I have a question, but I wanna explain what even made me think of it to begin with. = w =
I'm sitting here, talking to my wifu over IM and discussing a roleplay that I'm going to create sometime soon.
It involves coming to terms with the bad things in life via lucid dreams/sharing dreams with others {some website called it dreamtelepathy or something. :/}, and facing one's fears.
Wifu and I share a pair of characters, fraternal twins by the name of Adrien and Octavie. We used them only in 1x1 rps, and in another rp, the one I advertise in my signature. I told Wifu that I was considering using my twin, Octavie, in this new roleplay. I was also considering what she needed to escape from, and I considered that it wasn't that she wanted to escape at first, but she didn't really have a choice in that she was in a coma. Somewhere inside, she was conscious, knew what had happened to her {I'm not even sure what happened, just yet. orz}, but she didn't want to face the fact that serious medical issues could conquer the life she knew, and therefor decrease her quality of life. Her challenge is to become brave enough to bear the fact that when she does wake, there might be some repercussions to deal with if she isn't lucky enough to escape them.
Adrien has a more simple challenge that is most likely harder to come to terms with than Octavie's, and it's facing the fear that she may never wake up, and he'll have to let go of his beloved twin. {Loving how he got nowhere near as much to read about as Octavie? - w -}
The entire time we were discussing the roleplay and figuring out what was going on- and we still are- I srsly wanted to cry and even did so a bit. I love these characters so much that they're almost real to me, and what they face can even have an impact on me, make me think deeper about some things. Has anyone else ever had some character that they were as attached to as that? Would you have cried if something bad ever happened to them? Or are your OCs and rpcs alike more like tools to you, rather than children?
I was just kind of wondering. .____.
How 'close' are you to your characters, whatever they may be for, and how do you feel about them, exactly? Children, friends, mere tools?