Should you receive a cooldown for your freebies even if you give them away? |
No |
44% |
[ 20 ] |
Yes |
55% |
[ 25 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:08 pm
I believe I heard that if you won a freebie but gave it away to someone, that both you and the person you gave the freebie to would have to wait until the next month to receive another freebie. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but for now I'm going to go based off of this assumption.
To me, it doesn't seem fair to give the person giving the prize away a cool down time for the freebies as well. I understand why the person receiving the prize gets one since they actually end up with a soquili. To me, this discourages giving. Why give away the soquili and lose your chances at receiving a freebie that month? I feel like the cool down should only go to the person who is given the soquili. Otherwise I feel as if you're being 'punished' for giving it away.
I understand that you might not want people to win constantly and just try to get soquili for their friends, but maybe you could put a limit on that? You can only gift your freebies twice a month? Or colorists could state before hand that the prizes cannot be given away? Obviously this would only count with prizes that are immediately given away and the other person would have to accept the prize.
Please let me know what you have to think ^.^ I'm always interested in hearing what everyone else has to say <3
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:10 pm
Hoping this makes sense and sounds okay >.> Please feel free to ask questions, I'll be happy to expand on anything or clarify something. It's getting close to bed time so my mind gets a bit muddled around this time and I have a harder time organizing my thoughts.
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:15 pm
I cant say I'm completely positive about this but I believe Blame gave away her mini freebie she won so she could try for the rp contests so I don't think there's a cool down if you give it away...? o3o;
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:18 pm
I believe she had dropped out before hand and they just re-rolled?
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:36 am
Mnnng, so tired...If asked...
No, they re-rolled. Gifting is to someone in particular. Giving up your place is different.
...I'd probably rather be asleep.I'm so sleepy....
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:17 am
I don't see it as a punishment. Either way, you're still lucky to have won something, whether you give it away or not. And that's how I'd see it if I was the one who got something and gave it away. I was lucky and, at the same time, I may have made the day of someone else. Reward enough. I still have Ni'awtu to join in on things with, so it's not like I can't interact or join breedings.
With how large Soquli is, I think it's fine like that. Chances are slim enough, with or without that system. Again, just being rolled or picked is pretty lucky enough.
Not the shop's fault if it discourages people from gifting. You know what people commonly say in cases like this. "You should give because it's the nice thing to do, not based on if you get anything in return." Whether negative or positive.
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:51 pm
To my mind - if you're choosing who your win goes to - you're accepting the win - taking the pet - you get the cool down. You might give it to someone because you want to rp with them, because they're your friend, because you feel bad they don't have any. Regardless, you're taking the pet out of the hands of the colorist/staff and choosing what happens to it. You took the win - that you didn't choose to keep it is your decision.
On the other hand, if you decide after your name is drawn that you wern't really interested after all and ask the staff to reroll or give it to the next contestant or what have you, you shouldn't have a cool down. You didn't take the win, you put it back in staff hands. Though why you would do that I can not fathom. If you don't want the prize, there are plenty of people who do, don't enter in the first place.
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:08 pm
LydaLynn To my mind - if you're choosing who your win goes to - you're accepting the win - taking the pet - you get the cool down. You might give it to someone because you want to rp with them, because they're your friend, because you feel bad they don't have any. Regardless, you're taking the pet out of the hands of the colorist/staff and choosing what happens to it. You took the win - that you didn't choose to keep it is your decision. On the other hand, if you decide after your name is drawn that you wern't really interested after all and ask the staff to reroll or give it to the next contestant or what have you, you shouldn't have a cool down. You didn't take the win, you put it back in staff hands. Though why you would do that I can not fathom. If you don't want the prize, there are plenty of people who do, don't enter in the first place. As far as I know, that's how it works...if you take the prize (whether you keep it or gift it) you get the cool down. If you decline it and let the staff decide what to do with the pet, you don't.
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:22 am
kaliskanny LydaLynn To my mind - if you're choosing who your win goes to - you're accepting the win - taking the pet - you get the cool down. You might give it to someone because you want to rp with them, because they're your friend, because you feel bad they don't have any. Regardless, you're taking the pet out of the hands of the colorist/staff and choosing what happens to it. You took the win - that you didn't choose to keep it is your decision. On the other hand, if you decide after your name is drawn that you wern't really interested after all and ask the staff to reroll or give it to the next contestant or what have you, you shouldn't have a cool down. You didn't take the win, you put it back in staff hands. Though why you would do that I can not fathom. If you don't want the prize, there are plenty of people who do, don't enter in the first place. As far as I know, that's how it works...if you take the prize (whether you keep it or gift it) you get the cool down. If you decline it and let the staff decide what to do with the pet, you don't. From what I heard, youre not supposed to/can't say you dont want it. Even then, you would get the cooldown. Ps. sorry for funky posting... was on ipod.
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:37 am
From everything I've seen, there's a cooldown for if you gift a pet to a friend. This makes sense - you still won the pet. It's up to you whether or not you want to keep it.
For giving up your place there isn't a cooldown - this also makes sense. Sometimes when you enter a contest and you don't win the big prize but there are a couple extras given out, you might not want that extra for whatever reason.
I think the way the shop has it now is fine. A win is a win really - what you choose to do with that win is up to you.
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:29 pm
Aaah Okay, I think I see, so if you win a pet and let the staff decide what to do with it or just re roll then you don't have a cool down but if you decide to give it to a friend or another specific person then you go through the cooldown with them?
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:42 pm
Heart, I don't know who told you that, but as far as I know, you are allowed to speak up and say if you want to keep a prize or not.
It's not like any staff member is forcing you to keep a prize you don't want.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:44 pm
A friend talked to a staff member and asked? Don't know which?
But the concept is that you 'won' even if you don't want it. Kinda the same concept as the 'winning' and giving it away and how you technically still don't get a Soq.
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:35 pm
Lesson of the day: Dont try for pets you dont want 8D
Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:12 am
Winning a Soq counts towards your personal limit if you: keep it, choose who to give it to.
Winning a Soq does not count towards your personal limit if you: pass and let staff pick a new winner.