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Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:57 pm

-----PLOT THREAD IS OPEN!!!! -----
(Has just been updated after a year's absence... oops sweatdrop 8-29-13)

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Click the group pic to visit my journal to see all my SoA in detail!

Will serve as a rotating plot/RP-seeking thread for my SoA~

~FYI: They're not listed in any particular order. smile

~If you're interested in RPing with any of these guys, just reply~! I'm open to all plot suggestions, not just what I have listed. :3 Click to see ALL my SoA in my journal. If you see someone you like there, feel free to PM me about them if you have RP ideas. smile

~On Fling offers: Everybody here is open for them unless it says otherwise. (They may or may not have enough RPs to put in for a breeding however >o< ) Please don't be offended if I refuse a plot or an offer for a fling, as there may be any number of reasons why. Heck, I may just not feel like RPing at the time. ;-; (Sometimes my muse leaves me... )

~I prefer to RP in the guild. I don't use AIM as much as I used to, and most people don't seem to like using it I've found anyway, so the guild is just easier. I prefer if my partner starts an RP, but if you absolutely hate to start, I can. smile Just let me know.

~Please feel free to contact me by PM at any time for any reason/any question! heart

Just an FYI on RP in general: I'm the type that I doesn't mind when the person I'm RPing with does little things that some people might consider "god modding". I prefer to think of it as implying the direction the RPer is trying to move things in. To me it's inspiring and helpful for the other person to imply how they are wanting my character to react to theirs, or what they want them to notice. Such as describing what my character might see as they come upon the scene where your character is, etc. ((Example: I'm RPing Sam, and other person is RPing Tom. I'd be okay with the following: 'Tom sighed in annoyance. Things just were not going as planned... Sam was a burden, an annoyance, and Sam knew it, Tom could just tell from the look on Sam's face.' or 'As Sam approached the scene, he became instantly aware of two things: one, there was suddenly a gorgeous lioness in his path. And two... that gorgeous lioness looked none too happy...'

That being said, unless the person I'm RPing with specifically says they're alright with it, I very much try not to do those things myself, because I know alot of people DO NOT like that. But I just wanted to let everyone I RP with know not to worry about stepping on toes when RPing with me. ;3 heart It's rather hard to do, so worry more about having fun! And if you're ever unsure about something, don't hesitate to quote me or PM me to ask me anything!
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:04 pm

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Uncert image

Name: Rakuree'fotu
Pride: n/a Rogue
Personality: Hyper and Enthusiastic, endlessly undefeatably optimistic, almost to the point of being annoying. Likes to play the hero, likes to race and compete. Very cheerful, always looks on the bright side.

Looking for:
~ General RP! I need to get some under his leopard-belt for flings! >3<
~ Interaction with Cheetahs in general to set the stage for an eventual Cheetah mate~
~ Adventures involving ending up in danger and then getting out of it by the hair of his tail. Maybe rescuing someone or making a fool of himself and ending up being the one rescued.
~ Contests of good nature (like racing or catching things, etc.)
~ idk, throw me your plot ideas! I have alot of fun RPing him, so I can usually reply pretty quickly to his RPs. ;3

NOT looking for:
~ Death, Maiming, Pride, Mate

Info for Flings:
~ Would like: CHEETAHS!!, BLUE!, black, white, other cool colors, neutral colors, Spots, natural patterns
~ Don't want: Neon yellow @.@ No red (No christmas colored babies! LOL) not really looking for more green, but it just depends. :3

Personal notes for promised/planned things:
~Fling planned with Neon Fly's Lakita - On the back burner, other things can come first 9/5/13  


Rainbow Nerd


Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:05 pm
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Name: Mailuuka
Pride: n/a Rogue
Personality: "Gun-shy", a bit paranoid, but otherwise very sweet, Tendency to stutter.

Bit of info about her past: Mai is Kailayna's long lost sister! She was thought by Kai to have been killed as a cub by rogue lions, however what actually happened was that she was cub-napped, and raised in a very violent pride were the females were subjugated and well, not treated very nicely. She escaped before she could bear them cubs, and has been trying to find her way back to her former home ever since, but she doesn't remember the way because she was so young when she was taken.

Looking for:
~ General confidence boosting type RPs
~ Meeting a rogue male Lion who is really sweet, to show her not all male lions are cruel SOBs
~ Getting completely lost and then being assisted by someone native to the area. Rogue or borderlands of a pride, either are okay~
~ Getting scared/traumatized (but then is able to stand up to) a rather mean lion/lioness. The grumpier the better. I'm not wanting someone who will hurt her, looking for someone who'd be a jerk but then would back down if she stood up for herself. ;3 She needs to gain some self confidence!
~ Meeting a healer who focuses on emotional and mental troubles to help talk her through alot of the pains she has due to her past. Doesn't even have to be a healer, really. Just someone who can help talk her through her past and come out the other side a happier better adjusted lioness would be great. Any species, though preferably a non-lion.
~ Meeting someone who could train her to fight/care for herself. Any species is fine, doesn't have to be a lion
~ Getting the pants scared off her by a rogue (male or female) lion that's very much NOT NICE (but not necessarily evil)
~ Her ending up drugged somehow! After eating some weird herb or something like that. And then hanging out with/meeting a very mellow, very nice lion while she's 'high'. It's the only scenario where I could see justifying a fling, and her not be completely and totally upset about coupling with someone, in fact, cubs might help heal her heart and realize not all in the world is cruel. smile

NOT looking for:
~ Pride, Maiming, Fight, Death  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:06 pm
9/5/13 UPDATE!: He has a personality now! Yay!
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Name: Reiji
Pride: none, is a rogue
Personality: Inquisitive but cautious. Humble. Intelligent. Secretly selfish. Tries to be efficent. A little bit neurotic. Is a pacifist, doesn't like to fight and doesn't know how, and is embaressed if anyone finds out that fact.

Personality Quirks: Gets cold easily and likes to snuggle even with strangers. Deathly afraid of getting sick, or going blind (his father was blind). He will freak out if his eyes are hurting, or are hurt in the slightest, or threatened, like from a paw swipe, or getting water in them, or dust, etc.

Background: Daddy was not in the picture in his life growing up, and mommy was very protective, and sometimes stern. He also has a very nervous aunt.

Looking for:
~ Meeting other species for the first time. Checklist: Cheetah, Leopard, Hyena, Wild Dog, Cheeton, Leopon, Leotah
~ General RP
~ Someone thinking it's funny to torment him and pushing him to the point that he absolutely flips out and has a panic attack and runs away.
~ Really anything. If you have plot you need filled and don't care what kinda lion fills it, sign me up! I want to RP him! smile I'm open to lots of ideas!
~ And of course he's GORGEOUS, so I'd love to fling him eventually, but right now he has 0 RPs. I'd be wanting someone with dark colors, or mostly solids. Maybe someone with stripes! smile

NOT looking for:
~ Fights, pride, maiming, death  


Rainbow Nerd


Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:07 pm

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Name: Nebel
Pride: Jini-msemi (Swampies)
Personality: Shy and soft spoken, always hesitantly looking for spirits to talk to. Easily frightened, likes to swim.
FYI: SHE IS A SEER. I haven't yet RPed her with her powers yet though, and haven't decided how strong/weak they are, etc. :3

Looking for:
~ Getting lost in the swamp, someone trolling her pretending to be a spirit (since she's always looking for them)
~ Meeting one of the patron gods/goddesses that the swampies worship? 8D
~ General swampie RP
~ Some kind of scenario that will trigger her having her first seer vision. She is an adult and hasn't ever had one!!! I'd like the first vision to be something majorly jarring to her, but I have no idea on what yet...
~ Interaction with another seer
~ Interaction with rogue lions! She's currently a pilgrim, so on the outskirts of the swamps atm
~ Someone that will shake her up!!! She's a nervous one, so meeting a very dominant or aggressive feline would be fun. biggrin

NOT looking for:
~ Mate/Fling, Fights, Maiming or Death  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:08 pm

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Name: Naruto (Cosplay of Uzumaki Naruto from Naruto Shippuden)
Pride: none, is a rogue
Personality: Boastful, active, energetic, optimistic unless betrayed, never gives up, slightly annoying, but sweet. Somehow makes nearly everyone like him, and believe in him. Likes competing, but often loses. Nervous around girls he thinks are cute. LOYAL if he considers someone a friend, and will fight to the death in defense of those he holds dear.

Personality Quirks: Says silly nonsensical stuff like "dattebayo" that no one knows what it means. Has a penchant for the dramatic, thinks he's good in a fight but at the moment, he's not really.

Looking for:
~ ALL THE RPS!!!! No... seriously... absolutely anything and everything. I love the character of Naruto, and RPing him is EASY MODE for me because I've been RPing (and cosplaying, but that's beside the point..) him for nigh on 12 years now. 8D heart So I'm up for nearly ANY and all RP for him!! :3
Specific things that'd be awesome off the top of my head:
~ Flirty RP with an SoA that's like Haruno Sakura, (or any SoA that's like any of the other Naruto characters, cosplay or not. 8D )
~ RP with an SoA that he can have some kind of a rivalry with!
~ Him lying about his past to someone who doesn't know it... lul. Like I want him to lie to someone and say his parents are dead an things such as this... then at the end he gets caught in his lie, because i think that'd be hilarious
~ Being taken under the wing of an old but still very robust lion that's seen alot of comabt. Someone to really teach him how to fight and defend himself! Someone a little goofy who will get irritated with him, but that will also be loving and patient at the same time.
~ Ideas others may have? 8D Seriously, I'm open to nearly everything for Naruto~ heart
~ If his personality type fits in ANYWHERE in any plots you're looking for, I'm happy to have him serve the purpose!! smile
~ I'm not opposed to flinging him, but I'll be extremely picky! heart

NOT looking for:
~ Maiming, Injury, being Cursed, Death, Pride  


Rainbow Nerd


Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:22 pm
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Name: Naaga
Pride: MweziJohari
Personality: Rebellious. He doesn't like doing what he's told unless he's given a darn good reason why, and he kind of resents the fact that he's supposed to keep quiet about his real daddy being a god. (Yes he is the son of a god, but he has to stay tight lipped about it.) Always questioning authority, though he obeys quick enough if threatened with any sort of punishment. His seer visions are triggered by looking at the moon, and he believes that they're sent by the Great Lion, though he doesn't know why, and he doesn't understand them. They're usually incomprehensible images related to the future that only tend to make sense after events have taken place.

Looking for:
~ Fights!!! I wanna rough this boy up. Teach him that questioning authority isn't in his best interest.
~ Conflict with someone else in his pride. I plan on having him leave eventually, but I want it to be plotted and for him to have REASON to leave.

~ Conflicts with rogue lions! He's hanging out on the edge of his pride's territory atm.
~ Rogue lions tempting him with how good life is outside his pride's lands. I want him to get a taste of what living a life with no rules can be like. TOTALLY would love a very temptress/temptor kind of feline to fill this role. Male or female, doesn't matter to me. Him getting seduced then ditched would be hilarious to me. biggrin

NOT looking for:
~ Maiming, Death, Mate, Fling (only once he goes rogue, but not just yet)  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:24 pm

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Large Uncert
Cub Cert

Name: Tawrik
Pride: Iknimaya (The Navi )
Personality: Worries he doesn't stick out, but desperately wants to, worried alot about making his mother angry. He's the type of guy that will fall over himself to help someone out if they need assistance or to make sure they're happy. Basically the nice guy that every girl dreams of, if a little awkward, because he's always worrying about others happiness over his own. Very intelligent and perceptive, he has alot of patience, and would never lose his temper unless he was in extreme pain. He's a perfectionist because he worries about screwing things up, and will readily redo anything if he thinks it isn't up to par. Absolutely adores heights.
~Looks up to his dad, wants to become an equally brave hunter. LOVES his mom as much as he admires his dad, quakes with fear at the thought of ever losing his mother. Very much a mommy's boy.

Looking for:
~ Family RP is always welcome
~ Being taken advantage of for his kind hearted nature
~ Leaving (only for a short while, with every intention to come back) to take a peek at the roguelands that his mother wandered before joining the pride, just to see what it's like outside the safety of their homeland, and to see different environments.
~ Meeting a rogue lioness while he's out wandering, fall in love with her, but the lioness absolutely REFUSING to come back with him. A little heartbreak would be fun to RP > biggrin
~ Would be fun to have him get into a couple of scraps while he's wandering the roguelands, highlighting to him the fact that life outside the pride is anything but easy and that not everyone thinks of harmony like his pride does.

NOT looking for:
~ Fights, maiming, death, flings/mate (Flings not allowed in the Na'vi )  


Rainbow Nerd


Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:25 pm
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Name: Kailayna
Pride: none, is a rogue
Personality: Her personality is basically calm and collected, slightly aloof, independent, refuses to ask for help even when she needs it, due to growing up without siblings and having to do alot of things without assistance. Though she is kind and caring when she wants to be.

Looking for:
~ Meeting hybrids (I want her to have hybrid cubs one day!)
~ Meeting more gods/goddess' (She's met the goddess of Minerals, so I'd like for her to meet more gods/goddesses so she starts to really believe in them and maybe have reason to worship one.)
~ Maaaaaaaybe RP including injury that might leave physical scars? Fights would be okay.
~ Being cursed by a god/goddess. Something quirky or strange would be fun. XD I'm not picky about what god/goddess or what type of curse.
~ Drama RP including life threatening situations or rescue or emotional distress
~ Wouldn't mind flinging her again, but she needs more RPs first. I'm most interested in light, bright colors, preferably cool colors, blues and purples are my favorites & I love stripes, spots, and natural patterns. She has had one litter of cubs previously, but they are all grown now. smile

NOT looking for:
~Maiming, Death  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:31 pm

Looking for:

NOT looking for:


Rainbow Nerd


Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:32 pm

Looking for:

NOT looking for:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:50 pm
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If you don't mind cross-pridal rp.
I can see about having my boy when he hits Adol find your Nebel ? She just seems like the perfect gal that he would love to troll and just have epic adventures with. He is a pirate and pretty much a snot/trickster, but as he grows he will become a knight amongst pirates and be very kind to his crew, and would love to take her on adventures. :3. Since I believe they go on a naming quest?

Also he could be the joining rp you need for your other male biggrin ? A cub finding an adult.. -dies- <3

Chi Sohma

Married Unicorn

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Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:53 pm
Chi Sohma
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If you don't mind cross-pridal rp.
I can see about having my boy when he hits Adol find your Nebel ? She just seems like the perfect gal that he would love to troll and just have epic adventures with. He is a pirate and pretty much a snot/trickster, but as he grows he will become a knight amongst pirates and be very kind to his crew, and would love to take her on adventures. :3. Since I believe they go on a naming quest?

I don't mind cross-pridal RP at all~ And that sounds like alot of fun! 8D heart Yeah the swampies go on a naming quest when they hit adol~ :3  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:58 pm
Do you have aim? :3?  

Chi Sohma

Married Unicorn

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Rainbow Nerd

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:17 pm
Chi Sohma
Do you have aim? :3?

I'm heading to bed now, so I won't be on tonight, but I do~ It's EmoLittleRiku :3 I'm not on as often as I used to be, but just poke me in thread or shoot me a PM if you want me to get on and I can. :3  
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