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[PRP] A Lie Becomes Truth (Nyota, Tamu & Maua)[FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:47 pm
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The last few weeks had been interesting. It was hard to tell at times whether Maua wanted to kill her or not. The lie she had told her parents to have them leave Tamu alone had been a desperate one, yet it had certainly worked. Since then the guards no longer trailed her every move. In fact Nyota now had complete freedom to come and go as she pleased. The majority of her time had been spend out with Tamu, and Maua didn't see to mind all that much. Sure there had been a good number of anger glares as the purple lioness would leave the den or return after being gone for several days at a time, but that was no different than normal really.

The time with Tamu had been great, and the taste of true freedom was like nothing she had ever experienced before. No more lessons, no more making sure to be back at the den on time. It had all been like a dream. But then something happened. Something Nyota had not entirely been expecting. Well actions had consequences did they not. And while Nyota was certainly no expert on the subject she did find a sort of odd irony in the fact that her lie had now become the truth. At least what she believed was the truth. She would need to seek advice from a female who had gone through this before, but who was there to talk to in the pride that had. Her mother had, and well she couldn't think of any others, but then again Nyota had this bad habit of not really paying attention to the other pride members all that much. Which left talking to her mother.

A shudder ran down her spine. The last couple of days she had spend within the pride as she was almost afraid to see or talk to Tamu. What if he wasn't happy? Well too late for that. Laying in her parents den Nyota sighed heavily. Eventually her mother would come back from her duties and then they could talk - though chances are it would also involve some yelling.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:50 am
Maua was looking forward to a nice calm noon break, she'd finished her morning duties and had some time before she had to look after a couple of afternoon chores. What he didn't expect to find when she walked into the den was Nyota - typically her daughter was long gone by now, perhaps it was morning sickness...a thought which gave Maua just a bit of smug joy, served her right really..going and getting pregnant with some filthy mud spattered rogue.

"Not feeling well?" she questioned in a tone which relayed that thought - though if one listened carefully enough a small portion of actual motherly care would be revealed. Nyota was still her daughter and no matter how infuriating she might be Maua did still care about her.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:58 am
When Maua entered the den Nyota instantly sat up, not really sure if she was about to be yelled at or kicked out. Of course her mothers question knocked her off guard. "Yes...no...maybe." Damnit why couldn't she even answer a simple question. But now that she was here Nyota wasn't entirely sure she would be able to ask what she wanted to. If only she could just blurt it out like she did that lie it would be easy. "Mother, can we talk?" She asked in a quiet voice.

Taking a deep breathe to prepare herself for what she was about to say Nyota looked at her paws. It was easier to talk to her paws then to her mother. "How do you know if your pregnant?" Well that wasn't exactly what she wanted to say, but there was no way in explaining the lie that was possibly now the truth until she knew.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:09 am
Ah so now she wanted to talk - perhaps she'd finally come to her senses and decided Maua's advice had been worth listening to all along - maybe this 'mistake' had been the catalyst Nyota needed to get her life together...but of course that was probably to much to hope for.

None the less she could hope and so she bit back the automatic 'so now you want to talk' response she'd been about to spit at her daughter and considered her question - although it was a somewhat confusing question to begin with. Shouldn't she already know the answer to that if she had told them she was pregnant before hand? Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she sat down. This was going to put a real damper on her 'quiet noon beak'.

"Well I would think you'd already know the answer to that Nyota" She told her with a slight huff "But to humor you - you begin to feel different, sometimes sickly though your not ill and moody when you don't have a reason to be, obviously you start to gain weight - it's really different for each mother to be honest"


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:19 am
"How would I know when before it had been a lie!" Nyota stated lifting her head up to look at her mother in the eyes. It wasn't something she liked to do as Maua normally had some sort of angry stare shooting her way. "I told you and father that so you would leave Tamu alone." Letting out a breath Nyota glanced off to the side for a moment. "It had been a lie." Her voice was quiet but she was certain her mother had heard her.

That defiant and rebellious side of her kicked in again and she returned her gaze to her mother. "And now it would seem that it was fate that I am to carry Tamu's cubs." And I hope they don't have a lick of purple on them, was the part she didn't add. The last thing she wanted was for her cubs to be forced into the life of a noble.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:30 am
Maua's eyes brightened slightly as Nyota told her it had been a lie - a lie! there were no cubs forthcoming! She nearly crowed with joy, She still had a chance to make Nyota a proper noble...and nearly as quickly as those hopes were raised they were dashed against the cold hard rocks of truth.

It might have been a lie at the time - but it wasn't anymore and Maua's eyes darkened almost instantly to black thunderclouds of fury... She wanted to cream and yell and throw her daughter out of the den permanently for giving her fleeting hope and then destroying it... but it was the middle of the day and many of the other lion would be out and about. She would already be the butt end of gods knew what gossip...probably best not to give them any more ammunition and her face smoothed into the fake mask she wore around the rest of the nobles.

"Well then my dear...your in for a few incredibly irritating months - and how terrible it will be when your fat and can barely move...and your lover, rogue that he is shall not be here to comfort you? You'll have to move obviously...as I'll suffer no such creature as that Tamu brat in my den" Oh yes Nyota would suffer! She'd be alone and cast out on her own and at such a young age - she'd soon come crawling back, begging for help with the cubs or maybe even before then when she labored. Tamu would be all but useless then as he wasn't part of the pride and Maua had no intentions of letting him through to see her daughter. Yes Nyota would learn from this and change her ways - Maua was sure of it!



Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:42 am
Swallowing hard Nyota sat still as her mother seemed to calm, then boil with quiet fury and then calm once more. Holy crap. "No, you're right. You won't need to suffer Tamu's presence here because I'm not staying here any longer." Rising to her paws Nyota decided it was best now to fully and officially leave. Possibly she would come back one day, if only to show her parents their grandchildren, but she refused to ask for Maua's help with anything. "I am going to live with my mate Tamu." She said with an extra emphasis on the word mate. "Goodbye mother."

Padding towards the den entrance Nyota was only a bit concerned about having her back momentarily turned towards her mother. But clearly if she hadn't yelled just now she always wouldn't use physical force to stop her. Too many nobles in the area she supposed. Perhaps she should yell out something so that they could all here how Maua's precious purple daughter was carrying rogue cubs. No, better to wait and sully her mothers name by parading those said cubs in front of the nobles when the time came, especially if they had no purple on them. Then Maua would see that Nyota meant business. With a final quick glance at her mother Nyota slipped from the den.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:48 am
Maua remained silent as Nyota said she was leaving - she'd expected that of course, but she'd come crawling back eventually, Rogue life was hard and Nyota would soon realize just how pampered she'd been living here. She kept the steely hard look in her eyes when Nyota glanced back one last time and, holding herself rigid and proud until the last bit og Nyota's purple hide slipped away.

It was only then that she sagged slightly in sorrow, it was best she told herself - best for everyone to chase Nyota away now so that she would come to realize what she was giving up, so that the rest of the families names wouldn't be further sullied by her action...but well it still wasn't what she had wanted for her daughter. Sighing softly she curled up in the back of the den and soothed herself with the certainty that Nyota would return after she'd cooled off some.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:58 am
The walk from her parents den to the border of the pride lands seemed horribly long today. But she couldn't go back, not now, possibly not ever. Nyota had made her choice and she had to stick with it. And now that her mother knew the truth it was time to go find Tamu and let him know as well. When she reached the markers to indicate the end of Suka'Fumo territory Nyota took off at a run. Today however, there was no defiant roar of victory, for she wasn't sneaking out she was leaving and likely for good.

Hurrying to the fallen over tree which marked not only her and Tamu's first meeting place but then also had recently became a makeshift home for the last few weeks Nyota wondered if he would be there. It had been a few days since she had seen him and while she knew her friend was always around there was that tinge of fear. "Tamu." She called out as she neared the mess of roots that indicated the makeshift den. Oh gods, please let him be here.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:38 am
Tamu had been strolling along humming a slight tune on his way back to the den he sometimes shared with Nyota now - since the fight with her parents it seemed they'd either given up on controlling her or loosened the reins a bit and it was much easier for her to spend several days with him now without fear - of course they thought she was pregnant so really whats the worse that could happen now?

as he neared the tree he couldn't help but smile at the sight of a familiar purple hide and broke into a swift jog. "Over here Nyota!" He called out when it became apparent she'd been looking for him.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:46 am
Turning at the voice Nyota hurried over to him, skidding to a stop and pressing her head into his thick, fluffy mane. She wanted to cry out of fear, joy, sadness and happiness. Now that they were together again she needed to tell him the truth, all of it. "Tamu we need to talk." She said as she pulled her head out of his mane. "I've left the pride, I'm not going back...ever." And there there needed to be the but. "But...that's not what we need to talk about."

Lowering herself onto her haunches Nyota tried to summon the courage to say what she just said to her mother. "Do you remember when my parents found us together..." Surely he would, a day like that would be hard for any lion to forget. Taking a long deep breath Nyota met his eyes. "Tamu, I am pregnant. We are going to have cubs."
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:54 am
Tamu wasn't sure what had happened to get Nyota so worked up but he - ever the supportive type - nuzzled her soothingly hen she pressed herself into him, she'd get around to telling him what had happened soon enough he knew and just as he thought it wasn't long before she was pulling back. "Alright" He told her when she said they needed to talk for a few seconds he worried that maybe her parents had talked her into leaving him and that was why she was so upset but no - Nyota would never agree to something like that.

"you? You left?" Tamu wasn't sure if he should be happy or worried about this decision - sure it meant they would get to spend more time together but it also meant she wouldn't have the protection of the pride anymore. Well he'd just have to keep her safe himself. Surely he could handle that. "thats fine, we'll just make a lif....wait what?" He asked her as her last statement finally worked it's way into his thoughts "But...but I thought I mean..wasn't that a lie?"


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:03 am
Nyota couldn't help but smile a bit as the news hit Tamu. "You knew I would leave one day. I just needed a reason to." And what better reason to leave than this. Besides she was tired of being under her mothers strict paw. "It was a lie...had been a lie." Perhaps he had forgotten what they did when he had taken her to the waterfalls. She wasn't sure how as that night was still quite fresh in her mind. "Perhaps the Gods heard my lie and decided to make it the truth." It was a far fetched idea but it could be true. Of all her lessons Nyota did remember the ones about the Gods and how they sometimes had an interesting way of doing things. Perhaps these cubs were a gift from the Gods.

"The point is that what had once been a lie is now a reality. That night at the waterfall...those things we did, they had consequences to them." She wasn't sure if he would believe her or not, after all Nyota usually joked around with Tamu and was rarely serious. Rising to her paws she stepped back, positioning herself so he could get a sidelong view of her. "Look at me Tamu, really look at me." She instructed of him. While her frame was still slender befitting her age there was, while still quite small, a definite bump in her midsection.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:12 am
Tamu sat down and gaped at her - well of course he knew the night she was talking about - he'd thought about the consequences afterwards of course but when nothing seemed to come of it it had fled his mind. fled a bit too early it seemed and as he peered at her belly he did indeed see proof of this fact.

"I guess it was just to early them or you to have noticed.." He finally said, of course he wasn't sure but obviously that must have been the case I mean a female wouldn't know she was pregnant right away would she? It had to take some time for the changes to become apparent. "But you'll need help now for sure, your still so young...and it can be dangerous having cubs, you'll need a female who knows about such things...oh my mother? She'll help I'm sure..." Fara would he knew..she was always willing to help out.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:23 am
After she was sure Tamu got a really good look at her she stepped forward, sitting down in front of him. "I do not need help." She told him, perhaps a bit too sharply. But Nyota wasn't one to ask or take help just because someone else thought she needed it. Sighing she didn't want to be mad at Tamu, he was just trying to protect her. She knew it was dangerous to have cubs while still young but did they really have to rely on his mother to help. Well better her than Maua she supposed. "I'm sorry...it's just that it's still so early. I want us to do things ourselves and only get help if needed. If we are truly going to make a life for ourselves out here than we need to be able to do so without running to our parents when things get tough."

But Nyota knew that she would need advice from a female who had given birth before, and since she refused to go back to her own mother then Tamu's mother would have to do. "I will talk with your mother. She can give me advice but I don't want to burden her with taking care of me." Besides Tamu had always said his mother was nice and helpful, so it would be alright to talk to her. Anything was better than her own mother at this point. "And we may need to get a better den eventually." She said with a slight laugh as she glanced over at the root covered den they were currently using.
[IC] Suka'Fumo Lands [IC]

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