How do you feel in reagrds to banning throwbacks. |
everyone should be allow to use them with no limits |
61% |
[ 74 ] |
ppl should be allowed to choose who they want to use their soqs throwbacks and who they don't want using them |
9% |
[ 11 ] |
Everyone should be able to freely use throwbacks, but a do not use thread would be great for ppl who do not want specific soqs used without permission |
27% |
[ 33 ] |
don't care either suits me! GOLD! |
2% |
[ 3 ] |
Suggestion - Post in thread. |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Total Votes : 121 |
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:50 am
edit by Sirenz: update 4/10/11 Final saying is that we are banning people from removing throwbacks. It's because there are people who are abusing it and causing the staff too much stress. The pets are the ones suffering here because their genes are being stolen away from them just because their owners have issues with certain people. All current bans on throwbacks are hereby abolished.
Thanks, Soq Staff---------------------Original post-------------------------------- I am posting this thread to suggest the idea of a throwbacks permissions thread. These seem to be a growing issue with ppl using other ppl's soqs without their expressed consent/permission and in most cases, the owners are unaware. Related or not, permission should be obtained if the owner desires it. some of us, myself included, would like to have permission asked and not just taken as used. As a friend said to me over aim, and i agree with her, Quote: ALL throwbacks should be asked first, rather than just using them because theyre apart of the family. because I believe you need permission to use someones Soquili as throwbacks, same as you have to have permission to use a Soq as a reference Because in essence, youre STILL using them as a reference I realize its a bit more work for the colorists, but this is a growing issue and many ppl I am sure would prefer their permission asked to use their soquili, not just taken and used. It seems necessary with throwbacks bannings that have been taking place please feel free to post your opinions or suggestions. This is something I would like to see brought into the shop though, or fix the issue with banning certain ppl from throwbacks. suggested ideas:* a do not use thread for specific soq that no one can use without permission * abolishing the ability to ban specific ppl from using throwbacks. other than the do not use thread, everyone can use everything freely with no permissions. this makes sense since in irl you cannot control genes and traits so why online on a pet site?
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:55 am
Not sure exactly how it would work, but i'm sure the staff could come up with something .. maybe similar to breeding permissions list where you have to link the page so it's not too much work for the colorist to look it over.
I think this is a good idea
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:02 am
that or like the mccl where it would be our responsibility to list who we gave permission to and what soquili? that might actually be better. then as long as certs are used in throwbacks you can jsut look at the owner's post and see if permission is given or not? jsut an idea.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:04 am
maybe if permission isn't given, then throwbacks won't be used at all.. or JUST those that have permission will be used (at the colorists discretion)
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:04 am
I think a shorter list, so maybe an easier way to do it, would be to list who DOESNT want their throwbacks used, so a masterlist could be used for people to look over before entering? Or you could just have a spot on the breeding form for throwback permission. You could screenshot, or something. I dunno. But Id like to see this implemented.
Im guilty of using throwbacks without asking, but with how much it annoys me sometimes, I will be asking from now on regardless of whether its a rule or not.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:06 am
hmmm yes but if we use it like an mccl post, we'd be the ones doing the work, instead of staffers or colorists. all they would have to do is look up the owner and see if a specific person who entered can use them or not. much like mates and breeding agreements but set more in a mccl manner. I'd be happy to do that and keep a post updated personally. <3
so if permission is mnot posted, then the throwback cannot be used until it is.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:10 am
I can see the point that is trying to be made ... but I can't agree with the idea. It might be callous of me to state it bluntly ... but if your Soq has a semi-large family and just happens to be smack dab in the middle of it ... you are going to run into walls.
I happen to be a very quiet individual most of the time and it's hard to send out requests to strangers with something like this. Even harder to take is the fact that you might get stonewalled at every turn. I say might because maybe someone doesn't want to share. -sighs- That was an example ... most people are friendly in Soquili ... but it adds a certain amount of awkwardness to those seeking the permission.
That's just my two cents.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:14 am
Well tefla has a point. Sometimes a soquili will have a large family and would be hard on the other person if they had to ask.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:16 am
I agree with Tefla on this that I cannot agree to this idea. I happen to have a somewhat large family in the making and I have never even thought twice about having them used in Throwbacks. The slot is there so that people can connect with previous generations and truly make it a family. If you are upset because they are POSSIBLY (Since throwbacks don't always occur) taking little bits and pieces from your Soquili then I suggest you tell the owners of the rest of the family members rather than making an entire permission thread over it. I frankly find it awesome to have my Soquili under throwbacks, it makes me feel as though their traits will carry on in someone. If you have a problem with it simply say no to throwbacks.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:16 am
I don't really see a need for such a list. When you breed your soq, traits from that soq get passed down into successive generations, even without throwbacks. Breeding is already pretty complicated at Soq, with posting permissions, the MCCL, breeding limits, etc. I think this would add an unnecessary level of complication... and once someone has the offspring of your soq it's sorta out of your hands whether traits from that soq will pass down anyways.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:20 am
you have good points but we have and are experiencing ppl doing this to us. and one I will not name who has been banned from using my soqs as throwbacks officially to Sirenz and the shop. yet they are still being used. something needs to be done to prevent this. a lot of us don;t like it if we are not asked. I'd likely say yes if ppl asked me. but it really gets me that someone not allowed to use mine still is. but case and point, some ppl might be fine with it, but there should be something for those of us who are not fine with it and would like to be asked. its technically stealing our soq image as a ref. without permission.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:28 am
If someone is illegally using the image of your soquili as you say then you should pm one of the mods about it and have them deal with the person. They are not stealing the image of your soquili, it is merely a matter of family lines. I agree with Roniel that you cannot control what traits are passed down anyways so making the thread for permission is a pretty mute point. I still don't see why you need an entire thread for people who do not like to have the image used. Just pm the owners of the other family members and tell them you would prefer that they do not use the image of your soquili. If they do you have a pm as proof and you can send it to one of the people in charge.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:33 am
I honestly don't see how my opinion counts since I only have Spirit Sprite and he's ONLY breeding with his mate, who is owned by Mialee, and to my knowledge, they haven't ever bred. Mialee would be the only one allowed to use Spirit Sprite as a reference for anything, Throwbacks included. I know I would get pretty pissed if anyone else used my boy.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:33 am
Blind, sometimes you cannot PM the said 'other owners' using your Soquili. Issues are around at the moment, that i will not go into here, that involve myself and several other people with Throwbacks being prevented IF said permission was needed beforehand, the issues and emotions that had to be dealt with .. wouldn't have arisen in the first place
The Main Point here is... when someone is posting in breedings, where theirs is related to yours, but you do not want your Soquili possibly passing on traits to the other persons offspring ... rather than illegally using a Soquili as throwbacks
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:35 am
I notified the colorist and pmed sirenz as well as the shop mule so it will be dealt with. I am looking for a way to prevent this. there is gonna be a list of who does not have permissions anyways, I know this from my chat with sirenz. I was trying to think of way to make it easier and less dramatic on her and the staff.
I never used to have issues with throwbacks but some ppl got childish and had me banned from certain lines after a friendship fall out, to which I was never notified at all..i had freely let them use mine with no objection at this point until i found out....and the other person who entered our pair was imed and told. this is very wrong but I can do nothing about a staff decision. I felt the same, genes and traits can and will be passed. however it would seem this does not matter and if you are requested to be banned from using someone's soq as a throwback there is no choice in the matter.
so i feel bitter about them freely using mine but I am not allowed to use theirs. hence why this has come up. but other ppl I have spoken with on their feelings regarding it, feel the same way and are also experiencing ppl using them without asking. i think its needed really if they plan to allow ppl to ban others from using thowbacks. either that or abolish not being able to use throwbacks and make it so everyone can use throwbacks without limits or bans.