There were many things on the mind of the war councilor, but in all honesty with the relative peaceful atmosphere of the pride at current he had allowed himself to relax. Especially when there were more tantalizing things to focus on, such as the lovely female he had encountered a few days prior. Her sharp tongue hadn't diverted him, infact her challenging spirit only intrigued him more. He would have the purple pelted beauty's name, and he knew exactly who would know every name in the pride. He headed up towards Bwana's den to share a boring report that all was well, the groundlings apparently weren't going to rise up and slaughter them all in their sleep. He still didn't trust the strange outer lions, but he was going to have to learn to endure them graciously enough to not cause problems.

Still the report didn't really matter much, he just needed an excuse to get the lovely and mysterious females name. Once he described her he hoped Bwana would be able to give him the information he required, then he would hunt her back down for another round of playful banter.

Bwana sat down on the floor, frowning as he thought about the queen. She was so much the same lioness that he had known as a cub. What was he supposed to do with her? Half the time he wanted to run around and play with her, but the king in him knew it wasn't possible. How was he supposed to gain respect from his subjects while he was pouncing his lady and acting like a fool?

No, he had to act like a ruler. The kingdom didn't even know he had taken a mate, for the most part. Not yet, anyway. Maybe she would be angry with him, but there was no stopping their games in the seclusion of their own den. Which he was waiting for her in, currently.

Hearing someone come in had jumped his hope, only to quickly squash it moment later. Not his female. Quiet the opposite. "Oh..." he muttered, trying not to have his disappointment linger in his tone, "hello, is there something to report?

Ardeshir almost jumped when Bwana did, for a moment his heart had raced ready for an attack. It was a sad state of affairs that he worried that Bwana would discover his act of...well he wouldn't call it treachery but others might. Still he merely raised a brow keeping his rush of adrenaline to himself. "Waiting for something my lord?"

He sat down making himself comfortable, he had always been secure of his position. He often had to remember not to talk to Bwana as a cub though, he was after all King now. "I came to simply give the report, all seems well and calm among the groundlings. Things are restructuring nicely, the nobles seem to have settled down a bit. There has been no rumor of any serious discontent, but for the usual petty squabbles and complaints. Still it might be best to soothe any who are worried, perhaps arrange for some new acts to be performed for the nobles? It might soothe some bruised egos." He offered his advice with the casual tone of one used to being heard out all the way. His advice for battle had always been crucial and as loathe as he had been to give it he had always felt it worse to sabotage his pride to spite the tyrant king.

Bwana sighed, his tail flicking against the dirt floor of his den as he gave a slight nod of his head. "Yes, someone, actually. But that's not important..." was he supposed to tell him about Kal? Maybe it was the proper thing to do, making his relationship public and all. She was the new queen of the pride and no one even knew about it yet.

It just seemed so awkward to talk about. Maybe he would just let the gossip-loving upper class see him with her and have things go from there. They would be able to spread the world for him rather easily.

And happily, too.

"That sounds like a good idea," the king replied, "I'm sure the entertainment will help them feel more like they used to. It might be nice to get some smiles here in the kingdom again." He would have to speak to the players. See what productions they had going on at the moment. Maybe there was something there he could use. Something... romantic.

"Do you need anything else?" he asked after a moment, "forgive me, but it seems rather strange for you to come all the way here with nothing to report."

"It's my duty to keep your informed of even the most banal and trivial things, a report is a report after all." He quickly retorted before sighing and giving a soft sheepish grin. "Forgive me, in truth I did have some ulterior motives in coming my lord. You see there is a lioness returned to the pride who's name I am most curious of finding out. I thought certainly you of all would know the name of every subject in your domain?" He looked at Bwana curiously, hopefully.

"She is most lovely..." He proceeded to describe the female, unknowingly matching every feature and color to the queen. Not that he had even been informed that they yet had a queen, such information might have saved him from his current blunder.

Bwana couldn't help but smile as he listened to the lion go on about the female he had taken as his mate. Oh, God, how was he supposed to break the news to the poor fellow? He couldn't make it an angry sort of retort. No, that would give the impression that he was territorial. Kal would hate him if he tried to 'claim' her as his own. Still, he didn't exactly want other lions sniffing around his lady, either.

Catch 22.

"Ah... yes..." he awkwardly muttered after a moment, keeping his eyes from the male, "I have seen that female around. She was a friend of mine, you know, when I was a cub. She left the pride shortly after me, I believe. Are you interested in her? What would you do... if someone else had already taken her as his mate? I hear she's already got a male." Was this breaking the news easily, or taunting him?

It was such a fine line.

The way Bwana skirted around made him curious, it sounded as if this female had caught his eye as well. He should defer and allow his King a clear path, but part of him still saw Bwana as a young foolish prince. He didn't want to let him simply sweep in and have the female unchallenged. He decided to act a bit more casual and see what the Kings true intentions were, then he would decide.

"Ah well, I was just curious as to her's always good to keep abreast of new information. She didn't act as a claimed female, I doubt very much she has a mate, or if she has been toying with one male perhaps she toys with them all." He gave a soft chuckle and a wink that was meant to share the bond of males. "But of course, if she has no desire to continue flirtations I would never press her majesty, have no fear." He wanted to at least assure Bwana he wouldn't take advantage of his position to do anything dishonorable. He had loathed those who did so during the tyrants reign and now that it was all over he only wished he had been brave enough to shed more ignoble blood.

Bwana wasn't surprised to hear that she hadn't acted as a taken female- even if they hadn't been frighting at the time, she would have been as casual and flirty as ever. Something he was going to have to get used to, or kick out all the males in the pride to prevent from happening. Considering how much work the later seemed to be, he decided to focus on the former. Still, accepting was no simple task when she wasn't just a flirt- she was a pretty flirt. So the chances of hooking males was even more possible than ever. Frowning, he took slight offense on the behalf of his mate at the idea that she liked to play around with males. Play with their heads, maybe, but she was only loyal to one.

Him being the one.

"That, at least, I'm glad to hear," Bwana replied lightly enough, pleased to hear his war council wouldn't try anything funny. Still, he couldn't just leave it there, could he? It felt like he was now keeping this a secret from the male, which, really, wouldn't go over very well in the long run. Everyone and their mother would soon know the female and who she was in love with. They weren't whimpering adols hiding dates from one another- they were adults. High ranking adults! Bwana knew he needed to start acting like one at some point.

"Uh, about this female," he added after a moment, as awkward as any adol he said he wasn't anymore, "Kal is my queen. Or, rather, she will be..."

Ardeshir nodded his features a bit more serious, he might not like Bwana very much but he didn't want anyone mistaking him for the abusive type of nobility that had reigned supreme in his fathers time. Besides he had come to respect the younger male a bit, after all he had reunited the pride, despite including the forest dwellers. He could see things returning to a state of calm and happiness, even plays being arranged and put on. Yes perhaps he would come to like Bwana after al-what? His ears pricked and he looked at the other male in mild shock.

Kal? Her name was Kal? Now what was he going to do, he knew her name but it was hardly a victory because he now also knew she was in the kings sights. Worse Bwana was claiming her as his queen! His eyes narrowed on the younger male all earlier charitable thoughts gone from his mind. "Oh? Is she aware of your intentions?" He asked softly his voice less warm then before.

"Fully, I dare say," the male replied, his tail swishing back and forth uncomfortably, "she's a bit cross with me right now, which I fear she's using to her advantage, but she knows how I feel about her and I know she's going to forgive me... eventually. I'm sorry if she was leading you on. She was probably... venting some frustrations. She's really not like that normally, I'm fully to blame." He felt like he was the young kid telling a misgiving to his father. Well, to a normal father, not to HIS father. Watching the other, he tried to make himself look as calm as possible.

Sometimes it was hard to remember he was the one who had more power- he felt like he should be begging forgiveness.

"I... um... am at a bit of a loss for words at the moment," he said looking anywhere but directly at the male he had been speaking to, "I hadxn't suspected something like this would happen..." the curse of his pride, perhaps- a place where drama liked to unfold around them almost constantly. Or maybe it was just some kind of cosmic joke? Either way, he was ready for a resolution of some kind.

"Your incredibly confident she'll forgive you and decide to become your queen. What if she decides another male would make a more suitable mate?" It was phrased as a delicate implication, and yet Ardeshir knew it might come off sounding like a threat. Still he didn't intend to simply let Bwana swoop in lay claims that the lovely Kal might not appreciate. What if she was feeling upset or pressured, what if she didn't want to be Bwana's mate? Shouldn't he do the honorable thing and defend her against any ill intents Bwana might have.

The male was nothing like his father, yet Ardeshir still feared the corruption would only take time to reveal itself. Perhaps he ought to have more faith in Bwana, but it sounded like he wasn't going to take no for an answer from this female. " that something like this has happened perhaps it reveals the ladies displeasure, if I were you I would do my best to make amends. She's quite lovely and not only deserving of a king but a male who will give her the care and attention she merits.

Bwana smiled. "Oh, yes, she and I have a very... unique relationship with one another. She understands more than I think I know myself, really, and I the same for her." He shrugged his shoulders, keeping any apparent displeasure over what was being said to him to himself. He didn't mind if Ardeshir wanted to try and impress Kal, if only because he found it admirable that the male was thinking from Kal's perspective and not his own. "If Kal decides on another mate, then I'll respect that. Her choice in lover is not for me to decide. I just know her, that's all."

He watched the male a moment, before sighing softly. "You can continue to pursue Kal if you desire to- but I'm not going to be responsible for any heartbreak. I don't control your heart any more than I control Kal's. She's her own lioness. And you're right- she does deserve someone who will care for her and give her all the attention she should ever need. If that ends up being someone other than me, so be it." Still, he was fairly confident it WOULD be him.

Which was the only reason he was being agreeable. If he thought she might actually find herself more interested in another male, things might have been a bit more hostile. Even so, he felt some of the hairs along his spide start to rise.

"Naturally then if your relationship with her is stable I won't look to rock your loveboat..." Ardeshir certainly didn't intend to try and steal her away anyway, but maybe she could use a friend when Bwana annoyed her. Besides maybe seeing Bwana is a good light, trying to understand why Kal thought he was a good mate or a good king would help him appreciate the young male a bit more. As it was Ardeshir second guessed the king a bit too much, he knew it wasn't right but he was an old timer he couldn't help it.

"Your most gracious and confident, I can assure you I won't pursue the queen for anything beyond friendship. You may however which to formally announce her before any other males get ideas." He was surprised that Bwana was reacting so calmly. Again he had a kind thought, maybe Bwana was a bit more responsible and intelligent then he had given him credit for. He knew the king was doing his best, and he really didn't deserve to be so badly scrutinized, seemed he'd have to try being a bit more amiable.

Bwana smiled, nodding. Good: he didn't really want to have to fight with him for his lady, mostly because he was older and a lot more experienced and could probably kick the crap out of the purple king. More than that, he was supposed to trust his war council. Wondering if the male was going to steal his woman would probably make things in the pride run less smoothly than they ought to.

It would be awkward.

"Friendship is always welcome," he replied lightly, "by her and by me as well. I'm sure she would be happy to get to know you a bit more." Even if it did make him just a little uncomfortable to think about. Kal was... Kal. A different breed of lioness. If he got her angry, he imagined she would do anything to get back at him. Not ANYTHING, anything, but at the very least the illusion of it. Just to drive him up the walls.

"That's true," he said after a moment, "I will make an announcement. If Kal wishes me too. I wouldn't want to upset her..." again. "Thank you for the advice. It seems I can always turn to you when I'm in need of something."

Yes, he would try not to judge the young king so harshly, it was obvious he was trying. He could recall his own youth, a jumble of confusion and emotions and uncertainty. He wasn't young anymore but he still experienced all those feelings time to time. He might have enjoyed his brief flirtation with Kalenda, but he would have to go back now and make it clear he wished only for friendship. He was getting on in years perhaps it was time for him to find a suitable female a settle down. His days would no longer be filled with war after all, he could relax enjoy some plays and do his duty to the king.

"No, we wouldn't want her upset." Ardeshir chuckled amused at least that the new queen would keep the king on his toes. He sobered a bit at Bwana's words and tipped his head. "Of course your majesty, it is my duty to always be here should you have need of me or my advice." He was again struck with a sense of guilt over misjudging the young king. Youth was not a crime, the things that Bwana's father had done, those were crimes. He couldn't continue to harbor ill feelings towards Bwana for a past that hadn't been his fault.

"If that is all your majesty..." He stood and nodded his head again before deciding to depart. He would wait to seek out the queen, allow Bwana to speak with her first and patch up whatever rift they currently had.