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[PRP] Unexpected Playdate (Nanashi, Satomei, Mana & Imbra )

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:43 pm
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Nanashi had stopped by early that morning, hurrying Satomei from her mother's den before the female could protest too much. He didn't mind talking to his sister, often he enjoyed it, but since her cubs were born, Nanashi was insistent that the brightest of the litter – little Satomei – did not fall prey to his sister's wayward ways. He would make sure that she never became something as lowly as an entertainer.

He saw a lot of potential in the young leotah, no matter the fact she did not know her father, and the fact it might as well be Dysi – the annoying leopard that annoyed Nanashi so very often – the young juvenile was definitely destined for greatness in Nanashi's eyes.

Satomei was thrilled when her Uncle came to pick her up at the den, hurrying to nuzzle her mother in fairwell. She knew her mother did not understand her love of her uncle, but her Uncle actually saw something in her. He said she would be important some day and, although she knew her mother adored her like she did all her siblings too, Satomei really enjoyed the fussing and complete attention that her Uncle devoted to her, whenever she was around him. He had even slacked off work a time or two just to spend some time listening to her.

Where are we going, Uncle?” Satomei asked, peering up at Nanashi with a look of adoration on her face, a bright smile out.

Nanashi, who had been directing his young niece towards the river bank of the pride, paused. “Didn't I tell you? You have a playdate.” He hadn't actually spoken to Mana about it, but he knew that it was highly likely that Mana would walk passed the river at this time, and hopefully, have his spawn with him.

Aiko had mentioned that Satomei needed to spend time with other people in the pride, and so -as a good Uncle – decided to try to arrange, in a sneaky way, a playdate for her.

Satomei blanched. “With who?” She squeaked, looking somewhat horrified. To her, there wasn't many worthy cubs that she could associate with.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:37 am
User ImageMananakbo glanced over his shoulder at the tail of cubs trailing him. They were growing up fine and healthy, unlike that pale cub. That one hadn't survived, and Mana had been forced to threaten the nanny he'd commissioned, reminding her that if she said anything about the cub to anyone, he would see to it she was taken somewhere far from the pride - someplace no one would hear her scream - and staked to the ground and slowly skinned and then dismembered. When he needed to, Mana had quite the flair for graphic description, though he preferred to simply make vague and ominous threats if threats had to be made at all.

At least he no longer had to worry about reminding his cubs to keep up with him when he walked. They'd grown quite coordinated, and somehow - he had no idea how - their nanny had managed to convince each and every one of them that it was his approval which was most important in the world. He didn't quite approve of Tomkrie leaving out Nyoka when she did this, but since his wishes tended to coincide with Nyoka's wishes Mana supposed it would have to do. At least as long as their loyalty was to him, their loyalty to the pride would be beyond reproach. His was, after all.

He knew he probably shouldn't have favorites, but that was a rule for good parents, and Mana didn't care one way or the other if he was considered a good parent. That's what Tomkrie was for. Mana had undeniably sired the things, and that was as far as he wanted his involvement to go. Still, he couldn't help being partial to his firstborn, fierce little Imbra. She reminded him of all the good things in her mother and looked a great deal like both her parents. It was difficult not to like her. As usual, she was the cub following him the most closely.

User ImageAs her father had observed, Imbra was following closely at his heels. Gone were the days when she had to concentrate very hard to keep up with his long-legged strides. Her own limbs were nowhere near as long as his, but she had improved immensely when it came to coordinating them, due in no small part to her play fighting with her littermates and even that dark cub who looked so much like Aiko. Keikanei.

Imbra's attention was divided this morning between her father and the river, which was a source of great fascination to her and where Tomkrie never took the litter. Probably Tomkrie would be unhappy if she knew Imbra's father took them there. At least, she always looked annoyed when Imbra asked to be allowed to play there, and told her it was too dangerous. The young cheetah doubted that it was all that dangerous. It was only water after all.

With her attention divided as it was, Imbra managed to miss both her father's glance, which would have made her sad if she'd realized she'd missed it, and the fact that there was another cheetah walking with a cub. She would have recognized the other cub, though not the dark cheetah. She'd seen her several times at this point, though she'd not had much interaction with her. Imbra preferred to focus her attention on one person at a time when she was in a group, and she was almost never not in a group.


Lonely Bookworm

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:01 pm

Nanashi had ignored his nieces question, considering that she would soon find out on her own. He spotted the male cheetah he had been waiting for and gave a small, satisfied smirk. It had worked out after all! And indeed, the spawn was him as well. He shifted a little, pleased with himself. He nudged his niece, who was trying to slip behind his front paws to hide away from the two she could now see nearby. He nudged her out from behind his paws, before raising his head to call out to the Grunt.

"Mana," he called out cooly. "How are you fairing?" It was mere formalities, though he was always curious how people were fairing in the pride. But if Mana had not been fairing well, he would have approached Nyoka to fix the problem, so the answer to Nanashi question was a rather obvious one to him.

"Enjoying a walk with your young?" He added, nodding in greeting the cubs, sparing them only the barest of smiles.

Satomei stood awkwardly beside her uncle, subdued. She was not...good around other people, she had come to realise, and looked a little embaressed to be caught unaware. She felt like such a baby! Having to have her uncle arrange a playdate for her. She was more comfortable around family, not around strangers and the girl who was watching her from near what appeared to be her father was definately a stranger.

She felt her uncle nudge her and forced a smile on her face. "Hello Mananakbo," she greeted politely, using his full name out of formality. She liked using full names. It made her feel more important and more grown-up. Of course she knew of Mana. Considering her family, she had to know of the Grunt who was the right hand of her aunt. She smiled at the cub as well, not knowing her name, and shifting awkwardly as she tried to figure out what to say now.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:33 am
Mana nodded respectfully to the Boss. His own first loyalty was to Nanashi's mate, but that didn't mean he didn't respect the dark cheetah. He knew it was no easy thing to be Nyoka's mate, and wondered how Nanashi dealt with the fact that his mate's affections had been bestowed elsewhere. If he knew. Mana himself had only suspicions to go on, and he would never voice them. That sort of speculation was not welcome, and could only invite trouble for everyone involved.

"Well," he replied, answering the Boss's question. He wouldn't have said that he was exactly enjoying his walk with his young. But he was taking a walk with them, and so he nodded once more.

Then, since the conversation seemed to be based on stating the obvious and asking polite questions, he observed, "You seem to be doing the same. Though it appears you've borrowed one of Aiko's girls. However did you manage to get her away from her mother?" He remembered very well how protective of her offspring Aiko could be, and would not have attempted to take any of her cubs from her without express, explicit permission.

"Hello, Satomei," Mana returned the cub's greeting, a little impressed that she'd not only known his name, but been able to pronounce it. He knew from personal experience that it was quite a mouthful. It hadn't been a pleasant childhood for him, having difficulties pronouncing his own name. It was why he had no problem at all with being called Mana.

Satomei! That was the other cub's name. Imbra hadn't had anything to do with her yet, and so she'd forgotten her name. Group playmeets, sure she'd seen her, but mostly Imbra's interest tended to be drawn to less retiring sorts. She was a rough-and-tumble cub, happiest when scrapping with others, and Satomei certainly didn't look like the kind of girl who would enjoy that sort of playing. Probably Satomei wouldn't like any of Imbra's littermates, who were all fighters at heart.

Imbra snorted softly and shook her head. She didn't have a lot of use for people who didn't like to fight, but she did notice that her father was being very polite to the male cheetah with Satomei, though he hadn't spoken Nanashi's name, and so she did not realize that she was in the company of the pride's Boss. If her father was being polite, Imbra decided she should be polite, too. And she would be more polite than any of her siblings, and thereby win her father's approval and favor.

Taking her cue from her father she stepped forward confidently and returned Satomei's smile. "Hello, Satomei. I'm Imbra. Would you like to play?" She doubted the older cub would want to play anything interesting, but there was no way Imbra would let her sibs have a better chance to make a good impression.


Lonely Bookworm

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:12 pm
Nanashi inclined his head at the male's question, though slightly amused at the term 'borrowed'. He supposed he had in a way. His sister was a very protective mother, and seemed overly so of Satomei but the young leotah enjoyed spending time with her uncle, and usually convinced her mother that no harm would befall her in Nanashi's care.
My sister understands I will take care of her daughter,” he said, still sounding faintly amused. “And Satomei is eager to learn the ways of the pride, so she often tags along on my duties.”

He glanced towards his young niece, who was shyly peering at the other girl. She was confident around family, and was almost bratty, he only wished she would get more confident around others, not only family. He returned his gaze to Mana, deciding to leave the cubs to talk amongst themselves.
Has it been difficult balancing cubs and your duties?” It could be taken as a warning, to not neglect his duties, but Nanashi was simply curious. He had no cubs, save for Nyoka's former brood and his sister's young who he tended to occasionally, so he could not imagine what it would be like, without a mate, and with young as well as duties to attend to. He had heard of the male taking a nanny though, so perhaps that helped to ease the responsibilities.

Satomei continued to smile at Mana, but didn't attempt to make conversation, since her Uncle was talking to him and she didn't want to intrude. When the other female cub spoke, Satomei shifted nervously. Play? She wasn't sure if she would know how to play whatever it was that Imbra wanted to play. She saw the look her uncle sent her though and sighed.

Hi Imbra,” she returned politely. “I'd love to play.” She sounded a little reluctant, but forced a small smile to her face. “What do you want to play?” Please don't be rough housing, please don't be rough housing, she thought to herself. She didn't really...hate to rough house, but she'd played it before with her sister and brothers, and she usually ended up getting hurt in some way. She wasn't a fighter, at all.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:41 am
"You're fortunate to have her trust," Mana said diplomatically. "I remember when her cubs were younger finding a few that had wandered out of her den. She was less than pleased to seem me with them." That was an understatement. She had snarled and bristled and threatened. It had been a memorable occasion, and forced Mana to reevaluate his estimation of the pretty entertainer.

In response to Nanashi's question about Mana's ability balance cubs and his duties, there were a number of ways Mana might have taken it. First, he did wonder if there was some sort of implication that he'd been lax in performing his duties to the pride, but he knew he had not, and there was no reason for Nanashi to worry about it anyway. Those who knew to whom Mana reported also knew that her opinion was the only one which truly mattered to the fiery-coated cheetah.

He decided not to take offense and replied with a grin, "Not at all. I arranged for a nanny as soon as the cubs were born and have been quite content to leave them with her. Tomkrie is eminently capable."

Some people might have felt a twinge of guilt talking about their cubs as though they weren't right there and perfectly capable of overhearing, but Mana honestly didn't care. He figured his cubs already knew he had no interest in matters paternal, and one day they would realize that leaving them in Tomkrie's care was the best thing he could have done for them at this stage in their lives.

Imbra didn't miss Satomei's shifting, but she didn't think to attribute it to nerves. As far as Imbra was concerned, there was nothing to be concerned about. Oh, she didn't want to make a poor showing in front of her sainted father, but other than that there was nothing to worry about. At least in her point of view. It was true, however, that she couldn't help resenting this intrusion on her already limited time with Mana.

"Oh, anything," Imbra said, making an effort to be agreeable. "What sort of games do you play with your sisters and brother?"

As she spoke Imbra hoped Satomei would suggest something fun, and preferably active. Something which would let her show off for Mana how wonderful she was, and maybe earn his approval, or even praise. Just thinking of that possibility sent her blue eyes sliding toward her father. Was he watching her? No, he was engaged in conversation with the grown-up who'd come with Satomei. Irritating.


Lonely Bookworm

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:04 pm

Nanashi could definitely imagine his sister being less than happy about finding the other cheetah with her precious babies. He winced a little, remembering her reaction to him when he first discovered the young. “Thankfully, she has calmed a little as they have aged,” he remarked a little dryly. “She is less sure that everyone will harm them, and Satomei enjoys my company, so Aiko has little choice in the matter if she wants her daughter happy it seems.” Which was probably one of the only reasons Nanashi actually got to see and escort his niece around, since Satomei was happy to spend time with him.

He nodded as he listened to Mana speak about the cubs and was pleased to hear he was not struggling at all. “That is good to hear. I'm glad you were able to find someone capable to help you with them. Being a single father with your sort of hours would be difficult,” and by 'your sort of hours' he meant 'always on duty', so of course it would be hard at times.

I don't play games with them much,” she admitted, looking a little confused as to what she could suggest. She paused, remembering one game that she liked, that was sort of active, but not really messy, unless you fell. “We could play Rock Jump?” She suggested, almost shyly.

She shifted, glancing at her uncle, who was distracted by the other cheetah, before motioning for Imbra to follower her down closer to the rivers edge. She gestured to the rocks which littered the river bed, assorted around within the river. “You jump from rock to rock in the river, and the first person who gets wet or falls in loses.” Okay, so before there wasn't really a 'win' or 'lose' option before, but she had normally just played it by herself and didn't care if she fell in, but playing with another person meant there had to be a reward or a loss at the end.

It helps improve your balance,” she added, almost as an afterthought. That was why she played the game. After all, she had to be very graceful when she got older, to impress her uncle and mother, and her auntie Nyoka too.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:18 am
"Mm. I'd noticed that tendency myself," Mana agreed.

He didn't mention that the first time he'd brought his cubs to meet hers Imbra had pounced on Hikari and Aiko had come very close to doing something maternal and potentially harmful to his daughter. At the time he would have let her do it to teach Imbra a lesson, but now that he knew his offspring a little better, he did not think he would permit anyone to harm them for such a small infraction.

"As long as everyone's all right with the arrangement, I guess that's all a body can ask."

Honestly, Mana couldn't conceive of borrowing someone else's children. Even the children of a sibling. Oh, he was fond enough of his own cubs in a distant sort of way, but even with them, he didn't tend to spend a lot of unnecessary time in their company. He really wasn't a cub cheetah when it came right down to it.

"Tomkrie is a blessing. I'd recommend her services to anyone in my situation."

The cubs didn't seem particularly attached to her, but Mana viewed that as a good thing, too. No one should be before Nyoka in their affections, though he seemed to have found himself there whether he wished to be or not. He didn't know what it was Tomkrie told his cubs about him that made them so devoted to him, and he had asked her not to do so, but she just shrugged and said they were curious, and that it was natural for cubs to love their parents, even when their parents weren't interested in rearing them.

Imbra would have asked why not, but it didn't seem like the sort of question she'd get an answer on, and so she decided not to ask. Imbra liked to play with her sibs, personally, because they were all as interested in fighting as she was. Things could get pretty rough at playtime, though Tomkrie kept anyone from getting seriously hurt.

"Rock Jump?" Imbra repeated. She'd never heard of the game, but it sounded like it had potential. If she could learn it and teach it to her siblings, she would undoubtedly be hailed as the clever one. At least for a while, except Tomkrie didn't like them playing near the river.

"Yeah, okay! Do we do it in turns or do we both go at once?" Going both at once would make it more of a challenge, and Imbra secretly hoped it would be that. Improving balance was good, but this could make it even more fun. Also, when she played with her littermates they could introduce an element of being allowed to try to push each other in. Though not with Tomkrie around.


Lonely Bookworm

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:16 am

Nanashi inclined his head to Mana. If Aiko hadn't been alright with the arrangement, Nanashi would have no time to spend with his niece, something he would regret though he would likely not admit it out loud. “Indeed,” he remarked, mostly to fill the silence that would surely grow between the two men if the conversation did not continue.

I am glad that you have found someone so competent and appropriate to your needs,” he said, quite honestly. He appreciated nannies, they were the backbone of many families and though he had never interacted with them, he could definitely see the appeal. Of course, he was not a big fan of cubs himself, though there were a select few that intrigued him, and his niece being one of those. Perhaps it was different when the cubs were of your own blood.

He shifted a little, not sure what else he could discuss with the other male. To be honest, he had not thought through what he and Mana would speak about while the cubs played. He had rather hoped that conversation topics would simply fall into place, and while Nanashi was a component speaker, sometimes conversation even alluded him.

Satomei frowned a little as she pondered the question. Well, going one at a time was surely safer, but both at once sounded much more interesting. Of course, she wasn't thinking along the lines of Imbra, but it was easier to compete with someone if they were doing the same thing you were, at the same time, considering there was no way of keeping score with this method.

“Both together,” she announced, before nodding. She scrambled – gracefully – towards the stream, bypassing her uncle along the way but he didn't appear to mind that she was approaching the rocks with the stream. He had seen her play rock jump many times before and knew no danger would befall her, at least not when he was within saving distance if something did happen.

She glanced back over her shoulder to see if Imbra was following, as she leaped onto the closest rock, her paws gripping it easily. She had a lot of practice with this game, since she was the one who invented it, but anyone with good balance would be able to master it, she knew. She watched Imbra carefully, curious to see how she would go in the game.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:37 pm
Mana realized with a bit of a start that he had really settled well into his position in the pride. He had grown more used to listening than to talking, and while he could make conversation to draw information out of a person he couldn't easily just make meaningless conversation anymore. Or so it seemed. But he always managed to converse easily with Aiko and Abhishri.

Perhaps the difference was that those two were entertainers with a mind to become geisha, and it was their job to make conversation flow freely and effortlessly. If that was the case, it didn't occur to Mana. He wasn't the sort to see things in terms of his own failure. The only failure he would ever admit to, in truth, was his behavior in fleeing the Mizimu'Tungika, and he was doing what he could to redeem himself for that.

Boss, I'm really not much for talking about my cubs. That was what he wanted to say, but he got the feeling it would be better to keep that thought to himself. Most people were unnerved by people who weren't attached to their own cubs.

Instead what he said was, "Have you ever considered having cubs of your own?"


Imbra nodded enthusiastically and bounded after Satomei toward the water, but she hesitated before jumping for the first rock. The lighter furred cub had leaped onto the rock she would have chosen, and although Imbra's instincts told her it would be most effective to jump to the same rock and push Satomei off, those same instincts told her that it would get her in a great deal of trouble if she did so.

It would only take a little more effort to jump to the rock a littler farther away. She wasn't afraid of that. Her legs bunched beneath her and she leaped, landing effortlessly, which surprised her a little. She'd expected it to be harder, but since it hadn't been, she was unafraid to make another tiny hop to another stone. This stone was wet, which startled her and caused her tail to whip wildly from one side to the other while she fought not to slide, but she didn't lose her footing, and that was the important thing.

"Hah!" she exclaimed.


Lonely Bookworm

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:22 am

Nanashi was slightly surprised at the question that was poised to him. Well, it was along the same conversation that they had been having, but it was still a small shock that the Grunt had though to ask such a thing. He had to pause a moment to think over his response. He had been the 'responsible' one of the family, so had taken on a lot of duties as a youth and when he had thought of it then, he had sworn to never have cubs.

But now, with taking care of Satomei occasionally, and fussing over those cubs of Nyoka's when they had been young and she had refused to tend them, he had changed his mind slightly .But only slightly.

Perhaps,” he remarked calmly, looking a little amused by the thought. “But merely thoughts, no plans yet, though you never know what the future holds these days, do you?

He glanced towards Satomei and Imbra, who were playing together now. As cubs, things had seemed easier, but now they were different. More responsibilities, and he wondered if he was ready for the added one of cubs.

Satomei had been watching her as she leapt onto the first rock, curious and half hoping she would slip, but she realised that was rather mean and would probably mean that she would never play with her again, or something equally silly like that. But Satomei needn't worry, as Imbra landed on the rock with easy, even if it looked like she was a little startled when she finally hit the surface. She hadn't slipped.

Well done!” Satomei remarked but didn't dwell on making the girl feel like she'd accomplished a great deal. After all, Satomei had done the same thing, and she hadn't needed praise for it. She turned slightly, to face another of the rocks, slightly further away then her original jump. She was careful to line it up and when she leaped onto it, she only slipped a little, her paw almost hitting the water though she snatched it back quickly, careful to place it onto the dry surface of the rock. She glanced back at Imbra, to see which rock she would choose to leap too and if she'd make it.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:33 am
In all honesty, Mana wasn't sure what had possessed him to ask the Boss if he had any intention of having cubs. It certainly was none of his business one way or the other. Well, that wasn't true. There was every likelihood that if Nanashi had cubs with Nyoka - and with whom else would he have them? - it would probably fall to Mana to ensure that they were kept safe.

Mana sometimes filled in the role of bodyguard when he walked with Nyoka, but he didn't relish trying to guard a cub, let alone a litter of them. Perhaps if he was lucky Nanashi and Nyoka would have their cubs just as his own cubs were old enough to be placed in responsible positions. From speaking to Tomkrie Mana knew they all wanted to be fighters, apparently hoping to follow in his footsteps, when they grew up.

He was fine with that, since the pride could always use more fighters, but he hoped they realized they wouldn't be getting special treatment because they were his cubs. If anything, the fact that he'd had them with Tesanya and then refused to kill their mother or force her to stay had probably done his cubs a disservice. Just the same he didn't regret his actions there. And sometimes he didn't even mind being a father, though that was using the term very loosely.

Mana realized he'd been silent for some time and hoped it would pass for a reflective silence in response to Nanashi's question. "You never do. These four were certainly a surprise."

He wondered if Nanashi would ever find himself similarly surprised by a litter of Nyoka's.

From her perch Imbra's chest puffed up a little at Satomei's praise. For a big girl who shouldn't be as graceful, the light-colored cub was startlingly light on her feet. Imbra got the feeling that she was probably much better at this game than she had initially let on. She approved of that sort of tactic, and resolved to beat Satomei at her own game. In a friendly manner, of course.

Nevertheless, she was a little daunted when she saw Satomei's next leap. It was farther than either of the jumps Imbra had made, and Imbra refused to acknowledge that her superior size, strength, and experience might give her a slight example. Anything Satomei could do, Imbra was resolved to do at least as well. All Satomei's advantages were a good thing for Imbra, because they gave her a real challenge to strive against.

"Not bad," she called as she noticed Satomei's attention returning to her. It was her turn, obviously.

Imbra's blue eyes cast about for a new rock which would get her closer to the opposite shore. On her chosen path there were several, but they all looked treacherously slippery. Rather than backtrack and try another route, Imbra decided to press on and hope for the best, gathering her legs beneath her and then flinging herself forward only to land with a splash in the water upstream of her intended target.

Fortunately the water wasn't very deep and although wet she was able to scramble onto the rock before any sort of current took her. As she shook her paws she said, "Looks like you win this time. But I bet I can beat you back."


Lonely Bookworm

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:04 pm

Nanashi inclined his head, knowing of 'surprises' when it came to cubs. After all, Aiko's litter had been a surprise to him, and while he now welcomed the youth, the original shock was quite...pronounced. He hoped that any litter of Nyoka's would not be quite as unexpected, if by any chance, they did have cubs of their own some day.

He had never really thought of wanting to have cubs, but he supposed they would not be bad. He adored spending time with Satomei, and nannies were available if he ever got overwhelmed, though he doubted he would since Nyoka would be with him if he did have cubs. They seemed a rather appealing prospect.

He glanced towards the two cubs playing in the water and on the rocks, an amused quirk to his mouth appearing. “They seem to be getting along...well,” he remarked to Mana, pleased that Satomei appeared to be having fun with the other girl.

Satomei brightened at the female's compliment to her second jump, eyes narrowed in playful competition as she waited for the female to take her turn. She was surprised when she flung herself into the water, missing the rock she had obviously been aiming for.

“Too bad,” she said sympathetically, but her eyes widened in delight at the challenge that was issued. “Bet you can't!” She boasted, before leaping towards the bank of the river.

She slipped, landing in the water as well, but she ignored the rush of cold as she scrambled back. She wouldn't make it before the other female, unless she tripped as well, but Satomei was surprised to feel...happy playing with the other cub. Well, it looked like her uncle and her mother was right. She did need to make friends with others in the pride. She aimed for her Uncle, crossing the stream quickly so that she would scramble up to his side once reaching land.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:59 pm
Mana looked away from the boss to follow his gaze toward where the cubs were playing in the river. He actually looked over just in time to see his daughter scrambling gracelessly out of the water and winced at the sight. She would really have to work on that. He didn't know how much of an allowance a person was supposed to make for cubs, but he also didn't think that too much could be forgiven, or else they would become complacent. Also the idea that any cub of his could fall into a river while jumping from rock to rock was a little embarrassing.

"Ye-es," he agreed. "I think I should tell Tomkrie to have them practice more precise physical exercises, though. They don't seem to be particularly coordinated."

Mana didn't know enough about cub-rearing, but he figured Tomkrie would, and she'd know how to get his cubs to be more athletic. He was unaware that for cubs, his were actually very well-coordinated, and pretty precocious when it came to it, and that all of them already strove to be the best. In truth, he didn't care enough to notice. So far the cubs had not embarrassed him, and he certainly couldn't deny they were his offspring, but he could distance himself further if they became problematic.

"Speaking of, I should probably return this one to Tomkrie." His tail twitched. "Imbra, come here."

Imbra was already running hell-for-leather toward the shore, secretly relieved by Satomei's slip, even as she called back an inquiry as to her health: "Are you okay?"

She didn't slow or stop to see if she was or not, though. For one thing, she wanted to be first to the shore. For another thing, her father had called her over, and that meant she had to go to him now. She hadn't taken into account, however, the fact that Satomei might take an alternate route, and that annoyed her. True, she hadn't specified how they had to reach the shore, but the implication had been that they'd stick to the rocks.

Imbra wasn't sure she was big enough to cross the water if she was actually in the water, and so she was forced to stay on the rocks, but she made as much haste as she could so that very soon her paws were back on terra firma and she was propelling herself toward her father, the idea of racing completely gone from her mind.

"I'm here," she announced breathlessly. Running had felt good, though she was now aware that her fur must look a mess, and she self-consciously tried to smooth down the tufted fur atop her head.

"Is it time to go?" she asked, a little disappointed when her father nodded and then gave a deeper nod to Nanashi that she recognized as his way of saying goodbye.

She decided to add her own goodbyes, and tried to mimic his infinitely cool way of acknowledging Nanashi and Satomei. She didn't quite succeed, and so she added for clarity, "It was good to see you."


Lonely Bookworm

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:44 pm

Nanashi quirked a brow to Mana at his comment of increasing practice for physical excertice. He hadn't really thought of practice for cubs, as his sister's cubs simply played and learnt what they did from that play, except for when they followed other saround the pride, learning from experience. He wondered if he should suggest lessons to Aiko so that her cubs might get stronger quicker. He winced a little. He didn't see that idea being received too well, he mused.

He nodded to Mana. “I should probably return Satomei to Aiko too, before she sends out a search party – or army, depending on her mood.” He smirked slightly, nodding to Imbra as the youth raced over to her father's side. He glanced over as Satomei reached his side, resting his paw atop her head fondly.

Satomei gasped backed an affirmative to Imbra, trying not to pause too long before scrambling back. She stayed mostly on the rocks, but the last bit had been solely in the water. Imbra had reached the land first, and she smiled at the female, padding up to her uncle's side and leaning against him slightly. “Good job!” She praised the other female, not taking loosing... too badly.

Her ears drooped a little at the fact the female had to go, but she gave her a smile. “Thanks for the challenge,” she said to Imbra, using the word 'challenge' instead of 'game', just to sound more adult. She cast her gaze towards Mana, nodding to him. “Bye,” she said, her cub-like attitude shining through as she was the only one who vocally said 'goodbye'.

Nanashi inclined his head to both Mana and Imbra, before nudging Satomei to follow him and leaving the other pair to find their way back to home.

“Did you have fun?” He asked his niece quietly, as they made their way back to the den.

“Yes,” she admitted, smiling up at him. “Thank you, Uncle.”

Nanashi gave her a small smile, and the pair continued on in silence.
[IC] Kuroi'Nera Lands [IC]

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