They have given us so very much. And they continue to surpass and exceed everything we ask of them.
They keep creating new and amazing breeds, offering bigger and better events, listening to us, taking time, and working hard to create for us a wonderful environment in which we can make friends, have fun, and enjoy beautiful art!
So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!
Since this forum has opened, there have been some good suggestions about things that could be done to improve Soq. And the staff has come and tried to help us understand, taken note of our thoughts, and are working on making things better.
This is good.
But in the same time, there has been alot of complaining. A lot of people wanting to be given special treatment because they don't have exactly what they think they should have. And people making demands of colorists and staff, without really thinking about what they're asking.
I don't want this to turn into a rant or an accusation thread.
But I do want to give everyone the option of giving thanks to those who work hard to make Soq a place where everyone wants to be. From the amazing art to the friendly people to the tireless staff who work hard to keep everything running.
Thank You!
Please take a moment on this day of Thanks Giving [even if you don't live in the US, the spirit of gratitude should be without boundaries] to share your appreciation of the colorists, staff, and helpful regulars of Soquili.
From me to all of you, Thank you.