anyways! I'd love to give him a healthy dose of interaction, though I do ask for maybe a little more than a general meet and greet, even just a little mini adventure or something to keep things interested. I can also throw in some of my other Soq if that interests you <3


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:10 pm

Devil of the Deep

User Image

Name :: Typhoid
Temper :: Sadistic
Breed :: Sixth Gen. Hybrid - Grounded, Skinwalker (Cursed), Kelpi
Familiar(s) :: He is often followed by rats, most of which are quickly killed by Typhoid himself.
Family :: Father (Beelzebub), Mother (Reila), younger brother (Anthrax).

Personality :: S-A-D-I-S-T-I-C. He's a ******** psycho. He appreciates few in this world, and sees even less as deserving of life. But to just kill someone would be... so boring. Instead, he loves to torture - perhaps scare them witless, lead them on a wild goose chase that ends in tragedy. Or he maybe he could be much blunter than that... make their death a slow, painful one, slashing and tearing and ripping them apart. It's so much fun... so much fun...

Now a rather large stallion into his young-adult years (19-21 in human) he has found himself numerous victims since childhood. Two-leggers have proven most easy due to their pathetic senses, though a few rogue Soquili have also fallen to his watery techniques. Those he tends to keep alive longer, torturing and "playing" with them for days on end before they finally croak. His fangs (not as large as a Kalona, but inherited from the same carnivorous blood that gave him his tail), hooves, and even his tail are perfect little weapons to use in this, though he has proven resourceful in using vines and stones and other such things from nature.

His favorite means of capture and slaughter is still the one most fitting to his appearance. Bearing the tail of a Kelpi, Typhoid has a great love for water, and the murkier, the better. He loves to jump in any body of the liquid he can find (though not as many will hide him as they used to), and is able to hold his breath for a pretty damn long time, especially now that he's an adult. It lets him lie in wait, safe beneath the surface, waiting for someone to close to edge, anyone, anything... and once he got what he wanted, once they lowered their heads to drink the water, Typhoid would lunge out, grasp onto their throats or a leg, and pull them under.

He rather enjoys drowning people.

He's also discovered it's a fun way to play pranks on people. Scratch that. Pranks are fine with lessors who prove to be more entertaining alive than dead. Slowly, brutally torturing someone to death is far more fun and exciting though....

Background :: He's the eldest son of Beelzebub and Reila. He's been insane since conception. He was later raised by said father after he took the basket and went along his merry little way, and then two Kalonas joined the mix - Masquerade and Enya, though mainly the latter. He. Is.... A little out there. Unless you're a Kalona. He's learned a nice heaping of healthy respect for the race, though personally views himself on the same level as them even if he knows better than to say it to each one he meets. Towards any other species he first views them as a toy or a meal, particularly if they're smaller than him, which... isn't too difficult for him to find. Foals need be especially careful, for should he decide he's hungry, they'd best have an adult in the area to help them fast. However, should a lesser prove themselves to be entertaining in some way (insanity, bravery, unique features, or some sort of interesting skill/talent), he might not be so opposed to keeping them alive for a little while.

Love Status :: See To Summon the Horde. Currently on hold due to a fling with Zul'Brin~

Looking for ::

Do Not Meddle in the Affairs of Demons for You are crunchy and taste good with ketchup a Perfect Target.
xxxx"There's this little game I know... how's about we play it... together~?"
  • WELL. He loves to scare the s**t out of people. And he kind of likes to beat the s**t out of them, too. How successful he is at this mainly depends on the other's skill in combat and if he's able to get a pretty good element of surprise going. Majority of his attacks against Soquili or two-leggers have been from dragging them into deep sections of rivers, ponds, even the ocean now and then. From there... well, if he kills them, it tends to be a slow, bloody one. If they manage to escape, he doesn't bother to follow. He'd prefer they spread the word about the monster in the water~

    I'd love for two possible options in this case: the first, a hero of sorts sets out to look for the thing that's been attacking people in the water, and encounters Typhy in one of the above mentioned places. They could either fight (preferably, we'd decide beforehand how this would go down) or trade insults, or whatever.

    Other option? A victim that escapes >8D <3
    I've seen plots in the past where they needed someone to kill off their Soq's parent, friend, whatever, so this could also be used for that if anyone's interested X'D~

The Bloodier, the Better.
xxxx"What can I say? Meat is just so much more... filling than grass~"
  • Typhoid has developed a love of meat. While he might not devourer the kill to the bone, instead hand it off to the various rodents that follow him, but he will openly state grass and other greens just don't taste right to him any more. His diet mainly consists of fish and other aquatic creatures, though the occasional deer, two-legger, and sometimes even unfortunate Soquili, has been known to be his supper.

    Perhaps someone stumbles upon him devouring a cute little rodent or something else that could be considered once cute and fluffy? Or just generally unsatisfying to the general populous? The encounter can either be positive (another potential hunter/killer) or negative (someone who clearly is anti-killers) or... somewhere in between?

To Summon the Horde
xxxx"He gave me my heritage, the least I can do is help him bring out his... and have a little fun of my own along the way..."
  • Beelzebub's main long term plot is to eventually bring together his demonic offspring and other powerful dark Soquili to do one thing and one thing only: summon forth his equally demonic younger siblings. More information will eventually be posted about that once I figure out the standing of other players in this.

    Typhoid's roll in all this? Well besides being Beelzebub's first born, he has also been raised knowing more of his father's blood is needed on this earth to complete the ritual. Best way to do this? Breed. Not with just anyone however, oh no. He grew up with Masq and Enya after all, the boy's learned standards! Someone powerful, someone beautiful... someone entertaining...

    OOC, I want someone with edits. Yes, I know, repetitive x.x;; Beelzebub is my baby, and I've got a lot of ideas for him and Typhy, so I'm gonna be picky. That being said, I don't want someone jumping Typhy just for pretty babies. Yeah I want epic looking spawn, but this family is going to be pretty heavy in plot (eventually) so I don't want someone coming in, grab a basket, then totally ditch the family/plot T____T;;;

    I've also got a love of non-hair tails, but that's just me being weird and loving how Typhy flicks his around/uses it like a whip x'D Not a requirement, just me saying.

    IC, Typhoid would sooner gnaw off his own leg before going anywhere near someone holy, goody-goody, or anything else that's not considered corrupted or evil. The only exception to this would be if he was able to take the baskets back to his family to corrupt, twist, and destroy the offspring's minds so that he might teach them to be a next generation of bloodthirsty killers. So really, the badder, the better. Someone with good genes and looks are a plus for him, as for race... any can apply, but most likely regulars won't go over too well with his lover, Enya, a male Kalona he was raised and taught by and is now his unofficial mate >____>;;;; Not to say it's impossible, just a warnin'~

If you'd like to Rp with him, but don't see anything there that suits your interests or needs... just hit me up anyways! I'd love to give him a healthy dose of interaction, though I do ask for maybe a little more than a general meet and greet, even just a little mini adventure or something to keep things interested. I can also throw in some of my other Soq if that interests you <3
[/ copypasta from Arthur ]
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:11 pm

The Prankster's Choice

User Image

Name :: Mimiteh
Temper :: Impish
Breed :: Sixth gen. Grounded
Family :: Father (Iniabi), Mother (Amaris), elder brother (Ipitko)

Personality :: She's a cheeky little thing, full of giggles and smiles. And pranks. Lots of pranks. Not to inflict damage on others, but rather just simple entertainment. At least that's how she intends them. Snickering as her mother searches high and low for her bracelets Mimi had earlier taken and hidden. Though when Amaris begins to worry a bit too much about having misplaced them, Mimi would return them to their normal place and all would be well again.

She loves to confuse people and see them rack their brain for answers, but she's not at all one to enjoy seeing others in pain. Once a prank goes so far, she'll do what she must to set things to right and end the prank. As of yet, this hasn't included much beyond returning "misplaced" items to their proper places, or directing a lost individual to their real destination instead of the fabricated ones she used to see just how lost she could get them.

Nothing dangerous, nothing life threatening. Just simple fun, that's all~

Even if not everyone can see it that way. Mimiteh really doesn't understand how people could become offended or think she's being cruel by playing these pranks. In her mind, so long as no one is hurt (physically, anyways, as she does not believe there is any other kind of injuries that can be made) then there's no problem. Frightening others, tricking them into trusting her only to turn it around and use it against them - she does not comprehend just how wicked she's actually being.

All she knows is she's laughing and smiling and having quite a fun time.

Background :: -to come-

Love Status :: Too young 8<

Looking for ::

Open Your Eyes to a New World
xxxx"And you are~?"
  • Mimi is brand spankin' new, and I'd love to just get some general interaction for her now while I try to figure out some plots for her/figure out her personality more <3


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:12 pm

Aaaaand this is a reserved/done post! Don't think I'll need more than this, haha ;;; <3
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:07 pm



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:46 pm

TYPHY IS UP ~<33333

And Arthur is grown~ o3o <33333
Still trying to figure out plots for him, but I'd LOVE Rp with the new adult <3333
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:41 pm



Unsealed Gatekeeper


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:23 pm

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:36 pm

Updated Arthur and Typhoid's plots~! >w<

Gave Arthur a romance plot if anyone's interested, same with Typhy's, though that's not a big thing for him right now.

Gonna be editing the post after Typhy's to include information about the demonic herd plot I wanna do <3


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:47 pm

I happily volunteer Aveshar for a role in Generation Bloodthirsty of Typhoid's plots.. ^.^
It can be before his foals arrive and Aveshar will probably talk of his doves -the mares he interacts with-... Kanti might be brought up, as she is a groundwalker but seems to be devoted to him for some strange reason, she's the mother of the foals. Soon they'll arrive and she'll become a Skinwalker in an effort to impress, but of course she loses her memory so they'll wind up fighting instead. Depending on how the foals are, they might later run into Typhoid -previous associate of their father and yet another dark influence/ very scary stallion useful in warping what values they have left. ^.^
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:53 pm

Kai, Typhoid sounds like Dradneos... just much more blood thristy. xD We should have the two meet and confer about their common job of extending the family lines. xD


Devil NightShade

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:55 pm

Enya stamps his approval on that plot ... only the best shall do for -his- lover. dramallama
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:15 pm

Oooo~ that'll be neat 8D <33333
Typhy currently has no opinion of foals other than a) food, or b) to-be-powerful continuations of his bloodline |D;;;

It'd be nice for him to meet a Kalona who seems so down to earth o 3o
That, and maybe explain the draw of women beyond baby bearing XP;;;

Omai... poor Kanti D:
Wonder how the kidlets will grow up with a mom and dad like that... x'D;;;

Totally fine with them finding Typhy though <3 He wouldn't harm them due to most likely heavily respecting Aveshar, plus I think Aveshar is gonna have a breeding with Masq, whom was one of the Kalona who was around most of his life x'D <3
He'd be more than happy to teach them some of his various dark ways >D <3

EDIT: WHEN DID YOU TWO POP IN? XD;; <333 -snuggles Kette and DNS'-
@ Kette - My ONLY concern is he's not too friendly towards regulars, so we might wanna figure out what's gonna happen in the Rp first o.o;;;

@ DNS - |D;; <3333 -snuggles-


Unsealed Gatekeeper


Surefire Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:04 pm

Aveshar's view of foals has gradually evolved to be a little bit more then his previous conceptions. He wound up with a kalona/flutter cross that was more Kalona who annoyed him to no end, but intrigued him... She was quite the little hunter and made him see that foals could be useful, intelligent members of the species... And yeah, he's all for the powerful continuation of his line.. XP
I wouldn't say Aveshar is exactly down to earth, but he's more sane then most. And he'd be happy to talk about his doves and some of the Kalona or other intriguing mares he has met...
The foals will assuredly be most interesting... It would be nice to have some plots as far as who they meet when they're out of the baskets.. I'm hoping to swing in Shade or Masquerade as well.. *ninjas and goes to nom DNS*
And yes, AvesharMasq are plotted, so there will be again another interesting bunch of kiddins... And yay! ^.^
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