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If you own a god or goddess and would like for them to have unique/special powers fitted to their domain, please read the information here, fill out the form, and post it in this thread. If you do not apply for your god's powers here you will not be able to have your god use powers in roleplay outside of the basic powers that all gods share. If you feel like you need more information about gods, their domains, or their powers before you apply, please visit the God Information Thread.

If you do not wish for your god to have powers specific to his or her domain and only want to RP him or her with the basic god powers shared by all gods, you do not have to apply here. However, please do not RP anything but the basic god powers or you will be reprimanded. Repeated offenses will result in OOC consequences.

User ImageGeneral Information
Each god has a specific domain and he/she is the living personification of that domain; the god is a representation of mortal belief in that object or concept. Some domains are very broad, while others are very specific, and the powers held by that god has will reflect this. For example, the god of plants will have power over all plants but the goddess of roses will only have powers over roses. However, since all gods have approximately the same amount of power, this means the god of plants powers are spread out across all of the plants in his domain. In essence, if both the god of plants and the goddess of roses try to do something related to a particular rosebush at the same time, the goddess of roses will 'win.' If gods work together their power is magnified, of course, but there aren't many gods that are known for their fondness of working as a team. All gods were created when their domain was: as a consequence, there are very few new god souls.

There are three types of powers among gods: shared/universal god powers, temporary god powers, and one permanent god power. Please note that you are not required to have your god have temporary/permanent powers at all. If you do wish to RP them with temporary/permanent powers, however, they must be OKed beforehand.

  • Powers shared by all gods:
    - Flight
    - Teleportation
    - Shapeshifting and/or illusions over only themselves. This can be for an indefinite period of time.
    - Longer lifespan than mortals
    - Influencing offspring so that the god's genes do not show. They will look like their mother/mother's family or father/father's family entirely. They cannot, however, do more than sway the current genetic makeup of the cub, suppressing the god's genes in the breeding. If anyone wants to do this in breeding, they must make a note of it in the breeding form and post it in the Gene Suppression Thread so that other owners may see it later.

  • Temporary god powers:
    All gods can have up to 3 temporary god powers. The key difference between a temporary power and a permanent power is that the affected object/mortal will return to their original state, unchanged, after the effect of the power has worn off. Temporary powers have a fixed duration, and may last anywhere from a few seconds up to 3 days.

  • Permanent god powers:
    Each god can have one 'long-term' power, which can leave a permanent effect on an object or mortal. While it doesn't necessarily have to affect another SoA's coloring/breeding/growth image, it certainly can! However, this power must fit the god's particular domain. IE, the goddess of birds could change someone into a bird, but it would make no sense for the god of water to do this. This power may be used once every two months, and can only be used with the permission of the affected SoA's owner. To use this power, the god owner must post in the God Used Powers thread, with the RP proof to back it up. It may be used on anyone, regardless of how you obtained your SoA.

  • Affecting others with powers:
    A god's powers can affect any SoA, including other gods, but the other owner must give their consent. If you choose to have your SoA affected by a god's permanent power, keep in mind that it is permanent - getting a curse/blessing removed later can be very difficult! The original god won't necessarily be inclined or able to remove it, and finding another who can could be tricky; it is theoretically possible, however, if they have an appropriate domain/power.

  • Mortal forms:
    While all gods appear primarily as lions, and breed as lions - breeding with lions produces, of course, more lions, and breeding with other felines produces the corresponding hybrid - they may put on an illusion of being another species. These are referred to as 'mortal forms' and, for SoA species, you may custom an unlimited number of mortal forms for your god; however, they may only breed as one of them (in addition to lion). So while your god may be able to don the illusion of being a wild dog, a cheetah, and a ratel, you must choose one alternate they can produce purebreds of. Because gods have already produced a significant number of hybrids, we feel it would be too much of a retcon for them to be able to produce purebreds with every species.

  • Earning new powers:
    If you want your god to have additional powers beyond the default set, three temporary powers, and one permanent power, you can earn them through extensive RP. 15 complete RPs (following the same length rules as breeding RPs) will get you a new temporary power, of which you can acquire a maximum of two extra. 25 RPs will get you a new permanent power, of which you can acquire a maximum of one extra.

REMEMBER to keep your god powers RELATED to your god's domain. Also, if your god has a broad/parent domain, keep in mind their powers should be more general than those of the sub domains.

If in the future, you want/need your powers to change for whatever IC reason, please contact staff and we will work it out with you to do so. We understand that as more gods are added to the list, reworking might be necessary.

If you're a current god owner with concerns about a power application posted here, please PM the mule, and we'll work with both parties to find an agreeable solution.

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User ImageThe Forms
If you're ready to get our powers approved, choose the appropriate form below and post it in this thread. We'll be picking through these and approving them as we can, but please understand that this does take time. When we get to your form we will send you a PM. If it is approved, the powers will be posted in the Approved Powers Thread and you won't have to do anything else. If your powers need more tweaking before they can be approved then we will work with you to adjust them appropriately, until they fit.

Powers that have been previously approved under either of the old methods do not have to be re-approved; they are grandfathered in.

**If you need to tweak/revise your powers, please post a new post here in this thread. We ask that you do not edit your previous post, as this will help us when we go through this thread. Thank you!**

Form One is for all new gods, and any gods that don't yet have approved powers.

[size=14][b][color=darkblue]Form One[/color][/b][/size]
[b]Who were you required to get your powers approved with?[/b]
[b]Did all of them approve these powers?[/b]
[b]Did you change your powers at all from the ones discussed with the mule when you started questing?[/b] (If yes, please note what was changed when you post them below.)
[b]Temporary Powers:[/b] [Up to three. Be very specific with what they can do/can't do.]
[b]Permanent Power:[/b] [Only one. Be very specific with what they can/can't do.]

Form Two is for anyone who wants to gain a new power for their god.
[size=14][b][color=darkblue]Form Two[/color][/b][/size]
[b]Are you applying for a Temporary or Permanent Power?[/b]
[b]Describe the new power in detail:[/b]
[b]Links to RPs:[/b] 15 for Temporary, 25 for Permanent. These may be RPs you've used for breedings or rebirths, but you can't reuse them if you apply for another new power (so if you want one of each, you'l need a total of 40 RPs).

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*Power Approval is handled by Cajanic and Ecavi, with assistance from Meep and other staff when necessary.