Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:19 pm
I don't know about others but I think using up a Soquili's final breeding is kind of a big deal. It is almost like they are retiring into old age since they will be past the point of breeding ever again after they win their last slot. I was thinking it may be kind of neat to have a Final Breeding Event or something. Kind of like LL and Roleplay qualified breedings in specific. This doesn't have to happen all of the time just once in a while I think it would be kind of neat. It would be up to the colorists of course, if they wished to do this at any given time or not. This doesn't mean it would be a category in regular breedings it would just be an event by itself every so often, just to honor those who have worked at it and are on their last breeding. -Shrug- I dunno, just thought I would throw it out there.
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:02 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:18 pm
I only have one soquili on their last and he's my first soquili and yes for me it's a big deal, I'm like "eeekkk I'm too scared", so I'm holding off on that for a bit.
To some it maybe a big deal to others it might now be, but I loved it when they had RP slots open every now and again.
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:19 pm
i think its a pretty big deal indeed as well i know exactly what you mean. however Im not to sure its needed . . .perhaps if it were a once a year thing i could see it but eh not really.
maybe last breeding's could be changed to for sure three baskets?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:26 pm
I figure it isn't really a neccessity so much as just something special that could happen every so often. ^^ I have a couple who is on there last breeding as well and it kinda makes me misty eyed to think they have been together that long and are entering the final stages of parenthood.
As for the three baskets, I think the for sure thing is kind of meant for elders. I wouldn't want to cross any lines. XD
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:51 pm
I think not. I think it'd be pretty unfair.
It's like... those soq have already gotten lucky enough to breed twice.
There's plenty of people who have never even gotten one breeding.
If colorists are going to open up breeding slots, I think it would hurt a lot of feelings if they were only opened to some of the luckiest folk in the shop. RP breeding slots are nice and are one thing; breeding slots reserved for couples who have gotten lucky twice are another entirely.
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:58 pm
I don't really see how it is unfair, some couples have spent years attempting to get to their third breedings. Also there are ways for those who are less lucky to win ie: LL and Rp qualified breedings that are held exclusively for those who fit that catagory.
Secondly it wouldn't really effect those around them for it is their FINAL breeding. Meaning they are taken out of the running forever more. If anything it helps to thin out the competition and my guess is that these would not take place very often. In most cases it takes quite some time to make it to a final breeding. I have only one couple on their last breeding and I have been on for nearly three years now.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:19 am
Scaramouche Fandango I think not. I think it'd be pretty unfair. It's like... those soq have already gotten lucky enough to breed twice.There's plenty of people who have never even gotten one breeding. If colorists are going to open up breeding slots, I think it would hurt a lot of feelings if they were only opened to some of the luckiest folk in the shop. RP breeding slots are nice and are one thing; breeding slots reserved for couples who have gotten lucky twice are another entirely.
not in the sense that it is un-fair par say but it is a very valid point. im actually going to agree with this entirely
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:24 am
I still disagree though.
Sometimes there is lucky enough to have bred twice and then there is LUCKY enough to have bred twice.
I realize there are those out there who have waited a long time for their first breeding but there are also those out there who have waited a long time to bring an end to their Soquili's breeding entirely.
I was thinking about this from less than a winner takes all standpoint, more of an emotional one. I have had my first Soquili for nearly three years now and he is the only one able to be entered into this slot out of the six I own. I just figured this would be a way to make it more special than just BOOM your done.
Also, as for lucky enough to have one breeding that is what LL is for. I have had to wait to get there as I am sure others have as well. That is why it is there. It evens out the odds for everyone and even then sometimes you have to keep on waiting.
I dunno, maybe I just misunderstand how it could be seen that way when it wouldn't happen often and those entering have clawed their way up to it one way or another. Their numbers being rolled just like everyone else.
I hope I don't seem too abrasive. Sorry guys, thank you for your opinions. ^^
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:47 am
XBlind-DarknessX I don't really see how it is unfair, some couples have spent years attempting to get to their third breedings. I just thought I would bring this up.... I know of a couple (not owned by me since none of mine have had all their breedings) who got all three slots in a like 9months. Yes it is rare but it does need to be considered as one of the two extremes, since Maion/Seng took over 18months to get a slot for their first breeding so it really will take them years to eventually get to their last one. But yeah it is possible for different soquili to breed every 3 months or whatever the cool down is.
Plus.... if you are saying it's a 'big' deal, is it a big deal simply because they have had two breedings already, or because it means something big in their RP/matehood/flings..... I think it sits squarly in a field of grey....
I personally don't see the need for an extra slot. I believe that the chances should be the same as everyone else (and I say this knowing exactly how long it took me for Maion/Sengs first)..... and then you just get uber excited when you finally get a slot.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:10 am
Sya, I understand and agree with that more than merely saying it isn't fair.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:55 am
Syaoran-Puu XBlind-DarknessX I don't really see how it is unfair, some couples have spent years attempting to get to their third breedings. I just thought I would bring this up.... I know of a couple (not owned by me since none of mine have had all their breedings) who got all three slots in a like 9months. Yes it is rare but it does need to be considered as one of the two extremes, since Maion/Seng took over 18months to get a slot for their first breeding so it really will take them years to eventually get to their last one. But yeah it is possible for different soquili to breed every 3 months or whatever the cool down is.
Plus.... if you are saying it's a 'big' deal, is it a big deal simply because they have had two breedings already, or because it means something big in their RP/matehood/flings..... I think it sits squarly in a field of grey....
I personally don't see the need for an extra slot. I believe that the chances should be the same as everyone else (and I say this knowing exactly how long it took me for Maion/Sengs first)..... and then you just get uber excited when you finally get a slot. agreed.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:26 am
XBlind-DarknessX I still disagree though.
Sometimes there is lucky enough to have bred twice and then there is LUCKY enough to have bred twice.
I realize there are those out there who have waited a long time for their first breeding but there are also those out there who have waited a long time to bring an end to their Soquili's breeding entirely.
I was thinking about this from less than a winner takes all standpoint, more of an emotional one. I have had my first Soquili for nearly three years now and he is the only one able to be entered into this slot out of the six I own. I just figured this would be a way to make it more special than just BOOM your done.
Also, as for lucky enough to have one breeding that is what LL is for. I have had to wait to get there as I am sure others have as well. That is why it is there. It evens out the odds for everyone and even then sometimes you have to keep on waiting.
I dunno, maybe I just misunderstand how it could be seen that way when it wouldn't happen often and those entering have clawed their way up to it one way or another. Their numbers being rolled just like everyone else.
I hope I don't seem too abrasive. Sorry guys, thank you for your opinions. ^^ Well, as you said yourself, that is why there are LL slots. Even if it's a last breeding spot, it doesn't meant that it should be easier to get. If it takes longer, it'll get you to LL.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:49 am
Heart ^^ As I said before I was kind of looking at it from a more sentimental point of view than from a winning one. I just thought it would be cute just to have a special breeding all to their own like once a year or something. Sya makes sense though and I know some people don't see it as sentimental but just more as a way to get baskets.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:06 pm
I understand, I'm just saying sometimes the wait adds to it being more special? At least, I like to think so... LOL