Gentha = Hot Pink
Nasira = #FF0066

Shaking out his pink pelt, the fully grown Nasira yawned widely. Ever since adulthood had hit, he was glad he'd moved from his 'home' with mother and father, now living in a cave with his sister. Since Gentha understood him, for some bit of their relationship, life was a bit easier, and he enjoyed training with her. Keeping up appearances as a slave had gotten easier too. Quiet most of the time, head held down low, black eyes never meeting another Lion's unless they were Na'artu as really was easy. Currently, he was walking outside, letting the moonlight hit his pelt, and letting taut muscles relax, shaking a bit of his black mane out of dark eyes.

While Nasira found life easier, Gentha saw hers become progressively harder. There weren't many men within the pride who she wasn't related to, and the one's who weren't related to her were either gigantic perverts who consistently attempted to hit on her or allude to sticking it in her. She was pretty sure at this point she wanted to be a man, but than she was sure she'd suffer sufficient intelligence loss. Damn boys were stupid.

Quietly sitting by a large pond by her den, Gentha starred into the water with the utmost concentration. Than she pretty much threw herself in it, scarring off half the frogs that lived there. Even just mildly giving frogs a heart attack made her ever the more happier. Pain was her game, and she got to inflict a lot of it now that she had assumed the position as a torturer. She had decided growing up to spare Nasira that pain, as it benefitted neither of them. It was probably the biggest way Gentha knew how to express her love for her brother without turning into a disgusting slave and giving him a hug or something. But it was a big gesture to her, because several times her parents had urged her to use him as practice, and having to blatantly refuse their wishes had probably made her lose being the top child spot on their totem pole of twisted love.

"Water! Cleanse me of my sins! Also, take this ******** dirt out of my fur," She groaned, flopping around in it noisely.

He trotted out of the den, gazing down at his sister with a tiny smirk. Chuckling to himself, he trotted down towards the pond, gazing at her with those eyes, tail flicking back and forth. "Cleanse you of your sins, sister? What sins? Not using me for combat practice?" He chuckled lowly, and lowered his head, taking a tiny drink of the water, to soothe his throat from a night of hard sleep. "I would like to Train some today, should we have time."

"I have no clue, but it sounded like the right thing to say," Gentha smirked, paddling in the water towards her brother quietly and splashing a little water on him. Most of the pride was out at the moment, so the chances they would be caught acting like they act in private was slim to none. It was mother and father's turn to act as torturer's on duty, so she wouldn't need to worry about them either.

"We have plenty of time. Let's train out in the Rogue Lands. We can probably find some scared Rogues to use as target practice. Maybe we'll even find one of those silly demon hunters to terrorize," Gentha said with a smile painted across her face. Gentha's smiles were anything but normal. She always seemed to smile as if she knew something incriminating about you, or as if she had done something so horrible, but that you'd never be able to prove it. It was truly sinister.

Laughing softly, he splashed her in turn, tail flicking again, "Yes sister, I suppose so." Running for the land, he purred, eagerly, black mane slightly longer, and fluttering in his eyes. Happy to have something to do, he enjoyed ******** around with rogues. And when the occasional demon hunter came along, it was just a perk. For both him AND Gentha. Trotting for the boundary, he grinned wickedly, "I will beat you there, dear sister. And in record time as well~!" Laughing brightly he ran faster for the lands' edge. Time ot play a game.

"I refuse to be beaten by a man! Let alone my brother!" Gentha proclaimed, chasing after him, wet fur and hair tuft spraying water all over the place as they ran. Despite being her brother's mistress, she had never once publicly called him a slave or used it as an insult against him. Another thing her parents deducted love points away from. Nasira was summoned by basics commands if she needed him, whether by name or, previously, by 'boy'. Now she couldn't very well call him that as he was not a boy but a man. She would need to think of something else.

Gentha's legs trampled dirt beneath her as she picked up speed some, but she was nowhere near as fast as her brother, simply stronger, "I wonder if we will find demon hunters today. I heard one strolls the boarder from time to time looking for someone. So silly, what would a demon need with him?"

He laughed delightedly, running full stride. Her pace was a bit slower, and she grinned eagerly, "Oh my. A Demon hunter who needs a lesson~ We should teach it to him, sister." He grinned, and then dropped his speed to running behind the other, letting her ahead of him. After all, for Master and servant, it was proper, though they really were more equals. Well, technically, since she was TRAINING him to be a true Demon after all, "I would enjoy ******** with him, sister. I've been so bored at home, as of late." Purring softly, he moved to trot beside her, "Mmm. I hate them. Those Demon Hunters. They get so....IRRITATING."

"We outnumber them greatly, and yet our leaders have done nothing about them," Gentha complained as her brother came to a trot next to her. In the entirety of their life span, she had been told constantly how weak the demon hunters were and that they would one day rid the world of them and take it for themselves, but she had yet to see these results. Two inept kings currently sit at the head of their pride, "If only Grandpa was still alive. We'd be rid of them by now..."

Gentha spat unladylike towards the ground as a disgusted look formed onto her face, "Instead we have two inept kings sitting on thrones, one which RIGHTFULY belongs to OUR family."

His ear twitched as he thought about what she had to say. That was true. They would never be rid of those damnable Demon Hunters so long as the two current Kings sat at the head of the pride. Glancing at her as she spit, he shrugged, "It is not by my paw that the Pride will change." He had heard ONE juve talk about something, though that was unto himself. That…and Nasira was a Slave. No one really paid him any mind. Sighing, he growled, "Though it would be nice to get rid of them….Grandfather would have made sure it happened…."

Snorting softly, he canted his head, "Well, this is why we shall teach one of them not to mess with Demons, sister. We will do what others do not." His serious, snarling expression showed the ice of the Demon inside him, the one he hid so well from the rest of the world.

"Exactly," Gentha said, a twisted and excited smile sweeping onto Gentha's face. The prospect of being able to punish one of those silly, stupid demon-hunters making her paws itch immensely.

Gentha could distinguish when they had stepped off of pridal lands and into the Rogue territory. The smells were less numerous and fairly different. It wasn't the familiarity of the demons she knew, but the odd and faint stink of demonless scum. She already wanted to turn back, but if she couldn't make herself become used to the stink of the demonless she would merely falter when it was time to slaughter them all. This was a test. She needed to pass.

"Let's bag us a demon-hunter," Gentha said, a smirk on her face as her and Nasira wandered out into the Rogue Lands to begin their first hunt together.
