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Interview - Kesi [Ventrue Recruitment PRP Song & Fairy]

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Noir Songbird

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:54 pm
Alessa sat behind her desk, Kesi's application form in front of her. She awaited the Jackal's appearance. Though Kesi was a bit outside what she would usually recruit, she was intrigued. Anyone with the PR ability to spin murdering her rivals the way that Jackal had was someone Alessa wanted on her side, and in her Clan.

A sheet of questions sat in front of her, but she was, as always, prepared to throw them out as the interview went on.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:23 pm
Well, this promised to be entertaining as well as educational. Kesi took a moment to twitch her clothing back into their proper lines and sweep her glossy white hair from her face before knocking politely on the door before her. It simply didn't do for one of her lineage to be seen looking sloppy for an interview. Sloppy appearance usually equalled sloppy thinking as far as the young jackal was concerned. And Kesi's thinking was anything but sloppy.

Upon recieving permission to enter, Kesi swept in, confidence and a certain slyness radiating from her. To an experienced eye, it would be obvious that she carried and held herself with a certain strangeness. To eyes that had met her type before, it would be painfully obvious that every graceful move was made to put Kesi in a perfect position to strike out with a tiny poisoned needle or dump the contents of one of her lovely jeweled rings into an unattended glass of wine. Though, naturally, Kesi had left her little toys at home for her interview.

Standing across the desk from her interviewer, Kesi smiled and gave a polite little bow. Oh yes, this would be fun!

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

Noir Songbird

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:30 pm
Alessa gave Kesi a rather welcoming smile. As she would with all the interviewees, she had turned on the Majesty-just one more test. If they were over-cowed by her powers, they weren't what she needed for her Clan, plain and simple.

"Kesi. Welcome. I must say, you have me intrigued. Sit, please." She gestured to a chair on the opposite side of her desk, slipping the question paper into her lap. "Now, if we may begin by dispensing of any inconvenient fictions...You are a poisoner, am I correct?"
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:45 pm
If Alessa's direct manner and question caught Kesi flat-footed, she was careful not to show it. Allowing the faintest of smiles to flicker across her features as she sat, she gave a single firm nod. Only then did she allow her amusement to show though.

"Ah, but inconvenient fictions are part of what helps the world maintain it's polite veneer, no? But yes," she replied with a low chuckle, "I am a poisoner. A rather good one, I should like to believe. If you'll permit, I must compliment you, Lady. Not many would be as... hrmm... perceptive as you."

Strangely, this regal female pegging her for a poisoner right off put Kesi more at ease than otherwise. She relaxed ever so slightly into her seat, steepling her fingers before her. Her eyes narrowed a touch as she studied the female across the desk. Regal, blunt, practically radiating power, oh she was playing a subtle game! Most interviewers displayed these qualities in an effort to throw the interviewees off their guard. Few, Kesi doubted, were as good at it as this one. However, she thought, I will not be caught so. Smirking ever so slightly, she simply watched and waited for whatever questions came next.

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

Noir Songbird

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:57 pm
Alessa let out a soft laugh. "Perhaps so, but certain fictions must be dismissed in an environment like this one." She said. She waved off the compliment. "I would be a poor businesswoman if I couldn't read my way through a bit of spin. Excellent job, by the way, I doubt most would have penetrated it."

She was a bit surprised and very impressed to see how at ease Kesi seemed. Either she really was handling herself well in what was something of a high-pressure situation, or she was very, very good at faking it. Either way, a point to her. "However, I do wish to make it clear that we would prefer you generally avoid that sort of behavior in dealing with our opponents here at Ventru. It is a valid way to...remove the competition, but something we prefer to avoid. Now, tell me a bit about this castle idea of yours."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:27 pm
A brief flicker of disappointment shadowed Kesi's face for half a heartbeat upon hearing how her talents would likely not be much in use. Still. Business was business and one adapted or died. And it wasn't as if she couldn't indulge in private, after all.

Honest surprise was visible in her eyes when she was asked about her castle dream. It seemed like such a negligent detail from her application. And yet, here she was being asked about it. Clearly, Alessa paid attention. Now she showed a bit more animation, her voice going from cooly detached to almost giddy.

"Castle are so highly under-rated these days," she began, sweeping one hand in a broad arc. "Yes, of course, most are in a terrible state of disrepair, but the structure itself can be repaired if you've enough money and access to quality stone. People repair and restore moldy old churches all the time! And a great many of those are in worse states than most castles!"

She was gesturing with her hands now as she spoke, eyes almost glowing from enthusiasm.

"And the location! Find a castle set atop a mountain or cliff and you've got an almost perfectly defensible location. Not to mention all the lovely traps that can be built into a castle to ward off unwanted visitors... And the still rooms and solars. Oh, I could go on for ages and you'd likely think me a giddy, little freak of a girl."

Clearly, Kesi had been born in the wrong century.

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

Noir Songbird

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:54 pm
Alessa simply smiled at Kesi's obvious enthusiasm. It was always good to see a girl who dreamed big, and hadn't that been her a few hundred years ago? It was interesting to watch how utterly her demeanor shifted. One minute, Kesi was cool and business like, the next...her childlike enthusiasm actually brought a smile to the ancient vampire's face.

"Well, Ventru certainly has the resources and the manpower to accomplish such a task...perform well for us, and we might just see about getting that castle built for you." She chuckled. "And...I believe you'll like the aesthetic of our company headquarters..."

"Tell me a bit more about your parents. You mentioned your siblings briefly enough, and I suspect there's little to say about them, but." Alessa's tail twitched behind her.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:32 pm
Kesi's elegant eyebrows nearly got lost in her hairline as Alessa tendered her offhand offer. She was even more intrigued as a the company headquarters was mentioned. Given the way Alessa phrased her words, Kesi had to assume that the place was castle-ish.

She realized that she'd managed to sit quite literally on the edge of her seat in her enthusiasm and sat back, scowling slightly at the mention of her parents. Not that they'd been bad parents. But they'd been so terribly gullible. Annoying too. With a sigh, Kesi sat back and crossed her legs, closing her eyes briefly as she thought.

"They were kind, affluent and dumber than a sack of rocks," she replied bluntly. "Truthfully, I have no idea how they managed to earn and keep their wealth. Father fell for every snakeoil pitch he was presented with. And Mother was too busy being the perfect little wife and mother to really pay attention to his fads."

She paused, her face thoughtful as she recalled her parents.

"They both passed away not so long ago. A stupidly botched attempt at claiming his inheritance that much sooner by my brother," Kesi's voice remained cool, though her eyes burned with wrath. She might be a poisoner. She had even murdered her own siblings. But her parents had been good to her. The thought of killing them brought a sour, coppery taste to her tongue. Some things simply were not done. "He tried to use poison. Rather inexpertly, I must add. From what I gathered, they were in incredible pain for far too long."

Now her voice caught slightly, though she managed to keep her tone light.

"They were idiots, my siblings. And if they were going to play with poisons, they should have been more careful. Certainly they shouldn't have used such a clumsy mixture. Of course, I had to educate them. And I made certain that they suffered just as much as my parents. Actually, more," she waved her hand dismissively. "I enjoy my chosen line of work. But even I have limits. My darling siblings did not. I have no doubts that they would have tried to kill me had I not gotten to them first."

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

Noir Songbird

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:57 pm
Alessa managed to stifle a chuckle at Kesi's very obvious eagerness. Oh, she was sure the girl would love the Ventrue Haven, even in its current rather unloved state.

She pondered the sudden change in Kesxi's expression. Had she hit a sore spot, bringing up her parents? Oh, she hoped so. Sore spots always got the best reactions. They really showed how a person handled herself under stress. If she flew into a rage, or got overly clipped, told Alessa it was none of her business, any of those things, it might well be over.

But no, Kesi told her story with surprising calm. Alessa herself felt a small bubbling of rage at the tale of her brother killing her parents. The vampire felt a bit of the same physical sickness she experienced when she drank the wrong kind of vitae. It was as disgusting to her as a vampire diablerizing her Sire. And clearly, it had been punished the same way such an act would be.

"I see." Her voice was a bit cold, her eyes dark. "Well, I can certainly appreciate doing unto others before they do unto you..." She tilted her head to the side. "One final question, my dear Kesi. Were you to be put in a position where your poisons could not help you, what is your preferred diplomatic approach?"
PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:17 am
Ah, now this was a subject where she could potentially shine. Kesi still looked thoughtful, but the terrible anger was gone now and replaced with a kind of calm eagerness. This new question felt more like a typical job interview.

"Reason and cool logic, naturally. Simply talking. Why waste the effort and my stock if I can get what i want simply by chatting a body up? Of course, I'm not above veiled threats and blackmail or bribery, but those can backfire too easily. No, for the sake of diplomacy, the best solution is just to sit down and talk."

Of course, if one could control the venue for said talk, that was always helpful. And Kesi had a feeling that Alessa knew that too. What was it that some of her parents old fighter friends had always said? Be the one to choose the battle ground and as long as you were smart, you'd win. Well, diplomacy was simply another sort of fight to win.

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

Noir Songbird

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:03 pm
Alessa tilted her head and considered the answer Kesi had given. Yes, this was one she definitely approved of. She gave a slow nod and then stood up, offering the Jackal a hand.

"Thank you, Kesi. Should we require a second interview, you will hear from us within a few days." She told her. A wry smile crossed her face. "Don't call us; we'll call you, as they say. Have a lovely evening."
PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:25 pm
Kesi took the proffered hand in a strong grasp, smiling back at the other female.

"It's been a pleasure and I thank you for your time."

eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet

◕ Roleplay: Faetasia

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