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[duel] anticipation (Bodair x Canicus) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:27 am
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    Canicus paced back and forth, in a slightly soured mood. It was a wonder how easy he became in a bad mood since meeting the rogue-turned-firekin. He realized he still didn't know her name... and he was aware that bothered him slightly. But she didn't know his either, was it equally as bothersome? He'd made his way to the sparring pits shortly before dawn, even though he didn't expect the female to come to the area until after the sun was peaking of the horizon. There was still just a bite of chill to the air, the same chill that would kill you if you found yourself too far away from the dens at night in the desert. It was perhaps one of his favorite times of day, and the best time to come and practice sparring. If you were lucky enough to have a partner; not many firekin were at the pits this early.

    He'd not minded the short wait for the sun to make it's first appearance, it was easier for him to think up what they should be working on. He decided it should be her power, how hard she could hit. And how often she'd hit, since she seemed more apt to hang back in the pitt. Of course, this all could have been some strategy of hers that just hadn't worked out in the end... he paused in his pacing and frowned, then slowly sat. Could that have been it? Maybe they should have another serious duel before he began the training?

    "Bah... why am I doing this anyways? She isn't some cub fresh from her mother's teat.." He mumbled to himself, then glanced to the sky and scowled. His blue eyes scanned the sands in the surrounding area; she wasn't here yet. That made him a little annoyed too... didn't she take him seriously? Of course... any normal lion didn't demand that their company show up the instant the sun was over the horizon, it wasn't very fair. And it left room to debate what time that actually was... she could still show up five minutes from then and consider herself on time. He didn't care, it was his meeting and his decision and he'd decided she was late!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:53 am
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The female was making her way out of the dens and to the dueling pits she was tired she had been stressing a bit over today. Why did he ask this of all things? He could have asked for anything! Even he had mentioned it. She sighed as she tried to blink the sleep from her eyes. She was shivering hard the cold was getting to her.

So when she got to the pits she really could not help herself when she walked right up to him and snuggled firmly into his side. "Say anything and I'll try to knock you to the ground." She said grumpily she was not a morning person but he won fair and square and she would do as he asked. She knew she was not strong enough to get him down on the ground but she would try at least. she shivered a little more and was thankful for when the sun was fully over the hills and saying hello to them and the world.

"Can we hurry this up before I freeze to death?" She said not able to stop her self from coming of as complaining cause she was she hated the mornings she always retreated into the warmth of the den's early and didn't come out till the sun was a good bit in the sky.

Pink Myth


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:28 am
    His ears flicked as he finally noticed approaching pad falls, but before he could turn to scold the dark lioness he felt her body suddenly almost mold to his side! His whole frame tensed to and his eyes first widened then narrowed, his maw opening to ask her what the hell she was doing. Especially out here in the open... no! He shouldn't be caring who saw what was happening just now! But as she opened her mouth and tried to warn him before he could warn her himself her words were laughable. He did chuckle. She'd try, would she? She'd be surprised at some of the females from his pride then. They knew ways to flip the larger males onto their backs during duels, how to knock their feet out from under them... Bodair would have to learn all of these things as well.

    He was still trying to figure out what the hell to say to the weird female, try and figure out why this interaction was different from yesterdays... ah... it didn't have that same teasing spark to it, did it? She wasn't doing this to piss him off... or to get him hot and bothered. No, she really was doing this to get herself warm, wasn't she? For some reason that made him nervous. Canicus didn't do well with nervous. Or annoyed. Embarrassed. Even happy, sad, etc. He simply felt awkward with emotions. He was much more comfortable feeling apathetic towards any of the day's events. Excitement came from sparring or even more serious fights. Not... not from some smaller female snuggling up into his side!

    Since her comment booked no argument... sort of... he was able to just focus on calming his heart rate down. He was even becoming a little comfortable when she was suddenly opened her maw again, reminding him of the real reason they were actually at the pits today. He cleared his throat and found himself standing and finally shifting away from her. "Well if the little roguess can't handly the cold desert nights perhaps..." He trailed off, raising his brows and implying that maybe she should go back to the rogue lands.

    Let's see that temper flair. He thought, almost fondly. "If you're reluctant to be doing this than you shouldn't have agreed to the bet in the first place." Serious tone was back, no more teasing or joking. "Today we will be working on your power, and how to hit into an opponent effectively. Even the larger ones."
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:08 am
Bodair had almost fallen asleep from the male's large warmth beside her. Then it was suddenly gone. Damn the male she thought before her eyes grew larger in a mixture of anger and astonishment he did not just say that did he? She was furious very much so to the point she simple just looked away wrapped her tail around her body and stewed there a moment. How dare he she thought before looking back to him only briefly. Should she even care about the bet now? This male was annoying and knew just how to push her buttons worse then Chamase.

"Fine whatever!" She snapped out once she was satisfied with enough silence between them. "And its not my fault I don't have a big fluffy mane like you. Piff! Thank goodness that would just look right awful on a female." She said rolling her eyes before moving after him quickly more she moved the warmer she got this would be her plan she would do what he wanted as long as it meant she could move about.

Pink Myth


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:20 am
    It was odd to feel so annoyed and so... so charmed at the same time. Who was this girl kidding? Herself, apparently. "So you're saying that the females in this pride, who've never complained about the cold once that I can remember, they're freezing from lack of mane?" He spoke slowly, almost thoughtfully. Again though he was mocking her... he couldn't help that she brought out this side of him. She'd started it, anyways!

    She seemed more on the defense today, though. He guessed that was okay, she was continuing to spark his interest. Each time he thought that maybe he was done with bothering with the female she did something that just... what? Amused him? Annoyed him, more likely. She was like a puzzle he needed to figure out... which was odd, he'd never been much of a thinker. "So we'll duel again. Are you alright with that?" He glanced over his shoulder, wondering is she was going to take the duel seriously or not. "And your goal is to figure out how to knock me off my feet. I doubt you can, since you're rather lacking in confidence." He mumbled the last bit as if to himself, but made sure she'd be able to hear him.
Pink Myth generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:23 am
She huffed as she watched him before letting her claws out she tested them in the sand a little not because she was going to use them no just to let them breath a little she took off trying to get him off guard and make the first move when she just ended up missing him when he turned to face her.

WHAT THE HELL! She yelled out in her head she was furious she glared at he male as she turned quickly to face him. Their intent had been the duel so she hadn't bothered with the formalities. Which only begged the question what was this males name? Wait no she didn't care she growled inwardly. She would not care what his name was or who he came from no she would just be fine with teaching him a lesson if her limbs would ever do what she told them to. She cursed them softly before looking to the deep scars on her shoulder.

She pushed the thoughts away as she turned her attention back onto the male. She could not afford to get side tracked today! She was going to win or at least get to the point to where it would be a sudden death! Yes that is what she'd do her lips pulled back into a toothy grin as she leaned forward getting into a battle stance as she eyed the male. Oh the things she had in store for him today.

Pink Myth

Lethrossen generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:24 am
    He listened intently for anything she might add to the conversation but her words never game. He frowned ever so slightly, wondering why this was. Wasn't she the chatty one the other day? And then he heard the sudden movement, different from just walking and quickly he knew she was on the offense. He spun around, effectively making her miss as he backed away several steps, growling slightly.

    Fine, she didn't want to talk. He lunged forward, swiping a paw out and she dodged it. "See? All you're good for. Dodging. Take the hit, make a hit." Of course, this contradicted his own actions of avoiding her hits... but he wanted her to become more adventurous, more spontaneous. When he'd swiped at her and she'd backed away he just grinned, meeting her eyes. "I don't think you'll be able to land one paw on me, let alone knock me off my paws." This was weird too, he didn't enjoy speaking during a sparring match. Silence was his forte, or so he thought.
Pink Myth generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:47 am
She smirked with him when he missed serves the male right for saying such things. She avoided the attack and then got her footing before lunging at him trying to attack but he side stepped her. She watched him carefully be moving to circle him as she chuckle a little.

"You know i'd really like to meet one of these female that could put a big boy like you on their back." She teased giving him a quick wink before running off before he could land another blow. "Now now what was this about 'Take the hit, make a hit'?" She teased him smirking more.

Pink Myth

Lethrossen generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:48 am
    His gaze narrowed a little and he smirked slowly. "I'll have you meet my sister." He was serious too, he had three sisters but Zalia was his favorite sister. Or maybe just his closest sister, he guessed. He wasn't sure what a good idea it was, but it would be amusing for him. He always enjoyed his spars with Zalia, and she could hold her own. In fact, she could best him more than he was willing to admit.

    He shook his head a little as they circled each other. It was more like morning exercise than an actual spar, unfortunately. "Well I haven't been hit yet, have I?" He said sarcastically, changing the meaning of his previous statement. "This is your training anyhow. Waiting for you." Once she'd actually get a few good hits in he'd start taking her seriously again.

    He lunged to the left, but she shifted to the right as his claws came out. "Good as ever at evasion." He smiled slowly.
Pink Myth generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 2!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:49 am
She chuckled a little as she noticed the male was smiling more and more. He looked rather handsome with that smile. Wait no he didn't! She thought quickly as she shook the thoughts from her head before looking to him. She began to bide her time trying to find an opening to where she could get to him. She took a deep breath and waited patiently.

"I would enjoy greatly meeting your sister." She said as she circled him once more. "An I thought this was training?" She teased him a little. "My my was that a compliant?" She ask trying to stop her heart from racing why was she so excited? This really needed to stop. She thought before smirking a little more before speaking.

"Perhaps I'm simple making sure my feet work is better then yours." She teased before managing to step out of the way of his next attack and laughing in a slight mock way.

Pink Myth

Lethrossen generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:51 am
    He smirked a little more. "Oh I bet." Was his only comment on the rogue born female wanting to meet his sister. It would be charming, he was sure. But now he wanted to focus on the sparring match at hand, which wasn't going as well as he'd thought it would.

    He saw any sort of compliment would have to be very sparse, sarcastic or not. Part of him had meant what he'd said, but part of him wanted to see what sort of hits she could get in. He saw she was fine with foot-work. He made another swipe, and she made another jump which caused him to miss. He was being slightly lazy now, realizing what sort of cat and mouse game this was becoming. "And so it seems they do. Any more interesting tricks, or is hopping about the only thing you can manage?" He said this dryly, in a more normal tone.
Pink Myth generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:52 am
The female chuckled as he missed she danced around him before taking a jab at his side before ducking and moving a few steps away letting him come at her only to move out of the way and lunge her body at him.  

Pink Myth

Lethrossen generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 2!


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:53 am
    So she was no longer willing to be provoked? That was a little boring, and caused him to frown. He did not make a move towards her this time, he was content with circling around her. This was becoming... no, had already become one of the most boring duels he'd participated in. Ever.

    "Well I suppose we'll just keep missing until one of us becomes unafraid of being hit, hmm?" He wasn't afraid of her claws, nor did he think she would be too powerful when she finally landed a hit.. but he wanted her to earn that hit too. He wasn't about to just move his body in the way of her paw.
Pink Myth generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 2!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:53 am
She chuckled a little as she took a moment to stretch out her body this duel was getting rather boring. She thought a moment before smirking. "Shall we put another bet on the table?" She asked as she began to circle him once more bidding her time.  

Pink Myth

Lethrossen generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 1!


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:55 am
    His brows shot up at her complete lack of initiative, though his brain started turning as she mentioned a new bet. "Will that get you to spar any better?" He growled slightly, feeling annoyed. Maybe he just wasn't meant to train others?

    "Fine. Terms?" If that was how he was going to get her to show a little more enthusiasm than fine. For now, why should he bother trying? He swiped a lazy paw toward her, expecting her to dodge it.
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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