Name: Mage Rasses
Nickname: Mage
Age: 18
Race: demonic rabbit girl
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Bio: She has always been kept in dark places,so she can see well in the dark. She's not much of a fighter, but she doesn't like to be bossed around to much. So she does hide fform her masters, and when they find her it's normally bad. She doesn't care though. Her families have sold her, and she has always had very good clothes. Her favorite she is wearing. Her actually parent history is something bloody and brutal.
seme, uke, or seke? uke
Anything else relevant: She is a rebel to a point, and is a virgin. She also has a bloodlust. She's tricky, and fast. Mage has hidden power that she can call on. They include: force palm,blood dancing ( The ability to use blood as a weapon.
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