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Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:28 am


Intro text here

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:33 am


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Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:43 am


Collecting my current quests, so that I won't lose them and listing any attempts I've made to get them.

Name: Rokku
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Lion (either of the standing rogue lines)
Parents: N/A
Description: A memorial custom of my pet lizard, Roro is a cream-colored male with greyish bars on his back. He's got golden eyes and sort of a scaley pattern in places. The reference images should explain everything.
Reference Image(s), if applicable: This album
Here's some Roros that have been translated into B/C pets
Wishful Hippogriff
Price: 350K

[b]Name:[/b] Rokku
[b]Stage:[/b] Adult
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Species:[/b] Lion (either of the standing rogue lines)
[b]Parents:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] A memorial custom of my pet lizard, Roro is a cream-colored male with greyish bars on his back. He's got golden eyes and sort of a scaley pattern in places. The reference images should explain everything.
[b]Reference Image(s), if applicable:[/b] [url=http://s761.photobucket.com/albums/xx256/Meezuil/]This album[/url]
Here's some Roros that have been translated into B/C pets
[url=http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv311/WishfulThinkingShop/Aethubryn/Certs/Rokku.jpg]Wishful[/url] [url=http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af132/scaramouche_fandangoBC/As/Rokku.png]Hippogriff[/url]
[b]Price:[/b] 350K

Name: Moonglow
Stage: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Lion (newest rogue lines, please)
Parents: N/A
Description: Moonie's entire body is dark blue like the night sky, covered with little white stars. An aurora borealis covers her flanks. One of the little stars is red, like Betelguse. On her face, she has a pale yellow splotch, like moonlight. Her 'bits'- nose, inner ear, etc.- are silver. See her references.
Reference Image(s), if applicable: This whole album.
Price: 350K

[b]Name:[/b] Moonglow
[b]Stage:[/b] Adult
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Species:[/b] Lion (newest rogue lines, please)
[b]Parents:[/b] N/A
[b]Description:[/b] Moonie's entire body is dark blue like the night sky, covered with little white stars. An aurora borealis covers her flanks. One of the little stars is red, like Betelguse. On her face, she has a pale yellow splotch, like moonlight. Her 'bits'- nose, inner ear, etc.- are silver. See her references.
[b]Reference Image(s), if applicable:[/b] [url=http://s1001.photobucket.com/albums/af132/scaramouche_fandangoBC/Moonglow/]This whole album.[/url]
[b]Price:[/b] 350K

Custom Attempts

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:19 am


Journal Entry
[align=center][color=SPEECH][size=14]”Quote or lyrics.”[/size][/color][/align]

[imgleft]400 px tall uncert[/imgleft][color=#472b75][b]Name:[/b]
[b]Past Stages:[/b]
[b]Full Uncert:[/b] [url=].:.X.:.[/url]
[b]Posting Color:[/b][/color][color=SPEECH]Code[/color]


Log Title

[color=#472b75][size=13]Roleplay Logs[/size]


Log Entry

Kenda: Speech

Ts'h: Speech

Pembe: Speech

Moroi: Speech

Aethonan: Speech

Raka: Speech

Go to tektek.org/color and select one-time back-and-forth. Use #482085 as the starting colour and #371A6F as the end. Put it in size 14 for a header and size 10 for a footer.

Main Text


Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:54 am

”When stories nestle in the body, soul comes forth.”

User ImageName: Kenda'Masimulizi
Meaning: "Nine Tales" in Swahili
Nickname: Kenda
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Pride: N/A
Species: Wild Dog
Family: N/A
Familiar: T'sh Dhywl
Friends: N/A
Acquaintances: N/A
Enemies: N/A
History: Born to a single mother as the last-born of a very large litter, Kenda didn't last long in his family group. The strains of parenthood were too hard on his very young mother, and so she abandoned him and siblings as soon as they could eat solid food. They wandered their separate ways, some going alone, some in groups of two or three, never to hear from each other again. Kenda wandered off by himself and was one of the first to leave- as the smallest and youngest, he was quite panicked by their sudden lack of mother. At first, his idea was to either find her or find his absent father, but as the days went by with no luck at all, he soon despaired of these ideas. Fortunately, he got quite lucky. He was small and cute and didn't eat much, which made him endearing to young female animals out on their own for the first time. He found a few other roving creatures who temporarily took care of him, eventually settling in with a friendly, maternal female jackal with no family of her own. She became his best friend and mother figure, even though she was only a few months older than he was. Other than that, his youth was pretty unremarkable. He roams the savannah looking for a group that he really clicks with and telling stories and babysitting in exchange for food and safe passage. He is a sort of wandering minstrel, one might say- Kenda's full of observations made on his travels, and he's more than willing to share them. He took the second part of his name at adulthood; before, he'd simply been Kenda, the ninth-born.
Personality: Kenda is a sweet, playful joker. While slightly tempered by the jackal that follows him around, he's really quite lazy and goofy. He hates hunting and would rather be fed by his audience- though he's more than willing to entertain even when there isn't any compensation. He's very laid-back and rarely gets mad, as he's got a lot of patience. He is quite a deep thinker and likes to ponder matters of the mind and soul. He's got no deep prejudices- although he is wary around hyenas due to a rather nasty childhood misunderstanding. He almost always backs down from conflicts, as he has no desire to fight and nothing he feels is worth fighting for. He does entertain the idea of settling down one day with a pack or perhaps a like-minded mate, but he knows that this isn't necessary for his lifelong happiness.
Past Stages: .:.X.:.
Full Uncert: .:.X.:.
Posting Color:

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:57 am

|Kenda's Encounters|

Roleplay Logs


Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:20 am

“You've got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.”

User ImageName: T'sh Dhywl
Meaning: Unknown
Nickname: T'sh- pronounced like a ch almost- or Tish
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Pride: N/A
Species: Jackal
Family: She looks at Kenda like he's her son- her lazy, good-for-nothing but still entirely lovable son.
Familiar: N/A
Friends: N/A
Acquaintances: N/A
Enemies: N/A
History: By all accounts, T'sh has had an incredibly normal life for a jackal. Certainly a stable existence, leaving her mentally balanced and really quite content with her life. She was raised communally with her cousins by her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and older siblings and cousins. They were a loosely-knit pack, free to come and go as they chose. While she loved her family dearly, they were a little... well, smothering. Her mother, in particular, kept pushing her and her sisters to go off and find mates to bring home and with whom to have lots and lots of puppies. The cream-colored girl thought that there had to be at least a little more to life than just having babies, so off she went, ostensibly to find a mate. Really, she'd gone to get a sense of independence and to see the world. She traveled the savannah, absorbing the sights. It wasn't all peaches- she got to see the uglier side of the world, the fighting over females and territorial matches- but there was much beauty in the outside world, beauty that she wouldn't routinely see on short hunting jaunts. She did miss her family and the children she was helping to raise, but all that shifted a bit when she met Kenda. The big lug of a wild dog looked quite a bit like her, and his complete ineptitude at life tugged at her heartstrings. He was like a big, doofy, overgrown pup. He needed somebody to take care of him, and she was available. At first, she'd intended to take him back to her family, but he just didn't seem to want to settle down. Not yet. So she began to travel with him, helping to feed him and making sure that he didn't forget important things and generally managing his life.
Personality: T'sh is a very responsible, serious-minded jackal. While she can relax and have fun, she likes to think that she has her priorities very much in order. She knows what's important to her and when to do it and why. Her greatest achievement in life seems to be getting Kenda to adulthood alive. She has a strong desire to settle down one day and encourages Kenda in that direction as well. However, she's very choosy about finding a pack. She's seen the way the smaller creatures of the savannah are often treated; she's seen her own kind enslaved, hunted, treated like pets or worse. That kind of life would be unthinkable for her, so finding the right group of animals to live with is of ultimate importance. She tries to be a deep thinker and likes to have philosophical discussions with Kenda or anybody who's putting them up for the night.
Past Stages: N/A
Full Uncert: .:.X.:.
Posting Color:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:21 am

|T'sh's Travels|

Roleplay Logs


Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:12 am

”I'm not getting you down at all, am I?”

User ImageName: Wanawake'pembe
Meaning: Horned Lady
Nickname: Pembe.
Gender: Male, thank you verramuch!
Age: Adult
Pride: N/A
Species: Klipspringer
Family: N/A
Familiar: N/A
Friends: N/A
Acquaintances: N/A
Enemies: N/A
History: Pembe's parents were eaten when he was very, very small- too small to really remember them. A suitable surrogate parent had to be found; however, his family was rather far-flung and the closest relative he could reach was his mother's grandmother. The old klipspringer doe was kind, but unfortunately a bit dotty. Pembe's horn buds were slow to grow in, and due to this and having only raised daughters, his great-grandmother labored for seasons under the delusion that he was a girl. When his horns grew in, she took this as a sign that her charge was a very unusual female and so changed his name from Wanawake'pambe, meaning decorated woman, to Wanawake'pembe, meaning horned woman. This was a slightly-less embarrassing change, so Pambe became Pembe and just shut up about it. He introduces himself as Pembe; as far as the savannah's concerned, his name basically means horny one and that's all there is to it. When he was an adult, he stayed with his now-ailing great-grandmother until the old dear finally died, probably setting some kind of record for longest-lived klipspringer. He was terribly upset for quite a while, but eventually he moved on. Well, figuratively he moved on- he stayed in the territory he'd been raised in. It was quite a nice place- lots of things to eat and very little threat from predation- and he'd have been foolish to leave it.
Personality: Pembe is a bit of a quiet loner. He maintains his solitary lifestyle, although he does like visitors, and is more than willing to let others of his species spend a little time in his territory before moving on. He's a nice enough fellow, when you get down to it, but life's circumstances have left him with a somewhat bleak outlook. After all, everybody he's ever loved has died and his parental figure couldn't even get his gender right. He's a cynic, though not really a grumpy cynic, and has no spirituality whatsoever. He finds it a waste of time, though meeting a god could probably change his mind on that. He's got no desire to raise a family or seek a mate or really do anything except graze in peace.
Past Stages: N/A
Full Uncert: .:.X.:.
Posting Color:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:14 am

|Playing with Pembe|

Roleplay Logs


Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:32 am

”The real danger in dreams is them coming true.”

User ImageName: Moroi
Meaning: "Soul-sucking ghost" in Romanian. A moroi is the phantom of a dead person which leaves the grave to draw energy from the living. Colloquially, it means hedgehog.
Nickname: None
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Pride: N/A
Species: Leopard
Family: N/A
Familiar: N/A
Friends: N/A
Acquaintances: N/A
Enemies: N/A
History: Moroi had a happy childhood. She had a dad, a mum, and three sisters. They all lived in a nice cave near a river. She learned to hunt and fish and generally had a good time of things... which is why, when the dreams started, things made no sense. Nobody had ever raised a paw to her and she'd never seen pridal violence or plague. Yet the nightmares still came. Her parents tried their best to help her, but even they didn't understand the terror that made their daughter cry in the night. As time went on, Moroi distanced herself from her family- they couldn't understand each other any more, and to see her mother look at her with such worry in her eyes broke her heart. She wandered for what seemed like ages until she came to a place with a few scrubby trees that nobody seemed to be using. It was there that she set up her semi-permanent camp. She still wanders a lot, driven by insomnia, but this place is what she can sort of call home.
Personality: Moroi is a deeply troubled leopard. For years she's been plagued with nightmares about things that are all too-real- child murder, pridal wars, dreams where she takes the role of a prey species being hunted, often by herself or a relative. She gets little sleep and is typically pretty exhausted in her waking hours. This makes her fairly terrible to converse with if you don't know her well- she's vacant, timid, and often can't focus on the present because she's just that tired. About once a fortnight, she basically collapses out of exhaustion, too tired to remember her dreams. Only then is she able to rest, safe in the darkness of oblivion. However, despite all this, she's really quite a nice creature, once you get to know her. She's quiet and shy- almost demure- and really, really likes kids. She's very protective of everybody who's close to her... it's just that those people are few and far between. She's very sheltered and doesn't know much of the world; she really needs to meet new people.
Past Stages: N/A
Full Uncert: .:.X.:.
Posting Color:

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:33 am

|Moroi's Meanders|

Roleplay Logs


Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:48 am

”I haven't got the personality for fitting lyrics or prose.”

User ImageName: Aethonan
Meaning: Derived from Aethon, one of the horses who pulled the chariot of Helios.
Nickname: Aeth
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult
Pride: N/A
Species: Lion
Family: N/A
Familiar: N/A
Friends: N/A
Acquaintances: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Personality: Aeth is a completely blank slate! D:
I know that he's generally good-tempered, but other than that, I know nothing!
Past Stages: N/A
Full Uncert: .:.X.:.
Posting Color:

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:49 am

|Aethonan's Interactions|

Roleplay Logs


Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:11 am

“An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young.”

User ImageSoul Name: Raka
Meaning: "Full Moon" in Hindu
Wolf Name: Starryeyes
Gender: Male
Age: Pup
Pack: Peke Na
Species: Wild Dog
Family: Parents: Harvestmoon and Moonbug. Brothers: Sweetlife, Whispereddreams, Larklight, Fallingsun, Nightsky, Laughingmoon. Sister: Soulsinger.
Familiar: N/A
Friends: N/A
Acquaintances: N/A
Enemies: N/A
History: Raka hasn't got much of a history- he's only a pup! He was born somewhere in the middle of a very large litter to two loving parents in the Peke Na. He's being raised as a part of the pack and will never leave it. When he grows up, he kind of wants to be a Finder or a Hunter or a Tree Shaper or something!
Personality: Wide-eyed, curious, and innocent, Raka is about as cute as it's possible for a pup to be. He loves to play and tumble with his siblings. He's not always the brightest of pups- he's pretty gullible and sometimes slow on the uptake- but he's got a great sense of humor and he loves to laugh. He likes athletic games like chasing and wrestling and sometimes has a hard time sitting still. He embraces the Peke Na ideals of living in the now, although sometimes this gets him into trouble as he isn't the best at thinking about consequences- he's stuck his nose in more than one beehive! He worships his parents and wants more than anything for them to be proud of him.
Past Stages: .:.X.:..:.X.:..:.X.:.
Full Uncert: .:.X.:.
Posting Color:

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