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Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:48 pm

I'm sure this will get a lot of negative comments, but I think there is a just reason for it.
I think that the shop when there are CC's for things such as breedings there should be Edited CC's and Unedited CC's. The halloween event is a PERFECT example of any time there is a CC chance that colorists always go for edited soquili. While that's great, not everyone has one and I'm sure for those people that do own unedited soquili they are to the point they don't even want to enter certain events because they aren't even going to get a fair chance. I know colorists like the CC's because they can do pretty much whatever they want to a soquili, which I'm more then fine with myself. But I think there should be at least a chance for non-edited soquili to be CC'ed too. Sorry if this makes people in the shop upset, that's not my intention. But I think that if anyone looks at CC events they can see that it's true and not just a personal opinion.

Again sorry if this kind of upsets people but it's true.

Side suggestion:
Well I know a lot of people like mixers, maybe there could be a 'edited pony mixer' and a 'unedited pony mixer' so that each can have their own respective chances at breedings and colorists can still CC whoever/whatever, ect they want. I know that might be a bit of a problem because that would mean more work loads for colorists, but that could potentially be a bit of fun too?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:56 pm

I agree with you. :3 I like unedited horses myself. If I were allowed to take purely unedited breedings, I would so do so. It's something to take into consideration. But what I'm going to say for argument's sake is what's the cut off?

First we allow a section for purely unedited CCs. Then people who have minis and their sub breeds may get upset and want a purely mini CC. And so on, and so forth. When in reality, almost everything that the colorist takes in either breeding months or events, is up to them. So I doubt that anything will be broken down into edited and unedited. And I wish I could do something to help with the back up of the unedited breedings. Unfortunately, if the colorist wants to do the edits it is up to them and they can not be forced to have any slots they don't particularly want/feel are necessary.


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Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:59 pm

Haha, glad to see someone does. <3 xD

I suppose you have a point. But even if it wasn't a new category, just SOMETHING to give unedits a chance would be nice. On the subject of mini's ect they should be counted in their respective edits or non-edits kind of category regardless of their breed, ect. :] And that's true, you can't force a colorist to do it. But maybe this thread will help them realize that unedits need love too. xD
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:11 pm

Being able to enter in the event was giving unediteds a chance. it's not like the colourists said 'ONLY ENTER EDITED SOQ, WE DON'T WANT THEM UNEDITED SOQ.'

And some of the CCs did have unedited parents. It's not like every single soq that won was OMFGWTF edited. A lot of them had simple edits.

EDIT: With the amount of negative comments that come after CC events are held, I'm surprised they're even still done. It's the COLOURIST'S choice. Nephi said he prefers unedited soq. If he did a CC thing, he would choose unedited soq, I'd imagine.

it's not that unedited soq aren't given a chance - they're given as much as every other soq. it's the colourists' choice.


Super Trash

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:12 pm

Er, absolutely not trying to put any fire into this, but an unedited did win. She got CC'd with a mutant edited boy.

I'm all for unedited, I have a couple myself and I love them. But, if I were a colorist I would not want to have any restrictions put on me when choosing a CC. Wasn't something similar to this brought up a few months ago?

-ducks back out-
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:17 pm

I think the only problem personally with breedings right now is, there haven't been many lately. It's kind of pointless to keep breaking them down, because that's going to result in more stressed colourists and less breedings.

Nyx Queen of Darkness

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:38 pm

First, I think you're required to have a poll with this? At least that's what I'd thought the rules said.

Anyway.... I don't think the breedings really need any more adjusting. The colorists already seem to have so much that they need to do that we really ought to just be grateful to have them as it is. Not to mention breedings tend to have more unedited slots then edited when it comes down to it. Plus CC is just that. If you start limiting CC you're gonna have a lot of angry colorists and it won't exactly be their choice anymore will it?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:57 pm

I added a poll.

Well it's not to pin the colorists down or anything like that. I don't know why every time something like this is brought up people think it's to attack a colorist, ect. And I'm not saying that the halloween event didn't have unedited soquili, but there were twice as more edited soquili cc'ed as unedited, which is a little unfair.
Also I think that the comment about them having so much to do already kind of further adds to my argument. >w< Because edits take a lot of time, unedited pairs would take way less time and then they wouldn't have as much to do so.....


Romantic Raider


Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:03 am

The reasont here haven't been many breedings lately, and will continue to be so until christmas, is because all the colorists are pretty much all busy with working on event ponies. First for Halloween, and then for Christmas coming up. Things will go back to normal after x-mas.

As for Unedited CCs.

I can see where this could be a good idea. But this has been said before, so I'll say it again. CC is Colorist Choice. If we start putting restrictions or exceptions on them then they cease to be CC and become just another slot.

Now, in a normal breeding where there are couples, I can see this working, hell I've cced a few unedited couples myself. In singles mixers though I don't see it working very well.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:14 am

Well I know a lot of people like mixers, maybe there could be a 'edited pony mixer' and a 'unedited pony mixer' so that each can have their own respective chances at breedings and colorists can still CC whoever/whatever, ect they want. I know that might be a bit of a problem because that would mean more work loads for colorists, but that could potentially be a bit of fun too?


Romantic Raider

Nyx Queen of Darkness

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:17 am

The reasont here haven't been many breedings lately, and will continue to be so until christmas, is because all the colorists are pretty much all busy with working on event ponies. First for Halloween, and then for Christmas coming up. Things will go back to normal after x-mas.

As for Unedited CCs.

I can see where this could be a good idea. But this has been said before, so I'll say it again. CC is Colorist Choice. If we start putting restrictions or exceptions on them then they cease to be CC and become just another slot.

Now, in a normal breeding where there are couples, I can see this working, hell I've cced a few unedited couples myself. In singles mixers though I don't see it working very well.

Oh yes, I know! And I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, we really REALLY appreciate it. The event is freaking awesome!

I was merely trying to say (and failing magnificiently) that there haven't been alot lately, so I know that the "urge" for breedings is strong and has sparked alot of discussion amongst people about more slots for this or that. But I'm going to stop there, before I muddle more. I'm really too hyper to get my thoughts out straight .

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:19 am

Well I know a lot of people like mixers, maybe there could be a 'edited pony mixer' and a 'unedited pony mixer' so that each can have their own respective chances at breedings and colorists can still CC whoever/whatever, ect they want. I know that might be a bit of a problem because that would mean more work loads for colorists, but that could potentially be a bit of fun too?

The way the current mixers are set up everyone does have a fair shot at winning, either by rng or cc. It all depends on the dice and the individual colorist.

Oh! Gotcha, yep that's understandable. =3


Wrathful Demigod


Super Trash

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:22 am

But you're still taking the choice away from the colourists by doing that. If all the colourists don't like doing unedited ponies and that is implemented then they're forced to do something they don't like.

Like, its colourist choice. There are plenty of unedited breeding slots. it's not like CC is the only way to get a breeding.

There's already unedited and edited breedings slots, mostly. by making everyone unedited/edited, you're adding more work. They're working hard enough as it is giving us awesome events and awesome freebies.

CC slots are something for colourists, to fuel their desire to colour. If they were made to do things they didn't like/didn't want to do all the time they would most likely lose the desire to colour and then where would we be? fewer ponies at events, fewer breeding slots, fewer customs, fewer everything.

Not everyone is going to think your soq is amazing, just liek not all colourists are going to want to pick it for CC. it comes down to their likes/dislikes and what they feel like doing.

it's not fair on colourists that everytime there's a CC event someone creates a thread saying it's not fair. everyone is given an equal chance - like i said before, no colourist said you couldn't enter unedited soq. even minis were allowed in these one, despite the fact that it made rolling a little more difficult.

i feel sorry for the colourists when they do such awesome things and instead of being met with praise, they're met with threads like this. :/
PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:29 am

I can understand how doing the unedited singles and the edited might bring a little more attention to the unedited ones. However, when I put in an unedited soquili into one I do like to hope to get an awesome edited mate sometimes smile It's kind of like a surprise. If I could only enter unedited into unedited it's less of a surprise and less desire to enter said soquili. While it might be nicer for edited soquili, not having to worry about getting an unedited pony, it's nice to see what you get smile


Magical Cat

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Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:50 am

It's not like any of us are not greatful to have the colorists that we do here. Cause the fact of the matter is we are. Sure we complain now again but that's because we want the colorists to actually listen to what their customers are saying. Even if nothing changes or it changes just a little, at least they listened and gave us the chance to tell them how we as customers feel. Yet EVERY time one of these pop up someone takes offense and it's not meant to be like that.

So colorists, I am thankful for the CC's, events, freebies, ect and for you guys being nice to us. But as a customer I want to be able to tell you where I see problems and maybe help fix it for someone else. Or just tell you I see a problem for you to take it into consideration for something else. Like oh we are doing such and such event. Well based on what suggestions have popped up recently I think this way might work better then this way. And if it does great! Everyone is happy and we just learned a new way to boost the shop morale. If not then oh well. That's the point I'm trying to make.
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