My Teepee!
Now, on to the herd~ This is gonna be really simple. Just going to post the Soq's cert and the general type of plot I'm looking for. And whether or now they're open for romance/mating. XD

Plot Ideas:
- Fights
- Creeping others out. XD
- Odd friendships with other strange/scary Soq's
Open for: Romance, mating - has never bred before. I will probably be pretty selective with a mate/romance for her. Someone that goes well with her color and edits! And personality :B
Current: A Full Moon Brings Out the Crazies with Nykto
And Who Are You? with Shalar

Plot Ideas:
- Family RP!
- Friends
- Perhaps some enemies...?
Open for: Nothing in the way of romance. She has a lifemate!

Plot Ideas:
- Family RP!
- Friends
- Enemies? Maybe someone makes fun of his lacy pretty wings XD
- I'd love for him to meet some more flutters~
Open for: Romance, mating - has never bred before. Not as picky with him, though nice colors would be good~
Dante Sparda

Plot Ideas:
- Rescuing damsels! Or even other boys. XDD
- Flings. Lots of flings.
- Meeting his brother ... someday!
- Fighting 'monsters/demons'
- Making friends~
- Starting a 'demon-hunting' business with some others. A herd, perhaps?
Open for: Romance, flings - has bred once before. So he just has two actual breedings left and I'll probably be kinda selective with those. But flings for plot purposes, or just random are a-okay. XDD

Plot Ideas:
- Friends
- Enemies (maybe someone trying to get back at his dad?)
- He may or may not join Dante's 'business' if that gets started up XD
Open for: Nothing in the way of romance! He has a lifemate~ <3

Plot Ideas:
- Friends
- Enemies
- Might want a few RP's for mating-plot things~ Will need to plot with Jynk about this 8D
Open for: See below~
Planned: RP with Jynk's Darkspine. Possible Very probable mating!

Plot Ideas:
- Friends
- Enemies
- Are there any other FF Soq's? It would be fun for him to meet them!
- He's another that might join Dante's 'business' if it starts. lol
Open for: Nothing from me! Seph's in charge of this~ XD So talk to her if you're interested :3

Plot Ideas:
- Friends
- Enemies (someone could hunt her down because of her grandfather (Dante)) maybe
- Might want a few RP's for mating-plot things~ Will need to plot with Jynk about this 8D
Open for: See below!
Planned: RP with Jynk's Hephaestion. Possible Very probable mating!

Plot Ideas:
- Friends
- Enemies (Ally Soqs? XD )
- Other thiiiings? Idk. Might be fun to run some kind of plot where he wonders why he's so much bigger than almost everyone else. lol
Open for: Romance, flings, mating~
Current: A Chance Meeting with Ambrosia

Plot Ideas:
- Friends
- Enemies (Horde Soqs maybe?)
- Anything else!
Open for: Romance, flings, mating~
Current RP: Impressions with Arthur

Plot Ideas:
- Friends
- Enemies
- Meeting other WoW Soqs! Since he's technically a Twilight Runner 8D
- Anything else!
Open for: Romance, flings, mating~
Current RP: A Meeting of Markings with Jinse