Ny was making himself at home in the new pride he called home. He had met an old love who was the boss lady and a new love who was well, breath taking. He had gotten word that she would me dancing for the Boss Man and Nyeusi decided he would invite himself. He sat opposite of him the whole time; admiring the way she moved. He could feel her eyes on him the whole time it made him bashful. But sadly all good things had to come to an end as the dance ended. He had made plans before had to meet her after but he felt that might be delayed a bit. The other member quickly dispersed Leaving Ny with Nanashi. Alone.

Nanashi had never been too keen on the idea of Geishas or Entertainers. Perhaps due to Aiko and the fact he could never quite look at the ranked females the same when his sister was amongst them, but he had to admit, Tabia was quite a graceful dancer. The dance he was forced to suffer through - out of politness, since he could not yell at her and tell her to get out - was a beautiful dance but none of the attraction that usually came from such a sight was stirred in him. She was beautiful, yes, and she could move, but the rank itself was quite a put off.
Uncertain as to why Nyeusi had parked himself in to watch the dance, Nanashi had kept one one trained on him the entire time. After Tabia had left, Nanashi turned his gaze to Nyeusi and wanted for him to speak. There must have been a reason to come along, when it was merely a dance - and a public one at that. Nanashi would not allow her into the den he shared with Nyoka.

Nyeusi began to leave heading out towards the entertainers den. The down side was he would have to past Nanashi to get to it, he wasn’t too pleased to see Nanashi, and he tended to avoid him at all cost. He had no clue if he knew about the past that he and Nyoka shared. He found it funny that he looked so much like him. Sometimes it made him wonder if Nyoka ever got over him.
Nyeusi began to walk up to the boss man. “Nanashi.” His tone was cold like venom out of a snake’s mouth, he gave a simple head bow showing his respect for him as being head of the pride but never taking his eyes off of Nanashi’s. “Fabulous dance wasn’t it?” He said giving a coy type of smirk.

Nanashi wasn't sure what it was, but something about Nyeusi made his hair stand on end - figuratively, of course, he would never allow the male to visible ruffle him. "Merchant Nyeusi." He responded, his own tone cool and dry. As the leader of the pride, he was cool with most, but never cold. He narrowed his gaze slightly at the coy smirk and the words the male spoke. What did he mean by that, he wondered.

"It seemed like you enjoyed it more than I, but yes, Tabia is an acomplished dancer." Why had this male come along? He eyed the male suspiciously, but kept his gaze cool. What involvement did he have with Tabia?

Ny smiled, “Well I am a single cheetah, unlike you.” He wondered what Nyoka would think about this, Ny wondered if she even knew; well if she was as he remembered she did know. “I will not lie; I did like what I saw.” He smiled once again with his coy smile. A charming deceitfulness came from it. He continued to stay calm staring into Nanashi’s eyes.
He wanted to go meet up with the cheetah as they had arranged he didn’t want to keep her waiting. “If you would excuse me, I have someone…I mean some business… I have to tend to.” He quickly corrected himself hoping Nanashi had not caught on to his mistake. The longer he talked with him the less time he had with Tabia.

Nanashi made an agreeing noise at the comment of his mated status. That too, took the enjoyment out of the entertainers he knew. Why would he want to seek out another beauty when he had already laid claim to one of his own? A faint smirk twisted his mouth as he thought of Nyoka. She was far more attractive than Tabia, that was for sure. He eyed the male before him, distrustful of his words.

Someone? Hmm. Perhaps his suspicions of Nyeusi's presence at the dance was not merely coincidental. "Surely your business can wait a few more moments - isn't conversing with the Boss more important?" Nanashi said, cooly.

Nyeusi stared off in the distance of the entertainers den. He huffed, “I suppose~” He mimicked Nanashi’s cool tone. In truth he did not like him at all. He really had no reason why except he was a pain. At this moment he must have been enjoying keeping him for meeting up with Tabia. “What did you want to discuss, you royal highness.” Now he was beginning to sound more annoyed.”Ny sat down with the boss still occasionally glancing in the distance towards Tabia’s

Nanashi followed Nyeusi's gaze towards the entertainer's den, running his gaze along them and taking note of being able to see Tabia's - though she was not visible near or in her den. He slid his gaze back to Nyeusi, resisting the urge to smirk at the annoyed tone the male had. Well, at least he wasn't alone in his dislike, he realised, but that thought annoyed him more than it pleased him. Nanashi had done nothing to annoy this male, except request he speak with him.

"Tabia," he said, simply, watching Nyuesi for signs of emotion relating to the entertainer.

Nyeusi’s ears twitch and he faced Nanashi. He glared a bit. What did he want with her? “What about her?” His tone was calm, almost uncaring. He started into his eyes as if they would give him an answer. He hardly seemed like one who would cheat on his mate, but one never knows these days. If he did not at least have some intentions why watch her?
Did he know of their plans to meet up? His heart was beating as what felt like out of his chest but he kept a stone face on, attempting to mask his tru intentions later that night.

Nanashi smirked inwardly at the faint glare that was directed his way. Nyeusi's voice was calm, but that small glare had given him away. So he did not like Nanashi having an interest in Tabia? Hmm, curious. Not that Nanashi did, but it amused him that Nyeusi would think he would.

"Oh, nothing really," he murmured calmly, glancing past the male towards the entertainer's den. "Just that she really is a beautiful...dancer." He drew out his comment, as he could have easily said 'female'.

He flicked his gaze back to Nyeusi, already resolving in his mind to keep an eye on the male, especially around Tabia. It wasn't that he didn't trust the male, but...well, actually, he just really didn't trust the male. "You're excused," he remarked dismissively, knowing that his attitude would gain him no friend in Nyeusi, but he had no desire to befriend the male.

Nyeusi glared for a brief second at the male, what was he up too? He knew Tabia was a dancer, he knew she did what she had to that had no effect on his. But what was curious was the fact the he was acting suspicious with her when he was mated to Nyoka. He gave a head bow before walking off towards the entertainers den. He gazed back at the leader.
What was he up to? As Ny approached Tabia he tried not to cared, but he knew soon she would make him forget all about their conversation. He decided to leave it for another day, another time. But he would get back to it one day.

Nanashi watched the male go towards the entertainers den with a slightly narrowed gaze. He had no interest in Tabia as a mate, or even a fling, but there was something that Nanashi disliked about that male. He would keep an eye on him, and if that meant keeping an eye on his interactions with Tabia as well, so be it.

Perhaps he should tell Nyoka of his concerns? No. He knew Nyoka liked Nyeusi, though he could not fathom why his mate was fond of such a male, and he had nothing more than suspicions about Tabia's involvement with him. No. He'd wait, and if he found something out, then he'd tell Nyoka.

Rising to his feet, he set off towards the lower levels of the pride to continue with his duties for the day, putting aside his conversation with the dark male for the moment. He would watch and wait, until he knew exactly what was going on.