Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:31 pm
This is a plot thread!
I usually reply to RPs on my days off from work, on other nights if I get the chance, but just so you know I am not generally one to make rapid replies. (Miracles do happen sometimes, though.)
If you're interested in some roleplay or background plotting (I do just plot some, but it depends on what you want to plot out) you can post here or PM me. If I don't respond to a post here within a couple of days... you might want to PM me anyway, I might have missed it. XD
Also, I do enjoy drama and deep plots even if I don't always have some of my own up, if you can put up with my RPing speed. 8D
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:05 pm
Kushanu is one of the sons of Althalus and Nivriti, and a grandchild of Yei Umeko and Grencia. He is part of the Islagiatt herd and was raised among the slopes. He has a high regard for family and trying to do the right thing. He doesn't precisely have an issue with being on his own, but he really dislikes it. He would much prefer to be in the company of family or friends (and typically with his brother Atraiu), even if he's only in their presence and just standing in the background. He is also talkative and extremely quiet by turns... usually only really chattering if particularly nervous or excited. Typically, though, he doesn't talk a whole lot unless no one else is, and then only if talking really seems appropriate. He's a bit of a jack of all trades in his interests, not yet having any one thing that has truly caught his attention. He is most likely to be found near the northern mountain ranges where his home is, though he is a wind and can sometimes be found in other locations. He is a curious and exploratory sort, so when he's not shadowing Atraiu he's often out poking his nose into things. HE IS NOT OPEN TO BREEDING. He's still too young for that. I'm not opposed to introducing him to some girls, and the idea of girls as girls, but I'm not going to be picking any mates out for him yet. When I do start looking for him, it's going to be for a lifemate. Plots:1) Storm-tossed: Gangly and clumsy in his teenage body, Kush hasn't exactly mastered the art of flying yet. He's going to wind up going out to practice on his own after a particularly rough day at lessons and wind up getting himself caught in an unexpected storm and blown far from home. Islagiatt would send out people to search for him, and odds are he'd be tracked down within a few days. That's plenty of time for a new and very strange encounter, though. I'm not sure what sort of encounter I'm looking for, specifically, and I might actually be looking for both a "good" and a "bad" encounter. So if anyone feels like bullying Kush for a bit, and then someone else rescuing him, so to speak, that would be fine! 2) Generic exploratory and introductory RP to make friends and help develop his budding adult personality. I'm up for meet and greets or plot suggestions or whatever. 3) Foal RP with family types! <3
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:08 pm
 The Blurb Xaivary's never really had a family of her own, and tends to watch others interact from afar. She vaguely remembers having a mother, and a brother, but never a father. From what she was able to piece together her father either never knew, or never cared, that she and her brother existed. Her mother disappeared when she was still very young, though mostly able to feed herself. Her brother went off looking for her and never came back. The small herd in the area were very suspicious and closed minded about outsiders, and stupidly superstitious, and so felt that since she was old enough to manage without assistance in anything other than protection, but to young to really send off with a clear conscience, Xaivary became something akin to a misbehaving pet that no one really wanted around but didn't want to get rid of, either. When she was a little older she realized that she didn't have to stay there any more than they seemed to want her, and left. Rather than growing bitter or angry as one might expect, Xaivary remained fairly easy-going and friendly, if... distant. Emotional distress between friends and family are a pretty foreign subject for her, and worries about looks and who's a good catch or other things one might expect a young mare to be concerned with never cross her mind. She's open to conversing and interacting with others to a degree, though she's most comfortable around the innocence of foals. She's even a bit more inclined to approach others for conversation or curiosity's sake after being out in the world and finding that the behavior she grew up around is not necessarily the norm. Still, if there's more than one or two Soquili around, particularly if she's not familiar with one or more of them, she'll probably vacate the area as quickly as possible. She might like watching others interact with each other as friends and family, but when she gets dragged into the middle of it she becomes uncomfortable. It doesn't really feel to her like she belongs there, invited or not. Xaivary hardly ever seems to take things very seriously, and between a bad case of wanderlust and a penchant for mischief some might label her a trouble-maker. She has a good heart, though, and in spite of any teasing or pranks she would not intentionally bring harm to another. She's not one to pick fights, but she will fight if it's necessary to protect herself or someone else that she wants to protect. And if she's protecting another, she won't back down even in the face of a skinwalker or a kalona. In short, Xai is loyal to a fault to those who win her over, and a class-clown hiding deep emotional pains behind joker antics and mostly indifferent behavior... even from herself. That all said, she is not uncomfortable with who she is and tries to be. And her favorite things are running, her trinkets, the sticks of sugar-cane and occassional bit of booze she "borrows" from the Kawani traders on occassion, and her handful of good buddies. I'm not really looking for any applicants for a mate for her at the moment. It will be a lifemate I'm looking for if anyone's curious, though. Xaivary is currently playing "big sister" to Niss's stallion Deidren, so if you have any involvement in plots with him and Xaivary would be useful for some sort of sub-plot, feel free to ask! Anyway, plots: Friend Finder: I would like Xaivary to have a couple of "buddies" to hang around with from time to time. While she has a couple already, they are either stationary or preoccupied with love interests/family... or both. Being the wanderer that she is, it simply isn't in her to stay in one area for more than a few weeks, or perhaps a couple of months. That and for those with love interests or family matters to deal with... well she feels a bit awkward and intrusive there, though she's not likely to admit it, or perhaps even recognize the fact for herself. So I'd like some more people she can drop in on in her travels. X3 You need... help?: I want Xaivary to meet someone in distress! Male or female doesn't matter. What this Soquili is distressed over, however, should not necessarily be something that's actually direly important. Something that's not direly important would actually be preferable, because Xaivary likes helping people, you see... but to see someone distressed over something that's not actually causing any real harm to anyone would throw her for a loop and stretch her limited emotional understanding to its limits. Will she be able to go past those limits, or will the other Soq manage instead to actually drive her up the wall? XD I like kids.: Not because she has any grand ideas of motherhood, but more because personality wise she just tends to get on with them more. Playful mischief, not really taking things seriously, not having them look at her cross-eyed just because she's an unusually dressed stranger... well, most foals probably would do that, but out of curiosity rather than distrust. I'd like her to encounter one or more foals. A lost child, or maybe one that's just snuck away from the parental units for a while looking for an adventure. She'd make sure they got safely back to their parents... you know, at some point. They'd probably get themselves in trouble first though. XD Well you're just a jerk aren't you?: I want to see how she reacts to a mean-spirited Soquili, one that likes to play mind games with others and/or is just in general a bully. Can they pick away at her nonchalance and reach the uncertainties beneath, or will she figure them out and shrug it off before they can do any real damage? I may actually be up for a couple of these, if the situations are different enough to warrant it. If the RP turns out with them having a bit of a scuffle that's also fine. Girl Time: What happens when unkempt Xaivary meets a dainty girl who is quite convinced that keeping your looks flawless is of utmost importance? One that will take it upon herself to pretty up my shaggy little punk, in spite of assurances that it isn't necessary, or perhaps because of Xaivary's rather obstinate disregard for the matter? If you have a girl that would fit that role, please, lets do find out. X3 For those wondering, Xaivary is a wanderer and so could be found in nearly any sort of setting. Except in the air or underwater, of course. She tries to find one new thing to experience every day, and is currently on a personal quest of sorts to find as many unusual looking or otherwise interesting seeming Soquili as she can find. If you're inclined to assist with this quest that would be awesome also. X3
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:09 pm
I may put a list of current RPs here or something, but for now it's just to say that le thread is open!
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:58 pm
Want mr. Flyboy to meet Raven? She's another flier but she is a traveller so flying is something natural to her... think both of them would try and get to know each other?
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:14 am
I'm up for him meeting just about anyone, really. XD Were you thinking just a random "bump into each other" thing?
Raven's going to be the first person he'll really run into outside of his family, so he'd probably try to make friends unless she really put him off somehow. And I'm pretty sure anything short of an outright mean and/or violent personality wouldn't be able to put him off after a simple first meeting.
Though I guess he might surprise me, I'm still getting used to him, after all. XD;
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:21 am
Hellu~ I have a gal by the name of Nerissa who would gladly meet with your boyo. She has an adoration for any set of wings, wishing for her own. She spends some of her time doing something like storm chasing. Not having the flight or speed provided by wings, she can mostly only spot them, hope they don't blow over while she runs towards them, and then watches the light show. biggrin She could maybe spot Kush in the storm and tries to find him once he has a rough landing. She would quickly take him in for awhile and take care of, and get to know him ^^
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:00 am
She's a bit of a mouth but she means well. More like she could show him how to do the wings thing.
Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:41 pm
Pale, I like the idea of Nerissa spotting him in the storm. So we'll go with that.
DNC, I'll have him run into Raven after that, maybe while he's on his way home or sometime after when he's trying to practice again. :3
Also, sorry about the delay. Haven't been on much the past few days. D:
Do you want RP links PMed after I get set up or post them here?
Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:57 pm
Just so you know, Nivriti is a very good flyer and would wonder why he didn't ask his mother for lessons XD
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:44 am
HE IS SUPER CLUMSY. It's not that he wouldn't have asked mom for lessons. XD He'll more or less grow out of it but at this point he accidentally faceplants himself at least five times a day. >.>; He just can't seem to put what he's taught into action without tripping over something, at least that's how he'll be feeling, which is why he'd go practice on his own to try and figure out what he's doing wrong.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:54 am
I'll make something soon enough. :3
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:16 pm
Actually I may have him encounter them both on the way back or something; I thought of something the other day I need to ask a friend about before I know for sure!
Since no RPs have actually been started I hope that won't be a problem. o3o;