Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:57 am
Welcome to my plot thread!!
I decided to make a plot thread because I would like to become more rp active in the shop. I haven't given my soquili the rp they deserved so I suppose it's better late then never, no? For the plots, I have some ideas in mind though not much so I'd be willing to hear what ideas you have in mind or if there is a soquili that you think would fit into your own particular plot idea, I'd be willing to hear what you have in mind.
I'd call myself a semi-lit rper, but then again it depends on how my muse is feeling, but don't expect me to write a one liner and call it a day. I will have to give you a warning though, because I started my second semester in college, I may be missing from time to time; school comes first and all. So I apologize for making you wait on our rp and I'll get to it as soon as I can. Also, another reason as to why I may be a slow replier is because my muse just isn't in tact; I'm just human and these things happen! D: If by any chance, the you feel as though the rp is getting boring or you decide not to post and disapper forever, please tell me; my feelings won't get hurt. We can either end the rp right then and there or we can come up of ideas to make the rp not so boring.
If interested, just reply to this thread or just write me a PM; either way works with me. :3. I'm looking foward to rping with you soon!
Table of contents: -Mawuli Plots -Acquanetta's Plots -Zesiro's Plots -Puakai's Plots -All other posts reserved.
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:49 am
Mawuli TOP PRIORITY **Note: Mawuli is all grown up though I still would like to rp him as a foal. I can do both foal and adult rp as well.
Name: Mawuli Meaning: 'God exists' Nickname: None Gender: Male Posting Color:#69A5CD
Type: Part Regular, Part Flutter; 4th generation Parents: Tsukurika x Zesiro Siblings: ??? Mate: None Offspring: None
Personality: Mawuli is generally an even-tempered, laid back type of guy.He is also an adventurous sort who is sometimes devious in his adventures and gets into trouble. <---I'll work on his personality more later because even I'm not even sure how else to describe him. He will probably evolve more through some rp.
.:.Foal.:. -Family: I would like Mawuli to meet his family and have just some general interaction with them. Whether it be with his Uncle, Grandma or even Grandfather, it doesn't matter. Maybe they can have their first meeting as though the soquili was just meeting a foal. Then later on, Zesiro talks to one of his family member's and mentions that he just happened to have kids and that's when they find out that Mawuli is his son; or maybe just by the looks of it the soquili has an idea that perhaps he is Zesiro's son and doesn't say anything about it.
-A thing for wings: Aside from inheriting his father's good looks, it appears that there was one thing was passed down to his brother and not him; wings. Mawuli has a fascination with soquili who are so lucky to have wings whether they be flutters, winds, angeni, and yes, even kalonas, he has a hidden jealousy towards his brother and an envy towards others. I would like him to meet a winged soquili(s), it could be any of the ones mentioned, and just befriend them. However, if it was in the case of a Kalona, I am not looking for someone to attack him or do any harm to him; if it was possible at all, the Kalona would have to be somewhat on the friendly side.
-Friends: Mawuli wants friends!!! They can be of his age or adults, either way in finding a friend is fine with him. I don't really have a plot here but...we can make something up. Just friends in general is what I'm looking for xD
-Foal-mance: I would like Mawuli to meet a filly (can be any breed, a soquili with wings is perfered though not nesscassary) and develop a little crush (even though he's going against the rule that girl's have 'coodies'). This filly in question can either be a friend he is growing up with or just a complete stranger. Perhaps if things work out, his little crush can become more once he's grown.
-Have an idea? I'd like to hear it. :3 Since my brain is out of ideas right now and if you just happen to have an idea, I'm more than happy to listen and hear what you have in mind!
.:.Adult.:. Currently, I do not have any plots for him as an adult as of right now. Seeing how I have never rped with him yet, I would like to continue to rp him as foal to get an idea of how his personality is; then I will continue on from there and see what I can do with him as an adult.
Breeding's 1. open 2. open 3. open
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:28 pm
Acquanetta Name: Acquanetta Meaning: 'Ocean' in Latin Nickname: None Gender: Female Posting Color:
Type: Seathi; 2nd generation Parents: Puakai x Bonaventure Siblings: Tazanna Mate: None Offspring: None
Personality: Acquanetta, to put it bluntly, is a b***h. She is self centered, conceded, stuck up and selfish; a seathi that defies the standards of this breed. If it has nothing to do with her, then she doesn't want to hear it and isn't interested. She craves attention and will seek for it whenever she gets the chance; and will make sure by the end of the day, you will know her name and who she is. Acquanetta isn't afraid to speak her mind and if she had enough listening to the soquili she was having a conversation with, she will tell them to shut up and let her talk now; after that she will leave or begin to talking about herself.
-Clique: I would like her to make friends with a group of other seathis (perferably female) and form a clique with them; she being the 'leader of the pack' of coarse.
-Friends: Not only will this tie in with the first plot idea for some seathi, I would like Acquanetta to meet some friends; weather they are fake friends or those who are willing to actually be her friend is fine with me.
-Enemies: Obviously, with a personality like that, there is bound to be some enemies in her life. And that is just what I'm looking for aside from friends. :3. What I had in mind is that the enemies could be ex-friends of hers, could be a seathi that was in her clique but then left because she didn't like the way she was treating them and now is their enemy, or could just be a new seathi that she meets and becomes her enemy.
-Have an idea? I'd like to hear it. :3 Since my brain is out of ideas right now and if you just happen to have an idea, I'm more than happy to listen and hear what you have in mind!
Breeding's I see her being more of the fling type though if there is a mate out there that would like to be serious with her, I'm sure we can work something out. 1. Open 2. Open 3. Open
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:27 pm
Zesiro Name: Zesiro (co owned with Kamiki <3) Meaning: 'first born' Nickname: None Gender: Male Posting Color:
Type: Flutter; 3rd generation Parents: Kit 'n Kaboodle x Dichali Siblings: Chowilawu Mate: None Offspring: Mawuli and ???
Personality: On his cert it says Impetuous, however, I have never rped Zesiro before so his personality is completely up in the air. I will probably work his personality out through rp and get some sort of idea.
-Family: I would like some family rp with Zesiro. Anyone from his family would do :3. Also, perhaps like in Mawuli's plot, he can mention that he has two sons since he really isn't all that tight with his family right now.
-Friends: Zesiro needs friends, yes?
-Have an idea? I'd like to hear it, since I really don't have anything in mind for Zesiro as of right now besides the basics. :3 Since my brain is out of ideas right now and if you just happen to have an idea, I'm more than happy to listen and hear what you have in mind!
Breeding's 1. Mine; Used with Tsukurika 2. Closed- Kamiki's 3. Closed- Shared breeding
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:49 pm
Puakai Name: Puakai Meaning: 'Ocean flower' Nickname: None Gender: Female Posting color: Teal
Type: Seathi; 1st generation Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown Mate: None Offspring: -Bred with Bonaventure: Tazanna and Acquanetta -2nd breeding: -Final Breeding: Grandchildren: Kaito, Takida, Melinda
Personality: Puakai is a easygoing and overall friendly type of seathi. She enjoys the tranquility of the ocean and wouldn't mind swaying back and forth with the changing waves as her tail is wrapped around a piece of seaweed all day. Of coarse, the sound of the adventure tickles her fancy all the same. Like many seathis, she lives up to the standards of being a bit timid and fragile; though she tends to stash her timidness away in order to find the courage to open up and make friends.
-Mending a broken heart: Puakai had perhaps made the worst decision in her life; she had met a lovely seathi by the name of Bonaventure and together, they had a one night stand resulting in babies. While Puakai really didn't have feelings for the male at the time, she is beginning to feel as though this all could have been avoided and being a single mother is taking a toll on her; it's hard enough trying to raise a daughter on her own but a disobedient brat is even worse. She just needs some one's shoulder to cry on, someone to comfort her in this time of need and just someone that she could talk to. This seathi/soquili could either be male or female, doesn't matter and would ultimately be classified as her 'best friend.'
-Friends: Just like the rest of the herd, this girlie needs some friends.
-Family: I would like some family rp with her, maybe. I'm still not sure about this one. I'll probably have a self rp for this one but I'm still not sure. I would like her to meet her other daughter and have a little chat, caught up on things and so on.
-The new man: I suppose this sort of ties in with the first plot lists. Perhaps things can look bright for Puakai. I would like her to meet a male that doesn't mind that she has children already and would be willing to play the father figure in her daughter's life(Acquanetta stayed with her mother while Bonaventure took Tazanna). This would require some moderate rp and perhaps even a lifemating, if all works out well. This seathi can also either be a friend of her, perhaps one of her friends in the 'mending a broken heart' plot, or another seathi that she meets later on in life.
-Have an idea? I'd like to hear it. :3 Since my brain is out of ideas right now and if you just happen to have an idea, I'm more than happy to listen and hear what you have in mind!
Breeding's 1. Used with Bonaventure 2. Open 3. Open
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:13 am
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:14 am
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:15 am
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:16 am
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:17 am
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:36 pm
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:20 pm
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:23 pm
Hey hey! Would you be interested in some foal RP for Mawuli with my girl Syrea? She's energetic and cheerful, and pretty much just wants to make friends. She can blabber forever about all the different kinds of wings she's seen on Soquili and whatnot, it could be cute. xD Let me know! PM is probably the best way to get ahold of me if you want to do an RP.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:41 pm
I sent a PM already; let me know if it got lost or something xD
Other than that, Mawuli is all grown up! I'm still looking for foal rp with him, just to get an idea on what I would like his personality to be and to built character; though I am more than happy to rp him as an adult =)
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:24 pm