cheepz (i am pose 1)
cheepz (i am pose 2)
king chep (hd)
strawberry sundae sweets (i am)
starmony (oh love)
nomy the snail (you are nomy)
meatball fight (you are a meatball)
charming the piglet (you are charming)
black sheep (i am black sheep)
you are a cow
sushi error
sushi error (sake nigiri)
sushi error (tamago nigiri)
sushi error (wasabi paste)
pumpkin fluff plushie (i am)
pudgie the sparrow (you are pudgie)
little black bat (vampire bat)
blood bat
mono the skunk plushie (i am mono)
grunny (you are grunny)
unicell (i am)
kitty fluff plushie (i am)
wonderland (cheshire cat's grin)
ace meow (i am ace)
grace meow (i am grace)
space meow (i am space)
lace meow (i am lace)
case meow (i am detective meow)
case meow (i am thief meow)
tutu the flying fat cat (i am)
cookie boots (i am cookie boots)
blue belle (i am)
copper belle (i am)
golden belle (i am)
titus the lion (i am)
angus the scootie plushie (i am scootie)
chimi the chihuhua (i am)
dede the husky (i am)
mudslide (i am)
nochi the black wolf (i am)
nochi the black wolf (adult i am)
blood werewolf (i am)
alex the racoon (i am)
mimpi the sheep (i am)
cathulu (i am)
martian war (martian)
none of those have the glitch anymore!! don't know any other since i don't own them!! xp