Welcome to the home of Beejoux and her soquili.

Bao's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 12%

Bonsai's stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 9%
Stamina: 10%

Christabelle's stats
Strength: 7%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 10%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 10%

Chromaggia's stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 5%

Dubaku's stats
Courage: 5%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 9%

Dirge's stats
Strength: 10%
Courage: 6%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 5%

Dmitirria's Stats
Strength: 74%
Courage: 82%
Speed: 81%
Intelligence: 77%
Luck: 84%
Stamina: 79%

Habibi's stats
Strength: 40%
Courage: 42%
Speed: 34%
Intelligence: 36%
Luck: 36%
Stamina: 38%

Hēi ZhēnZhū's stats
Strength: 12%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 9%
Stamina: 6%

Mera's stats
Strength: 38%
Courage: 35%
Speed: 42%
Intelligence: 36%
Luck: 38%
Stamina: 40%

Os de Blanc's stats
Strength: 29%
Courage: 25%
Speed: 30%
Intelligence: 29%
Luck: 29%
Stamina: 27%

Padmaraja's stats
Strength: 38%
Courage: 42%
Speed: 35%
Intelligence: 39%
Luck: 42%
Stamina: 38%

Privet's stats
Strength: 50%
Courage: 51%
Speed: 45%
Intelligence: 48%
Luck: 51%
Stamina: 46%

Rai's stats
Strength: 20%
Courage: 22%
Speed: 16%
Intelligence: 20%
Luck: 15%
Stamina: 22%

Rafiki Earthstrike's stats
Strength: 9%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 7%

Topher's stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 4%

Xiao's stats
Strength: 18%
Courage: 20%
Speed: 15%
Intelligence: 21%
Luck: 17%
Stamina: 20%

Zahraa's stats
Strength: 86%
Courage: 85%
Speed: 86%
Intelligence: 84%
Luck: 89%
Stamina: 91%

Zombie's stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 12%
Speed: 7%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%
The Teepee
They all live in a clearing.