User Image It had only been a few days since Tifara had made herself a home in the dawnwalker lands and she was not regretting her move one bit. The days since she had first entered went by with a blur but in a good way. There were many materials in which to make jewelry for all sorts of genders. Tifara stretched her body in order to get rid of the kinks present as she had been so focused on creating that hours had past. Orders upon orders had been coming in since the day she first made a necklace for her rescuer and somewhat of a father figure: Lan'tis.

Breathing deep before standing Tifara decided a break would be the best thing for her body. Looking around her somewhat bare home, it made her feel proud. This was something to call her own and she had worked hard to get it.

Nathifa'Kamilah rumbled around in the sand and yelped when some of the hotness landed on top of her paw. Frowning she glared at the stuff that had caused her a few minutes of pain. "Grr." This was one of the things she didn't enjoy about living in a land of sand, it was killer on the bod when too hot. All she was craving at the moment was a nice shaded area and water. Water would be nice to have too. Though to be honest sun sounded alright in comparison to snow and cold.

She waddled down the path, looking silly with her movements, hurrying to find a place that didn’t make her feel like she was walking on hot coals. “Oh.” A cute little shop seemed to appear before her eyes and she narrowed them thinking maybe it was an illusion. It was bound to happen—well it had happened before. A lion went out, got dehydrated, and started seeing things. Poor fellow lost his mate recently and, his addled mind, thought he saw her off in the distance. He kept walking to the point where he got lost and sadly User Imagedied or so someone told her when she visited with her mummy and her mummies friends.

A few hours later Tifara finally had cleaned up a bit and prepared to lie down. She deserved it and the shop had slowed down quite a bit. Letting out a sigh she flopped on the most comfortable bed she had ever owned, it really was a lovely thing!



