allii's Comments
1. If I cannot read your posts, I reserve the right to not color you faes. It is your responsibility to make your writing legible. This is valid for any and all slot openings.
2. I also reserve the right not to color for those who start drama in the shop, ignore staff instructions, or harass the staff. This includes excessive whining.
3. Please post all names and specialties in the certing thread. If you don't post it there, I'll probably lose it.
sweatdrop 4. I really really like having finished copies of all faes I've made, so if for some reason someone else fixes up your fae's cert (name and spec), please send me a link to the card with the name on it.
5. There is a suggested limit of three forms. All forms should be in the same post.
6. When I take on a form, I will PM you and cross it out from your post.
7. DO NOT REMOVE A FORM THAT HAS BEEN CROSSED OUT. This is how I keep track of what I've already taken. When it's finished, I'll make it tiny, and eventually take it out, but do not remove it yourself.
8. I will be doing purges. I will announce when they happen, and mark in the thread which ones I'm not interested in. This is nothing against your forms, a lot of it will be personal preference. However, by posting a form, you accept that I may mark it out and say I don't want to do it.
9. Since I will only be taking one custom from a post per round, you may designate a
top pick, and I'll factor this into which form I choose.
10. Just stating this for the record, because it should never be an issue... but if I ever bugger off and leave someone with a WIP, that WIP is available for anyone to use to finish the fae. Custom, breeding, sketch ink-and-color, anything, my WIPs are useable ON THE CONDITION that I am not available to finish and can't be contacted to ask.