Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:15 pm
Oh hai.
Thread for the Hourglass Summit herd - basically a place for me to throw all the info that my friends and I come up with as we thrash out ideas! ^_^
You are all welcome to join of course, I'm not going to send you away but my friends will be getting first pick over domains etc and will have immediate say since they've been on my radar and stuck by me for so long!
*Hugs all*
Nosey at your leisure, you are all most welcome. =)
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:16 pm
In the events leading up to the rebirth of Hourglass Summit, Elderwillow Camp (one of the founding members of Islagiatt) made the decision to move away. Leaving behind their former family, they opted instead to reform as a new herd with their chosen allies. Yei Umeko, saddened by the loss of her oldest family members took the news poorly – however, instead of reacting with hysteria or deep sorrow the mare took a philosophical approach to it. While change was not received by many, she could appreciate that in change there were many opportunities.
She called for a meeting of the families that remained in Islagiatt’s former territories and it was agreed that Islagiatt would be disbanded. Despite this, these families agreed to reform under a new banner but with a number of changes in place. These changes were designed to work in line with the new generations, so that the remaining families and as a consequence, the herd, could adapt to the changes that might spread across the Kawani.
It was agreed that the families would not take the name of a new herd, but would instead live under the recognition of the territory they lived, or bordered on. The peaks, so well known to the Islagiatt members were restored, granted a name known to them through history. Regarded once more as the “Hourglass Summit”, this was to be the identity that the families would take. In this territory, each family would be semi-autonomous, and the manner in which these families ran was subject to a dramatic shift. While families had once been subject to the absolute rule of the Alpha, she voiced her recognition for flexibility and that it was necessary for each family to react based upon their own requirements. In this remark, she paved the way for these families to shape the herd they were so accustomed to, to meet the visions and wishes they had for the future...
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:17 pm
Structure of Hourglass Summit
Hourglass Summit is made up of seven set ‘domains’. These domains act as territories with the largest families acting as their ‘lords’. Hourglass Summit is, in essence, mini herds banded together through family, friends and alliances. Each of the domains is as follows:
1. Summit – ALPHA ONLY [[Currently: Yei Umeko]] 2. Balance – Yei Umeko’s Line [[Current Alpha: Elizabeth | Current Prot: Ambroise]] 3. Time – Azumoth’s Line [[Current Alpha: Bella | Current Prot: Azumoth "Forbidden Grove"]] 4. Dimension/Place 5. Spirit/Energy 6. Nature - Niobe's Line [[Current Alpha: Niobe | Current Prot: TBA]] 7. Mind/Discipline [[Current Alpha: Chu'mana | Current Prot: Hok'ee ]]
These domains are decided upon by the FAMILY – what I mean is that the name and reason for this domain can be family reasons. The Alpha and herd don’t dictate WHAT these domains are and why they are given these names, they are considered “places of power” so to speak, but this is purely from the family’s personal standpoint e.g. “Time” is the domain selected by Azumoth’s line because they live where Cyn Generis once slept. As the Angeni of Time, they believe his domain is most accessible there and as a result they selected this domain.
Depending on the requirements of each family, they may select the domain they consider most appropriate and make their OWN reasons for why it is known as such.
As mentioned before, these domains act as semi-autonomous states (have their own alpha/prot). Each herd/family is entitled to make their own rules/laws for this particular territory. However, these rules are ONLY enforced in this territory and cannot be forced on another family. It should be noted that there are a number of rules regarding this that will be addressed later.
The patriarch/matriarch of these domains is then part of the ‘Council’. This group is made up of the senior leaders of each family. Council is called annually to discuss rules that should affect the families on a global level – the members of council will vote on these policies/rules and discuss them in an open forum to assess the benefits of such policies. (These forums would be more along the lines of an OOC vote, whereby a proposal is made in the herd thread and each leader posts a ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay’ to decide. This will save ic time that could be limited by RL).
The Council may have to meet if emergencies arise aka natural disasters, war and so on.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:18 pm
Domain Limits
No new domains can be created as its territory based without council consideration – even then, the council MUST be prepared to expand their territory. If this is going to cause conflict with soquili who are not in the herd it shouldn’t be permitted!!!
Largest family dominate the domain, but smaller families can stay in whatever domain they feel comfortable in.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:19 pm
Global Factions & Entities
It should be noted that there will be a number of factions that act on a GLOBAL scale to protect all members of the summit, these are as follows:
1. Guardian Corp (Run by Sylph Forcas) – Defensive border guards/militia 2. Healers (Need a leader for this one?) 3. Diplomats 4. Suggestions?
These factions are given specific duties, rules and procedures that they must follow. If they should act in a way that provokes or upsets a domain they MUST be prepared to answer for it and to accept the consequences if Council consider it inappropriate. However, in return each domain must respect that these factions do at all times, act in their best interests to ensure their safety.
More info on these factions to be thrashed out and confirmed, yep yep.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:20 pm
Specific Rules
1. The laws within each territory must be respected. This means that if an individual enters a domain that is not theirs, they MUST follow the rules for that specific domain. Their family’s domain does not have a say in this e.g. If one herd bans singing in their region, but another herd accepts it, then the former herd’s individual MUST NOT try and stop soquili from singing if it enters the herd that accepts it! In reverse, a soquili that may enjoy singing MUST NOT sing in the herd that bans it. A silly example, but an easy example.
2. Each family must take responsibility for its actions. If it starts a fight/war then it must deal with it on its own to begin with. However, if it believes that this fight/war may escalate and affect other families it may call for council and request help; additionally, if it is genuinely struggling it may seek for assistance. Please note that Sylph is probably going to be inclined to lecture but help WILL BE GIVEN.
3. If a family has a dispute with another, they must try to amend this. If it cannot be done on a one to one basis then a mediator may be called. The families can agree on a mediator themselves or the Alpha can act as such depending on how comfortable each family is with this arrangement.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:21 pm
General Rules
To be discussed – whichever you guys think are “Must haves”. Otherwise, I’d like to keep them fairly limited since each herd/family will most likely have their own views.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:22 pm
Alpha Duties The ALPHA’S role is one of mediation and the vast majority of the time will act as a figurehead more so than the individual who steers the direction of the herd. It should be noted that at Council votes the Alpha doesn’t have a vote. There are only a few exceptions to this rule which are as follows:
1. If the council is deadlocked, the Alpha will be called to vote. In these times the Alpha must consider all options and may request a pause in proceedings to assess each factor. Only when the Alpha is certain of her decision will she make her vote. 2. She may choose to VETO if she has serious concerns – however, she must full explain this choice.
Alpha Heir
Alpha heir does NOT need to come from the current Alpha’s line. She may elect an heir from another family if she believes they will perform well in the position when she steps down.
Further Alpha Limits
During life as an Alpha, they must remain completely neutral. As a result they must ‘cut ties’ to their family’s domain e.g. Yei is the domain of “Summit” and her family are the domain of “Balance”. Until she steps down, she will have no say in the domain of “Balance”. She must remain impartial and vote based on the good of the herd, even if it ends up disagreeing with her own family.
Only females are eligible for Alpha.
They are advised to be of an age rather than young, this is to promote experience and wisdom so that they can guide and mediate each herd properly. The young are liable to be more rash.
On occasions when the Alpha believes she cannot find a suitable heir, she will present this to the Council who may NOMINATE who they believe would be appropriate. Each council member must state why they believe their nomination is appropriate at which point the Alpha will consider each individual and may choose to call forth all of them to task them with particular duties in an attempt to see which would excel best.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:23 pm
How to Join?
Domains are based on families in the herd. Access will be granted on a herd by herd basis? Family/Friends welcome to join? Refugees/Those seeking shelter are welcome to join? Abandoned foals?
If they join, how? I reckon something easy – if they decide to stay with the families then just send word to the border guards that they’re now part of a particular domain? Could be done oocly through herd thread, just a post with soquili image to say “Yes, they’re with us”. That way the guards can say they’ve been given a physical description of the soq so they won’t stop and question them.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:35 pm
Known Players So Far! Uta, Haisyn, Doodle, Rynn, Lunadriel, Yayoi, Moi
Expressed Interest! Cherie, AC.Wings
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:42 pm
Note, my friends and I can reserve the right to refuse entry to folks if we wish. Though we don't want to isolate anyone, sometimes there are individuals we may not necessarily feel comfortable around. We respect your preferences so be sure to respect ours too, okay? =)
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:45 pm
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:46 pm
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:51 pm
Annnd one more in case I have to expand.