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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:40 pm
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Beo trotted up the incline toward his friend's Yenjide's den, a good sized portion of leaf wrapped pouch rats in his mouth. He'd done some hunting right on the Pride borders this morning, knowing he'd make it back to her den by about twilight.

It wasn't uncommon to see him around the dark lioness' den, he often came this way to visit her and help with her cubs, those sick and those well. Though the past few weeks had seen him scarce since he had been in the rogue lands searching for a female of his own kind. Not that he really wanted one...

He shook his head, he couldn't afford to have any the smallest thought about Yenjide like that. She was a lion and a mother and a good friend, and that was all. ALL. Reminding himself firmly of that, he stepped up to her den and scratched on the outside of it, letting her know he was there. Beo would never enter unannounced. A gentleman never did, and he was, after all, a gentleman.
PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:54 pm
It was dark, and all of her cubs were curled up with one another sleeping. It had been a long day, and the black coated lioness couldn't help but feel a bit exhausted. She wasn't a nanny, and yet when word had come back to her that there were new cubs in need of looking after, she had stepped up to raise them with her own. Was maternal instinct just that strong? Was it because her own cubs weren't much older, and she felt they could likely get along? Was it because being looked after by nannies was one thing, but to have a family and a knowledge of love was much more important. Not that the cubs who were without families lacked love or kindness. . . but . . .well. . .

Shaking her head, Yejide knew what was done was done and she harbored no regrets. She loved all of her children fiercely, and the new orange and white bodies that mixed amongst black and cream were hers now. She would be there for them, she would care for them, and she would give them the best life she could manage.

Stretching out, she was just preparing to doze when the soft sound of scratching entered the den. She recognized the sound immediately, though was a bit surprised. While the hyena wasn't an uncommon face, often giving her a reprieve to help with the cubs and offering support, she just wasn't used to others caring enough to stop by and visit. Pride life was such an unusual thing for Yejide. She'd been a rogue so long, so fiercely independent that to form a sense of community and belonging was foreign to the lioness.

Still, a glance at the sleeping faces, and Yejide knew they were all tuckered out. Stepping outside for a few moments wouldn't hurt, and a little fresh air would do her well. Ever so slowly and quietly, the ebony lioness rose and crept to the mouth of the den. "Salutations, Buliwyf." Yejide gave the hyena a small smile, dipping her head in greeting. Her words were quiet (so as not to wake her cubs) but she was genuinely pleased by his company. Despite the time spent within the pride, the ebony lioness was still a bit wary of others and shy. She was elusive, much like a shadow, one who was quiet and kept to herself. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy her time in the pride, but she was an introverted soul, and one that harbored many secrets and uncertainties.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 4:01 pm
Beo set the offering of dinner down in front of his paws and gave her a warm and welcoming grin, his tail thumping slightly on the patch of grass by her den, " Good evening Yejide. I hope I have not come at a bad time?" He kept his own voice low, to match hers, already guessing the cubs, old and new, were asleep.

" I did some hunting along the borders, and I remembered how much you enjoy pouch rat but rarely get a chance at it with all the little ones to look after." The hyena nosed it forward toward her, the prey wrapped tightly in the leaves he'd chosen to carry it in so as not to get it slobbery, " So I thought I would just drop this off for you."

He kept his gaze down at the gift, not wanting her to read something in it that was totally inappropriate for a Secret Keeper, much less a hyena toward a lioness. " I won't keep you." The shy male said softly as he turned to take his leave.

Beo was awkward around most of the Pride, distant at best. Only a pawful knew his true nature, the Queen, the Master Healer, and at times this lioness here in front of him. The rest saw a Secret Keeper that spent more time around the dead and dying, and what little time was left over with the cubs, keeping them laughing and playing while they could, but none could really say they knew Beo. Perhaps he preferred it that way, but not when it came to Yenji, he just didn't know how to reach out to her past the small gifts like this one, or taking the cubs off her paws so she could get some much needed rest.

Death the hyena could handle...life..love...he could not even begin to comprehend.
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:35 am
Beo was in good company than, at least when it concerned matters of the heart. While Yejide could love her children openly, she still worried daily about all of them. And when it came to matters of the heart with others. . . oh no. The ex-rogue lioness had never been easy to capture. Certainly, she occasionally dabbled with the company of a male, but it was never long-lasting and if they didn't leave soon enough she did!

. . . like what happened with Jawara. Hadn't the cream lion been good to her? They had pleasant conversation, they had spent time with one another, but she noticed him growing more and more fond of her company, and Yejide was not a lioness to be tied down. So she took off one day and left. It . . . It hadn't been a mistake, or so she told herself, but it had resulted in a later pregnancy. And while she loved her cubs, and she was growing more comfortable in the pride, it wasn't something she considered.

She needed no male, though she did appreciate Beo's kindness towards her. He had been one of the first to truly take time to get to know her. Of course, others within the pride had been amicable and friendly, but the hyena had offered her seemingly endless kindness throughout her darkest hour and during her pregnancy. He was a good friend.

Completely oblivious to the males feelings or thoughts, Yejide looked surprised by the gift. She did enjoy the flavor of the pouch rats, but it wast rue - there wasn't much time to hunt now that she was looking after her brood, and filling in the free moments with aid to the healers or rest. "Thank you Beo, that was sweet of you to think of." She truly was surprised he might have remembered her mention of her favorite treat. Shyly, she smiled up at the hyena, her pleasure at the thought ghosting over her surprise and typically coy nature.

"You don't have to go so soon if . . . if you don't want. I could use a little grown-up company for a change." She chuckled a bit, giving her tail a small flick and shrug of her shoulders. She loved her cubs, but sometimes they were so demanding. "I sometimes seem to forget what it's like to have adult conversations, but I suppose that comes with the territory." In all honesty, Yejide found a deep fondness and satisfaction for being a mother. Never had she thought she might love so fiercely as she did her cubs.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 11:40 am
Beo turned to look at her over his shoulder, his smile warming his golden eyes, " I would love to stay a little while Yejide. I have sometime before I need to meet with the Queen, and tell her of the females I have found."

He trailed the last sentence. He knew that there was no need to worry for any pups he might sire, and the Gods knew they needed the extra immune paws to help with all of the new blood...a generation that would grow up together and care for one another, rebuild the Pride in tradition, but also in new ideas...they were hope, born and unborn, but he was uncomfortable with the notion, and in all truth was not sure why he was. Though he could hazard a guess it may have a little something to do with the lioness he was speaking with.

Beo gave her a short laugh, the sound warm, " I understand, between the sick and the young, I wonder if I even remember how to speak in intelligent, full sentences. If I ever did..." his tone was teasing, his good humored nature showing through again as he settled down beside her, nosing the pouch rat to her again.

" They don't taste near as good when they get stiff. Go ahead and eat, I won't mind Yenjide."
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:52 am
Yejide knew that many of the healthier or immune species and lions often took to the rogue lands to bring back new blood. It was a strange concept to the female, but she understood the reasoning behind it. She knew from joining that her choice was rare, especially among lions. To willingly embrace a pride with the knowledge you could be dead in a week . . . .to subject oneself to the disease, it . . .it wasn't something many did. Add a great mortality rate and Yejide was surprised there was a pride in existence at all!

Still, from what little she knew, Beo was expected (or had he offered?) to return with a litter of hyena pups. She knew that he was a good male, and it likely wouldn't be difficult for him to find a willing lady. "Well I . . . I hope that's going well for you." She smiled, both a bit shyly and awkwardly. She wasn't going to poke or pry, but there was no reason for her not to wish him luck on the endeavor!

New faces were never a bad thing.

Still, it wasn't her place and she wasn't going to question his rogue encounters. Why would it matter anyway?

"Well then it sounds as if we'll get along just fine." She smiled up at him, glad he was patient and encouraging her to eat. "I'm starved," she finally admitted, though her voice was full of gratefulness as he nosed the pouch rats over to her. Turning her attention to the treat, the ebony lioness didn't hesitate to dive in to the meal. It wasn't that she forgot to eat, she just often felt overwhelmed. Perhaps she had been a fool to take on a second litter, but it had to be done! The poor cubs had needed a mother figure, and she didn't want them just to be handed over to the nannies!

"These really are delicious, thank you." Yejide did her best not to inhale them, but it truly was difficult. Though she ate when the cubs ate and there wasn't often a lack of food, she was so busy dealing with her cubs that any energy she gained was quickly lost. And by the time the end of the day drew near, she was so exhausted that sneaking off for a few bites on her own was the farthest thing from her mind.

"So how have you been these past few days?" Yejide finally questioned as she finished the last of her meal. She often preferred talks or conversation to focus on others outside of her. The black lioness just couldn't help it, she was a very private and quiet sort of individual. "I take it you've had a little luck at least finding hyenas in the area outside the pride?" He had mentioned needing to discuss such issues with the queen. While she wouldn't pry for further information about what he did and didn't do with them, or discuss, she figured she could at least ask about life outside of the pride lands. "Or was life fairly quiet past the borders?"


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:27 pm
Beo felt a flush creep up his neck and ears as she wished him luck, and groaned inwardly. It had been hard enough gathering the courage to even speak to the few females he had met and make arrangements, but to have Yejide wish him luck in it...oy.

When she dove into the pouch rats, he couldn't help but smile, very pleased with the fact he had managed to make her happy. Something he wanted to do as often as he could. Seeing her smile always lifted his heart, and he could only hope that maybe someday, she'd feel the same about him. Though he doubted she'd ever know of his affections. Really...he was truly out of his element with her and he hoped it didn't show to badly.

" I'm glad you enjoy them Yejide, I know how hard it is to manage any type of meal with a den full of cubs. Sometimes I think Eva dosen't eat at all unless myself or one of the other healers drops something by. The two of you are very brave to raise so many. To give back to this Pride as you have Yejide, it makes me proud of you, and honored to count you as a friend."

To her question about the lands outside the pride he gave a shrug, " It took me two days travel before I found any hyenas, and the first pack I found was less then friendly. They thought a male with a lame leg was easy pickings. It is a good thing before I was a Secret Keeper I trained as a Scout. The fight was brief, and I won, but only just."

He decided for now not to mention the young lioness he'd met just over the last ridge of the Pride's lands, not wanting to alarm his friend about one of her kind being so close to the deadly disease.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:08 pm
Unfortunately for Beo, it was true, Yejide really had no idea about his feelings. She wasn't a dense lionesss, hardly, but romance or believing others to be interested wasn't her style. She still looked upon most within the Kitwana'antara with a bit of a wary eye, and most recently, was so busy worrying about and fussing over her cubs that she didn't have time to think much of others.

She did appreciate Beo though, and had found a good friend in the hyena. The fact that he was always around when she needed it, be it as a shoulder to lean upon or just some support to get her through the day, he was there. And Yejide appreciated it greatly, truly she did. She had no one else to lean on, not since her days as a rogue, roaming with her sister. She hadn't trusted or depended on anyone other than her, and yet she was gone. . . Beo was as close a replacement as she could get.

But that wasn't right either, was it? Beo wasn't just another friend or close companion, he was . .. he was Beo. She trusted his words and enjoyed his laughter and truly looked forward to seeing him. Bah. Either way, it didn't matter. . . . He was her friend, nothing more, nothing less.

While she enjoyed her meal, her ears did p***k as the hyena claimed pride and honor. For her? Proud to be her friend, proud of her sacrifices? Her orange eyes blinked first in surprise, then narrowed ever so slightly, hinted with suspicion. She wasn't angry or upset, but confused, and couldn't possibly accept his words. "I'm nothing special, Buliywyf," she finally added with a shrug, reaching down to paw lightly at the carcass of the remaining pouch rat. "I brought cubs in to the pride unknowingly remember. . . .and caring for the younger ones only was natural. I've done nothing extraordinary here, unfortunately, though. . . " She softened her words some, to take out any sting, "I do appreciate the kind words. Maybe someday I'll actually deserve them." She nodded curtly and was ready to do be done with such a conversation.

It wasn't that Yejide thought poorly of herself, but she still struggled with guilt, and it often blinded her to truth. There was much in her life she regretted and it ate at her heart and fogged her mind.

Snorting softly, the lioness gave a shake of her head. "I remember prides like that. It was part of the reason I stayed a rogue as long as I did. There were some unfriendly sorts out there and I'm sorry you had to cross their paths. Hopefully you'll find kinder kin next time." She did wish him well and hoped that his endeavor of bringing home new blood would be fruitful.

For being a diseased pride, new life and new blood was absolutely necessary.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:03 pm
The hyena placed his paw over the lioness, his golden eyes serious, as was his voice, though both were gentle, " You are special Yejide, in ways I can't even begin to explain to you. You are special to those cubs in there,' he tossed his head toward the den," both yours, and certainly to those you've taken in, you're special to the Pride, you came and you chose to stay...knowing that you could die because you knew we needed you, and...and you're special..to..me..." the last words were far softer then the rest, shyly stuttered out, almost as if he had not been going to say them, yet somehow had.

Beo shook his head at her words about other packs of hyenas. If those he met were any indication of what was out there, he was glad he was born here. A sigh came from him as he removed his paw from hers and looked out over the rest of the dens and the pride, " I do not want to Yejide, I have no desire to find others. I have no desire to wander past the borders of the Pride. There is nothing for me out there, nothing that matters to my heart..."

He swallowed, wondering why he even dared to say this, wondering why he even thought he could. He hoped someday he could tell her, someday he could speak to her in plain words, but someday never came...someday could be taken from you...someday could turn into never...

"...why search..when what I want is right here..."
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:38 pm
((sooo sorry for the delay. >: RL has been a bit hectic and has slowed me down. ))

Yejide listened to what Beo said, but part of her was absolutely unbelieving. Surely, he couldn't mean what he said, could he? Her ears felt warm and her cheeks a bit flushed, even as she averted her vibrant orange gaze. Why did the hyena always make her feel so . . . strange? He had always supported her, had been the first pride member to really take an interest in her. He was her friend and yet . . .

No. She couldn't misinterpret his words. She couldn't read more in to them than what was really there, what Beo was really saying. He was telling her that she was special, that she was a needed and valued member even as she dismissed herself. She was special to him because they were friends, nothing more. Besides which, he was a hyena . . . she a lioness. It would be foolish of her to even think of caring for him in any other mannerism.

When he put his paw upon her own, she studied it. His paw was smaller than hers, and differently shaped. Despite everything, she wished he might have kept his paw there longer. Ah, if only. . . but that was neither here nor there. Why was she getting sentimental about this moment anyway!? Beo was her friend. . . just her friend. . ONLY her friend.

And that was that.

"You are far too kind with your words," she finally spoke, gaze still staring down at her paw, even after he removed his. "You've always supported me, more than anyone I've met." Slowly, ever so slowly, she looked up to steal a glance at him, even as he admitted his desire.

Right here? Surely he only meant the pride. ". . . everything you want will still be as it is even when you roam. Though I will admit, it isn't nearly the same with you away." And that was the truth. Yejide wasn't often an emotional sort, but there was something different about the Kitwana'anatara with the hyena away. Maybe it was the thought of him settling with a female, or finding better friends. Maybe she missed how good he was with her cubs, or maybe . . . maybe she just missed him period.

Either way, she was glad he had returned but secretly did regret him leaving again. Who knew what would happen in the rogue lands? She'd been a rogue once, she knew all the horrors that could befall someone!


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:35 am
(((no worries RL has been killing me too, trust me. just trying to get the Beo bred! We need Beo pups! LOL))

The hyena swallowed, his natural shyness coming through, he could let this moment pass, or he could seize it and let the beautiful creature in front of him know just how deeply his emotions ran for her, despite her being a lioness.

He had met what was out there, been ridiculed for wanting to aid and protect his people. He'd met few so willing to come to aid a pride so desperate as theirs was, with so good a heart as Yejide. Moments passed to quickly, the lands passed their border were dangerous, and he would have to go out again, and the lioness, Goddess of Pestilence forbid, could grow ill...no, he would not let it slip through his paws, not this time...not this moment.

" No Yeijde..you, why should I search for anything more, in my heart, when all my heart desires is right here, sitting beside me." He placed his paw back over hers, his golden eyes looking into hers, his eyes serious for once.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:30 am
Yejide couldn't have ever expected him to say such words. Not only was it that the ebony lioness felt undeserving of his attention, but . . well. . they were far from the same species! He was a hyena, a creature that was often portrayed as a lions enemy; she was a lioness, and it was practically blasphemous to admit having feelings for a non-feline! And yet, there they were, standing together outside of her den.

His paw, so much smaller than her own, rested gently once more upon hers. And his words had been true. Had it been any other, she may have flashed her teeth and demanded what sort of joke or trickery his admission might be! But this was Buliwyf, after all. . . He had been her first friend, and had always been there to help care for her cubs and, now that she thought about it, herself. He had let her cry on him when she found out of her pregnancy, of the curse she had brought to her children; he had supported her when she adopted seven more cubs from the roguelands.

He was her best friend, and the pride member she'd been closest to since joining. He was Beo. . . and deep down, even Yejide understood the truth.

Her heart had skipped a beat, and was fluttering as the hyena gazed at her. The orange eyed lioness knew that she had said nothing, was sitting in silence, and desperately needed to respond. ". . . me?" It sounded pathetic even as the words escaped. Her ears flattened a moment, dropping her gaze as she tried to find words in return.

She knew the truth, but was unsure how to express them. Love wasn't something she was good at it, it was something she feared outside of her children and deceased sister. Still, she didn't want to give him the wrong message either. So she didn't speak. Quick as a flash, she leaned forward and gave him a tender lick upon his cheek. She fought to not jerk back, to not retreat and run for the hills in embarrassment.

"I had hoped you might. . . feel the same as I have. . . " She whispered, her voice both wistful and petrified all at once.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:51 am
That lick, it had been heaven, as sweet and hesitant as it has been. He couldn't think for a moment, for surely this was a dream and any moment he would wake up and the beautiful lioness he had come to love and respect over the many months he had been beside her would fade into the night and he would be back in his den or out alone in the plains with only his thought of her .

Yet here she was, shy and uncertain, just like he tended to be, but not this time. Beo lifted his other paw, bringing it under her chin, lifting it so their eyes met again, " There was no need to hope Yejide, there has never been for a very long time now. I don't know when the friendship grew to love, I only know that it did. Just as I know now that it isn't going to change."

He paused for a moment, then gave her a long, lingering lick to her muzzle, before pulling back and letting her her go, sitting back down on his hunches, " I know I am a hyena, and you a lioness, but does it really matter here with so much that we loose? The Gods grant us so very little Yejide, please, let them grant this one bit of joy for us. Let..let me love you..."
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:35 am
Yejide couldn't believe it. While there was some anxiety causing her stomach to twist and churn, at the same rate there was a great amount of relief. Could Beo be serious? He had to be. . . It was so strange that she might hear those words, that he might truly be speaking to her about such things.

Love wasn't something Yejide had familiarized herself with, but she wasn't so dense to deny her feelings. She knew the flutter in her heart, the fact that she smiled every time she saw him, and the warmth she felt in her soul when he was near. She knew that she had come to care for him far more than she should have a friend. . .

But strangely, he felt the same way too!

As he lifted her chin, she slowly turned her orange eyes up to meet his own. It might look strange to be gazing at a hyena so fondly, but then again, Yejide had obviously lost her mind somewhere - adopting fourteen cubs, joining a pride where death might very well meet her, and now falling in love with a hyena! Some might dub her crazy, but it was a crazy that felt so right.

There was a strange stinging in her eyes, a sort of mistiness was suddenly overwhelming her. The lioness tried once again, to fight her tears, to hide them from him. "Why is it every time we have a heart-to-heart, I wind up in tears?" She spoke softly, though a smile was etched upon her maw. Unlike the first time they had met, where she had cried over her fear for her pregnancy, this time she knew the tears that stained her eyes were out of joy. So much joy.

As he leaned over and licked her, she knew he wasn't playing with her head or humoring her. No, for the first time in her life, Yejide felt loved and accepted, and most importantly, wasn't about to turn tail and go running. She wouldn't hide from love again. . . . This was her home now, with her beloved cubs, and now her beloved Buliwyf. "It doesn't matter what you are, or what I am. . . all I know is that this is what I want, and that I . . . I love you too." The words felt foreign on her lips, and while her few tears had waned, she couldn't refuse them. He needed to know.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:05 am
Beo smiled at her, his heart lifting at her words. Three simple words and his whole world had become complete. Turning into her he ran his cheek along hers and smiled.

" We can build a life together Yejide, for as long as we have, we can build a beautiful life together."

Beo didn't know what tomorrow would bring, or the day after, or the day after that, but right now, what it brought was joy, and he'd take it.

Staring off into the night, one thought did cross his mind, and it made him grin, " Yejide...we are going to need a bigger den. Because there will be pups added to the cubs you know."

( I think one last post and this is done Uta, lol they are going to make quit the pair)  
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