It had been so quiet since her little ones had left, and Scarlet was beginning to grow weary of the silence. Her ears rang from it all. Scarlet had tried, at first, to keep herself busy by straightening up the nest she was already a part of, but there is only so much one can clean before it can't be cleaned anymore. Her nest was now in a perpetual state of tidy, Scarlet jumping at the chance to do anything. Today she was looking about her home in a melancholy sort of silence, looking for something to do. There was nothing. Oh how she needed a family again. She could go down and live with one of her children... no, she wouldn't dare impose on them. What else could she do then?
Scarlet is lonely, as you can see. So, to try and counteract her loneliness she is opening up her small home to anyone who needs it. Young or old, temporary or permanent. Scarlet will be happy to give you love and a home for as long as you need it.
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