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[PRP] Be Prepared (Nawiri, Ishara, Mittere, Modya) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:10 am
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Nawiri said nothing as the strangers moved out of sight. Though Mittere was standing beside her, the cogs of her mind had already working at full speed. She knew damn well what had just happened, though she could hardly believe such a thing. Truly, did this mean the Kitwana's time for peace was at an end. . .?


Maybe not.

All she knew was what she had been told -- a force was coming, a force that was particularly interested in their diseased. A force that had said, in not as many words, that if she did not concede to their allegiance than they would find a way to take what they wanted by force. She did not like what they would do.

There was much to prepare for, much to plan. For now though, she didn't want word of this meeting to pass to the civilians, not . . . not yet. There was enough worry on the shoulders of the pride to concern themselves with the thought of war. But their ignorance wouldn't last long, oh no. As soon as a plan was made on how to deal with this threat, she would speak to the pride about it. First though, she needed to speak with the relevant heads of her pride. . . . those that would be in need of all the knowledge she had just been granted.

The Viziers, the Master Warrior (though he was down, in his final days and weeks), the Spymaster (for all everyone knew he was but the Head Scout), and the High Priestess. These were, in some way, head of defense. Granted, it would be the King's job to prepare the battle plans . . . . but . . . they were without a King, and so it fell upon her shoulders.

"Mittere," she spoke quietly, "come. We have much to speak about. Consider yourself promoted." She had been in touch with the resident Master Warrior before his illness had taken its toll, and he had been agreeable with her suggestion. There were others she had her eye on, had heard good recemmendation from, and was certain there would be some position's changing. Especially with the threat of war on the midst.

Glancing up, she gave a small whistle. A black bird, with red-dotted wings, one who had been circling high over head and long out of sight dove down. "Send word to the High Priestess, the viziers, and the Head Scout and Guard. I need to see them in them in my den immediately.." The gravity of her words was not mistaken, and the creature gave a chirp of understanding.

With that, avian took off, its eye sight needed in such a time of urgency. Nawiri herself said nothing, only trotted quickly back the way she had come, expecting the pink lioness to follow. She was already planning, considering, and while she was grateful nothing had come of the strangers outside of news and a threat, she still didn't care for the stressful times that might very well be at paw.

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:39 am
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She'd been waiting quietly, watching the strangers disappear over the subtle contours of the land. Nawiri was standing there quietly, no doubt thinking over this meeting and the implications. The pink lioness had only caught the tag end of the exchange, but it filled her with dread. The strangers had been familiar with combat, no mistaking that in their appearances, builds and body language. The Kitwana'antara was a small pride, recovering from a tragedy still, and she did not have much confidence in its battle-readiness.

She could easily count the number of members who could be counted on to serve as front line troops, there were so few with the skill and the health to do it. Not to mention that next to no one here had the experience of battle she preferred troops to possess.

So it was a shock when the Queen finally spoke. Promoted? What? Oh yes, she'd been acting as Master Warrior for some time, due to the actuality being bedridden and waiting to die, but to have the title so suddenly? Mittere hadn't in the least expected that. She had, however, expected the next set of orders Nawiri gave, summoning her council of advisors to begin planning the defense.

"My Queen," she answered, bowing her head in salute before following the grey lioness to her den. Meanwhile her mind was racing, trying to figure what she had, what she needed, and what she could expect from the enemy.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 2:53 pm
Modya would have hurried had it not been for his old bones and the disease they carried. Instead, he confined himself to a sensible walk, letting his mind whirl over the summons the small bird had brought him. The avian had been extremely short on details, and had darted off before Modya could get anything more from it. However, he knew his daughter, and understood that the gravity of the situation must be great indeed for such a summons to happen.

He was no seer, but something in the air as he stepped into Nawiri's den thrummed along his spine. Not only was something wrong... that feeling was familiar. He scented war, and it made his soul quake. The last time such had occurred, he had managed to foul it up horribly, bringing shame and misfortune upon the pride. His old body trembled as he approached his daughter, giving her a respectful bow before drawing close enough to rub cheeks with her. He said nothing, though, and moved off to one side, mouth clamped firmly shut, vowing not to repeat history and bring further disaster upon the pride and his beloved daughter.
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:48 am
The little black bird had to fly a fair distance in order to find Ishara, the High Priestess of the Kitwana'antara. Whenever she wasn't busy with ceremonies and other tasks that were hers to carry out, she would take herself away from the Pride, giving herself a chance to reflect upon whatever was on her mind at that particular time. Most often, it was her mother that she thought of, the former High Priestess of the Pride. Despite having been in the role of High Priestess for a while now, the loss of her mother still pained her. This was not something that she wished for any other Pride member to see, and so, she became quite a solitary figure at times.

When the bird finally found her and gave her its message, Ishara immediatly got to her feet and began running in the direction of the dens. She had sensed the urgency in the little bird's voice, causing her to make her way swiftly through the Pride on her way to the Queen's den. At the same time though, she was mindful not to draw any unwanted attention from civilians, and so when she reached the part of the Pride where most of its population was gathered, she slowed to a jog.

When she entered the Queen's den, she quickly took in all that were present. Queen Nawiri, Mittere and Modya, as well as two Viziers and the Head Scout. She bowed graciously before the Queen, then gave nods of acknowledgement towards the pink Warrior and the Queen's ageing father, as well as the rest of the group. "What has happened?" Although she didn't know for sure whether or not anything had actually happened, she doubted that she will have been summoned with such great urgency for no reason.



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:48 am
Nawiri rubbed cheeks with her father when he approached, pausing a moment to consider how he might take the news. He hadn't been King long in the grand scheme of things, but he had suffered through a great tragedy. With multiple plagues, and a particularly deadly strain running through that cut numbers severely, as well as war . . . It was something she hoped the pride could avoid. Still, she couldn't plan a defense purely on hope . . . .

The grey lioness was distracted, that much was obvious. While she had forced a small smile for her father, it had been forced, and no humor or joy reached her eyes. So it was, she trotted deep in to the den. There were other dens that were made purely for use of council, but the way hers had been designed was incredibly private. It was deep enough voices rarely carried to the entrance, and meant the words they spoke would be safe.

So it was, she waited.

Thankfully, the last two viziers pushed their way in, greeting her cordially, though the hair was taught with tension. The head scout moved in silently, like a shadow, and finally, Ishara made her appearance. She also voiced the question that was likely on everyone's mind. Well, there was no easy way to go about this, but she couldn't dawdle; they needed to make preparations now.

"Thank you all for gathering so promptly." She started, giving a small dip of her head in thanks. "I just returned from near the borders, after meeting two peculiar individuals. They call themselves the Nergui, and they have heard of the Kitwana. Unfortunately, from what I gather, they've taken a great interest in our kind, and the two ambassadors I met offered an allegiance with their pride." She used the term loosely, as she wasn't entirely sure what sort of group they traveled in, but she did know they were on the move.

"They promised freedom for our kin, and referred to our disease as a type of power. They said if we joined them, we would know no enemies. If we do not join, they claimed that the power we have, the disease, cannot be contained. If they wish to have to it, they will." She paused, fixing each of those present with a grim expression as she let the words sink in.

"They mentioned their . . .King, their leader, their . . . someone that had taken an interest in us, was on their way. They said we had time to think over their offer, but in their words were not-so veiled threats of war, or the very least, of attack. They want to use the disease for their own devices, but I fear how it would be used." She didn't need to say this was not something they wanted to see happen. Allegiance was out of the question.

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:56 am
Ishara listened very carefully to everything that Nawiri had to say. Once she had finished, she remained silent for some time, as she considered all that had been said. It sounded as if the ones known as the Nergui wished to use the plague as a weapon, perhaps to infect their enemies, or to punish those that stood against them. It was a new and terrifying thought, one that she doubted that any member of the Pride had ever considered. Even with the promise of freedom, the plague was theirs and theirs alone. The only one who could dictate otherwise was the Great Lady herself, and even then, such a decision would weigh heavily on the Pride as a whole.

"We must keep the disease from them at all costs." She said finally, a deep frown now set on her pale face. "They may know of our kind, and of our disease, but they cannot know the full extent of it. To even attempt to use the disease in the way in which they have suggested would be folly." That meant that their only option was to fight. That, in itself, seemed like folly as well. For now though, she kept her doubts to herself, as she waited to hear what the others had to say.



Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 7:00 pm
Mittere nodded to each of the others as the council of war filed into Nawiri's den. It wasn't her first time seeing or meeting them, but this was the first time she met them as an equal. Most would acknowledge her skill in her field, but she had never before been in charge of the warriors of the pride. In fact, it was doubtful anyone outside the den knew about this!

The pink lioness kept her peace as the Queen summarized the meeting with the strangers. The specifics that she had missed were filled in, but far too much of the situation remained vague. It still made her fur prickle, the fact that these other lions wished to unleash the disease as a weapon of war. She wondered if they put some mistaken faith in their own inherent superiority, as she could see no way they the Nergui could avoid coming into contact with it. Mittere knew it would serve them right, but how many other lives would be wasted from such a reckless action? Too many, as far as she was concerned. Dying of illness was not nearly as honorable as falling in battle, and who would want to admit they had lost for such a foolish reason? She could see such a shameful defeat leading to revenge years later when an enemy pride's numbers had recovered...

"We need more information," she said at last, breaking her train of thought. "Too many questions about these Nergui abound." There were many she'd like answers to. Where had they come from? What did their neighbors say about them? And was there really a third group coming with the intent to attack?

"Still," Mittere continued, "we should take precautions for the safety of the pride. Increased patrols, more time spent training what troops we have, make sure noncombatants know what to do in case of attack..." The pink lioness allowed herself to trail off, realizing that not all the lions present here needed to know the details of wartime preparations...and some might not even care. Those who would could seek her out later. If they so chose.  
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:50 am
Once she had finished speaking, Mittere chose to speak up next. Once again, Ishara listened carefully, wishing to commit all aspects of this meeting to memory. Once the pink warrior had finished, the High Priestess breifly shook her head. "Although more information would be most welcome, I fear what it would take in order to obtain it." Ishara didn't want to put any of the Kitwana'antara in unnecessary danger, especially when danger was already practically on their borders. "We could send an Avian, but even then, it would be risky."

Although more information would be great, Ishara wasn't quite sure if they really needed it. These Nergui had already revealed their plans, even if it wasn't in their entirety. They wanted to use the disease as a weapon, and if the Kitwana'antara didn't agree to give it to them, they were going to take it. "As Mittere said, we should look in to shoring up our defences, training our Warriors and Guards more regularly and informing everyone of what they need to do should we be attacked. I think that that should be our main focus." It was a grim prospect, to assume that the worst case scenario was going to occur. However, despite how little they all knew about the Nergui, she sensed that they weren't the type to take no for an answer. And considering what it is that they had asked for, 'no' was going to be the only answer they were going to get.



Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:56 am
This was one of the worst things that could have happened. Modya groaned inwardly as his daughter grimly described the confrontation she'd had. A small part of him swelled with pride at the dignity with which she was handling things, but most of him wrestled with this threat. He listened as those with more youth and ability spoke, rolling the problem over in his mind. When silence fell again, he wrestled with whether to speak up or not. However, not speaking was a cowardly way of dealing with his past mistakes. Something he said might be of some use in this situation, and not speaking would rob the others of the chance to protect the pride.

He took a steadying breath before speaking. "Our warriors and guards are valiant and courageous, but we are not a warring pride. We are not in a good position to face this kind of threat." He hated to be so negative, but it was truth at its simplest. "Our dens are not very defensible as a whole, and we have many that are either too weak or too young to lend in the defense effort." He turned his gaze to Nawiri. "What we need is another location, one which is easier to use to protect our pride and keep the disease out of the enemy's reach." He hadn't done much exploring of late, and wasn't entirely sure if something suitable existed near enough to move the very ill to. "A canyon, caves, something that restricts the number that can enter it. Our hunters could make a concerted effort to bring in as much prey as possible, so that we might be able to withstand being bottled in."

That was all he could think of that was helpful. A defensible position, a safeden for the vulnerable. A place to contain the deadly potential of the disease they'd been called on to bear as punishment. Others should never suffer for the wrongs he and his generation had done.
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:45 pm
((Sorry for the delay, guys! Holiday weekends aren't so good for the muses. :3 ))

Nawiri listened as each spoke in turn, the cogs of her mind working overtime as she tried to plan what next to do. Not only did she have to consider the resources available to them, but also consider this enemy was mostly unknown. There were the very healthy, there were the very ill, and everything in between. Not only did she have to plan for the future and the unexpected, but the pride needed to assume that what she'd learned from the Nergui was indeed truth. The Kitwana had to be prepared for the absolute worst, though she would sincerely hope for the best.

"The pride is not prepared, we are not a warring group," she concurred solemnly with her father. "But we are also need weak or helpless." Just because they were stricken with illness did not mean that they were without aid, without power, and without an ability to defend one another.

"First thing is first. We do not know about this enemy, and know not how far they are from our lands. I feel this very day, we need send out some of our fastest and most reliable long-range scouts. I do not wish them to meet the pair of ambassadors that I was so recently introduced to, but I want to know who else knows of this Nergui, where they hail from, and to get an idea of what we truly be facing." While she didn't wish to be without aid or help, there was very little they could do without information. That was the most valuable thing. . . Though it would take away from resources, as Ishara had said, it was still . . . necessary.

Known only, perhaps, to Modya and the great Head Scout (who was the current Spymaster), she spoke not just of scouts, but spies as well. Those in the pride that were key for producing valuable information.

"While our territory isn't large, I do think for those that are very susceptible, cubs and the very infirm, need move to a more centralized location. The heart of the pride is home to our dens, but a secondary location, especially should this threat become realized, would be an ideal contingency plan. I do not intend on our home being approached without good notice." They had guards, they had scouts, they had avians. If any group made for the Kitwana'antara's borders, they would be known, so long as Nawiri'chiwa had her way.

"That being said, if the Nergui desire our disease, if they wish infection . . . I believe non-lions, and those that of us that are immune would be our first line of defense. Should those warriors and guards that have infection. . . would it be wise to pit them against our enemies?" She glanced first at Ishara, reocgnizing her desire to keep the illness from the strangers, before she looked to Mittere. Their numbers were terribly limited as it was, but . . . to take away trained warriors purely because of their illness might cripple them. "I believe they could be used as a last line of defense, when all looks bleak. But could you train the immune and those who are warriors with enough basics to up our front line numbers?" Nawiri'chiwa hated to have to force others in to rolls and positions they did not wish, but her paw felt forced. They were not a warrior pride. . .

It was possible they could make allegiances with neighboring prides, but she was doubtful. What group of lions wished to meddle in the affairs of the infirm? Furthermore, would she be able to trust outsiders? She wasn't deaf to the rumors, of those that did not care for the diseased lions, of those that wished their demise.


Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:14 pm
The pink lioness mentally relegated the High Priestess to the category of "cowardly civilian". Ishara was no doubt skilled within her own sphere, but should the day come when that lioness was in a position to give military orders, they would surely all die. Her words betrayed her ignorance and dislike of war. Not that defense was wrong or unnecessary, but in Mittere's mind, it was better to not be forced into such a situation.

She much preferred Modya's suggestion of a second, more defensible, location. Such a place would undoubtedly be well hidden, probably smaller, and thus would require fewer warriors to protect it. Not to mention it would get anyone who was truly useless for her purposes out from underfoot. Ishara could be in charge there.

Mittere's respect for Nawiri grew as the Queen spoke again. She was willing to admit the possibility of war, and to plan for it, not simply to try and avoid it at all costs. Not to mention the lioness had recognized the worth of some of Mittere's own suggestions. The pink lioness found herself nodding slightly at those points she particularly agreed with.

"I believe that a significant portion of our Guards and Warriors are either ill to an extent, or carriers. I do not know if those who are truly immune number enough to make up the front lines," Mittere admitted. "However, it is my experience that those who are not, by nature, fighters, can be taught in order to protect what they value. So I must ask...how much will we be telling the rest of the pride? As that will affect how motivated those immune members are."

She also knew that there would be at least one diseased lion at the front, as Mittere had no intention of leading from the rear. No one else in this pride had her experience, and she didn't trust anyone yet as a lieutenant to make those split-second decisions as needed.

Not to mention that, if the threat was not considered dire enough, the immune pride members wouldn't wish to sit and let her instruct them, her way. In fact, she rather thought there were some who had chosen to avoid the path of the Warrior after she arrived and recovered enough to teach because they had seen what her lessons were like. So be it, but at least she produced fighters with some skill!  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:39 am
(( X_x; I'm sorry, but please could you explain what aspect of what Ishara said would translate to her being a cowardly civilian? All she did was agree with what Mittere had said about taking precautions, and state that she would be worried about sending someone out to find information. >_>; I don't understand how Mittere has got such a rotten opinion of her just from that. ))

Although Modya's idea of moving was a good one, Ishara wasn't sure of its practicality. If such a place was close by, then great, they stood a chance of defending themselves there. If not, the Nergui would most likely track them down as they made their way there, as some of the more elderly and sickly members of the Pride would travel much more slowly than the rest.

When Nawiri spoke up, Ishara nodded firmly at her idea of putting those that were immune at the head of their defences. The question was, however, how many immune Warriors and Guards actually existed within the Kitwana'antara? And could the non-lions who weren't Warriors or Guards be trained for such ranks? For these answers, she turned to Mittere. Sadly, they were not the answers she had wanted to hear. Unless they were able to train up the non-lions, and those without the disease, their immune forces would not be enough.

She looked around, just to make sure that everyone was finished, before she gave her opinions on what had been said. "These Nergui have tracked us down once. Who is to say that they would not simply track us down once more and follow us to wherever it is that we have chosen to hide? Whilst I do think that it would be a good idea to move the most vulnerable of us to a safer place, I fear that that would not be enough to stop them from searching us out."

The idea of training up the non-lions and those that were immune sounded like their best hope of defence. Nawiri had said that it wouldn't be wise to have infected members on the front line, as only one of them would need to be killed or captured in order for the Nergui to get what they wanted. "As I said, we must keep the disease from them at all costs." She frowned deeply. "However, I would not be willing to sacrifice those that have already done so much for us." She was of course refering to the non-lions. "Mittere, do you think that you could train those that are willing to a high enough standard so that they may stand fighting chance against the Nergui?"



Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:51 am
Modya smiled at his daughter, pride swelling in his chest as he listened to her response to suggestions. She handled juggling ideas and people better than he ever had. She seemed born to be the Queen, and though he certainly hadn't helped much in that area, it warmed a part of him that hadn't felt good about his own past for a long, long time. If he could just have raised a good leader, perhaps it could salve some of the harm he'd done.

He glanced at the others present as they continued the discussion, keeping his mouth carefully shut again. He'd said his thoughts, and any more would simply muddle things further. Nawiri had enough on her plate to consider without him injecting his opinions. He trusted her ability to lead, and didn't believe she needed his guidance whatsoever. In fact, he stepped back further, to allow others a more forward position, shifting himself more into the shadows of the den. He'd watch and listen from here.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:33 pm
Nawiri listened as each of her members spoke. They brought up valid points, and she was glad to have their perspective. Her own mind was already full to the brim with concerns, contingency plans, worries, and unknown factors. This was one of those moments she was ever grateful for the support of those in her pride, and she could only hope that the Great Goddess would guide them in this time of trouble.

She looked first toward Mittere, to answer her question. "In regards to what I will be telling the Pride, I will be honest and straight forward with them. This is a threat I do not want to be taken lightly, and as the Nergui might come in any shape or form, I need them to know the direness of the situation. Besides, I think our members are well aware of our . . . weaknesses against others. Once we settle some particulars, I will make an announcement to the pride immediately about this new threat." She had no reason to lie or sugar-coat the truth to her members. They deserved to know what had just transpired. Besides, it was a big enough problem that all paws and eyes and ears needed to be alert in the coming days, needed to give their all for the sake of the pride.

Turning next towards Ishara, she gave a firm nod. "I have no doubt these strangers will stop at nothing to get what they desire. But a secondary location might be in our benefit, purely as a contingency plan. If a great army approaches, those who are too ill, or those who are too young should be separated with select guards and warriors as a last line of defense. I do not know what the Nergui will do . . . if they will take prisoners, if they will maim and enslave, or offer protection. But as little contact as possible between these Nergui and the those most vulnerable would be most ideal." Even if it was tinged with hopelessness.

"I have a feeling while Mittere and our Head Guard will be busy training on an offensive and defensive level, you will be needed to bring comfort on the spiritual. Perhaps you and the fellow priests and priestesses can implore our Great Goddess for her aid. To grant us a boon, to not turn away as she has before."

Nawiri'chiwa was a religious sort. She had witnessed miracles, she had witnessed gods in all their grandeur. But she had also witnessed their power, and how they could cause great strife upon another. If this was another moment in which the Great Lady did not heed their calls, she feared the outcome. Was it her will to spread the disease? Was it her pleasure? Nawiri'chiwa wasn't entirely sure she truly wanted to know the answer.

"Though there will be changes, and a upping of our defenses, I . . .would like to also encourage life attempt to go on as normal. The less panic, the better for all. There will be concern enough with the announcement, but we will face this threat. We will be prepared."


Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:48 pm
Mittere's nose wrinkled in distaste at Ishara's fear. In her experience, those that ran from a fight could never run far enough - even if the enemy had long ago given up the chase, the cowards would continue running from their own fear until it killed them. Not to mention, they couldn't all run. If the pride as a whole fled, they would be pursued to the last one. On the other hand, if they put up a good fight, those who were hidden away might be forgotten by the enemy entirely.

The pink lioness' respect for her queen rose a few more notches. She approved of being completely honest with the pride - it would allow the Warrior to motivate her would-be students that much more. It would also mean that she could clearly explain the strategies in full, once they were determined, and rely on her subordinates to understand the purpose behind them. That way, should they be unable to receive orders from her, they should be able to improvise in such a way that was to their benefit.

"If we tell all, then I have no doubts that I can pound at least the rudiments of self-defense into everyone healthy enough to move. I also believe we can motivate a fair number of the non-lions into serving as front line defenses if-" mentally she substituted the words 'and when', "-if these Nergui do invade."

She had no doubts that war was coming. It was not something she could afford to ignore. Mittere knew the rest of this group, and even the whole pride, might hope that the Nergui would go and never return. It was a nice idea, however she couldn't depend on hope. Not with the pride at stake.

She'd do her duty, and gods all help her unwilling pupils. She fully intended to be worse than anything they could ever encounter.  
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