Quality vs Quantity (please comment no matter wich answer you choose) |
Quality |
52% |
[ 25 ] |
Quantity |
14% |
[ 7 ] |
Other |
33% |
[ 16 ] |
Total Votes : 48 |
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:14 pm
..::Read This First!!!::..
This thread is not about the quality of soquili art work!!! The artists do an incrediblely amazeing work considering or not the amount of lovely soq they have to turn out every month. Kudos guys I know even if I could draw I wouldent be able to just pop things up like you guys do.
..:: What this thread is about-::..
Simple Common curtisy. Being appriciative Being a selective Soquilli owner.
..:: Example #1 ::..
-When there is a Flaffle or Raffle for soq A-Z be honest with yourself you only really want one of your top five or maybe six nobody really wants the last pick on their list.
-Your last pick could be someones first pick. Give that person the chance to give that soq a place In a teepee that will truly appreciate it.
-In short don't just take something to have something. Use this simple phrase. "after this re roll" or "after this pass turn" Pick your top five then pass. it's not hard and it will give more people a chance to get something they really want, not to mention to place more soq in places ware they can be fully appreciated.
Note: for those of you saying practice what you preach pm me and I will send you links to my previous preferance lists. Grant it i will have to find them but i will look Not only here but in other shops. I pick a top five or less sometimes and pass the roll. Grant it I don't win much but if I do then it's something I really wanted not something I just took to take.
Example #2
Games, Auctions, Contests. If you don't really like the prize and don't think you could rp the prize in a fitting manner then don't compete . . . or do and win it for someone else.
Note: I am guilty of this but I'm stopping myself starting right meow. ((meow is a super troopers reference not a spelling error))
Example #3 Breeding's and customs Simple be selective about your artist! Only enter in the events of the artists that you really actually like! That way other people have a higher chance of winning thus making more little babies and less people that have to wait for a low luck slot or longer.
Note: I'm starting this right now with myself. Going to edit and peruse art work to decide which ones I like best while I wait for responses.
..:: in closing ::..
Edited by Puu
Quote: "My suggestion is that everyone thinks twice before entering to allow those who really want to win a particular pet to have more of a chance rather than someone entering and not really being bothered about winning. I know people are already doing this -example being the SW contest- but it could also be extended to flatsales and the such as well. Take a moment to look at what is up for grabs, if you feel drawn to a one or two of them then go for it! If you are not that bothered perhaps consider standing down this round.
..:: The Jist ::..
-Only take what you can handle. What you can appriciate.
-Be selective!
-Quality not Quantity.
Fallow these guidelines and help make soquilli a happier shop smile
I'm DemonWingedPoetGirl and I Have two lovely soq that I cheshish very much.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:00 pm
Just to clarify these are suggestions for the people to inforce upon themselfs not for the shop to inforce upon them.
That would be like asking shcools to try and teach common sense. . .near impossible.
Haveing more soq doesn't make you rude. Takeing more soq just to have more soq does. In my oppion.
And this was written on my iPod sooo the spelling is less than admerable.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:13 pm
The issue with example two for contests is that if it's a roleplay contest the judges are judging the individuals roleplay not their friends. If the friend wanted the pet, they should enter themselves. I don't know how many times I have had to stress that in my own roleplay contest to co-own pets or gift baskets.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:23 pm
sweatdrop I have noticed this myself, There are some here that have a bunch, and don't share.. .(true there are some that have a bunch and share ALL of them)
I think this is a problem in A LOT of shops... not just soquili.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:24 pm
Valid point very vaild point. Indeed I shall amend my post wheno get to my computer. I mean why -Why on earth would someone want a pet to role play and then have someone else eneter the roleplay contest for them. . .that's beyond silly. I would disqualifiy them compleatly from my contest.
I suppose I ment my example more for things like art contests scavenger hunts baloon pop random number geberateing thingys and other games of that nature.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:31 pm
With people having others enter for them in games there if a difference between someone just having someone "proxy" [play for them] for them because they themselves don't feel like playing, or they don't feel they can compete, and people whom really need someone to proxy for them because they can't make it to the game.
There is nothing wrong with having someone proxy because they themselves can't make it to play. Especially since the person doing the proxy is most likely agreeing to play because they themselves don't want the prize, or the two are agreeing to share the prize.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:39 pm
I have to agree with most of what has been said. Though I really do love all of the colorists work here in the shop, I have been a bit selfish when entering FS's and such. I won't stop entering all breedings, because I feel that all of the artists are amazing <3 However, I will start to only pick my top favs for a FS and let the lest re-roll. I don't have a huge hoard of soquili, but as you said, there may be someone who would appreciate that soquili more then me.
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:50 pm
@ rir: Okay proxying is fine I agree with that but in the case of rp contests I would have to say only if the persons who's being proxyed for actually wrote the prompt them self.
If the prize is being shared between the person who is being proxyed for and the proxy-er (idk what the tearm for that is) then that's really more like just shareing a prize you won In my oppion.
@ Cheshire: I should make a sog thing we could start a generosity movement smile call it somethig catchy!
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:34 am
I don't think this was your intention... but some of what you said seems to imply that, if you have a lot of soquili, you have so many just because you want to seem "cool" and don't actually care for the soquili in question.
And, I am kind of offended by this.
Just because someone doesn't RP a soquili doesn't mean that they don't care, or have been discourteous to other owners/newbies.
Many people are incredibly busy with RL and other things. That doesn't mean they don't have personalities/histories/plots going on in the background that you cannot see. And it doesn't mean that if they are busy now then they won't have tons of time in the future.
I have seen LOTS of owners be active and then disappear for a year or two and then come back and be incredibly active again. And yes, sometimes they get new soquili in their "inactive" phase. It doesn't mean they don't appreciate the new soquili, and it doesn't always mean that they are just being "neglectful" or "greedy". They simply may not have the time at this particular moment.
So, I just ask, especially when you want to make such an open suggestion to everyone: please, don't judge others as such and think that your impression is exactly what is going on.
Not only that, Soquili is NOT RP-required. RP helps with certain benefits and advancements, but this is not a shop in which it is mandatory. Activity and RP are encouraged.
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:02 am
I think it's awfully hard for people who have only a few soq and no luck to see those huge herds without feeling a little jealous. I certainly do. I know most people don't want to come out and say it, but jealousy does play a huge role in why B/C shops are successful. You see something, you want one of your own. Jealousy isn't always a bitter "Ooh, I hate you so much because you have x pet!" thing- it's a simple driving economic principle. So while you shouldn't make assumptions about those herd owners, you should also take how frustrating it is to be a luckless newbie to mind when you're thinking about responses. With a shop this size, it's difficult to balance issues like that.
I know that from flaffles I've entered, a lot of people do say "reroll after" or such. A lot of people do take that kind of suggestion into consideration.
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:20 am
I understand, trust me, I do. I was in those EXACT shoes (granted, that was... um, YEARS ago) for... a very long time. I got my first co-owned soquili (from the generosity of a friend) after 5 or 6 months of solid trying (and the shop was a lot smaller then, so you would think more opportunities but there was actually much less when looking at the ratios) and got my first fully owned soquili a year after I was very active in the shop. And during that time, I saw the same people getting all the soquili (or at least, that was how I felt). Almost everyone could say the same thing. We went through it too.
But seeing something like that which was posted really hurts and is very insulting.
I don't think I have a HUGE herd, but I have quite a bit. And you know what, I have been with this shop for 5 years and put a lot of time, gold, frustration, tears, smiles, TIME, plots, etc, into all of my soquili (again, not all is posted or visible) and it is still nice to do the same with new arrivals. And, if I went through and counted how many of my own soquili I have given to newbies (through co-owns or just gave away when I could have kept it).... they would probably equal out. Not to mention, the number of events, etc, that I sat out of because I wasn't inspired.
So what I see with words like that is "You don't deserve it." and that is where I am basing these opinion.s
It's just how I feel when I see those words written, and I am not intending to attack or trying to put down another's opinions.
And I think better attitudes will make the shop a happier place, not who has what or how many.
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:51 am
I think there are valid sentiments in the 'share' philosophy. I didn't enter the Skinwalker rp event, even though they are BEAUTIFUL and I would love to have them as sig-candy - because I know I don't care to play evil and they'd end up sitting in my Teepee collecting cobwebs.
On the other hand, I have many more than five or six that I would love to have in a given flat sale. It isn't wrong for me to try for any/all of them if that's what I choose to do.
I love art, I love seeing how different artists interpret a concept - so I have no problems entering for customs/breedings from anyone who has openings - there's a cool down time in effect if I happen to win - and I'm not going to feel bad about getting a custom I've been questing [which is a rare enough opportunity] just because it isn't my number one favorite artist.
Is it good to share, to prioritize and try to give others increased opportunity - sure it is. But declaring a blanket 'do it this way or your greedy' isn't good.
As someone who only has only one mini soq and one custom on the way [thus still a newbie] I still try to look at what makes sense to me when trying to get another of this amazing art. And I won't promise not to try for something just because it isn't my first most favorite choice. I'm sorry - but I love the art and I love to rp - and sometimes a piece of art - or a pet - becomes more special and you love it more because it's YOURS.
Sure, these are pets - but they are also ART. I don't have much money that I can collect art pieces irl - but I can earn gold here and get some amazing art that is lovely to look at - and has the bonus of being something I can rp. But wanting the art for the sake of the art is perfectly okay. Sure rp is good - sure you get bonuses - but don't paint the world greedy just because the motivations of others arn't the same as yours.
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:03 am
I agree with ELF. Having a large herd is not equal being neglectful, greedy, etc.
A lot of the people with really large herds have been in the shop for very long periods of time and have put years of time and effort into their soqs.
Even if someone doesn't RP... who is to say that someone who has never RPed their soqs appreciates them any less than someone who RPs daily?
I agree that there isn't much point in going after soqs you don't want, but I'd say that most people already censor themselves. No one is going to put a ton of effort into doing a contest when they don't care about the prize... and I've had a lot of people tell me "Don't enter our couple into X or Y's raffle because I don't like their style."
I think it's never a good idea to make sweeping generalizations.
wink And spellcheck is your friend.
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:07 am
I don't think someone has to RP to appreciate a Soq. Part of the reason I spend time in Soq is because they are not RP required. My favorite part of B/C is the babies.
I actually recently won my last choice in a flaffle...just because he is my last choice doesn't mean I don't appreciate him either. In fact he amuses me and a character seem to develop readily in my mind for him.
I often think about trying to find co-owners to rp my Soq. but haven't really figured out how to go about it.
High-functioning Counselor
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:16 pm
I have to agree with ELF. I felt the same way when I read the first post - thought I don't think it was the intention it did kind of come off as "if you don't RP or have a lot of Soq you're being greedy and you don't appreciate them."
You point out they they are pets. Yes, yes they are. But at the same time, they are virtual pets. Which means they are NOT living things, but beautiful pieces of art that you can collect and display and give personalities and families and plots and development. But just because you have the time, or simply choose not, to roleplay with them does NOT mean they are not appreciated.
Yes, I'm one of those people with HUGE herds. But, I've been in the shop for over 5 years and like ELF and MANY others have dedicated countless hours, tears, gold, stress, and creative muscle into all of them. Ask me about ANY ONE OF MY SOQUILI and I can tell you about their personalities, their histories, where they came from, and what they want out of their little virtual existence.
The Soquili shop is NOT an RP shop and RPing your Soquili doesn't make you a BETTER owner.
Does RPing come with perks? Of course it does - and it should! I certainly do love reading people's RPs and I do RP myself when I have the time and motivation.
In addition, I don't think people who chose NOT to co-own a lot of their Soq are necessarily greedy, either. Now I happen to co-own many of my Soquili and I've, thankfully, had no major problems... but co-owning CAN be tricky and can lead to problems so I understand 100% that people don't want to. That's FINE. Again, choosing not to co-own doesn't make you greedy or not as good as an owner because they earned the Soquili and its their decision to make if they want to co-own or not.
Now, not to be all negative nancy here they first post had a LOT of good points. For one, you shouldn't enter the breeding raffles of colorists you don't like. Sure. (now, it's a very rare occasion, however, when I come across a Soq artist I don't like....)
And I do agree that you shouldn't try for flaffle pets you don't particularly care for. Now, depending on the raffle I might like ALL of them. But usually there are a couple that I'm neutral on, and yes, I will leave them off my list. I encourage everyone to do so. But if you like them all... go for it. They are there for everyone to have a chance at.