Gana'teba looked around the area as he watched the little serval companion he was traveling with. She was playing in the grass as she waited for him to get ready to go. She was waiting for the other to get out of the trance he had been in for a while he had sat down after taking a drink and had yet to come out of his trance. "Gana... are you done yet? I'm getting bored."

Looking up from his trance he smiled at her. "I'm fine Nyasi. Groom you fur, we are going to have a visiter and your fur is a mess from playing." His vision had been a of the woman that would be visiting, it had seemed to be in a short while so it would only make sense for him to have his young friend get ready.

Nila was out in the roguelands exploring, she need to learn more information about the riguelands so she can share it with others; that was her duity. Normally she would be out trying to figure out who she really was but it has been months and she still cant remember. As much as she would like too she cant remember and she had to move on with her life. She was Nila'paski and she had to accept it.

She caught the scent of another in the area, she walked catiously towards the scent. Who would be out here. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She wasnt sure how old the scent was, but it was fairly fresh.

Gana'teba looked up at the voice standing and looking over at the young lioness. Looking over at her she smiled. "Hello, it's nice to see someone out here. It's been so long since I have truely seen another other than my companion here." He nodded looking over at the young serval that was sitting there with him.

"Um....ya?" She supposed it could be rather boreing, possibly even annoying spending all your time with just one other.

"I'm Nila, What are you two doing out here?" She was still examining the servel, she had never seen such extravagent colors, at least not in the pride. "Are you from the pride?" She had never seen them but he had the purple like many nobles and he was so close to the pride. She just assumed.

He shook his head. "I am not in the pride.. I was wandering with my friend here looking for a place to call home as it's gotten, boring wandering around, I would rather prefer to stay someplace but would not want to intrude." He sighed after that looking at her directly. "But enough about me, what s a young lioness such as yourself doing out here. alone?"

Nyasi looked over at the strange lioness talking to her apopted father figure even if she was much smaller that he was, never growing larger them about the size of a large cub. "Gana? Who is she?"

Nila looked at the small brightly colored servel. "Im a scholar from the pride, im looking for new information to bring back and teach our pride members." She glanced back over the the purple lion. "Purple is a sign of nobility in our pride thats why i asked." She felt in awe of the lion he was so majestic, his belt was so lovely, unlike her own. The servel however... hers was another story.

"If your looking for a home, my pride is very accepting of new member." She smiled, she loved meeting new people, it didnt make her feel bad because she actually didnt know them, unlike if she met someone from her past she would feel a gut wrenching terror.

He smiled lightly looking over at her, as Nyasi looked back at him. "Gana, Can we go with her? We've been wandering around for so long.. I would like it if we could stay somewhere and that pride sounds nice... " Gana'teba looked over at the serval berfore looking back up at the female.
"you think we would be welcome?
If you are sure then I would love to come join the pride? Could you tell me a bit more about it?"

"Well ourt pride is probably very different then others, we arent like most prides. We are accepts of homosexuals and cross drerssing." She paused realizing she might not enjoy his company. "Since your of purple pelt you will be able to be accepted into more ranks. The pride loves to act and each member participates in some way."

"Males arnd females are equal. When it comes to mating however its frown upon to mate with someone outside of your 'class' bt its not forbidden. Anything you would like to ask?" She felt she could go on about the pride, all of her information spilling out of her mouth; she felt if he wanted to know something it would be best for him to ask.

He smiled slightly looking at her. "I dont really think much of what other's think of me though the pride your in I have to admit it sounds nice to me. I dont really have much to ask. I would like to go with you back to your pride and join if I would be allowed. I happen to like acting so I see no problem in this at all."

Nyasi looked happy at the fact that they would be finding a place to stay permanently. "We're going to stay right Gana? I want to stay with the pride." Gana smiled at his young companion. "Yes we will."

She felt her face grow hot when he said he didnt care what other thought. He was so nice and gorgeous she hoped they would still be mutal friends or grow into friends it would be nice to have at least one friend.

"You both will be very accepted. Lets go." She said waiting to lead them to the pride. "I'm sure you will love the pride very much." She was pleased she was able to bring new members into the pride. "I'm pleased that you two will inally have a place to call home."

He smiled back at her looking down at her. "I am glad we have done so as well." He looked down at Nyasi and smiled. "You see Nyasi? We will have a home now. A home of our own instread of having to wander all over."

Nyasi gave a happy sound going forward to the purple lion and nuzzling his leg. "We have a home now Gana, I am so happy."

Nila didnt want there walk into the prideland to be awkward so she settled for trying to make small tslk. "So Nyasi how did you run into Gana?" She smiled wondering how the friendly duo cam to be.
She unfortunatly didnt have anyone but then again she spent her last few months trying to figure out who she was. But maybe these two will be her first official steps into her new life.

Nyasi looked up at the lioness then back at Gana'teba looking asking for permission. "You can tell her Nyasi. I dont mind." Nyasi puffed up with pride at being the one to tell her story before turning back to Nila. "Gana'teba saved me when I was cub and I've been traveling with him ever since."

He smiled softly looking at the other. "Yes that's our story, though I am suprised that she left out her usual tale of her fighting of three hungry wolves before I found her."

"Wolves!" Nila was shocked she never would imagine that such a small animal would be live long enogh to be saved by a lion. "You both are very brave." She looked down. "I cant remember my cubhood or any part of my life other then these past few months." She sighed.

"I remeber just waking up here and i didnt know anything or anyone not even my own name, i came across a lioness who named me Nila'paski" She has never really shared her story with anyone so it was a bit difficult.

Gana laughed, "Its okay she didn't actually fight she just likes to stretch her story. " he looked down at his young friend. "Isn't that right, Nyasi." Nyasi however was glareing at the ground. Why would he tell her that... she didn't stretch things that much did she? So there was only one wolf but still....

Nila couldnt imagine how it was roughing it in the rogueland like they must have. "Well now you both dont have to worry about having to fight for yourself." She gave a reassuring smile. "You both will find happiness in the pride, im sure." She was pleased to bring them away from the cruel roguelands, she knew they would be better and happier in the pride. As they approached the pride borders she smiled please it was closert hen she thought. "Well i hope you guys are ready to say hello to your new home."