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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
[LOG] Unnecessary Dramatics [Persephone x Sewti] [FIN]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:54 am
AIM Log -- Krysin & Felyn
Persephone & Sewti

Persephone was not in a good mood. She was tired, dirty, and worst of all, she was lost. There was no one around to tend to her needs - to tell her that she was pretty and that every god envied her for it. She should have stayed at home, back in the Pridelands, with Shani and her sisters. It was pointless to have gone out looking for a mother that did not want to be found. In all her months of searching, she hadn't turned up a single clue as to her mother's whereabouts.

And she had enough of it.

This was it! She was giving up, throwing in the towel. She was not going to leave this very spot, because doing so would be pointless. She'd just get even more tired, and eventually her pelt would turn brown from being so dirty - her gorgeous, beautiful white fur, ruined!

Persephone screamed in agony. Oh, this was the worst, the absolute worse. Would a god come down from the heavens and smite her already? She wanted this to be over! With a loud whine, she flopped down onto her side, staring uselessly into the sky, waiting, waiting...

It was no god that came, and the creature that showed up certainly wasn't interested in spite. No, the lioness who had heard the scream of agony was actually no so different from Persephone at all. White pelt and pink eyes - the only difference was the scrolling flowers and the mask markings she sported.

That and the look of pure and utter confusion written across her face.

Sewti had instantly turned and trudged quickly over the sands at the sound, leaping over dunes to get to that agonized creature. Only, when she reached her, she found that she didn't really appear to be in any danger. Still, she couldn't be screamin for no reason at all could she? Best to find out!

"Excuse me?" she ventured politely, head tilting slightly to the side, "is everything alright?" Where in the world were all these lionesses coming from?

"...Mother?" Persephone airily inquired as she stared up at the other lioness. She didn't feel threatened by Sewti's arrival, and she had no idea why she just asked if the lioness was her mother. Really, she looked more like her mother than her actual mother. Ghali, she had been told, was a steel blue, and Persephone hardly resembled her. This lioness, though, was white like her, with more intricate patterns on her fur... but nevermind. This wasn't her mother. Pity. Did that mean she would have to keep on searching?

Persephone groaned helplessly again, burying her face in her paws and begging for anyone to end her agony. She had searched so long! Her feet were so sore, and oh, there was sand getting into her pelt. That meant water wasn't too far away... could she drown herself to end her pain? Oh, that sounded like a lovely idea! It would be a beautiful death for a beautiful, stunningly gorgeous lioness.

She turned her attention back to Sewti, eyes wet with dramatic tears. "Nooo!" she declared loudly. "I am not! I am dirty, and sore, and lost, and lonely! I am so many bad things right now, that even my face isn't going to be pretty by the end of the day!"

Sewti looked slightly taken aback by the dramatics, which was saying something for her. Not only was she hard to affect but she also had one of the most dramatic mates known to the world. Still, it was her job to help others and she supposed that's what she'd do - even for a little drama queen.

Muses help them if she ever met Nili.

"Well, I suppose it's lucky for you that you found our pride then, isn't it?" She managed to show a smile for the girl, and even made it slightly comforting in nature. She tried, at least, because Sewti really wasn't good on the feminine and motherly front - she'd only gotten better after her cubs were born. "We're a sanctuary here, of sorts, and if you need shelter and food and rest - well, it's the place to be!"

Now if she'd just stop crying.

She sniffed back her dramatic tears, though didn't seem willing to get up from her position on the sandy beach. No, she would remain sprawled there, as if the life was draining out of her, until she was satisfied. Persephone was almost angry - she had spent so long, had tried so hard, to find he rmother, and nothing had come of it. If anything, she had just wasted some of her most precious youth! Persephone had left when she had just hit adolescence, and now she was an adult.

She could have spent that time finding a handsome boy... or handsome boys. Oh, yes, boys. Persephone wanted them all to flock to her, to recognize her beauty and her cunning. Being alone in the roguelands had only led her to meeting creeps that sent her running in the opposite direction. There was no knight in a shining pelt to come to her rescue...

Oh, how her life was amounting to nothing.

Persephone sniffed again, and stared hopelessly back down to the stand. "It is the only luck that has struck me so far! You don't know, you don't know how much time I've wasted! I have done so much for nothing!" Oh, yes, she was full of dramatics. "But, I have given up. I am done with it. I will cleanse myself of its memories, and start anew. I will have no more of it!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:56 am
Sewti sighed and turned to look at the ocean boredly as she listened to the little rant. Nili could be like this on his worst days when he was feeling particularly dramatic. It wasn't anything she hadn't dealt with before, that was for sure. After all, their cubs had been even worse - little whiny Nilis were terrible.

"Yes, food," she said finally as the girl seemed to pick up on something sensible. She turned to looked back at her and drew in a deep breath as she steeled herself to give the speech she felt like she had given so many times before over the last week. "You're on the Kizingo'Zaa pridelands - it is sanctuary to all. Food, water, shelter - we provide everything you need so long as you abide our rules while you are here."

Was it really that hard to just suck it up? Really, where did dramatics get you?

Persephone put her dramatics on hold, instead deciding to listen to the other lioness. Really, the prospect of a decent meal was more than appealing to her. Persephone had never been the best of hunters, and she had made by in the roguelands through scavanging and catching small prey. A real, decent meal was sounding good to her... along with the promise of water and shelter.

She wanted to take a dip in a pool of water, to remove the sand from her pelt that would be too annoying to lick clean. Oh, these lands sounded so nice! All she had to do was follow some rules, which probably wouldn't be so bad... But then, at that moment, Persephone came to a much-needed realization. "Are there boys here?"

Oh, Sewti was definitely going to have a hard time with this one. Persephone's mind was full of dramatics and material needs. One of those material needs was boys, lots of boys, to fawn over her and praise her... "I would like to hear the rules, too. If you have boys."

Sewti could have laughed right there, she could have fallen over on the spot and laughed until her insides hurt. For the first time in a long time she was irritated that she had to represent the face of the pride to strangers. As it was, she just managed to keep it to an amused smile.

"Yes, we have lots of boys here. Lots of royal boys," she intoned, flicking her tail with an amused shake of her head, "my own sons are around here somewhere." If she didn't know any better, she could have sworn this girl was her long lost daughter, so similar was she to Nili. That would be impossible though, since she was sure she wasn't that much younger than she was to begin with.

"The only rule you really need to worry about is not committing any violence within our pride. We shelter anyone, no matter their past, no questions asked, as long as they don't commit any acts of violence within our borders." She waited for the girl to answer, then she'd take her to a watering hole where she could clean up. She figured that was probably important to her - it was always important to Nili.

Royal... boys?

Royal boys!

Persephone's demeanor immediately brightened, as if some god had gifted her life again. She made herself sit up, shaking the sand from her once-pristine white pelt. There were boys of stature here, and it was always greatest when boys of stature fawned over her beauty. It made her feel more appreciated, more loved. Oh yes, there would be plenty of things here to make her want to stay. This was her dream home!

The boys at the Pridelands were all boring, all the same. Most were getting fat because the rest of the pride provided for them. The boys here would surely be different, would surely be better looking and more worthy of her appraising eye... "Good! The boys back at home were so dull, you wouldn't believe it." She shook her head at the memory. "And there were so many girls around trying to steal the attention from me..." Ah, that encouraged an unhappy frown. It was a good thing she left! Persephone did not deal well with competition.

"Oh, I wouldn't hurt a fly... well, not on purpose anyways. I'm not a lioness of violence." She could break a nail, and then no boy would like her. Persephone was a lioness of words, of empty threats and insults. She had never been in a physical scuffle, she had boys to be her champions, anyways. "Thank you, really. I was about to lose all hope! Everyone in the roguelands are so... unfriendly. It is nice to find a place like this."

"Good, I'm glad you understand then," now Sewti was beginning to wish she hadn't found this female at all. Sewti didn't do the female bonding thing. She didn't talk about boys. She didn't talk about pretty things. Where the hell was Nili? "If you're ready to come to the pride, I can show you to a nice watering hole where you can wash up?"

She was still managing to smile, but she wasn't sure what else she could say to this girl. She was a bold creature by nature and at this point she was very, very close to saying something that might be considered rude. Instead, she simply managed a forced: "Well, the pride here is small, so most of the females are related to a lot of the boys. We rely on rogue blood for mates."

If she could just take her and dump her off, they'd be done.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:41 am
Ah, yes, it would be best if she could get cleaned up before meeting new faces. She didn't want to make a bad impression, and she prided herself on being pristine, perfect. Persephone liked to imagine herself having an almost otherworldly beauty. The boys at home told her as much, and certainly contributed to her opinion of herself. "I would appreciate that," she replied enthusiastically. Persephone wanted to be clean, wanted to be able to attract the attention of every eligible bachelor in the pride.

"Oh, well, then it must be very good that I have arrived!" It took her a few minutes to realize what she had said, and immediately she blushed modestly. It was probably one of the few moments she'd be embarrassed by what she was saying. Of course, she wanted to attract the boys, but to go so far to say that... Oh, oh dear. How embarrassing! "I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry. I am just happy to be here. I really like the area, and you seem so nice!"

Persephone was surely making a bad impression, and what if one of the boys she liked ended up being this lioness' son... She'd be in so much trouble!

Sewti actually managed to spare a small laugh for the girl, calmed from her sudden anxiety of raging beauty queens. At least if the girl could be embarassed that meant she couldn't be an asbolute monster. She'd feel a little less guilty now for setting her loose on the boys in the pride.

"It's alright, don't worry, I'm sure you've come a really long way to get here," she nodded her head in the direction she'd come from and half turned that way. "If you're ready then I'll take you that way. You can get cleaned up and get some food to eat."

She quirked a brow as she waited for her to get up and follow her, her tail flicking in her patient lingering.

"I've come all the way from the Pridelands. I haven't really been moving in a set direction - I was looking for my mother, who left when I was a cub. But... I haven't even heard word of her. I've decided to give up on it. I don't want to keep chasing her until my fur turns grey." Without further prompting, she began to follow after Sewti.

"Ah, I don't think I caught your name, though! I'm Persephone - you can call me Sephie if you'd like." Oh, she was one to talk. She was also one to make boys chase after her, and gossip until one's ears fell off. But, deep down she was a good lioness. She was young yet, and one could hope that she would mellow out in a year or so.

"You are so kind. I am grateful." Ah, maybe praising Sewti would cover up for her earlier blunder.

Sewti could only chuckle softly, slightly amused at this turn of conversation. "My name is Sewti, I'm the protector of these lands," she turned to look down at the other lioness as she began to walk, her paws picking out her way along the sands with practiced ease, "and these lands are happy to welcome weary travellers."

With a simple sigh, she turned her eyes up ahead and narrowed it on the horizons. "You should find it pleasant here," minus the fact taht she'd go crazy - but sewti really didn't feel like talking about that right now to be honest. There was no telling how that girl might react to it.

"I hope that you find comfort in the lands."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Sewti," she replied softly, walking almost companionably by the older lioness' side. Persephone was beginning to think that she would very much like to stay here. It wasn't like the Pridelands, crowded with lazy lions and boys she had grown up with. This was someplace new, exciting. It had different depths than the Pridelands had. Now, once she got a good look at the boys here, her decision would really be made.

But, ah, maybe even if the boys weren't so great...

Persephone hummed softly, looking rather content. "I think I will. I think this is the place I've been looking for. It's a nice alternative to finding my mother." She followed Sewti, for now just to the waterhole, but in essence, the lioness was guiding Sephie to her home, inviting her - it was an invitation that she wouldn't turn down.
[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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