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[LOG] Your Kind Disgusts Me (Hosoku x Emi x Hikari)

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Blessed Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:07 pm
The young hybrid was outside again. He didn’t wander far from the tunnel that led to the den he still shared with his brother, sisters, and mother. He liked to know where his mama was if anything should happen, or have half an ear on his siblings, just in case. Useless as he seemed to be compared to Jiro and Keikanei, he was still the oldest brother. It was supposed to be his job to look after them. If only he weren’t so clumsy

Hikari batted at a leaf, managing to flatten it under his paw. He was getting better at least. But he still couldn’t move as quickly and quietly as Kanie. And he was nowhere near as fluid and graceful in his motions as mama was. But then again, she was the best. He could never hope to be that good. But better than clumsy would be nice. Swiping at a second leaf, the white juvenile missed completely and managed to trip himself up in the process. Maybe he would grow into his paws soon, they were still way too big on him! Could that be what the problem was? He had skinny slender cheetah legs, but big soft leopard paws. At least he hoped it was leopard paws and not, gulp, lion paws. Mama liked lions, but a lot of other pride members did not. Especially aunty. He was afraid of what would happen if he suddenly grew a mane. Or, well, more of a mane.

But cheetahs had manes too, right? Just because he had the start of a mane didn’t mean he was automatically a lion. He might be a leopard…this would be so much less worrisome if he actually had a father. At least then he’d know what to expect, good or bad. Glumly, the hybrid shifted to settle himself more comfortably from his flop, reaching out to very carefully pin the leaf to the ground

Hosoku was out wondering around the pride lands. He knew every inch of this place. He spotted the awkward white hybrid. He hated them. They weren't like him, it was obvious. He was too big to be one of Hosoku's kind . He noticed he was out on his own, Hosoku didn't care if it was bigger and older. His mom ruled the pride and he can do whatever he wants, that’s what he knew and he embraced it.

He didn't understand why his mother even let their kind live in the pride lands, there good for nothing. If it were up to him he would run all of their kind out. He hated hybrids with a passion. "Disgusting creatures..." He mumbled under his breath. He never understood why his mother never chased them off. Maybe she was softer then he thought. He watched the thing in disgust. He wanted their kind to just disappear. Cheetahs ruled. That’s what mattered!

Hosoku swiftly made his way to the.... thing . Watching it more closely as he got closer. What was he doing? Hosoku made his way to him and sat a few feet away. "A stupid game for a stupid creature." He spat those words to him. His words as cold and venomous as they sounded. He glared down at the hybrid. Mother always said never associate with hybrids. She never said anything about teasing them.

Hikari blinked and looked up at the unexpected voice, his pink ears laying flat against his skull as his mismatched eyes met a pair that didn’t seem to quite be friendly. Slowly he lifted his paw off of the somewhat flattened leaf and tucked it back in against the white fluff of his chest as he watched the strange cub anxiously. There was familiarity about him, in his coloring and he thought maybe in the other’s scent. Almost. But not quite. Maybe the cub knew someone that Hikari knew? But he didn’t know that many in the pride. Just his family and then their adoptive family. Mama, Kanie, Jiro, Satomei, Bugie, Dysi, Nanashi, Nyoka, and Mana and Mana’s cubs too. So maybe it was a little bit more than just a few, but it was a big pride and…and…and…

"I’m…sorry?" he tried uncertainly, his soft voice small and meek. Clearly he must have done something to upset this cub, as there didn’t seem to be anyone else around to whom he would be speaking with such cold hostility. Well, whatever he’d done, he hadn’t meant to do it.

“I’m sorry too…. I’m sorry that you’re a waste of my space and my air.” His words just as cold as before. “You’re also an unhappy image in my sight.” Not only was this thing a hybrid but a stupid one too. It was obvious Hosoku was talking to it. Hosoku stood tall, eyeing the creature. His eyes piercing through the soul of this mistake. Why would god create such a disturbing creature? Maybe it was to make ugly cheetahs feel pretty. Who knows?

Just because he was bigger didn’t mean he would let this filthy half-blood scare him. Everything about him pointed to the fact he was a mistake, from the pink in his pelt to the kindness he showed and the unnatural color of his eyes. It makes Hosoku sick. “Why don’t you go back where you came from?” He words as cold as ice and as piercing a dagger. Hosoku didn’t care about his feelings. Why would he? He wanted this infertile disgusting being gone and out of his sight.

Hikari could only stare at this strange cub, his eyes growing wider and wider with every word. Shock and hurt were plain on his features, and he opened and closed his mouth twice before he could decide on what to say. Being mean back was not okay. It was mean to be mean, mama had said. So he wouldn’t be mean back. But he didn’t understand why this cub, whom he was certain he’d never met, would just…just hate him. It didn’t make any sense to the hybrid.

"Do…do you even know my name?" he finally choked. There had to be a reason for this. Maybe he’d stepped on someone’s flower or something and this was their brother come to make him be sorry for doing it. It would have been an accident though, he didn’t mean to be clumsy. Go back where he came from though? This was where he was from! Where else was he supposed to go?

Hosoku laughed at the cub’s facial expression. Why was he being so laid back though. Maybe he really was a dumb cub. That only proved Hosokus first feelings, that they were a mistake of the gods. Hosoku just continued to glare at the weakly cub. He looked over his un-cheetah like features. Why can’t mom just get rid of you filthy things? he thought. He would have to talk to hi mother about this.

His eyes got colder and wider, “NAME?!? WHY ON EARTH WOULD I CARE ABOUT YOUR NAME?!?!” He spat those words as anger grew inside him. Why would he care about what that thing is called! How dare he even ask such a stupid question!!

Hikari quivered slightly as his question only made the strange cub angrier. Alright, so then they really hadn’t met. "B-but…if you don’t know who I am then…then why…why do you hate me?" he asked, thoroughly lost in confusion. There was no reason to hate a stranger. Even a scary stranger deserved at least a chance.
And Hikari knew he wasn’t scary. He was a little bigger than a cheetah, but more slender than a leopard, and his left ear was raggedy from being chewed on lots by his sister. His fur was white and clean and soft, except for the spots of pink along his cheeks and shoulders, and the gray bands on his tail. He didn’t have lots of scars, or patchy blood-smeared fur or…anything that he could think of that might be frightening or upsetting. He’d been teased about the pink spots before, but at least the other cubs had been specific. It felt like…like this cub hated him just for being there.

How was he supposed to not upset someone who was bothered because he was here? It just…didn’t make any sense. He didn’t know what to do…

Hosoku laughed. “B-But…. But…” The cheetah boy mocked him. “You’re a whiney thing aren’t you.” His face grew serious and glared directly into his eyes. “Why you filthy creature, I don’t hate you I hate your whole kind.” He stared at the cub his tone was serious. “You need to leave my home.”

He began to circle the cub, eyeing is feature. “pelt….eyes….personality…. your just all wrong. You’re not a cheetah..." He laughed at the thought and continued with his statement, “If you were you'd be a disgrace to my kind anyway, but you’re not pure-bred anything, so that just means you’re a mistake.” He sat face-to-face with the hybrid. “So why don’t you just go?”

He hated this hybrid, he didn’t care that he was scared or even how he was feeling. He was a mistake and needed to be treated like one. He was just going to be a slave anyway. So why not just start a long-life process that he has to get used to. If anything Hosoku was doing him a favor and getting him ready for his life as a slave.

The days were like spring. She rose up bright and early. The blue cheetah nuzzled up under mother's chin and pushed her head slightly up. "Ma.. Ma.. wake up." But the other older cheetah was tired.. and slightly pushed Emi away. "Dear. Mother needs sleep.." Emi's face fell.. usually mother told her to wake her up. Ears went back.. then nodded. "I'll wake you up later." Pushing her forehead against her mother's. It was really warm but as a cub- and not a healer she didn't know any better. So she licked her. "I'll be back."

She turned.. and saw her brother leave.. She tilted her head. But didn't leave just yet because she was more worried about mother. Sitting down before her and watching for a few more moments.. then licked her again before turning and leaving the den. She knew that she could go about the pride- but not alone. So why was brother going? She turned to see her other siblings still asleep next to mother.. But not as close as Emi was to her. It made her frown.. but she turned anyways back to the pride and took in the fresh air.

"Alright." She announced. Then hoped down in to the path below. Her brother had long since gone now.. and she likely didn't know where he went but she would try and find him but the girl was very easily distracted and followed a set of entertainers the opposite way. Following behind them in secret and watching as they laughed and giggled. "Hi!" She jumped up from under them- two females gasped while the others laughed. "Hello Little one... who do we have here?" Emi smiled brightly. "I'm Emi- please to meet you." "Oh~ ! Nyoka's little one. Such a beauty you are~!" Her ears were filled with compliments as they made their way towards the boys and up in to the den of entertainers. But Emi- didn't go in. She sat outside and ears were pulled down when she was 'denied' entry. Only because they had 'business' to attend to.

Dropping down and on to the rocky terrain. "Work.." She didn't look forward to it but she felt a little left out. Walking away from the den- she heard the sound of. Well. Her brother's voice! She smiled brightly and ran towards his voice only to hear the anger from it which caused her to stop right when he came in to view. A soft bundle of a cub much bigger than he- and yet he was yelling and saying such mean things.

"Brother!" She yelled out then ran right up to them - not in the middle but in the middle NEXT to them. Tilting her head- hear the nasty words. "Brother! Whats wrong?" Then she looked at the cub. He was- wasn't doing anything? What was going on here! Her tail was up and her body was at attention. "What did he do." Very cautious of the bigger cub.. and side stepping near her brother.. Just in case the bigger cub was bullying her brother.

"No, I won’t!" Hikari finally cried, rising to his paws as the fur along his spine bristled. Standing up, he really was bigger than this cheetah cub. "I don’t have to leave! I’m older than you are, I was here first! This is my home! If you don’t like it then maybe you should go somewhere else!" He felt sorry instantly after he’d said it, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He hadn’t meant to yell at the other cub, he just wanted him to stop saying such hurtful things. His eyes abruptly burned with tears. He couldn’t help what he looked like. He knew he didn’t look like mama, not at all. He was white and pink and had stripes on his tail when mama was black and spotty. He didn’t want to be different, he didn’t like not knowing who he belonged to. He hated it!

"I…I’m sorry I yelled," he mumbled. At least his mama had taught him what was and was not ‘acceptable behavior’. This cub’s mama was probably not doing a very good job with that. All of his brothers and sisters knew. And Mana’s cubs knew. And…that was all the cubs he knew. But still! Still it wasn’t…wasn’t right…it…

Sniffling faintly, trying very hard not to blink, Hikari turned to see another blue and spotty cub arrive. Oh great, he had a sister. Now what was he going to do? Maybe he really should just leave. Maybe Jiro or someone would be at the den for a change and could keep him from being lonely for a little while.

Emi was taken back by the point of entry and then right when she had happen to be here.. Her ears went forward and with a sneer she growled. Even if she was smaller than both of them. She puffed her chest up and moved beside her brother. "I don't know WHO you are! But you leave my brother alone!" Her fur bristled around her and she looked more like a puff ball with a mohawk. Her shoulders went up and she hissed again but took a step back. "Stop saying mean things! You don't seem sorry- if you said them!" Even after he tried to apologize. "Your- Your-" SHe was so angry to hear someone was bullying her brother. "YOUR THE MEANEST CUB I EVER MET!" She yelled out- more like a burst like her chest was about to explode!

Hosoku laughed, this turned out better than planned. His little sister the Nice one was being mean. A smirk grew across his face. He chuckled. “Why don’t you just take your filthy half-bred self and go back to your den and never cross my sight again.” His sister was such an airhead at times. But this time it worked out in his favor. What made it even more fun was the fact that Hosoku was actually the mean one. He just hated hybrids, but his sister all ‘lovey dovey’ with all of god’s creatures stood up with him.

He just laughed, what a great day this was turning out to be. Maybe he would actually leave the pride. My… My… what a splendid job he was doing. He was so proud of himself. Mother would be so proud. He stood close to his sister. “I….We think you should go now.” His tail flicking back and forth. “Isn’t that right sis?” He looked down at his fluff ball of a sibling.

She bad somewhat of a barking sound but let him go on about his sayings but when he said filthy half breed- it sounded very mean. "Brother-" She tried to stop him because that comment seemed a little out of line. Their family- Tsura and Vailea were also hybrids weren't they? They weren't fithy.. but with the other BIGGER cub being so mean. I guess.. being mean back WAS called for. Values like that were often twisted in that way.

When he stood next to her and asked her to back up him up. She nodded. "Yea.. why don't-" She lowered her voice.. as if something was amiss that she was missing. But the other cub plainingly was just out of control on the mean. "Why don't you just.. go on." She tilted her head towards her brother. "And stop being so mean.. because- because that isn't nice." She nodded. Tail coiling and then padding afterwards trying to calm herself down.. Just those words the other said unnerved her. Taking her paw back and sitting beside her brother finally. Looking at the cub for a long long moment before leaning against her brother.

Hikari was floored by the combined aggression of two strange cubs he’d never met before. Why did they hate him? How did he make them hate him? What did he do wrong? He tried to protest, tried to explain, tried to say something, anything. But his throat wouldn’t work. There was a great huge lump in the way that made it impossible to talk at all. It made it hard to breathe too, and his nose getting all stuffy wasn’t helping matters much at all. The pair of angry blue cheetahs blurred, becoming four and then fuzzing out into a hazy blob until he had to blink to see anything at all. The wetness ran down his cheeks, following the pink marking that traced his muzzle. Mama had a marking like that. At least it was something of hers that he had. It was better than not having anything to mark him as belonging to someone.
Even his voice was failing him now. He might be a clumsy cub who didn’t look like his mama and didn’t have a father, but he’d always been told he had a great talent. And now he couldn’t even utter a single word to defend himself.

Maybe it was just as well. Maybe he should just go. Everyone here had been avoiding him lately, or so it had seemed. Mama was busy, he forgave her that. Kanie and Jiro were training, Satomei was with Nanashi as always…even Dysi had seemed like he didn’t want to talk to him. Maybe it was a hint. Maybe these two were only the first ones to be honest. Maybe his father wasn’t the only one who didn’t want him…
Ears laid back with misery, his gray barred tail dragged in the dirt, Hikari backed away from the angry duo and, choking on a sob, turned to bolt. Where he would go he didn’t know, but he couldn’t stay here anymore. Not if no one wanted him around.

Hosoku watched as the hybrid ran, he chuckled a little. "Good riddance, the less of his kind the better. Isn't that right Emi?" He looked down at his sister for a moment. He was actually proud of his sister, she finally stopped acting like a whimp and stood up, mother would be so proud.

He smiled and sighed, "Well that concludes my fun for today, i'll be with mother if you need me." He gently nuzzled his sister against her head before walking toward the den. It was fun to watch the filthy hybrid cry. On less of them was exactly what Hosoku like to see. And now his sister was joining in on the fun what pleasure. He was oblivious to the fact that being mean to the hybrid was unsettling with his sister but he didnt care, he simply just turn his back to her and made his way home.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:58 pm
For a moment. She sat with her ears down and her head looking the way her brother went. A soft purr was stop short by his words. Then for a moment as she thought of what happened.. Then her mind was way behind before her sprinting forward and rushing behind the hybrid. She didn't know exactly what happened but her heart was feeling like a massive heavy feeling over it. Something wans't right. Loosing the feeling in her paws as she dodged around the caverns. It was dark- and she thought thats where the hybrid ran. Cursing herself for listening to her brother!

He had such a way with words that she believed him more than half of the time. Right when she got about a couple of turns in to the tunnels.. She slowed down. Putting her nose to the ground and started to track.. the darkness was lingering and stretching more and more around until she was completely consumed.. and when she did.. She didn't know about the dip and she thrashed forward in to the ground and let out a long screeching sound of pain and fear!

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:28 pm

Hikari probably should have been more careful about where he was going, but he was too upset to care. So what if he fell and hurt himself? So what if he got lost? No one would miss him. No one wanted him around...

...well, that might not be totally true. Snuffling, the white hybrid stopped, then hopped onto a small rockshelf, curling up into a ball of miserable. Mama cared. Mama loved him. She would miss him if he left. She would miss him lots. Even if she was just busy lately. She still loved him. She loved all of them. Of course, he still felt miserable, but he was more inclined to stay where he was and be gloomy than wander around into some sort of trouble. Gloom seemed to stick to him lately. The strange cubs had only made the gloom worse.

What if mama really was the only one who wanted him around? Maybe he should just...live down here. Where no one except mama could find him. And mama would find him. She always knew everything after all. But Hikari's plans to disappear, or mostly disappear, vanished as soon as he heard the screech. Was someone in trouble?

His head shot up from where it had dropped to rest on his paws, his ears pricked and his nose twitching. He'd grown up secluded deep and safe in the caves of Aiko's hidden den, he knew how to find his way in the darkness. He was actually really quite good at it by now. Clumsily, because his paws were never graceful it seemed, he lept down from the rock and bounded in the direction of the cry. Where was it...where was it...

"Hello?" he called after a moment, slowing down to ensure that he didn't fall victim to whatever made the strange voice cry out like that. "Is someone there? Are...are you okay?"
PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:53 pm
She whimpered.. and unlike her siblings. She was just overall different from the rest. The power her mother showed- was nothing in the eyes of Emi. Where she tripped and fell.. A cut surfaced on her arm and she coiled it under her to hold from squealing again. Until she heard a voice.. and it was familiar.. so she called out to it. "Here. Here!" Ears back as she tried to pull herself up but never getting a cut before- she felt like a tri pod and fell the opposite way.

She was about to call for her mother before thinking that she would get them in to a thicker mess if she found out she was hurt. Then the blame would fall on everyone.. She laid there biting her lip. "I got hurt.." Her voice trailed but so quietly that it dissipated right when she said it.. softly licking at it in pure darkness. Everything was becoming scary to her so she coiled on a rock and held on for pure life.. so nothing can drag her as she now occasionally licked at the wound. Sniffling as fear was starting to set in with tears now rolling down and tainting her cheeks..

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:37 am

"Hurt?" Hikari repeated, before pausing. Now he knew the voice and scent. This was that same cub who said she hated him, that he was mean and horrible. Anxiously, he edged away from where he heard her, but his insides felt all twisty... he didn't want to leave her here if she was hurt. Even if she did hate him for no good reason that he could figure out. She was still a cub, her mother would worry.

"I...it's okay..." he choked, forcing himself to slink to where he could hear her. There, was that the flash of eyes in the dark? "I know my way around, I can get you out of here," he assured her, inching even closer still. "I...I can probably carry you, if you'd like?" If it was the cub, and he suspected it was, then she was smaller than he was. He should be able to manage, even though he wasn't particularly strong. Or really at all.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:40 pm
She was sniffling, it was very hard not to outright cry. It felt like her foot just got out of place so she lowered her body even more. Til she smelt the hybrid, it was the same one that had told her brother off and started to yell at him. But why would he be nice to her then? She knew it couldn't have been true. He looked kind enough.. Now she really started to know the creeping knowledge of her brother's antics. Hybrids. Ones that didn't look like mother and father..

Her eyes were trying to see in the dark but hadn't quited developed all the way, only seeing the vague outline of him. "As long as you don't make fun of me!~" She chirped, eager to see who he really was.. "I wanna go back to mommy~" A soft whine pulled out of her. Sounding really like a 4 year old just wanting to cry but trying so hard not to. It made her voice crack and squeak all the more.

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:00 pm

"It's okay," Hikari soothed, shifting to help her clamber onto his back. If she was hurt he'd have to be very careful not to let her slip off. But mother carried them like this once or twice, he had a pretty good idea of what to do. Some part of him thought that this wasn't really fair. That he should just leave her here to rot after what she did to him. But...no. That wasn't fair either. She was just a cub. Just a rotten bully of a cub. But her mommy would miss her.

"Just tell me the way to your den," the hybrid muttered once she was settled. It was easy enough to find himself his way out of this place. As he'd told her, he knew his way around in the dark. But that didn't make him particularly fond of it. Maybe her brother had been right. Maybe he didn't belong. He should leave if he wasn't wanted...

((I don't know about you wanted to post more or not, but you've got the count you needed from when we did an AIM roleplay and I suppose this could be called finished now.))
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:01 pm
As she was left in the care of the larger cub she had met earlier and thankfully he knew where he was going. Except- he wasn't 'snapping' at her. He- had helped her. He knew exactly what to do in the time of need and helped her up and in her gut- it hurt. What a kind soul.. and yet her brother was being so mean. It even hurt her to know she was apart of that. Tears that had slightly dried now started to run but she tried so hard not to. Emi's heart was just too soft and once she was upon him she clung to him with her good paw and snuggled her face in his fur. Burying it really. Sniffling as she went to speak.

"I'm.. I'm- *sniff sniff* So sorry.. *sniff sniff* You saved me.. *sniff sniff* I'm sorry.. my brother is a meanie.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry." She had a pitch of whining. "I- I didn't mean to.. *sniff sniff* really...!" She coiled her tail around as best as she could so she wouldn't fall off and once in front of the den.. She quickly felt a huge maw come over her body and carried her in. With her face in tears and opened her eyes to watch as she was dragged away from the hybrid male.. He saved her.. she wouldn't forget that.

[ Sorry, though the whole reason why she came and got lost in the first place was to ask forgiveness because she found out that her brother just used her to help his bullying and to sort things out/clear the air. She didn't want to have no part in her brother's bullying and wanted to befriend Hikari - As we had earlier discussed that it was apart of the plot. ]

[ Icly: Nyoka found out about the whole mess and told Nanashi. Where they later are set in to giving punishment to their son. Later Nanashi had to deal with Aiko's rage fit. As Nyoka was sick at the time of this situation happening and couldn't barely be able to stand enough to engage in an argument/fight. ]


Chi Sohma

Married Unicorn

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