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Koti Kaikille | Hybrid Coalition | We're Official! <3 Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 10 11 12 13 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:36 pm
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Things to be gathered :

Cert Background - Here, thanks to Po.

Coalition symbol - Obtained, thanks to Ameh!

History - Finished!

Five RP's :

I've got a good home for you [ In Progress ]
Daddy's Little Girl [ In Progress ]
Birds of a Feather [ Done! ]
Sisters are a Treasure [ In Progress ]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:40 pm
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There was once a Leopon, born into an old Pride set in its old ways. He had the ill fate of being born from a sinful tryst – between his mother, whom was a lioness of the Nobility and a ‘lowly’ solitary leopard. Such encounters may have been expected of those of the lower class, but it was unheard of for the Higher Class to disgrace themselves by bringing hybrids into the Pride; such creatures are filthy abominations and serve no true purpose, unlike those of pure blood. The unfortunate cub, who was named ' Tzachi ' by his mother, was immediately sentenced to death. His only saving grace was the lioness that had birthed him. She begged and pleaded with the other Nobles to allow her son to survive and live within the walls of the Pride, at least until he was able to thrive in the Rogue Lands. The Mothers' words were begrudgingly heard, much to the grimace of the gentry's ears. And so, it was decided that the genetic mutant would live, as would his Mother, until the male was an adolescent. No later or sooner, he would be expelled.

The days until then, would not be sweet, nor could they come soon enough. Though her rank was stripped from her, the proud mother retained her dignity in the face of adversity; she and her single offspring were allowed to live within the Pride, but they felt as if they were on the edge of the world.

It was until the faithful day that Tzachi grew into adolescence that, as agreed upon, was quickly thrust out of the Pride, far from the lands of his birth. Not a last look upon those lands, and not even a chance to say ' Good-bye ' to his Mother who had worked so hard to keep him alive. Both Mother and Sons' fates would forever remain unknown to the other.

Wandering alone, abandoned and scarred by his birth Pride, Tzachi found that there was little that could break him from his pain. He was utterly alone, and had been convinced all his life that he was nothing but a horrible abomination; years of resentment towards lions had been building, and it all seemed to boil and spew out when he finally encountered one in the Rogue Lands. What began as a one-time outburst turned into a habit, as Tzachi took his anger out on any lion that he happened upon.

This, of course, lasted until the now young-adult happened upon something a little different. One day, curled up helplessly before him in the grass was a small and completely fragile looking cub. Upon further investigation, he found it was like him – an ‘abomination.’ He was old enough now that he could tell that it was a tiny Leotah that was curled up in the middle of his path, but not old enough to have any idea as to what to do with it. Part of him told him to just leave it there; he was far from a father figure. But then, the other part of him remembered the torture he had had to endure as a cub, and didn’t want for anyone to be able to do that to this tiny and helpless cub. Taking it under his wing, Tzachi began to change his ways, to try and better protect and provide for this small cub. Eventually, after watching it play one day, he felt the need to find a place that he could protect the small cub – where they would both be safe from the harsh ways of lions. In fact, wouldn’t it be best to use their own form of protection against them? Taking the small Leotah along with him, Tzachi set out, wanting to find the perfect place where they could gather others like them.

After a long journey, the pair reached the first location. It was hotter than belief, and there was nothing but sand beneath their paws. Staring at the little one next to him, he could tell that this was no place for young; heck, he could barely stand it. No, this wasn’t it.

Moving on again, they reached another option. This place was already far better than the first; for starters, there were trees as far as the eye could see, and water was fairly plentiful. The only problem they came across was that it was already inhabited – by a lion pride, to make it worse. Trying to keep his composure, Tzachi rushed the small Leotah out of the area, moving on to a new place that they could finally call home.

Feeling the ground beneath his paws slowly become softer, with the slight feel of water seeping between his toes every once in a while, Tzachi could tell that they had reached somewhere fantastic. He took in a deep breath, and could easily see the allure of this place. There was water everywhere, and the grass was tall enough in most areas to create suitable escape routes, should the need arise.

After spending some time in the area, the pair of hybrids had found themselves in the company of an avian, who they had stumbled upon when first finding these wetlands. The avian had heard his cause, and had felt sympathy for the pair. Deciding it was time to try and rally more hybrids like them, he asked the avian to fly in one direction, spreading the word to as many hybrids as he could. Tzachi, in turn, would take the growing Leotah and head in the opposite direction, finding as many hybrids as they could before returning to these new homelands.

Traveling around for many moons, Tzachi and the Leotah, who was now much more grown, returned to their beloved wetlands with a small following, to start their lives as a full-fledged pride. Upon returning, they were met by others who had heard about the group by word-of-mouth. It brought Tzachi great joy knowing that he and his still young adopted Leotah would have a safe home, where hybrids like them could thrive away from the tyranny of lions. For generations, Tzachi ruled over the group, growing to a ripe old age. Under his rule, there was great prosperity, and everyone thought that it would last forever. A season before he was due to name an heir, however, a great flood plagued the group, wiping out a good deal of the pride, including Tzachi himself. As the waters receded, though, the remaining members still tried to stick together. Though plagued by grief for the dead and fear of the future without a leader, they still tried to stay together as one. To an outsider, though, it looked like a pride on the verge of completely dying out. Some time went by with the pride like this, carefully treading into the future as best they could. Hope came, though, in the form of a pale leopon who just happened to stumble upon the shambled group. After taking a liking to it, he decided to settle there with his three small cubs, bringing new life to the once dying pride. Feeling rejuvenated by the appearance of life, the aging original members decided to try and fill the pride with new blood again, wanting life to flow through it once more.

As the rebuilding grew, one of the leopon’s cubs grew up exhibiting traits that the pride hadn’t seen in a long time – wisdom, curiosity, and responsibility. The pride watched her grow, and as they saw a new influx of members, decided to place that cub – who had now grown into a picturesque adult – at the head of the new and reborn Koti.

Koti Kaikille Coalition

Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:42 pm
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At the creation of the Koti, Outsiders were rarely welcomed. With so many threats and dangers, Tzachi's paranoia caused the original pride to be small and fearful of others. Tzachi allowed trusted hybrids, those that could prove themselves useful to the pride at the time.

As the times have changed, so have many of the views of the Koti. Their foundation of being aware and cautious around Purebred outsiders still remains, but most hybrids are welcomed without much of a second thought.

Some of the Koti have taken up the belief that not all pures are bad and hateful, mainly those with good relationships with their purebred parents.


With so few fertile hybrids, romance is something that is taken very seriously in the Koti. Because of this, it is unlikely for anyone younger than an adult to be in a relationship- and even then, many stay in a 'Courting Period' for long amounts of time before finding a mate.


As a general rule, Gods are looked up to and well liked within the pride. This stems from the fact that many hybrids are children of Gods, and the Koti see them as 'better' than the purebred creatures of the mortal world.

The patron God of the pride is Mengi'changanya, the God of Hybrids. Permission was given for this
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:48 pm
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Chancellor .:. Kansleri

The leader of the pride. They are, in essence, a seventh council member, but hold many more responsibilities and powers than the Council Members do. The Chancellor is determined by either their seer powers or their innate ability to lead and decide things for the good of the pride.

Consort .:. Puoliso

This is the mate to the Chancellor. Mainly a position of moral and emotional support, the Consort holds little power. They do, however, hold high status within the pride.

Heir .:. Perijä

Chosen because of either their seer powers or their wisdom, the heir is trained to know how the pride works, in case they need to take action at any given moment.

Council Members .:. Neuvoston Jäsenet

The council that helps make many of the decisions in the pride. Usually, the council members are seers, or those who have intense wisdom. There is a limit of six council members in the pride at any time.

Guardians .:. Vartijat

The guards of the pride. Usually made up of larger hybrids, such as leopons, they protect the pride from any threats.

Scouts .:. Tiedustelijat

Scouts are usually the quicker hybrids in the pride, usually part cheetah, but not always. They go out around the pride borders and beyond to see if there are any incoming threats.

Hunters .:. Metsästäjä

The bulk of the pride. They mainly hunt to provide for the pride and the Youth.

Healers .:. Parantajat

Those skilled in the art of healing and curing others. They must also be skilled in the ways of birthing, in the rare occurrence of a litter in the pride.

Nannies .:. Lastenhoitaja

Normally females, those who are good with cubs that raise them. They usually handle hybrid cubs that aren't with their parents, as hybrid litters are rare things. Nannies must also be able to prepare little ones for life in the wetlands and occasional flooding.

Crafters .:. Taiteilijat

Those who are skilled at making things that are useful to the pride. [

Entertainers .:. Viihdyttäjät

Those who entertain in unconventional ways, or just a non-listed way.

Storytellers .:. Tarinankertoja

The members who tell stories to, usually, young ones, but can also tell stories to the general pride.

Dancers .:. Tanssijat

Those who express themselves through dance to entertain the pride.

Apprentices .:. Oppipoika

Usually adolescents, those who are training in a certain field for adulthood.

Youth .:. Nouriso

All cubs and juves in the pride.

Slaves .:. Orja

Purebreds in the pride. Please see the Slaves section for further details.  

Koti Kaikille Coalition

Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:50 pm
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Because seers have sight of things unknown to most of the pride, they are seen to have great responsibilities within the pride. Those that can see the future are usually placed in high ranks, as they can warn the pride of impending threats, or can see any other obstacles headed towards them. Seers that see the present can also be placed in higher ranks.

Other seers, while taken good care of, aren't necessarily placed in such high ranks. Seers that see the past make for good Storytellers, or serve to give information to the Council.


As stated previously, seers usually take on higher ranking roles, such as Council Members or the Chancellor themselves. They are usually kept away from dangerous ranks because of their assets.



Fertile members of the Koti are seen as having an immense gift, one that others can be jealous of. As such, fertile pride members are expected to use their gifts, but only when they are ready.


Because of their rarity, fertile pride members normally live a very plush life, kept away from ranks that have any amount of danger in them. They usually take up entertaining ranks, like Storytellers or Dancers, but can also hold higher ranks within the pride.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:54 pm
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Beloved Slaves .:. Rakkaat Orja

These slaves, in actuality, don't do very much. As their name states, they are the 'beloved' purebreds. They mainly consist of purebred parents that have chosen to reside within the pride, or purebred mates that wish to stay with their lovers. These 'slaves' hold the most power, as they are very much like regular pride members, but as a pride policy, they are called slaves.

Personal Aide .:. Persoonallinen Assistentti

The personal slaves to the Chancellor and their Consort, as well as the Council members. They are, besides the Beloved Slaves, the highest on the totem pole and usually have some authority over the lower slaves.

Family Slaves .:. Fameli Orja

These slaves are slaves that are personally owned by the general public. Families or single pride members can own one, and they are generally trained in areas that are useful to the regular pride members.

Breeding Slaves .:. Kasvatus Orja

As their title says, these slaves are used for their breeding purposes. When the pride wishes to boost its numbers, they will breed two different-species slaves together. When they wish for more slaves, they breed two same-species slaves together. These slaves are usually treated nicer, but don't develop any personal relationships with anyone, so they aren't quite as trusted as Family slaves.

Grunts .:.

These slaves aren't usually owned by one specific group or person. They do the grunt work for the pride, and usually consist of non-trusted or rebellious slaves. They are treated worse and given harder lives than other slaves.


In Life........

Slaves are generally given the same rights as regular pride members, but on a degraded scale. They are fed, homed, and taken care of, though those accommodations are usually not as nice as the regular pride members.

In Politics........

Slaves are given no voice in political matters, or any matters of the pride.

In Justice........

Punishment for committing a crime against a slave is given, but it is not as severe as punishment for regular pride members. Punishment also depends on the placement in the hierarchy of the slave.

So if a pride member attacked a Personal Aide, the punishment would be something more severe, like an equal beating or something of the like. On the other hand, if a Grunt was attacked, the punishment would only be something like a slap on the wrist for the pride member, and they can go back to their daily lives.


Most slaves will simply tend to the wishes and needs of those that own them. In families, that usually implies taking care of the cubs and tending to their needs when they're not with a nanny, and keeping things clean in the dens. They could also be used as messengers for their owner. Breeding slaves answer to no one but the Council when they decide it is time for them to breed. It is because these slaves are rarely seen by the general public, so there is no need to have someone constantly control them.

The Grunts have to do whatever anyone in the pride tells them to do, be it a fully fledged adult or a tiny little cub. If duties are not carried out, slaves will be punished.


A semi-new tradition, slaves are now mainly obtained when juveniles become adolescents as a sort of 'coming-of-age' ceremony. They are sent out in groups and must return with at least one slave to prove themselves as grown members of the pride.

Some slaves, however, come of their own free will, whether to get a protected and cared for life, or someone that just needs something to give them purpose in life.


If a slave has reached the end of its uses, or just wants to go out and start a life of their own, there are ways for slaves to be released.

If a slave has a good enough record, they will probably be offered, at some point, to be released. ICCly, this can be by their owner or the Chancellor. OCCly, owners would have to discuss the situation in which a slave could be released. For lowly, grunt slaves, their release could stem from such severe bad behavior that the pride just doesn't wish to deal with them anymore.

Koti Kaikille Coalition

Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:56 pm
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With birth being such a rare thing for the regular pride members, any birth is followed by a celebratory ceremony, with a feast for the new family and a celebration of the new life in the pride.

Cubs born of slaves, however, are not celebrated in the same way. Hybrid cubs born of slaves are celebrated once they reach their new family, but purebred slave births are ignored for the most part, and life goes on as usual.

Slave Capturing........

As a right of passage for adolescents, the slave capturing ceremony is something that is done right before a group of adolescents head out to capture their first personal slave. It is seen as a way for adolescents to prove that they are entering the world of adulthood successfully. This ceremony is also used to show dominance over the purebreds, and that hybrids really are worth something.


With relationships taken so seriously in the Koti, they have devised a ceremony to allow younger members to look around before committing to a relationship. With a small ceremony, adolescents are given a necklace with a small Moonstone in it, to symbolize to others that they are in the process of courting.


Even though relationships are seen as very serious things, Marriages are the ultimate demonstration of love. For a couple to get married, they have vowed themselves completely to their significant other, with no doubts in their minds about the relationship. Those that enter into marriages are seen as more trustworthy members of the pride.

Dry Season........

Because the Koti live in such a wet area, the Dry Season is a celebrated relief from any further water. Dances are held with feasts that last through the night.


Though deaths are a sad thing, the Koti hold a large feast to celebrate the life of the recently deceased. Dances are held, and story tellers tell stories of the life of the deceased, making a happy occasion of the whole thing.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:59 pm
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I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Kuu
Cert: User Image
Uncert: [ x ]
Blurb: The daughter of a leopon and passing cheetah, she loved the watery home her father had found for them. As she grew, Kuu showed promise as she was responsible and caring. She actively seeked out helpful herbs, places to hide, as well as good spots to safely practice swimming.
Desired Rank: Kansleri [ Chancellor ]
Any Details: Infertile and not a seer.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Makalo
Cert: User Image
Uncert: [ x ]
Blurb: -To come-
Desired Rank: Viihdyttäjät [ Entertainer ]
Any Details: Fertile, has heterochromatia, and brother of the Chancellor.

Painted Moose
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Cari
Cert: User Image
Uncert: uncert
Blurb: Sister and self-proclaimed protector of Kuu, Cari is more than her exterior shows. She's vicious, with a nasty side that stays hidden behind her smiles. The only ones she seems to respect is her family, and even that only goes so far. She's an active huntress; seeking both prey and slaves.
Desired Rank: Metsästäjä [ Huntress ]
Any Details: She bites. Rawr. BD

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Ezhimala
User Image
Uncert: here
Blurb: LADIES MAN. No rly. That's about it. XDD;;; I'd like to get more plot with him and figure out some more of his personality and this seems like a fun place whee
Desired Rank: Scout
Any Details: Nuffin really ~

Syrius Lionwing
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Kwini
Cert: User Image
Uncert: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v21/Colche/soas/big/kwiniadult.png
Blurb: Kwini was loved and adored by her father a very large cheetah but when she became an adult she realised that she was infertile. This made her rather angry at her leopard mother and cheetah father for making her what she was. Of course she was never ashamed of what she is and she developed a real self preservation and also a sort of queen complex. She expects to be worshiped by those who arn't half breeds, she's very obsessed with herself but she's also keen of mind and knows exactly how to manipulate people to get what she wants.
Desired Rank: Council
Any Details: nope infertile and not a seer but a fairly old hybred

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Marakara'mkono
Cert: xXx
Uncert: xXx
Blurb: Blank slate; never been RP'd. ;; I imagine she's nice, but maybe spunky and a bit hard-headed at times? I DUNNO!
Desired Rank: I guess she'd be an Oppipoika for now? I'm honestly not sure what she'd be in the future, since she's so...blank. orz Hopefully I'll get to RP her a bit and figure out what path she'll take.
Any Details: She can be...whatever you need her to be...ololol >>

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Chozi
Cert: User Image
Uncert: Image
Blurb: Kinda feminine, Chozi isn't the most manly-man out there. He's shy and friendly, generally taking a liking to most others. He tends to fade into the background when he isn't singing or dancing.
Desired Rank: Tanssijat [Dancer]
Any Details: He's Fertile! (:

Painted Moose
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Safi
User Image
Uncert: Image
Blurb: He's inquisitive and always ready to stick his face into things it doesn't in. Safi still hasn't learned the concept of 'no', and always seems to be under the ire of his parents.

He's also a quick witted fighter, learning from the brains of his mother and the brawn of his father to be all around more efficent.
Desired Rank: Vartijat [Guardian]
Any Details: He's Fertile! BD And I know the fertile hybrids are supposed to be kept away from danger, but he would go stir crazy if he didn't get to fight something every once and a while.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Slausale
Cert: User Image
Uncert: Here
Blurb: She thinks she'll always get the worst life has to offer her. She wont see getting caught as a good thing for she will be well take care of. It will be just something that she has to endure. Slausale will not be a problem slave, but more accept her fate.
Desired Rank: Breeding Slave
Any Details: I would like to do a capture rp for her. Please let me know if you're interested. She does have a rather bad limp, so will be an easy catch.

Das Tor
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Fuu-penda
Cert: THE CERT IS A LIE! His pride was disbanded (and his name is spelled wrong).
User Image
Uncert: <3
Blurb: A very, very bright, upbeat boy. HIGHLY optimistic. And a little clumsy. AND UTTERLY ADORABLE. Seriously. This boy doesn't have a hateful bone in his body.
Desired Rank: Hunter
Any Details: Infertile, sadly.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Gyatso
Cert: Cert's not up-to-date, sadly. |D;
User Image
Uncert: MONK BOY (notreally)
Blurb: Very friendly and outgoing, Gyatso always has some snippet of odd wisdom to share, just like the old Air Nomad cheetah he was named for. He's very playful, and loves jokes and humorous things. He's very family oriented, and has a great deal of respect for females of all shapes and sizes...His mother and 'aunt' were big parts of his life and both are strong-willed.
Desired Rank: Hunter
Any Details: Nothing special to note. >.> Other than relation to THE AVATAR! (No, seriously...his father is the Aang cheetah. <3)

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Kako'Kanya
Cert: User Image
Uncert: uncert
Blurb: She will be coming from a pirde that sees hybrids as a week point and as such has lived as a slave. She will be excited to come to a pride that sees her for how valuable she is. She spent a lot of time in her old pride as an 'entertainer'
Desired Rank: Parantajat
Any Details: None that I can think of

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Haamoni
Cert: User Image
Uncert: Here.
Blurb: Dreamy and sing-songy, he isn't entirely sane any more, but he isn't mean. He is so distracted by his visions of the future that he can barely care for himself, and basically is an invalid that spews songs about loving each other and things to come. He'll need some sort of attendant/mate to keep him running, but as long as he's not starved to death he'll keep babbling about the future and be useful in that way. He really likes everyone, purebred or not, so hiding him somewhat from that the pures are slaves might be good. Not that he'd notice, since he's so spaced. Just don't try to take his horn, or he'll smack you away (with a smile and a hug later!)
Desired Rank: Council? Maybe. >_>
Any Details: He's a seer, for sure.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Nisha
Cert: User Image
Uncert: x
Blurb: c/p: A slightly eccentric girl, Nisha seems to have a depressing air about her. From a very young age, she was kidnapped from her mother in the demon pride by her father, leaving behind her two siblings. She holds some guilt about that day, because she is able to live a free life while her siblings were forced into a life of slavery. She is otherwise fairly happy and down-to-earth, very independent from her father.
Desired Rank: Uh. Scout
Any Details: Nothin' juicy. : P

Das Tor
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Chaninah
User Image
Uncert: [x]
Blurb: He is a LOVE. Like his mother Elua, he sees no boundaries between gender and species, and loves everyone and everything in some way. Also, he wants a HUGE family.
Desired Rank: Scout
Any Details: Infertile, not a seer, and bringing a beloved slave and his 'daughter' ala her with him.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Matojo-a Maji
User Image
Uncert: [x]
Blurb: Very talkative and friendly, Maji is a sweetheart that has had Chani's 'Love as thou wilt' thinking rub off on her. And she's more than happy to provide him with the family he wants.
Desired Rank: Beloved Slave
Any Details: Purebred, mated to Chaninah, mother of Abiyshag.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Abiyshag
Cert: no cert
Uncert: [x]
Blurb: Er...mostly blank slate, but definitely follows the phrase 'love as thou wilt'. And is nice.
Desired Rank: Hunter
Any Details: Infertile, not a seer, mother is Matojo-a Maji, 'father' is Chaninah.

[ Hey You! ]
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Enitan
User Image
Uncert: Here ya go
Blurb: An even-tempered bard, he's curious about the world around him, about other creatures, and was raised that there's absolutely nothing wrong with hybrids. After all...he was surrounded by them growing up, both his siblings and otherwise! He's also a gentleman...his Papa wouldn't let him be anything less.
Desired Rank: Tarinankertoja
Any Details: Enitan is not only FERTILE....little bugger is a SEER.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Euthalia
Cert: User Image
Uncert: [x]
Blurb: Thalia is a playful and youthful hybrid. She loves playing and is better with cubs and juveniles than she is with some adults. Ever child-like in her demeanor, she isn't immature, per say, as she does know how to behave in formal situations if need be, but she does love to run wild for the most part. As long as she's given the freedom to play and be rambunctious, she will do the duties she's assigned happily without complaint. She also is very ungraceful and has a slight fear of heights.
Desired Rank: Nanny preferably, though Entertainer will work
Any Details: just your average infertile leopardxlion hybrid.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Leto
Cert: User Image
Uncert: x
Blurb: Leto was born in the Kuroi, but left when her father did. She's a bright a bubbly leopon....and that's about it. xD
Desired Rank: Dancer~ 8D
Any Details: Sadly, no. :c

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Yu Zhou
Cert: User Image
Uncert: x
Blurb: Yu is, to put it bluntly, insane. He grew up the only son of a single mother, and she pampered the crap out of him. He ended up growing up in an 'alternate world' where the sky is orange, flowers fly through the sky, giant blue bunnies roam around and play with him, and the sun is an evil character that's out to steal his soul.
As he's aged, he's learned to mask it a bit, learning that not everyone else sees the same things he does. In doing so, he met another cheetah, had a short fling, and had a wonderful litter of cubs, all of which are all grown up.
Desired Rank: I'd prefer breeding slave, just because he can't really focus to do anything else. xD
Any Details: I -might- have a plot where his daughter comes, pregnant with hybrid cubs, and stays for a little while, ultimately leaving her cubs here.

Painted Moose
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Vienna
Cert: N/A - She's new!
Uncert: x
Blurb: Vienna left her home land with her brother and sister-in-law to spread the word of the Gods. However, she soon became lost, and has been on her own ever since.

Gentle and kind, Vienna is the epitome of traditional feminine grace. She only speaks when spoken to, rarely looks males in the eye, and talks in a low voice.
Desired Rank: Breeding slave
Any Details: For the moment she will be Cari's personal slave. To that effect, it's only because Cari brought her in, and doesn't quite know what to do with her yet.

Das Tor
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Chiku
Cert: Cert is a lie...she's rogue now.
User Image
Uncert: [x]
Blurb: Chiku is...Chiku. She really is highly intelligent and has quite a strategic mind like her mother. The problem is...she talks a lot. And has a VERY short attention span. And is VERY outgoing. Thus...she often comes off as a complete airhead. She's loyal to her friends and family though, and yet can't keep a secret to save her life. Which leads to another reason why more than a few members of her old 'pride' thought she was rather...creative. She's a Seer. And shares whenever she has a vision. Most people didn't believe her.
Desired Rank: Neuvoston Jäsenet
Any Details: A seer, one with visions that are future-related, often, and clear.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Themba
Cert: Shares a cert with Chiku. And it's a lie...he's rogue now.
User Image
Uncert: [x]
Blurb: Themba is as calm, level-headed, and grounded in reality as Chiku usually isn't. He cares about her a great deal, having watched her grow up, and has no fear of felines or canines at all thanks to his life in the Air Nomads.
Desired Rank: Persoonallinen Assistentti
Any Details: Has been with Chiku her entire life, and helps keep her out of...more dangerous situations.

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Badai
Cert: Cert is a lie. Like his sister, he's rogue.
User Image
Uncert: [ x ]
Blurb: In just a few words, Badai is charming, intelligent, and remarkably accepting of anyone who falls outside the norm. He's a veritable master of words, and always seems to know just the right thing to say to smooth over the worst tensions, whether it be through a display of wit or shameless flattery. But the downside is he's also flirtatious, easy to bore, and extremely overprotective once he attaches to someone. He's quick to hop from den to den, and is prone to leaving a string of broken hearts in his wake. But ask anyone close to him and they never seem to have a bad thing to say - yes, he's a little flighty sometimes but when it really comes down to it, he'll do anything for his friends and family.
Desired Rank: Viihdyttäjät [ Entertainer ]
Any Details: Fertile, older brother to Chiku.

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Helel'Shahar
Cert: Here! He is a Lucifer cosplay from Cinderella
Uncert: this is the biggest I can find, PB reorganized all my junk
Blurb: Helel is a lover, not a fighter; a coward at heart who thinks of himself as a lioness' lion. He's been alone for a long time now, save a few miscellaneous adventures with other prides. He's a bit of a priss - often grooming himself and avoiding messy chores whenever possible, when he's not making corny overtures at the opposite sex. He doesn't really 'get' the taboo regarding interspecies relationships - all females are beautiful. Free love, blah blah, can a lion get some action over here? Besides being a giant cheeseball and kind of worthless in a fight, he's a cub at heart. He is playful even when he's at his most sour, making jokes no matter the situation. His tendency to sass or make off color remarks aren't always a real winner however, and at this point he's so lonely he's more than willing to be your boy toy slave if it means regular meals, a safe place to sleep at night, and pleasant company to talk to.
Desired Rank: Breeding Slave (huhuhuhu~) or Personal Aide, I don't mind either; Breeding Slave would probably be more his thing though haha |D
Any Details: Working on a tryst with LP's leopard Hotaru, if things work out between them he will definitely be bringing a cub into the pride with him eventually, although the mother and he may part ways. TBD through RP I guess!

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Zayul Tain
Cert: User Image
Uncert: link
Blurb: Zayul is looking for a place where she’ll fit in.
Desired Rank: Tanssijat(dancer)
Any Details: She’s not fertile

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Ilo
Cert: User Image
Uncert: Um yeah about that. 8D? I don't have one. u Au
Blurb: Ilo is extremely happy. He came from a pride where he was a sacrifice and was pride to be one. He loved his pride and is very heart broken that it was disband. So now he's looking for another home and I think this would be a good match for him. Again he is very hyper and happy so he would be bring happy and life to the pride! :'D
Desired Rank: Viihdyttäjät, oh gosh he would just be happy and run around trying to make others happy.
Any Details: Nothing too much. Other then he's happy 99.9% of the time lD I'm not kidding.

Green Ever After
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Xochipilli [I only have an Adolescent cert image.]
Cert: User Image
Uncert: Uncert - Adult
Blurb: Xoch is an absolute sweet as can be guy, his name basically says it all. 'Flower Prince'. He was born between a lion and a cheetah, both of whom he loves and followed to a pride, unfortunately that pride disbanded and he has chosen to go his separate way. Besides that he is a blank slate.
Desired Rank: Tiedustelijat
Any Details: N/A

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Ruse
Cert: User Image
Uncert: Uncert
Blurb: Ruse, oh dear, where to begin! Ruse is a quietly dramatic individual. Confusing, manipulative and hosts all sorts of activities that can lay claim to others items of value. As a cub growing up, she never separated from her sister ever. They played games with individuals they met and won many little trinkets here an there. From there they have grown into simply devastating adults. Large and definitely in charge. Ruse was the voice, creating and building strategies while Rana kept the pair of them out of any serious trouble and generally spoke on behalf of them should trouble arise. Simply put Ruse was the devil and Rana was a succubus, sweet talking their way to victory! I definitely still have to discuss this with Zing, see where Rana has gone with her life and find out sterf. But feel free to add her to the list and I can now assist with roleplays of course<3
Desired Rank: Vartijat - Being a larger breed of lion and very manipulative, I think her forces could be used well here :3
Any Details: N/A [Rana is the fertile one aha.]

Das Tor
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Mizpah
Cert: n/a
Uncert: [x]
Blurb: An oddly calm young male, Mizpah will be willingly drawn into the coalition for a time by Chiku. He's more interested in helping others than harming them, and will be happy to provide someone with little ones if they cannot have them. Death is an odd topic for him, one that he discusses calmly and almost wistfully, as if it was an old friend.
Desired Rank: Kasvatus Orja
Any Details: Will eventually leave on good terms. (Schicks knows why~)

Velveteen Angel
I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Makosa
Cert: ...uhh, I'll...find this...later > O >
Uncert: LINK~
Blurb: Makosa is a sweet boy, who has VERY strong visions, and as such is very sensitive to touch/strong emotions, so he has led a very sheltered life. He found quiet in his partner, Tega, and has travelled with him for a while now, however he would like to settled down,
Desired Rank: I'd love him to be Council because of his strong, and very easily summoned visions, but I'd be happy with Storyteller as well c:
Any Details: Seer! Also, he comes with a familiar Adelai'e

I'll Get My Feet Wet!
Name: Tega
Cert: ...see above > o > -cough-
Uncert: LINK!
Blurb: Tega is a strong male, quiet, but caring to those he likes. He is very protective of the smaller Makosa, and as such, is usually prone to anger if anyone picks on, or tries to harm him. He's not one for needless violence though, and prefers to settle things with words. He was a very confused child, and reserved, but has found his voice during his travels with his fellow hybrids.
Desired Rank: Guardian
Any Details: Seer! Though his visions are only experienced through dreams, and are usually centred around people he cares about.
He also comes with a familiar, Sonali however she would be a very semi-permanent member, as she is a messenger and would fly off often

Koti Kaikille Coalition

Koti Kaikille Coalition

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:00 pm
User Image

[size=16][b]I'll Get My Feet Wet![/b][/size][size=10]
[b]Name:[/b] The SoA~
[b]Blurb:[/b] About them. o uo
[b]Desired Rank:[/b]
[b]Any Details:[/b] If they're fertile, are seers, or bringing a slave with them. xD
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:37 pm
And, now I'm done. |D

Koti Kaikille Coalition


Divine Star

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:56 pm
biggrin DD Yay  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:02 pm
Eee~ :>


Dapper Shapeshifter

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:05 am
-stamps with 'This thread is Axl approved!' and flees-
PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:20 am
Ffft, Axl.


Dapper Shapeshifter

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:01 am
|D I had to.  
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