Kabusha smiled faintly to herself as she streched out in the patchy sunshine that made it down through the thick foliage. In the background she could hear the laughter of the family around the clearing. Most of the childrend had setteled in hollows and caves around the clearing they had grown up in. Now generations of grandcubs and even a very great-grandcubs gambled about. How the Spirits had blessed them! Speaking of blessings, she lifted her head to look about for her beloved.

Ila hadn't turned into a fat, lazy male. He was still in his prime! He ran about with the cubs all the time, keep himself in shape. Lately, though... he'd been out hunting for a long time and came home empty pawed. He wasn't really hunting. Ila was getting that itch. The itch that made him want to wander away again and see what was out there. Sighing heavily, he came back from one of these trips and rubbed a paw on his face as he did, smearing mud on his fur. He saw his love sun bathing and just watched her. If he wandered away, he'd hurt her, all of his children and he probably wouldn't be allowed back in the pride again. Sighing, he walked up to her and laid down in front of her, grinning. "Hey there."

She grunted at him amused. Like she didn't know him by now. She knew his itch, his desires and his drives. "Hello beloved. Find anything intresting today?"

He shook his head at that and sighed. "No," he moped, closing his eyes and grunting. Ila nosed against his mate again and frowned deeply. How did he tell her he wanted to wander again? He couldn't. It'd hurt her and she wouldn't come with him if she asked. "What've you been doing?" The male licked her muzzle softly and then rolled onto his back looking at her warily.

"Wondering how we were going to get permission to go travel." She shot him a crooked grin "Though keep in mind I am not as young was I once was, so we will have to be a bit slower."

He blinked at that and tilted his head. We? Travel? Did she really mean that? A slow grin spread across his face as he laughed. "Really? You'd be willing to leave the pride? The family, so we can go off again?" He murmured, nosing her cheek. He didn't think she'd be up for that. She was really family orientated and the family was here, so.. He never saw her leaving.

"Provided we will be allowed to return home." She shrugged smiling as she nuzzled his bright red mane, " We have been mated how long dearheart? Do you think I do not know that traveling heart of yours?"

Ila could only laugh at that and sighed, nosing into her ear. Would they be allowed back? Who did he even talk to about this sort of thing? Chuckling, he would kiss her forehead and purred deeply against her ear. "Mmm. I love you. So... Who do we talk to about wandering and coming back?"

"I imagine the king love." She chuckled rolling over onto her back to paw at him playfully.

Ila rolled his eyes and laughed a little more, leaning in to give her a few more licks to the neck. Shifting a little more, he got to his stomach and looked down at her. "We don't just walk up to the king, do we?" He laughed at that and smirked a bit more.

"I don't know. I have never never had to approuch him. He alway...." She trailed off a dark shadow passing over her violet eyes as she remebered the last time that the king came to her. Her world had changed and grief had came to stay in her heart for a long, long time.

He saw that shadow and his brows knit at that. Moving over to her, he tugged her in for a hug. The male nuzzled along her ear and sighed heavily, licking her head softly. "Don't go back to that place, Kabusha... Don't..." He begged her, kissing her forehead again. "You're with me, and our children, and grandchildren..."

She swallowed hard and struggled to smile, nuzzling him before burying her face into his mane. "I am here love. I promise."

He knew she would always think back to that place she'd been in, but Ila didn't want her to. His tail wrapped around her own before he curled up with her again. "We'll... talk more about this later. Right now, we should go in for the night. It's getting dark quickly, isn't it?

"Bah, when did we turn into cubs scared of the dark." She teased licking his nose.

He chuckled at that and got up, heading for the den. Stretching himself out again, he turned over his shoulders and looked at her. "Come on, Kabusha..."

"nooooooooooo" She whied like one of the cubs, laughing when he tried to nudge her to her feet.

Ila laughed louder at that, moving to push his head against her side. "Come on, Kabusha. We know I can move you, so don't fight." He laughed, moving to rub her tummy. He hoped to tickle her into moving towards the den. "Come on, love, let's go make some babies." He smirked at that, winking at her.

She sputtered" I am too old for more cubs!" She shook her head amused but got to her feet anyway, groaned as she streched, back creaking and popping.

"No you're not..." He laughed and headed into the den with her, grinning to himself. He honestly didn't think she was too old for one more litter.

"I have great-great grandcubs!" She grumbled swatting at him half heartedly.

The male could only laugh at that as he curled up in his spot in the den. He would swat back before just watching her face. She was older than him, yes, but he didn't care. He loved her for everything she'd brought into his life. She gave him a home that he felt comfortable in, and comfortable returning to. Cubs, a nice den, and peace of mind. Ila was head over heels for Kabusha. No matter how much he wanted to wander, if she would have said she didn't want to, he would have stayed in the pride for her.

Word Count: 1062