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Since telling her family about the love she had, times had been a bit simpler. Sure, her parents were angry, but she kept to Mauwi most of the time lately. If only because she wanted to be away from her family that had cast such judgements. But she shook the troubling thought away.
So what? She had finally gotten exactly what she wanted. She was in Mauwi's den, curled against his sleeping form, listening to his breathing and watching his chest rise and fall. Watching him sleep was such an.. insanely intimate feeling for her. Like it was something she had never thought to see.
Yet here she was, in love and ready to give him her heart. Actually, truth be told, she had given her heart to him long ago. She hadnt been able to help herself. But now, she snuggled against him tighter. His green mane touched her black pelt, and she realized just how much she
liked such a bright color against her. She was born as a sort of royalty. But she had fallen in love with a true gem. He was like a stone, that had been polished just for her. Much like the necklace he had made her so long ago. She hated that she couldnt be more open to others for him.
Happier, brighter, and all around good hearted, just wasnt her forte. She was demanding, harsh, a bit not so subtle, and she was usually a bit sarcastic. But he loved her for that, even if most had found her a bit offputting.

Mauwi stirred, though only a little, and she squeaked with surprise when he yawned and turned over, paw flying towards her face. She backed away, and narrowed her eyes. Walking back to the sleeping male, she poked him with a toe and cocked her head. She continued to poke him, until she
watched one golden eye open, and then the other once he realized she was still there with him. This was the first morning that they had woken together, and it was such a joy to see her bright face in the morning. He yawned, and lifted himself onto his belly. His pink toes uncurling and his
ear twitching a bit, he smiled.

"Good morning, lovely." He said, voice still groggy from sleep. His eyelids still seemed heavy, even if he was trying to become more alert to her attentions. His body wasnt responding as fast as he would have liked, but still it responded and he had to at least be thankful for that. He nosed her gently
when she stepped back towards him.

"You might as well have just punched me!" She exclaimed, clearly shaken from the large paw that had flown towards her face. Though she knew he had not meant it, and she soothed her bristling fur and tried to offer a kinder smile. She let her tail flick against his rump, and giggled, pawing at his face
with her front paw. She pushed at him, trying her hardest to get him up. But he was a large lion, and she was a rather small female. Dainty, you could say. In her mind, he complimented her pefectly in more than just physical ways. What they had together was just... so much MORE than the physical.

Mauwi shook his head, laughing, and flipping over to pin her down. Licking her cheek, her removed himself off of her, and chuckled. He was at least standing now, though it wasnt for long. Soon he sat down, and let his tail curl around his legs.
"I wouldnt punch you in the face. But maybe poking isnt the best idea, yeah?" He grinned.
She sneered a little, snubbing her nose and poking him again for emphasis. Sure she still acted as a child sometimes, but if she was all work and no play she would have been a very dull creature. She laid on her belly, looking up at him, and he followed suit.
"Todays our lazy day?" He asked, licking her cheek as she purred, flicking her ears back and running her head under his chin. A lazy day sounded perfect.

"Yes. Today is our do nothing day but spend time with each other. Ive waited too long to get this close to you. Ill be damned if I let you end it so quickly." She teased, though it was very true, the words she had spoken. She batted at his lime green tail fluff, and when she caught it in her mouth, she scampered
to lay down facing him. She was feeling a bit frisky, more playful than usual. She felt carefree. That had to be the best feeling.. She hadnt felt that way since she had been an adolescent. He brought that out in her. He brought many good things out when she was around him. She'd never felt so cherished, so protected.

He squealed, a very unmanly noise, that he blushed for after. "Hey!" He said, grinning and rolling onto his back. She stepped over him, her front legs straddling him and her back legs laying behind her. She looked down at him, her mane fluff hanging seductively over one eye.

"You didnt like it?" She purred. Her voice was thick and raspy with emotion. His eyes gentle, his touch soft. She was a prize, his prize, and he loved everything about her.

"Of course I did." He said, looking up at her and using his claw to trace it up and down her cheek, stroking her. She was his everything, more than she knew, and he would do anything to keep her by his side.

"Good.. Now lets rest up some more.. I think that this is my favorite place to be." She sighed, and curled in against him, closing her eyes. She couldn't imagine being anywhere else, not when the right here, right now felt so perfect. His earthy scent, his gentle touch and that sweet laugh. What more could she ask for? What more could she want? Contentment sank deep into her bones, and she nuzzled up close to his side. This was perfection