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[PRP] In Dying We are Born (Eva & Nawiri)

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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:11 pm
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Eva ran a weary paw over her eyes, mentally going over the report she had to deliver to her sister in a few moments, and desperately praying to whatever god was listening that Nawiri had not eaten lunch yet and she could take a small break, just a few moments, to choke down a meal with her sibling.

If she were very, very lucky, she might get out of the healing den early tonight and be able to spend some time with the cubs. Ruko's cough was getting worse and she wanted to spend time seeing if she could ease it.

Eva glanced up at the sun, Nawiri was cutting it close, but Eva did not mind. She would never consider rushing her Queen, much less, her sister, besides she enjoyed the few moments she got to spend with her in the middle of the day, it was...reassuring somehow.
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:38 am
((This is going to be a crappy start because this is the third time I've written this post. >< And I'm tired of re-writing it due to losing it. ))

Nawiri knew she was cutting it close. It wasn't just today that she was barely making her schedule, but recently it had felt like it was the story of her life! After assuming the title of queen, life became incredibly stressful. She didn't regret her title or her mothers choice in making her heiress, but picking up the pieces of a nearly decimated pride wasn't easy. Her life wasn't her own anymore, she was now a figurehead and her own life came down to making the lives of her pride mates better.

Still, she knew there were some obligations her title as queen demanded. Hadn't she held off choosing a king? Hadn't she waited without picking the first available male? She had considered her limited options, she had made her choice. But now they were demanding her to choose an heiress, or at least have cubs. And while she was trying, it . . . it wasn't yet to be. Her advisors were getting weary waiting for her to begin training a future queen, and it wasn't as if there weren't options available. Some of the new female cubs did show promise, at least in personality, but Nawiri just couldn't bring herself to pick one.

Not yet, at any rate. There was still time though, and she felt healthy enough at the moment. Sort of. If she ignored her pounding headache, extreme thirst, and her sore throat and cough. But she was accustomed to working even on difficult days so these minor setbacks were nothing. There was too much to do, and she refused to let her pridemates down.

Trotting away from the den of the High Priestess, Nawiri glanced up at the sun and inwardly winced. It was getting late and she was overdue to meet her sister for a solid report. Head held high, despite her ill health and concerns, it didn't take her long to spot her sister. "Eva'raja," She called out, a smile instantly crossing her features.

She was glad that her sister was still part of her life. She knew that Eva hadn't been granted an easy lot in life either; not only had she originally been in line to be queen, but she was a head healer, and apparently nothing more than a carrier. She had been stripped of her title and was granted the unfortunate lot of watching others in the pride (Nawiri included) grow ill and die. No one in the Kitwana'antara was free of strife, woe, or grief no matter whether the disease touched them directly or not!

Still, Nawiri loved her sister. Titltes and ranks aside, Eva'raja had always been there for her, and would always be her best-friend. "It's good to see you, as always," she greeted a bit formally. Still, upon reaching her sister, she didn't hesitate to bump her head affectionately against her own. Tough she was tired and hurting, stressed and rather overwhelmed, Nawiri especially did her best to look cool and composed in front of Eva'raja. She never wanted her sister to be disappointed in her and would do what she could to make her especially proud.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:14 pm
(it was fine darlin, I always enjoy Rping with you..so no worries. XD )

Eva returned her sister's smile, and ignored the formal greeting, for the moment they were blissfully alone and she intended to not let that moment slip away. To many of them did. Lately she'd been so very aware of how many had passed between her own paws as she began to wonder more and more about where she and Silabh stood with each other. She never wanted that uneasy feeling with her sister.

As Nawiri bumped against her, she gave her sister's ear an affectionate lick and bumped her shoulder with her own, her blue eyes searching her sister's and Queen's, noting the bags under them, and the slight weariness in her tone. Nawiri may have been able to fool her advisers, but Eva was the Master Healer, and she dealt all the time with lion's pretending to feel better then they really did. A small frown came to her muzzle.

" Nawiri, you don't look so well. Are you resting enough? Do you need some more of those herbs I make you for your head? I can increase the dose, your still well within the safety margin of them, and within where they shouldn't make you sleepy or loopy. " She didn't bother to hid the concern in her voice, but did manage not to put her paw up to her sister's forehead to feel for a fever, she'd not do that....well...at least not in public anyway.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:27 pm
The grey lioness gave a small chuckle as her sister went from loving greeting to acute concern over her health and well being. While she could appreciate her sisters fussing (she was a Master Healer, after all) Nawiri also couldn't help but quietly dismiss the need. She adored Eva'raja, almost more than anyone else within the pride, but she also knew as her sister, she was prone to some extra attention.

It helped that Eva'raja knew her entire history, from how she responded to certain news, to all of her medical needs. Having grown up with Eva so close, it meant they not only had a bond and attachment as sisters, but when it came to a healer and patient relationship, Eva had the whole story. While Nawiri did her best to keep her personal life outside of her duties as Queen, there was very little she hid from Eva'raja. Her sister was one of her best friends, and she cherished the time they could spend together, be it formally or in a more relaxed state.

Giving her sister a little nuzzle she gave a small snort and shook her head. "I'm fine, Raja, honest. I've been a little under the weather, but nothing to cause anyone concern. I'll take it easy tomorrow, though, and do my best to turn in early today." She smiled, hoping she might detract from her sisters scrutiny.

"So tell me, if you have a moment, how are you?" There, that was easy enough. To guide the conversation away from her own health and well being and take a moment to focus on Eva instead. It wasn't just a diversion tactic though, Nawiri genuinely wanted to know! Though they met up at various points throughout the day, sometimes Nawiri couldn't help but feel that she didn't often see much of her sister. If one of them had down time, it seemed the other was consistently busy.

Such was their lot for being so high in rank.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:05 pm
Eva sighed at the question and blew air threw her teeth, staring at her paws for a moment, a troubled look coming to her normally calm expression, " Do you want the long or short version Nawiri?" She whispered, absently swatting at a beetle with her foot.

The Master Healer sat down, sighing as her tail came to warp around her front paws, resisting the urge to pinch her brow and just cry for a good few minutes. She was a skilled professional and sister to the Queen, not to mention she nearly HAD been Queen once...she DID NOT CRY, no matter how much she wanted to.

" Between Ndale's growing dislike of me, plus the sickness progression in him....and little Ruko showing all the signs of being terminal very young..I will be lucky if I can nurse him to adolescence...plus the growing chasm between Slibh and I every time he comes home....not well sister mine, not well. How you manage being Queen I will never know? You have to have some kind of secret, and if you do, I wish you would share."

For the first time ever in their lives, Eva truly looked overwhelmed.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:51 am
The grey and white lioness watched as her sister settled herself, wrapping her tail around her paws and poking at the ground with her paws. It was unlike Eva'raja to act in such a manner, there was a new exhaustion in her eyes that Nawiri didn't often see. Her sister was always so strong, of body and spirit, so to see her suddenly weaken beneath her stresses caused Nawiri great concern.

Life hadn't been kind to Eva'raja . . . . and in part it was Nawiri's own doing. The queen still felt a touch of guilt whenever she thought about her sister and Sliabh. She had unknowingly picked the lion for his strength, good health, and loyalty to leave the pride and return with new faces to carry on. It was the goddesses wish, after all, that the pride continue to live. . . . but unbeknownst to Nawiri at the time, he had been courting her sister. While Nawiri likely wouldn't have changed her decision to send out the lion even if she had known, she may have sent out other options first. It had never been her desire to stagnant her sisters love life. . . . or upset their fragile relationship.

Reaching over, the younger lioness bridged the gap between Eva and herself, offering her a comforting lick on her head cheek and an affectionate and warm nuzzle. "You know I only learned how to handle such stress from Mother, and of course, you." Her sister had indeed been chosen to the rule the pride, but fate had a funny way of . . . interrupting such plans. Eva'raja would have made a glorious queen, probably even better than herself. She was always stronger, or so Nawiri'chiwa secretly believed, in both body and spirit. The pride would have been lucky to have her at the head. But . . . that was neither here nor there. On the other paw, had Eva'raja been queen, she would not have been able to consider a relationship with Sliabh.

"Eva, I really am sorry to hear that you aren't doing well. Have you thought of taken some time off? While you may be Master Healer to the rest of the pride, you also need to care for yourself. As with Sliabh, all you need say the word and I can command him home for good. He's certainly done more than I would have imagined." And wasn't that the truth! If the black and blue lion ever feared his genes might not pass on, even in a pride with as much illness in it as the Kitwana'antara, the vibrant blue markings were likely to be common among many future generations.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:58 pm
Eva looked appalled at the idea, her very expression showing right down to her tail tip, even as it was curled tightly around her paws. It showed her strength of character, of acceptance to what the gods had placed in her paws and what she must do to continue forward.

" No my dear, sweet sister, I can not bring him home for such childish a reason. We all have burdens we must bare for the Pride, burdens that we must carry on our backs because if we don't, we will all die. Everyone of us, sick or not. Because grief is just as deadly as the aching of our bones and the hurting of our chests."

She closed her eyes, and lest those few tears burden them, then buried them, deep within herself where they belonged. Giving her sister a wary smile she joked gently, " I just wished the gods didn't think my back was as broad and as strong some days."

Standing up, she shook herself and gave her Queen a look that meant she was back in business mode, what I came to ask was, may I take on a apprentice real one?
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:25 am
The lioness watched her sisters expression changed, though she wasn't exactly surprised. Eva had never been one to complain, nor was she going to start now, even if her heart was on the line. Nawiri had picked Sliabh for many a reason, and even after discovering that he'd been courting her sister in secret, she wouldn't have turned back on her order. He had strong genes, and those were greatly needed in future generations. The only reason she brought up calling him home was because he had gone above and beyond his duty . . . the pride was practically overwhelmed with those marked in blue! It was an unusual situation, really. . . . She hadn't expected him to be quite so virile and would make life interesting as they grew.

Hopefully others in the pride would have just as strong a lineage. The Matchmakers were certainly going to have to watch future generations closely, so as not to allow any familial lines to cross. Still, it was good to see such life, even with the fear of the death clouded overhead. There could still be joy amid the suffering, after all.

"You speak truth, but you have made many a sacrifice already, don't ever forget that. And if you ever need share you're burdens, don't forget let me help ease the struggle. As your sister, you know I'd do anything for you." It was only unfortunate that as queen, she was a touch more limited. Favoritism, general rulings from old, and all of that lot kept her rigid. There was only so much she could do with Sliabh until he chose to return or until she called him back from his journey to stay.

Reaching over, a soft purr in her throat, the lioness nuzzled her sisters cheek once more and rested her body close to hers. Eva was larger than she, and much more solid to touch. Secretly, Nawiri always did feel a bit weak in comparison. There was a wisdom about Eva that the grey lioness often wondered if perhaps she lacked. . . but she was young, very young and always learning.

As Eva rose, Nawiri knew that now was a time to focus. Curling her tail around her paws, she canted her head slightly as her sister spoke before a small smile graced her maw. "An apprentice you say? I certainly don't see why not. Do you have any one in mind or are you preparing to see if any suit your desires?" Part of the lioness was almost surprised Eva hadn't taken one on before. Given, she was so busy as a Master Healer, it couldn't be easy finding time to training another under her paw. Still, if the Master Healer made a request to train, than far be it for Nawiri'chiwa to object.

To be trained by a Master was an honor, after all.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:40 pm
Eva sighed into her sister's hug, feeling her worry and cares and well...just her fear flow away. She loved her sister so very much, and wished she could take more of the burden of her duties as Queen from her slender shoulders, but she couldn't, and she accepted that as much as she could, but still as a sister...well...she worried. Drawing in her sister's scent, and just letting it comfort her for a few more moments, she closed her eyes and then let go and put on her Master Healer's mask.

" No, I do not have anyone in mind, but I thought I would inquire among those already in the healer's den, or among the adolescents who are immune or seem to be carriers, having been sick and recovered at a young age." Her blue eyes hid a weary laugh in them as she chuckled a little, " I won't be young forever, and the cubs I swear are knocking years off my life...I will need someone to help me as I become as grey as you are!"
[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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