Kusimamia'Utulivu - -_Wish of the Goddess_-
Hakuna'jina - Das Tor

Tuli found his mind conflicted once again as he made his way to his mother.  He knew she'd be in her den, as the sun was barely setting, and he'd spent all morning cuddled up with Tavar.  This was going to be one of his more....awkward conversations with her.  Especially as he was now so confused.  He loved Aisling...beautiful, kind Aisling, though he knew not if he'd ever see her again, and he still patrolled during the day in the hopes she'd come...but Tavar...the other was under his skin.  He teasedand tormented him, and he adored it...."Mother?  Are you awake?"

Hakuna hated growing older. She hated it with a passion. But...she dealt with it, for the sake of her now-grown cubs, for her grandcubs, and for the pride and Te and Verge. Otherwise...she likely would have found a way to go out fighting. One of the things age wasn't taking from her, however, was her sharp senses. The moment Tuli's voice reached her ears, she was roused, sitting up as she yawned. "I am now, Tuli." Was likely nearing time for her to be up, anyways.

He trotted into her den, his body relaxed as he moved to lick her ear gently.  He could tell his mother was aging, but pride swelled his heart to think that it did nothing but show.  She was a beautiful fighter, and sharper than any lioness he'd ever meet, "I wanted to talk to you.....I'm....in an odd dilemma with a Pride member....and a rogue female I met..." He sighed, claws kneading into the ground as he tried to think of how to word this, "You're the only other I trust to hear my secrets....As I don't think anyone else would quite understand."

Hakuna raised a brow at her son, curious. Well now...what had her son gotten himself into? "What sort of dilemma, Tuli?" The way he was talking...was it anything like what she had with Verge and Te, if she would understand it? "You needn't be nervous to talk about such things with me."

He licked a paw, sighing, "I know mother.  I have found not one, but two with whom my visions do not come.  One...was a female from outside the Pride, and I find myself having fallen for her.  She's...." A soft, loving smile lit his face, "I'm hoping to see her again soon, as the mother of my cubs."  Then, he glanced at the mouth of the cave, "Then....there...is a male...he gets under my skin...makes me furious...and then....then.....he got close...and last night....we....I find myself happy with him....and attracted...My Demon is satisfied with him too.  Tavar'uya..."  This drew fear into his heart, "I don't know what to do, mother..."

Hakuna recognized the look on Tuli's face. She herself had gotten it now and again when she thought of Te and Verge. (Not that she'd ever let anyone else see it, except maybe Te.) And she wondered if he would bring this girl into the pride. The news about TAVAR, however, surprised her. Tavar. The student she was often surprised had aligned himself to Sparda's side. Well...huh. "I see nothing wrong with this." Of course...she might have to test Tavar later, see if he was serious...Tuli had enough issues, he didn't need someone tugging at his heartstrings.

He sighed, "I know there is nothing wrong with it, mother.  Not when it is a similar case with you and father, and Papa Vergil."  Not that he'd ever found himself able to call the other Lion uncle.  No....Verge would always be 'papa' to him.  "I just...I haven't seen Aisling in so long, and now with Tavar....MY head feels like it spins in circles, and I can't get it to slow...And then I take my duties into stride as well, and my thoughts become....a maelstrom..."

Hakuna sighed and reached a paw out to touch one of his. "If she is bearing cubs for you, she should come back if she has any honor." She chuckled. "As for Tavar...I believe that is 'normal'. I never noticed it with your father because when I met him, my thoughts were already a maelstrom, the epitome of Chaos in a mortal. Things will settle, and you will sort your thoughts out once more. Perhaps...you should take up a bit of time to meditate? I know one of your cousins did it once." Sira wasn't in the pride anymore, however...which meant she couldn't ask him to help Tuli.

His tail flicked, and the adult calmed slowly.  Speaking with his mother always helped.  He adored her, and she always seemed to know how to calm his mind for a time, "Thank you mother....I think....that is a wise idea.  I may go to my den for a time....let my mind....rest.  See if the Gods grant any answers...or if the Demon within has some ideas."

The old lioness chuckled, nodding. "That seems a good idea. I do hope you find an answer that suits you." She raised her paw to rest under his chin. "You are my son...and all I want for all of you is happiness, and to find your own strength." She smiled sadly. "Even those of you who have grown apart from me, I wish for nothing but those for them." She loved all of her cubs, even those far away or departed.

He smiled and lay his head atop hers, nuzzling her.  Tuli knew his mother was kind.  Even the harshness of her job could not take that from her.  Wrapping a paw over her shoulders, he licked the top of her head once, then pulled back, those blue eyes, so like his father's, warm, "....And I will be happy.  I am glad for you mother.....I cannot wait to show you my cubs....should they ever come.  They will love you."

Hakuna smiled one of her rare, warm smiles. "And I cannot wait to see them. I hope they are like you." There were only two other cubs of hers she'd ever been as close to as she was Tuli...and she silently prayed for a little of all three of her 'favorites' to show in her grandcubs through Tuli. "Now...go and sort your thoughts out, before someone wonders where the storm clouds are."

He chuckled softly, nodding, "Thank you mother. I love you."  He licked her ear one last time, as he turned to the side, trotting out to his own den, his mind calming as he thought of getting some time to himself.  He'd relax for a short time....Then he'd go look for her again.  He hoped she'd be there today....or at the very least soon.