Log between Ran (Nuxaz) and Yayuka (me!)

The dark lion pawed at the grass by the borders, pondering on his current situation in life. After being raised in such a strange, dysfunctional family he had somehow achieved his dream of joining the firekin, and they were, so far, proving to be everything he had imagined them to be. But, come to think of it, he hadn't even met that many firekin. Yayuka had won his duel and was now accepted as one of them, but so far, e hadn't had the chance to really talk to anyone. He also hadn't quite figured out what he would be now that he was one of them.

Since he still felt a bit like an outsider in this overwhelming world, he had come to the borders again, not with the slightest intention of leaving or meeting anyone. Unless he ran into a patrol composed of friendlier lions (because some were friendlier than others), in which case maybe he could ask to tag along. It was important to make friends and acquaintances at this point.


Ran was no stranger to being an outsider, he had been one since day one despite having been born into the pride. He was shunned because of the mask that he had been born with but he used it to his advantage. Despite the dark colors of his fur, he was often ignored in favor of others so it made eavesdropping all the easier for him. Often he would wander throughout the pride taking in the faces of the other members categorizing them into his memory files.

He spotted the male long before and a dark grin spread across his lips. He always loved new prey. "You there."


One thing about sand was it made you easy to sneak up on. Fortunately, Yayuka wasn't the sort that would jump and startle easily, that would be embarrassing. But his ears pricked up quickly, and he was surprised. He turned his head, instinctively unsheathing his claws in case of an attack. Yayuka didn't know this male, but it seemed like he was of firekin stock, so he hoped there would be no trouble. If questioned, he'd just have to say that he was a newly accepted member and had earned his right to be here. If needed, he could fight, he supposed, but that would be far from ideal.

"Yes?" He didn't greet the other lion, as said male hadn't really greeted him, either. Yayuka forced himself to sheath his claws and relax his shoulders, in order to appear nonchalant. He mentally told himself this wasn't a big deal, shouldn't be one.